Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Chapter Twelve ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland

Chapter Twelve:

Kurama arrived home not much later, eyes heavy and mind over stressed. As soon as he entered the house, he let out a sigh. Walking to his room, he prepared to go to bed. He flopped down onto the futon mattress and closed his eyes. He groaned when he realized he had to clean his uniform still.

Getting up off the mattress, he stripped out of his black Chinese fighting outfit that he wore to school every day. He was SO going to get a few pairs made after tonight. Frowning as he washed the thing, he wondered what time it was. Looking on a clock that hung in the bathroom, Kurama was surprised to find that it was already 11:14 p.m. Time really flew by…

He finished washing his outfit quickly, and hung it up to dry. Once finished, he walked back to his bedroom and slipped on some pajamas. He flopped onto the futon and fell into the welcoming darkness of sleep.

----Next Morning----

Kurama woke up and saw that the sun was just about to rise. Would he EVER get to sleep in, ONCE? He guessed not, when Kakashi suddenly came in with a bucket of cold water. Kurama glared, and flung a kunai at the bucket. It sprung a leak, and Kakashi had to run to prevent it from spilling too much. Smirking when he heard the water being dumped down the sink, Kurama got out of bed. He wondered to the bathroom, passing Kakashi on the way, and retrieved his outfit. He then walked back to his room and shut the door behind him. Taking a deep breath, Kurama let it out slowly to relax his body. He slipped out of his pajamas and got into his black and red trimmed Chinese uniform. Grabbing a comb, Kurama pulled it through his hair.

A week later, a festival was taking place, and Kurama planned on dragging Neji to it. He was going to place a nasty little trick on Neji: dressing up like a girl, so that the Hyuuga main house could never find him.

Kurama chuckled aloud at that thought, and he knew that he would have to go buy a kimono for the night. He left his bedroom and threw a bowl of cereal together. He ate it quickly, and was out the door before Kakashi could say a thing.

Walking down the streets, Kurama wondered what kind of kimono he should get. The selection probably wouldn't be the best, but it wouldn't be horrible either. Oh well, Kurama could spiff it up if he had to. Smiling, he walked down the street. Neji was stalking him this week, and had improved greatly from before. Now Kurama had to use his demonic senses to detect the black-haired boy, and he slowly made it harder for the him, so his skills increased even more.

Once they arrived at school, Kurama went to his tree and Neji to his hill. Sensing the auras in the area, Kurama detected no one near. He hopped down from his tree, silently, with practiced grace, and made his way to Neji. Putting no effort into hiding himself, Kurama sat down next to the white-eyed boy. "Neji," he began, "There's a festival next week… Would you go with me?"

Neji was surprised, and turned to look at Kurama with a raised eyebrow. "What about the main house?"

Kurama smirked and said, "I have that taken care of."

Raising his eyebrow again, Neji wondered what Kurama could have in mind. "Very well. I will go."

Kurama smiled and said, "Meet me at Ichiraku at seven. I'll be a little late, but be there early, okay?" When Neji nodded his head, Kurama smiled and stood. Brushing off his outfit, he went back to his tree.

The morning continued on without a hitch, and school was rather boring as well. Iruka made them show him how they had progressed with the Kage Bushin no Jutsu. Kurama was surprised to find that many of the students were having problems, yet none of them approached Iruka for help, like he had.

After school Kurama ran home to get his savings. He grabbed it, and went looking for a suitable kimono. He found a rather plain black one with a silver obi, and purchased it. Travelling to the craft store in the area, Kurama also bought some needles, and silver thread.

Quickly running home, Kurama got to work. Pulling out the silver thread and cutting off an arm long piece, he thought about what he would embroider onto it. A smile reached his lips, and he started sewing.

Late into the night, Kurama finally checked the time. It was 9:00 p.m., and Kurama was making good timing. The silver kitsune on the back was half done, and he had a whole week to finish the silk kimono. The kitsune had two tails, and stood ready to attack, its fangs bared. Plants grew wildly around it, and Kurama planned on having them wrap around the rest of the kimono beautifully. He also planned on putting a large and beautiful flower on the front of the obi, so it would be right over his stomach. Vines would be coming away from the flower, to mark a wild trail to the ends of the obi.

Having a very good eye helped Kurama, for he could get the detail very exact. At the moment, he had finished the entire outline and main lines of the silver kitsune, and was now working on the plants.

Working well into the night, Kurama got all the main lines done of the entire kimono, and only had to do the details and the obi. He folded up his `project', and hid it in his dresser, and then crashed on his futon.

Kurama reluctantly woke with the sun the next morning, and had to splash water on to his face to wake him up. He grabbed an energy bar from the cupboard, and absently remembered that he was going to have to start shopping and cooking. Glaring at the reminder, he ate the energy bar, and made himself a cup of coffee. He was surprised to find that Kakashi was gone, and that Neji had let himself in. The boy was allowed to see Kurama half-dead as he plopped himself down at the kitchen table and took a huge swig of coffee.

Neji was staring at Kurama. Never before had he seen the redhead so… tired. Very tired, it seemed. Wasn't he getting enough sleep? He voiced his question, and only got a grunt from Kurama as a response.

Kurama heard Neji ask him something, but he couldn't decode its meaning with his sleep-fogged mind. Bringing his hands to his face, he focused on waking up, and waited for the coffee to work its wonders. It didn't take long, and he was soon alert and awake. "What was that, Neji?" he asked.

The corner of Neji's mouth twitched up, and he asked, "Aren't you getting enough sleep?"

Kurama frowned, and thought back, trying to get something out of his fogged mind. "No, I stayed up late last night working on a project."

"What kind of project?"

"It's a secret."

"Really," Neji said sarcastically. Curiosity got the better of him, but he didn't push the subject. He watched as Kurama finished his energy bar and gulped down the rest of his coffee. They left the house together, Kurama fully aware once again.

"Is it wise to walk together?" Kurama asked, not really believing it was, personally.

Neji glanced at Kurama, and then said, "Not many people are up this early, and the Hyuuga no longer care that I leave early. No one will be about that will cause trouble."

Kurama nodded his head, but was still wary of the villagers, and didn't want anything bad to happen. He trusted Neji, however, and so they walked to school together. Once they arrived, they went to their respective places, Kurama to his tree and Neji to his hill. They stared at the sky for the majority of the morning, and the day commenced.

The week went by rather swiftly, with Kurama working on his kimono until late at night the whole time. He managed to finish all the embroidery on Thursday, and used Friday as a recuperation day. Catching up on his sleep (he went to bed a 6 p.m. that night), Kurama prepared himself for the festival on Saturday. He had everything in order, from his finished kimono to hair clips and make-up. Yes. Make-up. He couldn't go looking like himself could he? He'd have to spiff himself up. It wouldn't be that hard, after all, Kurama knew exactly how much make-up to put on, because of his sensual kitsune eye (winkwinknudgenudge).

Saturday arrived quickly, and before Kurama knew it, he was putting on his black under-kimono (what are those things called?). Next, he slipped on the kimono, and tied the obi (which was rather difficult). Looking at himself in the mirror, he smiled. The kimono was positively beautiful! Glancing at the clock, he saw that it was 6:12. He had approximately fifty minutes until he had to be at Ichiraku, to meet Neji. Kurama reached for the make-up, and put on a small amount of blush and pink eyeshadow. Next, he put on red lipstick, the same colour as his hair, and put a thin coating of shiny lipstick protector on top. Standing from where he had sat, Kurama eyed himself in the mirror. He looked very feminine, but he still wasn't satisfied. Taking a large silver rectangular clip, he pulled his hair back in a ponytail and twisted it, to keep the hairs together. Next, he lifted the hair and flattened it against the back of his head, and used the clip to make it stay like that. The hair stuck upwards, but looked very nice. To complete the picture, Kurama placed a small silver flower clip on a chunk of his bangs.

Smirking at his looks, he left his room to show Kakashi. The poor old man had a nosebleed, and stared in shock at his `adopted son'. "What… in the world…" was all he was able to get out as he plugged his nose.

Kurama smiled beautifully, and twirled around, showing his nice ass. "What do you think?" he asked innocently.

Kakashi blinked. "You're beautiful… but why are you dressed like a girl?"

Kurama smirked sexily, and walked up to Kakashi. He pecked Kakashi on the cheek, and said cheerfully, "Hyuuga Neji and I are going to the festival together, but we don't want to be seen in public together. Neji is afraid his clan leader might do something, to him or me, and so I decided to dress up like a girl. He doesn't know this, of course." Kurama chuckled evilly, and brought out the black fan he had found came with the kimono. It had a silver flower painted on it. Flicking it open, he held it to his face and giggled behind it. "Am I girly enough?" he asked.

Kakashi blinked. "Most boys your age wouldn't give up their masculinity if you offered them everything in the world, and yet you're doing this willingly!" Kakashi was confused, and tilted his head to the side cutely.

Kurama laughed melodically, his voice sounding like bells in the breeze. "Unlike most boys my age, I am also quite in touch with my feminine side," he said with a grin. Checking the time, he discovered that he had ten minutes to meet Neji. "Well, I've got to go now, have a wonderful night, Kashi-chan," he said with a wink.

Kurama's hitai-ate headband was left on his desk.

Walking down the light-strewn street, Kurama smiled cheerfully. This would be a VERY enjoyable evening. People walked along the streets with happy faces, dressed in old-styled yukata and kimono (I THINK those things the men wear are yukata, but don't take MY word for it).

Kurama smiled beautifully at the people he passed. On his were a pair of sandals he had bought a while ago, with the two toe socks to go with it. He arrived at Ichiraku within fifteen minutes or so, and looked around for Neji. To his surprise, Neji had dressed in a dark blue yukata with an ice-shard pattern placed here and there. The white-eyed boy seemed to be looking for someone, and Kurama couldn't help but chuckle to himself from behind his fan.

"Good evening, Neji," Kurama said in a slightly woman-like voice.

Neji looked to the voice, and was surprised to see a very beautiful young woman standing there, wearing an incredibly beautiful kimono with silver vines wrapping around it beautifully. He blinked, and wondered who this could be. "Excuse me, miss, but who might you be?" he asked politely, his cold visage in place.

Kurama giggled. This was so amusing. "My name is Kira," he said, removing the fan from his face. He smiled beautifully and said, "But some know me as Kurama."

Neji's eyes widened, and he stared at Kurama in absolute shock. He was unable to process a thought, and stared as Kurama stood beside him and wrapped his arms around Neji's left arm. "Kurama? Is that really you?" he finally asked.

Kurama smiled and said, "Yep! But call me Kira, tonight, `kay? We don't want people knowing that it's me."

Neji nodded dumbly and allowed himself to be pulled away from Ichiraku by Kurama. He barely noticed all the jealous glares he was getting from the surrounding men.

They walked down the streets together, until something caught Kurama's eye. It was a stand of candy, and there was a sign that said `We can make a statue of hard candy of any shape for a price of 1500 yen' (that's almost $20 canadian). Kurama smiled, and pulled Neji towards the stand. "Excuse me, sir, I would like to have a statue made of hard candy," he said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"What shape, miss?" the man asked with a smile.

"Can you make it look like this?" Kurama turned around and showed the man his back, where the embroidery of the fox was. "Can you make me a fox that looks just like this?"

The man stared at the beautiful embroidery, and made a quick sketch of the fox on a large pad of paper. Once he was done, he said, "Of course! Could you please give me your name and come by later to pick it up?"

"Kira is my name. How long will it take, sir?" Kurama asked.

"It should take no more than an hour. Thank you very much, but may I ask that you pay now? I would like to be assured that you will come and get it."

Kurama paid the man and bowed, and then latched himself back onto Neji, who had stood and watched the whole exchange.

"That is a beautiful kimono, Kira, where did you get it?" Neji asked, amazed by the intricate embroidery.

Kurama smiled, "I bought the black kimono and silver obi, then I went and bought some silver thread and needles. It took me a week to do all the embroidery, that's why I was so tired every morning."

Neji's eyes widened. "You embroidered that yourself?"

Kurama smiled at Neji. "Yes, I did."

They walked down the street, and Kurama eventually unlatched himself from Neji. They walked in companionable silence, enjoying the time they could spend together. Kurama led them to the small lake, and sat himself down by the edge of the water. Together, they looked up at the stars, enjoying the warm evening.

Eventually, Kurama turned his attention to Neji, and stared at the boy's white eyes. Neji sensed someone watching him, and turned to look at Kurama. They stared into eachother's eyes, and Kurama began to lean forward. Their lips met in a sweet and gentle kiss, stealing their breath away. When they parted, they were blushing slightly, before they started kissing again.

Neji reached over with his left arm to pull Kurama closer to him, deepening the kiss. The arm slipped upwards to the base of Kurama's neck. He licked Kurama's bottom lip, asking for entrance. It was granted, and Neji buried his tongue within Kurama's hot mouth.

Kurama moaned into the kiss, enjoying every moment of it. He shuddered when Neji nibbled on his bottom lip slightly.

The bushes rustled, and the two broke apart to face what approached…

Nasty cliffhanger, ne? Mwahahahaha!