Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Demon Flux ❯ A Puzzle for Kurama ( Chapter 16 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Demon Flux

by Starshifter

Rating: G, PG (Actually I have no clue, you tell me. It can vary with each chapter?)

Warnings: Slight Angst, violence (I try to keep actual bloody gore and killings to a minimum)

Pairings: None (barely even hints), Not yaoi or yuri.

Spoilers: I am not sure. It depends on where you are in my timelines. If you have seen the episodes or read the manga past them, virtually none.


For Yu Yu Hakusho: It has varied. Now I want to say before the Dark Tournament, although it was originally intended for afterwards. Definitely, after Yusuke's fight with the Saint Beasts.

For Naruto: This timeline is more concrete. Between Wave Country and the Chuunin exam.

Summary: Naruto is pulled into Yusuke's world. The YYH gang and Naruto return to Leaf Village and continue their adventures together.

Disclaimer: I just write the fanfic, I don't own them though, eh?
Feedback: Yes, please!


I am really nervous about how this chapter will be received. I know it has been anticipated, so some feedback would be very much appreciated :)

Demon Flux: Chapter Fifteen

Kurama, Naruto, Iruka and Sasuke came to a sudden stop after what seemed like ten minutes of steady descent into the earth. The path opened into a wide mouth and an underground cavern lit by its own light. The boys stared in awe at the cavern walls, which were covered with more of the hieroglyphics and patterns.  It occurred to Kurama that the patterns were not merely decorations, and each design served a purpose in the structure of the cavern, no space was wasted. They each moved forward into the cavern and quickly found something to hold their interest. Naruto caused Kurama to abandon his path of study with his almost trancelike movements. The fox boy had zeroed in on the center of the complex structure, his hand wafting over a small hole in the wall he faced.  Kurama came up behind him in time to hear him whisper. “It's missing.”  Indeed, Kurama noticed that something was no longer in the wall, the shape resembling a small sphere, with a few centimeters of depth. Instinctively, he stepped back to get a better view of the section of wall, when he heard Naruto cry out in alarm, stumbling backwards into into him “Naruto, what did you do? What did you touch?” Iruka  called running towards them, and his eyes widened as he drew near. “What is going on?”

The wall in front of them was slowly growing brighter, taking on a definite hue of orange from the yellow luminescence it had been before. The atmosphere was also changing, and for the first time, Iruka and Sasuke shivered at the foreboding and power that their companions had felt earlier.  Kurama's mind was working frantically, trying to find memories, trying to recall why this situation seemed so familiar. The conclusion he finally reached, however, was neither comforting nor welcome. He turned to Iruka and asked, “With chakra, is there a means of storing it or suppressing it for long periods?  Iruka gave him a worried glance, but then nodded. “It has been done before, but  it is always dependant on the chakra wielder, as there are many different ways of manipulating it  and sometimes higher skill levels need to be obtained.”  Kurama frowned and turned his attention back to the wall; the color was fading now, falling back to the light iridescent color that had originally lighted the cavern. “Then I think that's what this is - in a way.  I think this was the lair of the demon fox, and that each of these runes is symbolic of the stored chakra. Each symbol converts his power into something that can be easily handled and manipulated” Kurama stood and brushed himself off, returning his gaze to the wall once he was done. He cocked his head, “but, what I don't understand is why?” “If he was as powerful a demon as you say he was, why it would be necessary for him to create a stored power source?”

Iruka looked at Kurama incredulously, “How would he have used this power, Kurama, and when?” Kurama gestured at the small hole in the wall, “There is a piece missing, probably the focusing device, and judging by the size, it would be like a small jewel, that's how he would tap into the power. As for when, that answer can partially be answered by why he made it in the first place.” It was quiet after this remark, and as his words began to sink in, Kurama suddenly fully understood the implications of what was happening. In one motion, he turned and walked briskly out of the cavern. It didn't even really matter now why the demon fox had built the place, but the fact that he had! The missing piece was now a problem, because someone was using the demon's power, and had in fact just used it - as they were standing in the cave.

Naruto was the first to notice Kurama was no longer in the cavern with them. He yelped and stood up. He ran out, with Sasuke and Iruka close behind.