Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Chapter Thirteen ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland

Chapter Thirteen:

The bushes rustled, and the two broke apart to face what approached.

Sasuke of all people arrived, obviously looking for some peace. He blinked when he spotted Hyuuga Neji with a pretty young woman. Both were looking at him expectantly. "What?" he asked grouchily.

Kurama looked to Neji, who glared at Sasuke with a passion. He snatched Neji's hand and gave it a slight squeeze before letting go again. Smiling at Sasuke, he nodded his head in welcome, then turned back to the lake.

Neji glared at Sasuke for a few more seconds before looking at the lake with Kurama.

Kurama sensed Sasuke walk off to their left, and saw him lay down on the grass not too far away from them. Turning to Neji, he saw him glaring at Sasuke. Kurama stood gracefully, and motioned for Neji to do so as well. He leaned over and whispered in the white-eyed boy's ear, "Let's go get my candy, then we'll enjoy some sake."

Neji blinked at Kurama, but wasn't able to reply as Kurama pulled him away from the lake, leaving the grouchy Uchiha Sasuke to himself.

They arrived at the candy store soon, and Kurama picked up his fox-shaped white candy. It was the size of a fist, but very well carved. He smiled brilliantly at the vendor and asked if he could wrap it up in a box. The man did so, and even tied it with a red ribbon.

Kurama and Neji left the vendor to find a place where they could get some sake. They went to a small bar on the side of the road and Kurama ordered them some warm sake. The man on the other side of the stall looked uncertain, but a sensual wink from Kurama stopped any doubt that came to his mind. He served them the sake, nice and warm, and Kurama paid for it. They enjoyed the single bottle of sake, a comfortable silence encompassing them…

That is, until a man with white hair and markings on his face entered the stall. He ordered three bottles of sake, not yet noticing that he had company.

Kurama and Neji exchanged looks, and went back to sipping their sake.

"Oh, now what do we have here? Hey old man! You aren't selling sake to underage children are you?"

The vendor began to sweat, then leaned forward and whispered something in the white-haired man's ear. The white-haired man then turned and took a good look at his company… or rather, he took a good look at Kurama. "Excuse me, miss, I'm writing a book, and could you please help me?"

Kurama turned to look at the man and said, "What's your name?"


"What do you need my help with?"

"Could you please undress and pose for me?"

Kurama blinked. And then blinked again. Then his eyes narrowed coldly, and a dark and chilling aura filled the stall. He stood from his chair and walked up to the old man, Jiraiya. He back-handed the man with his left hand, making him fly out of the stall and sail through the air across the street, miraculously not hitting anyone in the process.

Jiraiya's eyes became swirls as he recovered from the VERY hard hit.

Kurama walked back to his place beside Neji and said in a deadly tone, surprising the boy, "We are leaving."

Neji, not willing to argue, asked softly, "What about the rest of the sake?"

Kurama took the bottle of sake and swallowed the still two thirds full container in one swig. Slamming the bottle back onto the table, and looking very NOT drunk considering how much alcohol he'd just consumed, Kurama exited the stand with narrowed eyes. Neji followed behind.

Kurama approached Jiraiya, who people were still staring at. He picked the large man up by his shirt and growled, "Get a life and grow up you pathetic excuse of an adult." With that said, he dropped Jiraiya back onto the ground with a thump, and walked down the street with Neji beside him.

They arrived at Kurama's house after fifteen minutes, and Kurama was considerably calmer. Kurama checked for Kakashi's aura, and found it not present, so he let Neji in. They entered the house one after the other, and Kurama motioned for Neji to sit in the living room while he changed.

Kurama made his way to his room and closed the door with a soft click behind him. He sighed softly to himself and made his way to his desk. He pulled the clips out of his hair, and got out of his kimono. Grabbing his green pajamas, Kurama pulled them on. Folding the kimono, he put it along with the fan and sandals away in his dresser. Gathering up all his makeup and hair clips, he put them in a small bag and put them within the folds of the kimono.

Exiting his room, Kurama made his way toward the living room. "Would you like some tea?" he asked.

Neji looked up from his hands, which he'd been staring at, and said, "Yes, please."

Kurama smiled and walked into the kitchen. Boiling some water, he proceeded to make tea. Once he was done, he gathered up a few cookies and put them on a small plate. He put all of this on a tray, along with the green tea and two cups. When he arrived in the living room, he poured the tea and gave a cup to Neji. They sat across from eachother, Kurama on a cushioned chair, and Neji on the couch.

They sipped their tea, and ate a few cookies. Eventually, the just sat there, staring at eachother. They each didn't seem to mind, so that's what they did.

Neji finally spoke up, "You still have makeup on your face."

Kurama blinked, and brought a hand up to his lips. He remembered the lipstick and the other makeup, and then left the living room and went to the bathroom. Washing off all the makeup, he chastised himself for forgetting. The lipstick proved to be a pain to wash off, but it eventually came off with the rest of it. He went back to the living room, and sat beside Neji on the couch. Leaning over, he rested his head on the white-eyed boy's shoulder.

"I'm tired," he complained softly, eyes half-lidded.

Neji just nodded his head, a little uncomfortable with a very hot Kurama in such close proximity. He gulped when Kurama suddenly lay down across his lap. Neji blinked, and looked down at Kurama, whose head rested on his left thigh.

Kurama sighed contently, very much enjoying their position. They stayed like that for a long time, until Kurama felt Kakashi's aura on the approach. Before Neji new it, Kurama was again sitting across from him, sipping a cup of tea.

Kakashi arrived with a poof.

Neji blinked, looking back and forth in-between Kurama and Kakashi.

"Good evening, Kakashi. Where were you? Having fun I gather?" Kurama asked, still calmly sipping his tea with his eyes closed.

"I was having fun, yes," Kakashi said, his single visible eye curved upwards in pleasure.

"So, you WERE scopeing out all the woman!" Kurama said, mischievous grin on his face.

"Yep! And I must say, Kurama, you really beat the shit out of Jiraiya," Kakashi said, a grin on his face.

Kurama raised a cool eyebrow. "Beat the shit out of him? I only slapped him, hard, mind you. Do you actually KNOW that pervert?" he asked incredulously.

"Yep! He's the infamous author of my Icha Icha Paradise books!"

Kurama spit out his tea, all over the coffee table. "WHAT?" he asked, eyes wide.

Kakashi nodded enthusiastically, before Kurama hit him over the head, muttering `pervert'.

Neji watched the whole `exchange' with a half-smile on his face. These two were rather amusing.

"So, Neji, are you spending the night?" Kakashi asked, a mischievous smile on his face.

Kurama hit him over the head again. "Only if he's allowed to, perv," he said with a glare sent in Kakashi's direction.

Neji smiled softly. "I can stay tonight, if that's not too much trouble," he said.

Both Kurama and Kakashi stared at Neji, who was blushing slightly. They both blinked a few times before Kurama asked, "What about the Hyuuga main house?"

Neji smirked and said, "Like I said, they've gotten used to me being unpredictable."

Kurama nodded his head knowingly while Kakashi just blinked. And blinked some more. Until Kurama finally hit him up the side of the head and sent the pervert to his bedroom with his books.

Smiling, Kurama walked over to Neji and took his hand. He pulled the confused white-eyed boy up, and led him to his room. They entered, and Kurama shut the door behind them, locking it. He proceeded to lead Neji to his futon, motioning for the boy to sit down.

Smiling brightly, Kurama said, "So this will be like a sleepover! I hope you don't mind sleeping in the same bed, we don't have a guestroom. We're friends, after all, right?" Kurama winked, and went digging in his closet for some pajamas for Neji to wear. He grabbed his black silk ones, and handed them to Neji, who stared at them. Kurama raised an eyebrow and asked, "Well? Are you going to put them on or what?"

Neji blinked, and looked up at Kurama, who was looking at him expectantly. He stood, shrugging, and started pulling off his clothes.

Kurama turned around, giving Neji privacy. Listening to the sound of silk on skin, he swallowed nervously.

"I'm done," Neji said in a soft voice.

Kurama turned around, his breath catching in his throat when he saw Neji dressed all in black. It really made his white eyes and pale complexion stand out… He walked towards the nervous boy and reached behind him to unclasp his black hair. Kurama smiled, and ran his fingers through the silky strands.

Neji's eyes half-closed in pleasure at the feeling. He felt Kurama settle him down on the futon, him lying in-between the redhead's legs, his head resting on Kurama's stomach. They lay like that for a long time, enjoying the silence, Kurama pulling his fingers through Neji's silky soft strands.

Eventually, Neji fell asleep, and Kurama didn't wish to wake him, so he slowly slid out from beneath the boy. Next, he pulled the covers out form under the unconscious form, and pulled them over the both of them. Kurama fell asleep quickly, listening to the calm breathing of Neji.

Mwhahaha! What will happen in the morning?! Read the next chapter of KiN to find out! (The KIN thing came from a loving reviewer! So no credit to me! [winks])