Naruto Fan Fiction / One Piece Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Miaki High ❯ Welcome Comittee ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach,Naruto or One Piece and I am not making any money off of this fic
Miaki High School was an interesting place. The school was the most prestigious school in the entire country. At least that is what the school wanted the parents to think. The school made sure that most of the graduates got a high profile job and that they were successful. The boarding school was located high in the mountains in a small valley shielded from the outside world. Today was the day that new students arrived and what a big surprise they were in for.
The bus rolled through the hills at the foot of the mountains the green country side moving by as the new students were transported to there home for the next 4 years. Tecumseh stared out the window too bored to even count the cows going by. He thought back to that a day a month ago when the strange man had appeared at his door. The man had been short only about 5 feet tall and he looked up at the much larger more muscular but younger teenager and smiled “Ah Tecumseh its nice to see you I have come to inform you of absolutely wonderful news you have been chosen to get a full scholarship to Miaki High School” Tecumseh had looked at him with a look of pure surprise on his face. “Could I possibly speak with your mother?” Tecumseh shook away his surprise at this and showed him in to his mother. He had sat on the wooden bench outside his mother's home office trying to listen to the conversation going on inside. About an hour later the door had opened and his mother told him “Start packing your bags you are leaving in a month to go to school” The bus hit a pothole jerking him out of his reminiscence and back into the present.
“Man when are we gonna get there I am bored out of my mind” The words came from a blonde haired blue eyed boy in the back of the bus he was wearing some weird head band with an inscription on it that Tecumseh couldn't make out and he wore an orange jumpsuit.
“Shut up Naruto” A pink hair girl with a similar headband punched him in the face sending him sprawling to the floor. She was wearing a red one piece dress that came down to her knees with a slit along the leg almost to her hip. The dress did not hide the swell of her breasts bound within her dress. “Yes Sakura” the boy Naruto mumbled from his place on the floor. Now she looks real good Tecumseh thought.
“Oh be quiet you peasants you do not deserve to be going to this school” This voice came from the long haired boy sitting near the front Tecumseh noticed three weird white things that he had some of his hair running through it. He wore a white and black robe and at his side was a sword. Don't wanna mess with him He thought.
“Bya-kun throwing a hissy fit as usual you could try being nice you know” Tecumseh had looked away and now he looked back and there sitting next to this Bya guy was a rather well endowed dark skinned girl, She had bright yellow cat like eyes and purplish hair which made Tecumseh think of his own long straight ice blue hair. She wore a deep V-necked tight shirt and a pair of skintight black latex like pants. She looks really really good he thought
“MEAT I WANT MEAT” yelled a skinny boy with black hair who was wearing a red shirt and a strawhat. Tecumseh's eyes widened as he saw the boys arm stretch to the front of the bus and tap the bus driver on the shoulder “CAN WE STOP I WANT MEAT” The boy's arm flew back all of sudden after an orange haired girl punched him “Can't you be patient for once Luffy?” Tecumseh stared at the girls large chest as it jiggled with the motion of the punch Wow she is big he thought.
The hours past and the sun sunk behind the mountains and all the passengers on the bus fell asleep. The bus drove on up hills and down hills and finally began to climb the mountains to the school campus. About 30 miles from the school gate a pink mist slowly spread throughout the bus putting the passengers into an even deeper sleep and inducing lustful fantasy filled dreams. A hot pink ball of light appeared and grew and solidified into a 5 foot 3 inch woman with decent sized breasts and an ass that had men drooling. For the first time the entire journey the bus driver spoke “What do you want Luciel?”
“You know what I want big brother Styx…I want you to take these kids to the auditorium......and I have chosen you to help me with the introduction ceremony you know what that means don't you” She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek surprising him and causing the bus to swerve. Tecumseh stirred but did not wake
“Well Styx you about woke up some of our students so I must go I cannot be seen until the introduction ceremony” Luciel turned transparent and shrunk into the ball of pink light and vanished.
About an hour later the bus arrived at the gate of the school. The huge stone wall had a large medieval style iron gate behind which was a massive portcullis. The guard at the gate walked out and stealthily examined each student and there belongings for any electronic devices that could communicate with the outside and any cameras or tape recorders. Finding nothing he went back to the gate house and gave the signal to lift the portcullis and open the gate. Without a single screech or squeak the massive Iron Gate opened to let the bus in. The students slept soundly as the bus drove through the grounds until it stopped in front of a stone building that reminded one of a cathedral. Styx stood up out of the drivers seat and stretched he had been sitting there for about the past 12 hours with only a small break to make sure the blood in his legs was still flowing. He pulled a small air horn out of his pocket and shook it priming the device. He pressed the button on the top and held it creating a loud blast that shocked the students awake causing several to fall out of there seats and onto the floor. Tecumseh fell sideways out of his seat and his head encountered something soft. He looked at what he had landed on and found it to be an enormous pair of breasts. They belonged to a orange haired woman who looked down at him and smiled “You mind getting up hun?” Tecumseh hurriedly sat back up his face turned bright red as he started to apologize “I am so sorry I didn't mean to it just sort of happened it was an accident” She cut him off “Don't worry about it hun it happens all the time especially with how much I show them off" Tecumseh looked closer and saw that the girls robe had a very deep neck and looked like her enormous breasts would pop out any minute.
“Attention students leave all your bags and purses and other belongings besides the clothes you are wearing right now and follow me” Styx said from the front of the bus. Without another word her turned and walked out of the bus. He waited patiently while all of the students emptied there pockets and left there bags on the bus. The students assembled before him and he led them into the large stone building. They passed through the entrance hall with pictures of the most successful graduates. The students admired the work and then Styx led them into the welcoming room. There were 12 chairs in groups of 3 around a small circular platform in the middle of the platform was a twin bed that had a white sheet and no pillows or blanket or comforter.
“Take a seat you will soon be rearranged into your groups. The three girls with the headbands sat together and the three girls in robes sat together and the remaining 2 girls sat together with the boy wearing a straw hat. The remaining two boys and Tecumseh sat down together.
They all sat there waiting to see what would happen next some fiddling with there thumbs others playing with there hair and some biting their fingernails or just looking at the other students. A pink mist slowly began to fill the room until the entire room was filled with it. A bright pink light shone from the center of the platform and it solidified into Luciel. The mist vanished and there Luciel stood her blonde hair coming down to her shoulder her hazel eyes twinkling. She wore a really tight pair of short shorts with a thong peeking out the back and a bikini top. “Welcome to Miaki High I am your headmistress Luciel Mornas Havoc and the headmaster is standing in the back of the room you would know him as the busdriver Styx Havoc. Before I answer any questions and explain the purpose of the school I will make sure everyone is present.” Luciel pulled out a clip board and pen from under the bed and began to read off names.
“Rangiku Matsumoto”
“Shinouin Yoruichi”
“Inoue Orihimie”
“I am here”
“Byakuya Kuchiki”
“Nico Robin”
“Monkey D. Luffy”
“Sakura Haruno”
“Ino Yamanaka”
“Hinata Hyuga”
“Naruto Uzumaki”
“Tecumseh Williams”
“Now students tell me what you know about the school?” Nico Robin raised her hand “All the graduates of this school are very rich and successful, are quite famous and run a very successful business with all the graduates of that class”
Luciel smiled at this “Very good, but do you know why all the graduates work together?”
All the students shook their heads as Luciel's smile grew “Excellent you know exactly what the general public knows which shows that our strategy is working, the real purpose of this school is to train a group of male and female students to give appearances that they are running a business but when in fact they are all prostitutes and the “consulting firm” they run is in fact a cover for a whore house, you all have been chosen because you have been considered the best candidates for the job”
All the students looked at her in surprise and all the boys turned a deep red and Luciel laughed. “Now lets get down to business, Room mates you will be living with two of your classmates and now let me read of the list.”
Luciel pulled a list out of her shorts and opened it “Yoruichi, Nami, and Tecumseh you are in room 1, Sakura, Ino, and Naruto you are in room 2, Orihime, Nico Robin, and Byakuya you are in room 3, Ran, Hinata and Luffy you are in room 4. Your bags have been brought to the rooms already go to your rooms and get some sleep and we will begin your training in the morning.”
Yoruichi turned to Nami with a big smile on her face “He looks cute doesn't he and so do you” with that she gave Nami a kiss on the cheek. Nami felt her cheeks heat up as she turned a bright red and walked quickly to the room. Tecumseh and Yoruichi followed her and they were followed by the rest of the students.
Styx watched as all the students left the room before turning to his sister “What do you think about this class” He slowly walked to his sister who was sitting on the bed
“Oh they will do fine I just wonder if any of them will try anything tonight it hasn't happened before but it doesn't mean it can't happen”
Styx sat next to his sister and removed his hat letting his silver hair fall down going halfway down his back “You remember when we were students here and we had a lot of issues about each other?”
“Oh I remember……we definitely don't have those issues now” Luciel gave him a sexy grin before she leaned over to kiss him. He returned the kiss pushing his tongue against her lips which she opened to allow his tongue in. Their tongues danced in a duel for supremacy rubbing against each other as their bodies drew closer and closer. In a need for air Styx broke the kiss and looked at his sister “you want the top or the bottom or doggy?”
“You know I like being on top” She reached behind her and pulled the two strings that kept the bikini on and untied the knots letting the top fall to the bed. “You know what I like sis” He gently pushed her down so she was laying on the bed. He lovingly kissed her before he kissed down her neck and down between her breasts. He kissed her again as his fingertips barely touched her breasts moving in circles drawing slowly inward until he was just outside of the nipple causing Luciel to moan softly and beg “Come on quit teasing me just do it” Styx could smell the scent of her wetness in the air “Well you are gonna have to wait I am not going to wear myself out before training begins tomorrow….We are both going to be worn out by the end of the week so we need to keep our strength”
“Fine bro you are right as always….but promise me that you will find time for me because I will find time for you”
“I promise”
“Good now go get some sleep”
Sakura, Ino and Naruto walked into their room and saw there bags leaning against three different closets. Their eyes noticed the dark green carpet that was soft on their feet. The pale blue walls and the soft light that was cast over the room and the single bed.
“Ino where are the other beds?” Sakura asked as she went through the room looking for even another mattress.
“I don't think there are other beds Sakura….Naruto what do you think…..Naruto?” Ino looked beside her only to find Naruto lying on the ground blood gushing from his nose. The thought of sleeping in the same bed as the sexy kunoichi was to much for him and had triggered his nose bleed.
“Get up you lazy ninja and go find Luciel and ask her for more beds” Naruto hurriedly got up not wanting to be hit by Sakura for the second time that day.
Luciel walked into the room with a smile “You are not going to get any other beds, all three of you are going to sleep in that bed or else……I have many punishments ready to discipline you all and I know Styx has some very bad ones so do as we ask….I have already informed the other students so get in bed and go to sleep within fifteen minutes or one of the punishments will happen….I know some of the older grades would love having one of you three to play with and abuse…so get some sleep” Luciel gave an evil grin before she turned and walked out of the room.
Byakuya wore his same expressionless look as he took off his robe “you to get to sleep on the floor I am the only one worthy enough to sleep in it….you two can have the floor” The words had just gotten out of his mouth when he found it covered by a hand and his arms and legs pinned with other arms and hands
“Orihime get ready for bed” Nico Robin said as she took off her shirt and hat. Orihime nodded as she took off her T-shirt and pants leaving both girls in a bra and a pair of panties. Both smiled at each other as they unhooked their bras and let them fall to the floor. Byakuya blushed and both girls could see a bulge grow in his pants. Orihimie pulled back the covers and both girls got into bed. “Now Byakuya if you are going to be nice and sleep in the bed with us then I will let you go if not you will be like that all night” The hand covering his mouth vanished and he agreed to her conditions and got into the bed. All three of them slept side by side no touching each other with Byakuya in the middle and the girls on either side.
Author Notes: Please R&R you can give constructive criticism as this is my first fic but please no flaming. Thank You very much….GreatYogurt