Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Chapter Eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland

Chapter Eight:

"Now, what WERE you doing here?" Kurama asked calmly.

Neji answered calmly, "Because I wanted to walk with you to school."

Kurama blinked at the response, but detected no lie. Interesting, he hadn't known that was the case when he lied to Kakashi. It was rather amusing now that he thought about it. "Is that so? Why not use the front door?"

"Because I like windows."

It was quite unusual that this was the exact same conversation between Kakashi and Kurama moments ago. And with Kurama's thieving skills, he found it all true. Funny. Kurama raised an eyebrow at Neji, and then turned away. He picked out his school outfit, which Kakashi had washed for him, and began to take off his nightclothes. His shirt came off with a silent swish, and revealed Kurama's chest to the world.

Neji choked when he saw that Kurama was changing in front of him, like it was no big deal.

"If you don't want to see a fellow student naked, then you can leave the room," Kurama said calmly, his back turned to Neji.

Neji, unable to calm his hormones, decided it was the best thing to do. He left the room, with a red blush on his face. How could Kurama be so… UNCONCERNED about that kind of thing?!

He saw Kakashi sitting at the table, a bowl of cereal in front of him. Wait a minute… WHAT IN THE SEVEN HELLS WAS HE /READING/?! Neji stared at the book stupidly. Pervert.

Kakashi, without looking up, motioned for Neji to have a seat. Neji did so, and stared blankly at the wall across from him, a light blush still covering his cheeks.

"What are you so flustered about?" Kakashi asked, still not looking up from his book.

Neji turned to look at Kakashi. What was he supposed to say? Luckily, Kurama came into the room then, in his normal attire. He blinked when he spotted Neji staring at Kakashi.

"Are you ready to go?" Kurama asked.

Neji turned to look at Kurama, with a coolly raised eyebrow. "You do realize that school doesn't start for another hour an a half?"

Kurama checked the time on the clock in the kitchen. "Ah, so THAT'S when school starts. Tell me Kakashi, did you always go to school early when you were younger?" he asked, his voice cutting through the air as he glared rather coldly at Kakashi.

Neji felt a shiver go up his spine at the voice. Was it just him, or did it sound older than he was? Strange.

Kakashi looked up from his book for the first time, a smile on his face. "Nope. I was always late," he said happily.

Kurama blinked. Then blinked again. Seriously? Was Kakashi serious? Dumbass. "Really. And let me guess, you don't want me to be late as well?"

Kakashi smiled again. "No, I just like to make your life harder."

Kurama glared at Kakashi again. "You know, I think I WILL leave early. It means less time with you and your crazy sense of logic." With that said he grabbed Neji and dragged the blinking boy out of the house. They began walking down the street, a comfortable silence surrounding them. Very few shinobi were up at this hour, and those that were, were probably preparing for a mission or the likes.

Glancing at Kurama, Neji pondered the redhead again. He was such an enigma! How come Neji couldn't figure him out? Usually a person can detect SOMETHING about another person's personality just by being in their presence, but Kurama was so… changing. He was always changing, never staying the same. Correction, never staying the same long enough for a person to decode him. Hn.

That annoyed Neji, but at the same time he enjoyed Kurama's company. What was it about the boy that drew him to him? Neji didn't know. That was what bugged him the most.

Kurama, on the other hand, was thinking about other things. He was thinking about everything he had learned about this new world, which was quite a lot. His mind switched gears, and he started to think about all the jutsu he knew, which wasn't that much. He STILL hadn't managed to find a time all by himself to master that water cyclone jutsu.

They arrived at the academy soon, and walked to the part of it that was a playground. Kurama walked over to the swing set, and Neji followed. He sat down on one of the two swings, and motioned for Neji to do so as well. He began swinging gently as Neji sat down.

Neji was slightly uncomfortable on the swing. He'd never really swung before, except when his father was still alive… The thought brought up bad memories, and Neji scowled.

Kurama, seeing Neji's scowl, soundlessly stood, so he didn't catch Neji's attention. He gracefully and silently walked around behind the boy, then pushed him on the swing.

Neji's eyes went wide when he was pushed, and he looked behind him to see a grinning Kurama. Now that he thought about it, that grin was very foxy… Kurama pushed him again, and Neji was slowly gaining height. The corner of his mouth twitched upwards slightly, barely noticeable, as he gained height. This reminded him a lot of when his father had pushed him as a child… Tears gathered, unwanted, in his eyes, and he furiously blinked them away.

Kurama smelt salt, the beginning of tears, and a small sad smile reached his face. What was Neji remembering that was so sad? He'd have to do some asking around to find his answers…

Neji's tears disappeared as soon as they had come, and he smiled softly as Kurama pushed him.

This continued for a while, Kurama smiling, and Neji half-smiling. It was quite a change from the old cold and cocky Neji.

Kurama looked up when he sensed someone approaching. He whispered this in Neji's ear, and the boy became stoic again. Neji jumped off the swing set and activated his Byakugan. He did a search of the area, and discovered that none other than his hated cousin Hinata had shown up.

Hinata spotted Neji with someone else by the swing set, and timidly walked forward. She took a quick glance at Neji's cold look, and looked away. Her eyes were led to look at the person with him, who was the new student, Kurama. She stared into his calm green eyes, so very different than the cold ones of Neji. Maybe this new student could break through the wall Neji-niisan had put up. Maybe Neji-niisan could finally be happy…

"Neji-niisan, the leader of the main house wants you. Immediately."

What will happen to Neji? I dunno yet. (sweatdrop)