Naruto Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Way to Piece of Mind ❯ Not alone ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I do not own anything in this crossover.
Captured but not alone.
Serena did not know what to do or how to get out this place. All she knew is that there is another woman in this place with her.
Serena walked over to the woman and tried to comfort her. “Lesson, I am sure that there is no need to cry. Whoever, has kidnapped us has not told us that we will be injured.”
The woman looked unbalanced to Serena. Serena tried not to burst out into tears. Who would save her? The women spoke in a pained voice. “You don't understand, I have been though this before.”
“Maybe, our captor just wants information. I refuse to panic until he or she tells me that they are going to kill me.”
The woman looks at her. “How can you be so sure that our capture will not result in our deaths?”
Serena did not have any easy answers for the women. If need be, she would have to transform into Sailor Moon and use her healing powers. She hoped she would not have to reveal herself.
The woman smiled at Serena. “If we ever get out of here will you be my friend?”
Serena hugged the women. “Yes, of course I will. I could even set you up with one of my cute guy friends.”
The woman's face changed from one of sadness to one of hope. “You would do that for a total stranger?”
Serena smiled, “I was planning to leave town but I guess I could come back and visit.”
The woman looked a little puzzled. “To where?”
“You promise not to tell a soul?”
“Cross your heart and hope to die.”
“Yes, I will die if I reveal your secret.”
“I was thinking about seeing my daughter. Well, not just seeing but adopting her. She is far away and I would have to move.” Serena could almost see her daughter playing with her best friend Sakura.
Rini looked a Serena. “Mommy, could I become a ninja one day?”
Serena looked at her in horror. “Or, you could choose to marry a wealthy man.”
Rini started to pout. “Sakura is going to be one and my other mommy said it would be ok if you said yes.”
Serena did not think that her daughter would want to be some weird person who pops in and out of places. Serena hoped she would not us that fog thing that makes ninjas disappear. Who would want to breathe in that anyway? “I will research the topic. Then, I will tell you my answer.”
Serena gave her a serous look. “I have some lunch brakes at work and there is a library right next store.”
“Ok” That is the first discussion about the topic. Serena spent some time going to her most hated place, the library. However, if her daughter had a dream who would want to deny it?
End of flashback
The woman looked even more confused. “You look so young, too young to have a child.”
Serena smiled, “And to young to be wasting my time working. So, has that monitor talked to you, yet?”
“That creepy puppet has not talked to me but I have been kidnapped by JigSaw before. Trust me; the puppet is just the start of things.”
Serena took her hand. “Lesson, I am as scared as you are but we can't let our capture know. What ever this JigSaw has planned we will face it together do you understand?”
The woman gave a confident smile. Then, a voice was heard from the monitor. “I have been watching you for some time and want to know some answers? Number one; are you aware that your boyfriend is cheating on you?”
Serena looked at the monitor. “No, he loves me; it is I who refuse to love him.”
“Very well, Number two, did you know that they talk about replacing you with someone else?”
Serena shook her head no, “No, they care about me. You are lying.”
“Number three, if you had away to find out would you take it?”
“Yes, I would want to know.”
The puppet on the monitor started to spin around in its chair. “Then, I will help you but first you will have to do something for me.”
“Do you have any evidence?”
The puppet laughed, “Yes, but first you will have to go on blind trust. I will contact you if you make it out of here alive.”
“Blind trust?”
A door opened for her to exit than she noticed her new friend did not get up. Her friend had a chain on her foot. Serena looked at her friend “Do you trust me, blindly?”
”Are you going to leave me, here?”
Serena pulled out her wand from her subspace pocket and caused the shackles to open. Then, her she but her wand away and grabbed her new friends hand. “We are free. I can take you to a friend's home.”
The woman shook her head, “Alright”
Then, the puppet on the monitor spoke. “The evidence is in the box on your way out. The box is unlocked.”
Serena gripped onto the woman's hand. “And I thought the puppets at the children's ward was creepy. Let's get out of here.”
The women fallowed her without hesitation. “It will be good to be out of that room.”
Serena looked at the woman. “Yes, it will.”
They continued to the exit and there is a box beside it. “The box.”
Serena stared at it. She did not want to know what it held. Serena could live without the truth. She would live without a mad person telling her things she did not want to hear.
But inside of her mind, she could not shake the voices that wanted Darien to die. Any evidence would vindicate the voices' objective.
She took the box and left the building without a word. “Why did you not open the box inside?”
“Who knows it the box has a trap on it. All I need was for it to explode when I reached the end. A friend of mine will open the box.”
The woman smiled, “You never asked my name, it is Amy.”
“Serena. Well, I am starving; I hope that Rei has some food.” They walked over to a near by shrine. Rei was not there but her grandfather is and he opened the box without any hesitation.
“There was a trick to opening the box but I love puzzles, thank you for letting me try to open your treasure box.”
Sereana smiled, “I knew you or Rei could open it.”
“Thank you for thinking about me. Would you like some tea?”
Serena looked over at her friend. “This is Amy,”
“It is a pleasure to met you, Amy. Would you like some tea?”
“Yes,” both girls bowed and the grandfather was off to get some tea.