Naruto Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Clan of the Moon ❯ Team Seven Reunited ( Chapter 50 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Gomen nasi everyone for not putting this one up sooner. I have had a crazy couple of weeks and needed to tweak this chapter a bit. Hope you like it!
Disclaimer: I do not own the Naruto or Sailor Moon series but all original characters belong to ME!
Team Seven Reunited
When Sakura suddenly vanished, there was a panic of sheer panics. Had she been kidnapped by the Akatsuki? While the entire village had gone stark raving crazy, Gaara, Ino, Gala, and Hinata merely stared, calm as the sea.
They knew where their charge was…And they knew she would return.
A ninja appeared before Gaara, claiming that a group of Konoha had come to the gates. His news gave dread to all. Konoha was completely gone…and the group at the gate was all that was left of the village hidden in the leaves.
Gaara instantly ordered the gates to open and ordered all medics to their posts. People crowded the streets, watching the war torn group enter their gates. The same thing could have happened to their own village if not for the Crystal Queen, hence pushing their hatred aside...the villagers of Suna helped the survivors of Konoha.
It was an amazing sight to see. No longer was there two rival villages sharing a fragile peace. What stood behind sand colored walls was humanity at its best.
And when Tsunade came into view, holding within her arms the very same young girl that helped the Suna lands, all bowed.
The clan of the moon and its court stayed within the walls of the Kazekage manor, given rooms to rest which were well guarded by Anbu of Suna.
Tsunade stared at her fellow kage, unsure of what to do. Her entire village was now a crater, and it felt like it was all her fault.
“We can't allow this tragedy to happen again.” She told Gaara who nodded. “Before the attack I send messages to the surrounding villages. Hopefully they will evacuate as I have suggested.”
“You and the survivors are welcome in my lands for as long as necessary.” Gaara told her.
“Thank you.” She stood. “If you don't mind, I'll be in the hospital overseeing the operations.”
“I wouldn't ask you to be anywhere else, Lady Hokage.” He watched the Fire Lady leave his office, angry that this tragedy had taken place. That anger swelled into sheer hatred after remembering what his fellow star seeds had said.
Sakura and Naruto were there, standing among smoldering rock and charred bodies…crying tears of sorrow.
Sand threw his desk to the far wall in anger. He wanted to kill the Akatsuki, murder them, and watch them beg for mercy as he ripped out their arms from the sockets.
The door to his office opened. His sand readied itself to leash all the anger upon the person who dared to disturb its master…
When the court came into view, the sand suddenly dropped.
They were all there, sans Sasuke who was currently residing within a cell in Suna under heavy guard, silently angry at what befell Konoha.
“We need to find them…and kill them.” Gala swore.
“Agreed…” Sai frowned. “I suggest we all disperse with our ancestors…and…assassinate those who have caused such destruction.”
Meanwhile, in the Suna dungeons, Sasuke sat unmoving within his prison walls. Chains held his arms well above his head while a cloth was wrapped around his eyes. He expected such treatment after all the turmoil he had allowed to happen. Did he really cause the annihilation of Konoha? He closed his, without power…he really was weak. It was his crutch, one he would die with.
There was the sound of metal hitting against metal. Someone was opening his cell. He heard footsteps coming to a stop at his side.
Then the fist connected with his face.
“I want to know why the hell you allowed the murder of innocent people.”
It was Naruto that had punched him and Sasuke actually allowed it to happen. The kid was pissed, let him rant.
Another punch came when Sasuke didn't speak.
Again he didn't answer.
Naruto sighed. “I thought you could change, Sasuke…I guess I was wrong…” He heard Naruto sit down. “They're going to execute you, you know…Do you even care?” A snort. “What the hell am I saying? You're a teme and will always be a teme.” A pause. “Sakura's still crying you know…Bastard.”
Sasuke's fists tightened. Why did it matter to him that Sakura was crying? It must be that glowing light within; the one that at the moment was practically screaming at him like a disappointed mother.
<You are not worthy to be near their light!>
<You should beg for forgiveness!>
<How could you allow HER to shed tears!?>
The voice was unbearable. It was eating away at him every second until he couldn't take it anymore. Sighing, he bowed his head.
And the great Sasuke Uchiha…Let go of his pride.
“Please…Forgive me. I didn't want this to happen.”
Naruto had to be shocked for no sound was coming from him. Sasuke imagined Naruto's jaw upon the floor, his eyes like saucers. The great Sasuke Uchiha, asking Naruto for forgiveness? It was a moment worthy of posterity!
“I didn't want to join them…I was forced into it.” It was the honest truth. Sasuke really didn't want to join the idiots in the first place. Still though, he could see in his mind the disbelief coming from Naruto.
“You? Sasuke Uchiha? Forced to do something? You think I'm an idiot!?” Another punch, this time in the gut. Wow, Naruto had gotten stronger…Had to be because of his transformation.
“That bastard…” Sasuke spat out, still angry that he let himself fall under his own family's blood trait.
“Who?” Naruto's question hung in the air like a knife to the chest.
“Madara Uchiha…”
“What about him?” Finally the blonde idiot was listening and not punching.
“He's alive…and is the leader of the Akatsuki…” Sasuke explained. “He used the Sharingon on me. Forced me to think what he was doing was the right path.”
“How do I know you're not lying?”
This time Sasuke really did look up, with the cloth still around his eyes, he stared at his once teammate turned prince.
“Because you know me…I would never kill someone that didn't deserve to be killed.”
The blonde teen paused. Sasuke could see his mind working, thinking, deliberating what was just said.
“I know what they're planning…” Sasuke told him. “I know where they're hiding. Let me out, and we'll kill them…one by one.”
When the cloth was lifted and Sasuke could see that familiar smirk plastered onto Naruto's face, he knew he had gained back Naruto's trust.
Now…he just had to have everyone else's.
But that smirk turned into a frown seconds later.
“You'd better be smart and turn off you Sharingon. NOW.”
Sasuke frowned this time.
“That's just it…I haven't been able to turn it off since we got here…”
Again, the disbelief only now Sasuke could physically see it instead of imagine it.
He rolled his red eyes in annoyance. “If you're so pushy about it then put the damn cloth back on.”
Naruto snorted. “Na…I believe you…Just don't try anything Teme or you really will get beheaded.”
It felt good to be rid of those chains but the glares were much worse. Following Naruto down the paths of the Kazekage manor was the most intense walk Sasuke had ever been on. Every where they turned there was someone glaring hatefully at him. This must have been how Naruto felt all his life, this feeling of unwanting, of hatred towards you…
They stopped at a door where two Suna guards stood unmoving. Sasuke didn't have to ask…Deep down he knew what this was…
Sakura's rooms.
“Why are we going here?” Sasuke asked.
Nothing was said as Naruto knocked.
“Sakura-chan? It's me…I'm coming in.” Naruto went to open the door when the door opened itself to a maid.
“My lady is sleeping…please do not wake her.” She sighed. “It took forever to get her to rest.”
Naruto nodded. “We'll come back later…Come on Sasuke…” They turned to leave.
“I know what we have to do…”
When Sakura's voice stopped them.
The maid opened the door fully then quickly went to her lady's side. Said teen was sitting up, her back to them.
“Tell everyone to meet in ten minutes…” Sakura stated as she stood and the maid helped her into a robe.
“I'm done resting, I'm done crying…” She turned to them, her eyes fierce. She looked different now. No longer the shy girl that clinged to him those many years ago. She looked determined.
“Sasuke…You're going to tell everyone what you know. Then I'm going to tell all what we need to do to bring Konoha back.” She turned her gaze to Naruto. “And you know that isn't my name anymore.”
Naruto smiled, proud at his cousin.
“Sorry, I forgot…” He pushed Sasuke out the door. “We'll let everyone know then come back.”
They gathered, the lot of them as per request of the Crystal Queen. Old and new courts within the meeting room, along with Tsunade and the Suna council.
The first to enter was Naruto with the traitor behind him. The blonde boy now prince held up a hand.
“He was under the Sharingon…You would have done the same under that.”
Still though, they kept their eyes on Sasuke.
Now, all that was left, was the main person who requested this meeting.
She stormed into the room, eyes no longer filled with tears. A space was provided for her next to Gaara.
“Sasuke, tell them.” Sakura ordered and Sasuke answered swiftly.
He told them what he knew of the Akatsuki…their belief that the ninja villages must be destroyed by those carrying the purified powers that were once the nine great beasts. Of how they plan to kill off every single moon court member and replace them.
A Suna elder stood.
“Is this true? Must they be destroyed?” It was all in their minds.
“No. They won't. I'll make damn sure of it.” Came Sakura's answer. “And if they do become damaged…I know how to bring them back, people and all.”
“The sliver crystal can do that?” Tsunade asked.
Sakura shook her head. “Not alone…Don't ask how I know this, it's complicated but…There's another crystal…and it's one of the beasts…” She looked at Naruto. “It's your crystal, Naruto.”
Naruto's eyes widened. “Mine?”
“Great grandmother said that all members of the moon clan wield a crystal of sorts.” Sakura explained. “The two most powerful are those that belonged to our great-great grandparents…The sliver crystal…and the golden crystal.”
“So, the combined power of these two crystals, could heal an entire village?” It sounded impossible.
“Not just heal…rebuild it…bring back the lives lost…Everything.” Sakura replied. “We have a time limit though…one week. After that week, the lives that were lost cannot be brought back.”
“There is just one problem…How are we able to locate these beasts? There are how many left? Seven? And what is there to say that they are attacking all at once?”
“If they were attacking all at once, I would know…” Her eyes turned sad. “I heard the screaming, so much screaming when the Kyuubi attacked Konoha…It's possible I will be able to hear the same from others as well.” She stood. “Which is why I've decided I'm leaving Suna to help locate the other beasts.”
Though they didn't outright show it, Sakura could definitely see it in their eyes.
They were terrified.
“My lady of the moon…” The woman elder stood. “It would do the world no good for you to be hurt…You must stay within our safe walls.”
“I'm sure they would agree with you.” She was referring to the old and new courts behind her. “But I've made my decision. I will not hide while others are in trouble.”
“You cannot!” Another elder stood, this one frantic. “What if we are attacked again? We need your power to help!”
“That's why I'm going to ask the ancestors to stay here and protect this land…If…that's okay with your Kazekage.”
A nod from Gaara and all was settled.
“We leave in 1 hour.”
It was then that all trained their eyes on the Uchiha.
“What about him?”
“He was under the influence of the Sharingon…” Sakura explained. “I know he wouldn't allow the deaths of innocent people…And besides, whether we all like it or not, he knows the Akatsuki better than we do. It seems proper that he helps.”
“But he must pay for his crimes!”
She smirked. “Trust me…He is…and will every second of his life.”
A frown, this time from Gaara.
“You are much too trustworthy…” Gaara stated.
“Perhaps I am…” She replied. “But I know that he wouldn't hurt me, physically anyway.”
The meeting done, all rushed about to prepare for the battles to come. Meanwhile, Naruto went straight to his cousin's rooms, Sasuke at his side. Again the blonde teen knocked and again the maid greeted them. Only this time, she spoke not a word as she opened the door for them to enter.
Once inside, the boys found Sakura had quickly changed to her ninja attire but in white and gold, ready and willing to do as she said she would.
“Sakura…Are you sure you want to do this?” Naruto wanted her to stay in Suna, safe and sound. To have her go out like this, with people who want to kidnap her again…It didn't sit well with him.
“Positive.” She wore no forehead protector for there was none that had her clan symbol upon it save for Naruto's. “And you know very well you can't stop me, Naruto…” She paused for a long moment. “Sasuke…”
Sasuke took that moment to approach her. They stared long and hard at each other for a long, thick moment.
“It hurts doesn't it?” Sakura spoke because she knew he wouldn't say a word. “Hurts so much that it's unbearable…Guess you weren't expecting such pain after what you did huh? Your brother might not have felt it, but you do now…That's what makes you two different. So don't go around thinking you are like the one you wanted to kill…and have probably killed already.” She frowned. “And you can take down your Sharingon, right now.”
Sasuke paused, digesting the information. She definitely had changed. She was now a woman hell bent on doing what she believed to be the right thing. She was displaying strength, power, and authority.
It was something Sasuke respected…to the up most degree.
“Just as long as I get to kill the man that forced me to do what I did. You give me that, you will have my sword and strength at your side.” Sasuke told her. “As for my eyes, I've tried…they are permanent.”
Knowing he would want revenge, Sakura couldn't say no. Sasuke needed a reason, a purpose for everything. Revenge was always a strong reason for him. And those eyes will have to be looked at…to get proof that they were indeed permanent.
“Agreed…” She smiled. “Looks like we're back.” She frowned. “It's…too bad Kakashi-sensei isn't here…”
Naruto smirked. “You know it!” He eyed Sakura. “But we're going to be a five man team. I'm not risking anything, you got that Serenity?”
She chuckled. “Okay, okay…five man team.” She grinned. “I get to pick the other two.”
Naruto held up one finger. “Only one, the other spot's taken.”
Sakura was taken aback. “Oh come on Naruto!” She huffed, rolled her eyes. “Fine, who'd you pick?”
This time he grinned.
“Well…we can't be team Kakashi without Kakashi-sensei huh?”
Sasuke's eyes raised, Sakura's widened.
“You mean…?”
“Yep! He's up and running and reading to kick some butt!” Naruto punched the air. “The originals are officially back in business!” This time he gave a smirk. “So, who's the other member, Serenity?”
She blushed but tried to cover it up with a glare. “Erm…well…I was going to be Sai and Ino…but....”
“Oh I see…you want to give Sai a chance huh?”
Sasuke moved away as the cousins started their little chatter amongst themselves. They looked happy, comfortable around one another. It was good to see them smiling and though he would never say it aloud to anyone, Sasuke wanted them to keep smiling.
For they were his family now…And he wasn't going to let anyone take them away from him.
Next time: Aqua Rhapsody