Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Fairy Tales... MY WAY!!! ❯ Intro ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It all started sometime after school had ended, Aots was very anxious to get home because she knew that her lover Jeff would be waiting for at home. Yes she loved Jeff, with his flat face, and squared head, not to mention his very impressive voice box and intelligent brain.
So she was in love with a computer, get over it. The point was Jeff -who was the computer she named hers- was her lover and no one could change that.
The main point of this introduction was that she would be turning Jeff on that afternoon and meeting up with her online pals, who seemed to give her more stuff than her close friends... as she was chatting with a certain friend, who shall remain unnamed, they decided to try an weasel some story writing from her to pass an English assignment.
The assignment was to review a series of fairy tales they grew up with and write a reproduction in their own words and with their own thoughts and ideas. Aots calmly pointed out that what they were asking her to do was cheating, and they later felt ashamed an apologized.
She was momentarily happy and relieved, happy to know that she got out of such a tight jam, because truthfully the only fairy tale she knew by memory was Cinderella! Oh the reminder shattered her very essence to the point where she could not eat, sleep, or even think clearly without being confronted with the problem.
So to change the problem she went to the local library and signed out a rather thick book that was full of nothing but fairy tales, she was so engrossed with the book that she soon thought that her friend's assignment sounded like fun. So she decided to do it herself!
But she didn't want the typical princess in distress and prince comes to rescue her, because Aots was a shonen-ai fangirl! She could not stand the thought of writing, what she had gleefully decided would be a new fanfic project, as a heterosexual pairing.
Why you may ask? Simple, where was the perverse humor in that? There is nothing more amusing than seeing/picturing your favorite character in a drag...
So she sat down in front of Jeff, gave him a smooch and begged him not break down and began to write her fic. Which was soon to be called-
Fairy Tales -MY WAY!
You can't make a fairy tale without screwing around with it ne?
And after the painstaking months she finally completed... half of it, because there was so many stories she wanted to do! And so, because she knew Meesa-Cookie would love a fanfic, and Aots had promised her she would dedicate one of her fics to her, she did!
So this fic is dedicated to Messa-Cookie, and Aots is now very tired and wishes to rest.