Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland

Chapter Six:

When Kurama got home, Kakashi greeted him with an absent wave from behind his Icha Icha Paradise. Pervert. Did he EVER stop reading those perverted books? Kurama took a good look at Kakashi. Nope. Never stopped. Amazing.


Ignoring Kakashi, Kurama went to his room and changed out of his dirty clothes. He put on a similar outfit, this time it was green with the red rose pattern on the back. His whole wardrobe was made entirely up of these outfits, with different colours and designs on the front, although the rose pattern remained on the back. It was like his `signature' almost.

Knowing that he was going to be roughed up a little, Kurama had chosen a uniform made out of linen, instead of silk. This would prove to be a good idea in the future.

Once he was ready to go, Kurama relaxed on his futon. He wouldn't have to be there for a little while longer, and he wanted to rest and regain his chakra. It was coming back, slowly but surely, and his supply should be restored within the hour.

When Kurama awoke, it was 5:30, and he needed to get going. Getting up off his futon, Kurama exited his room. Seeing Kakashi on his way out, he called out to him, "I'm going to the genin training ground. I don't know when I'll be back." And with that said, Kurama walked out the door.

He jumped from rooftop to rooftop, moving at a decent speed. He'd probably get there in ten minutes.

When he arrived, he was met with an `empty' forest. Typical. And so, he closed his eyes and sensed for Neji's energy signature. He found it, quickly, and rather close by. That was strange; was Neji spying on his or something? Kurama thought over this, and zeroed in on Neji's chakra. He was about 40 meters away. Not very far at all, considering how large the forest was.

Kurama walked toward the chakra, taking his time, and soon entered a small clearing, where Neji was sitting on the ground, meditating. Kurama approached, soundlessly, using his kitsune stealth, that he had acquired when a thief, to sneak up on Neji. He sat down in front of the black-haired boy, and waited for him to notice he was there.

They sat there for at least ten minutes, before Neji opened his eyes, seeming to be impatient. What he saw shocked him so much that he fell backwards.

Kurama couldn't help but smile, amused, at this. He stood, and leaned down to help Neji up. The white-eyed boy was still staring at him like he'd seen a ghost.

"How did you acquire such stealth?" Neji asked, showing little emotion in his voice.

Kurama smiled mysteriously, and didn't answer. Instead, he turned and walked until he was ten meters away from Neji. There, he crouched down into a fighting position, going to use his martial arts against the Hyuuga. He hadn't fought like this in a long time, and he didn't want to be rusty.

Neji, still curious about the unanswered question, crouched low to the ground as well. They stared off for a moment, before a unheard bell set them off at eachother.

Kurama glided across the ground, to meet Neji farther than halfway, showing how quick he was. He punched at Neji, but the Hyuuga dodged to his left, and tried to kick Kurama's feet out from beneath him. Kurama caught this, however, and easily jumped back and out of the way. He did a rolling kick, and caught Neji in the left shoulder. Neji went flying to his right, Kurama's left, but recovered quickly. With narrowed eyes, Neji got in a stance, and attacked Kurama with his two fingers, trying to close his Tenketsu (that how you spell it?). He managed to hit a spot on Kurama's left arm, and it became useless.

Kurama was surprised by this new development, and tried to pull back and recover his wits. This didn't work, however, and Neji went in for the kill. He managed to make both Kurama's arms useless, and his right leg.

Kurama was still fighting, or rather, dodging, being unable to do anything else until he could move his arms again. His eyes widened when Neji snuck past his defenses, and tapped a spot on his left leg with his two fingers. Kurama's leg collapsed beneath him, and he went crashing to the ground, carried by the backwards movement of an attempt of escape. Kurama glared up at Neji as the boy stood cockily over him, a smirk firmly in place.

"What's it feel like to be at a disadvantage?" Neji asked slyly.

Kurama gave Neji another fierce glare, before his face strangely became serenely smooth and calm. His expression gave the impression that nothing in the whole world bothered him, and there was nothing Neji could do to piss him off in the least.

Neji was angered by this, and straddled Kurama on the ground. He leaned down, and whispered in Kurama's ear, "I will break that mask of calm…"

A pleasant chill shot up Kurama's spine as he felt the warm breath on his ear, and the husky tone Neji had used. He smiled calmly and said, just to annoy Neji, "Try it."

Neji pulled out a kunai, and held it dangerously close to Kurama's throat. Kurama didn't twitch in the least, and this only fueled Neji's growing annoyance. He put the kunai away, and touched a spot on Kurama's chest.

A jolt of mild pain shot up Kurama's spine. What in the world was Neji doing? Neji touched a few more spots on his body, and Kurama felt more pain. A particular spot was VERY painful, yet Kurama's calm exterior remained.

Neji, knowing that pain wasn't working, tried a different tactic… He pressed a spot on the back of Kurama's neck, and he body beneath him shuddered. He'd thought that'd work.

Kurama involentarily shuddered when a powerful shock of pleasure shot up his spine. Only one thought reached his mind, `Oh…'

Neji touched several more spots with his two hands, and delighted in the reactions he was getting from Kurama. However, his face remained calm and smooth, and that was really starting to piss Neji off. He smirked when a random thing occurred to him, and he leaned down once again.

Neji's lips covered Kurama's in that instant. Kurama's eyes widened, then slowly slid shut as he enjoyed the kiss.

Neji, however, had kept his eyes open, so he could see the look on Kurama's face. At first it was shock, then it melted into a half-lidded look, until his eyes had completely closed. Neji was absolutely shocked when Kurama began to return the kiss, and a warm and pleasant feeling pooled at the bottom of Neji's stomach. What was this feeling? Neji didn't know, but what he DID know, was that he didn't want it to stop.

LEMON WARNING! You have been warned, and if you decide to read this, then it is not my responsibility if you are scarred for life. Don't go complaining to FF.Net when I have CLEARLY warned you!

Kurama felt a familiar desire pool in his stomach, but it was slightly different this time, than the usual lust he felt when he went for a one-night stand while he was a youko. This feeling was warm, and made Kurama melt. The effect Neji had had on his limbs was fading, but Kurama remained pliant beneath Neji, not wanting to give up this wonderful feeling.

Neji slipped his knee in-between Kurama's legs, and applied a little preasure. He was rewarded with a low moan from Kurama, and a delicious expression that he loved to see on the redhead's face. Pure bliss. He smirked to himself, and rubbed his knee against the redhead. The reaction he received from Kurama was very arousing. The redhead moaned and thrashed beneath him, creating delightful sounds and expressions. Neji touched a few spots randomly on Kurama's body, causing pleasure to shoot up the redhead's spine. By now, a red tinge coloured the youko's cheeks.

He was in pure bliss. That was the feeling Neji was bestowing upon him in much quantity. He felt that he was coming close to release, and his moans became more erratic, his breaths quicker. Then Kurama went tumbling over the edge of ecstasy, his eyes closed, and a blissful look upon his face.

Neji felt himself go over the edge, watching Kurama elicit such sounds. They sat there, panting heavily, their desire coating their boxers. Kurama was blushing cutely, and Neji's cheeks were coloured a pale red as well. They stared at eachother for a bit, before Kurama suddenly smirked evilly.

Neji's eyes widened when Kurama flipped them over, a predatorial look on his beautiful face. Kurama undid Neji's shirt, and casually tossed it aside. Suddenly, he heard something. He froze, straddling Neji, and cocked his ear to the side. Yes, he heard rustling in the trees. Not too far away either. He jumped off of Neji, grabbed the boy's shirt, and tossed it to him. He motioned for the black-haired boy to put it on, quickly, and went back to examining the area. He spread out his senses, and detected a group of three weaker ninja coming their way, probably genin. They probably came this way to train. It was a good thing Kurama had sensitive ears, or else they would have been caught in a most embarrassing situation.

Kurama looked back to see that Neji had his shirt back on, and was using the Byakugan to examine the area. His white eyes widened when he spotted the genin, and he looked to Kurama. The redhead jumped into one of the surrounding trees, and crouched down low on a branch, executing the best stealth he could muster at the moment. Neji followed suite, and they watched as the genin team entered the field and began to spar.

Neji turned his eyes away from the genin, and to Kurama. How had he known those genin were coming? It had almost looked like he'd been listening for something… But how could he have such good ears? It wasn't humanly possible, after all, the genin hadn't been being ver loud at all. Almost silent.

Kurama faced Neji, and motioned for him to follow him. Kurama jumped from tree to tree with increadible ease and grace, not making a single sound. Neji, on the other hand, found his steps to be loud in his ears compared to Kurama's soundless ones.

They arrived in the village quickly enough, and said their fair wells. They parted at the edge of village, and walked their separate ways. One thing was on both their minds:

`What do we do now?'

What do you think of the cliffhanger? Hehheh, I love doing this, though I hate it when it's done to me (pouts).