Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Chapter Fifteen ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland

Chapter Fifteen:

Kurama ran off into the woods again, in Gai's direction. He planned on taking the jounin on and keeping him away from Neji as long as possible.

The sight he found was a confused/angry Gai, who was trying to find out how the scroll had gotten away from him. Lee was currently tied to a tree with a rather durable-looking rope. Kurama sighed softly to himself, and slipped behind the tree that Lee was tied to. Using a blade of grass, he cut Lee free, and slid back into the shadows of the forest.

Lee charged at Gai again, keeping the man busy for a moment. Kurama waited for the best possible moment to help the green boy out. To his surprise, the chance didn't come for a while, until Gai was conveniently back to back with the bit of bush Kurama was hiding behind. Jumping out without a sound, he planted a firm kick in the middle of Gai's back, causing the jounin to fly across the clearing and tumble over the ground. Before Gai could recover, Kurama slipped back into the forest, where he was quite at home with the plant life.

Getting up with a wince, Gai wondered who in the hell had hit him so goddamn hard in the back. Looking up, he only found Lee coming at him with a determined look. `Could it have been Lee? Impossible, he isn't that physically strong! Who could it be?' he asked himself. Growing weary with the situation, he knocked Lee out with a well-placed chop to the back of the neck. Using his senses, he tried to locate another person in the area. To his annoyance, he couldn't sense anyone's chakra, except for one large chakra off in the distance. Where had the third gotten to? His question was answered when something suddenly kicked his feet out from beneath him. Quickly righting himself, Gai examined his surroundings. Where in the hell had that boy gotten to?! He came out with such speed and silence, that even GAI couldn't seem to detect him. It probably wasn't Neji, so it had to be the Kurama boy. What was the redhead capable of?

Kurama smirked to himself, eyeing his `prey'. Smiling deviously, he shot out from his spot when Gai turned his back to him again. Nailing the guy in the back of the kneecaps, Kurama made another quick escape. He had his sensei completely confused, irritated, and angry, just the way he wanted him. Forming the right hand seals, he performed Water Whirlwind no Jutsu without saying a thing. This, however, showed his prey where he was, although he had no chance to act on the sensed chakra before he was enveloped with Kurama's jutsu.

Gai got thoroughly cut up by Kurama's jutsu, to the frustration of the jounin. Suddenly, the water disappeared, and Gai lost all sense of where Kurama was. Cursing under his breath, he tried to locate the boy. Coming up with nothing, he quickly formed a genjustu, and replaced his body with a clone. The real Gai hid in the forest, waiting for Kurama to appear.

Frowning to himself, Kurama wondered how in the seven hells Gai could be right in front of him, yet his chakra was out in the forest. Glaring at the bushin, he ignored it, and made his way farther into the forest to hide himself. The real Gai searched the surrounding area for Kurama, but never found him. Kurama was incredibly smug with the fact that he was always a step ahead of Gai.

`Where in the world is Kurama? Is he the one that has the scroll?' Gai thought to himself in annoyance as he tried to find any sort of tracks that would help him find Kurama. To his endless irritation, he found nothing. `Where the hell is he?!'

Gai's question was answered when someone kicked him in the back, AGAIN.

Smirking, Kurama slid back into the shadows of the forest, rather enjoying their game. How much longer until the time was up? He didn't know. It couldn't be THAT much longer, though.

Gai turned around swiftly after the kick, mentally wincing. This kid was KILLING his back! Finding no one behind him, Gai felt like yelling in frustration. How was this kid so skilled?! He was a mere genin! Forming hand seals, he performed a genjutsu, to make him disappear. To his shock, Kurama merely hit him again, as if there was no genjutsu there! Just when he was about to retaliate with a very powerful ninjutsu, his watch went off. (I'm assuming that although Gai is a taijutsu master, he can also perform genjutsu and ninjutsu). Checking it, it revealed that the hour was up. They had successfully kept him away from the scroll… Incredible teamwork…

"So, time's up. Who has the scroll?" Gai asked the hidden Kurama.

Kurama glided out of the forest in front of Gai, surprising him. A cocky smirk planted firmly on his face, he said, "Neji."

Gai's eyes widened slightly. "NEJI?! HOW?"

Kurama merely grinned. "Lee distracted you, I retrieved the scroll and passed it off to Neji. Neji remained hidden, and I kept up a distraction to keep you away from him. The mission was to keep the scroll from you after retrieving it, you never said that we all had to fight you."

Nodding his head, Gai gave the thumbs up with a twinkle on his tooth, "Great job! PASS!"

Kurama bowed slightly, before jumping off into the forest to get Neji.

`Interesting kid. He has manners, strangely, and has incredible abilities. I can't wait to find out what all of them are!' Gai thought enthusiastically, making his way over to Lee to bring him back to consciousness.

The three of them met where they had begun, and Neji gave the scroll back to Gai (with a smirk of course). They took a small break for lunch, and then Gai sent them home. Kurama, however, stayed behind to speak with Gai. "Gai-sensei?" he asked.

"Yeah?" Gai asked, slightly surprised.

"Was Lee-kun wearing weights? Because I heard a clank of metal…"

"Yep! It was my idea, to increase his speed!" Gai struck a pose.

Blinking, Kurama said, "Thank you Gai-sensei." With that said, he made his way home.

No one was there when he arrived, and Kurama assumed that Kakashi had a mission or was out doing something (hopefully not perverted). Searching for his money, he quickly found it and went in search of the grocery money. Kurama was finally going to start cooking. Finding it on the top of the fridge, he made his way into town. Long since having bought many school uniforms, he went in search of something else that had been nagging at his mind for a while… weights. Without weights, Kurama knew that he would move too quickly for a genin, and that could cause a problem in the future. Using weights would also increase his speed, and that in the long run was quite worth it.

Searching through the town, he wondered where a store could be that would sell weights… Stopping by a smithy, he entered and approached the smith at the counter. "Excuse me, sir, do you know of a place where I could purchase weights for training?"

The smith smiled, his face worn with laugh lines. "Of course, son, what kind of weights are you looking for? Plates? Weights that go around the ankles and wrists?"

"Preferably weights that can by wrapped around the wrists, ankles, shoulders, and waist," Kurama said politely.

"Then I know the perfect place for you! Now, a little ways down this street there's a place called `Kyosan's Metal Works'. He should have exactly what you're looking for, in a variety of weights," the smith said helpfully.

Kurama smiled brightly and bowed politely. "Thank you very much. Have a good day!" he said as he walked out of the store. The smith waved goodbye with a smile.

Making his way down the street, Kurama began the search of the store. To his surprise, it wasn't that far away, and he got there quickly. Walking into the store, he searched for `Kyosan'. There was no one in the shop, but Kurama's acute ears picked up a conversation in the back of the shop. Waiting at the counter, Kurama examined the weights and other various metal objects that lined the walls.

"Oh, how may I help you?" a young man with messy blond hair and green eyes asked with a pleasant smile.

"Are you the owner?" Kurama asked with a smile.

"Oh no, that's my father! He's busy at the moment, but could I help you?"

"Yes, please. I was hoping you could help me find the right weights…"

"I'm sorry! That's my dad's forte! If you could perhaps wait a moment for him to be done with another customer?" he asked with a sweatdrop.

Kurama smiled, "Of course." He waited for around ten minutes before the man in the back was finally done, with a very pleased customer leaving with a bag in hand. Blinking, Kurama approached the man, who smiled in welcoming.

"How may I help you?" the weathered man asked, gray hair flopping over one eye.

"I'm looking for weights?" Kurama said.

"Oh! Weights! This may take some time, but I'm sure you will be pleased with the results. Please come around back, and I'll fit you with them," the man said, motioning for Kurama to follow him.

Kurama did so, and looked around the back of the shop to see a large assortment of weights in all shapes and sizes. His eyebrows raised in surprise at all the metal as he followed the man.

"Okay, young man, what kid of weights are you looking for?"

"Wrist, ankle, shoulder, and waist weights. Heavy ones."

"Hm…" the man got a thoughtful look, then walked up to a rather heavy looking disc by the wall. "Can you pick this one up with one hand?" he asked.

Kurama walked forward and grabbed the weight. It was rather light in his hand, and he frowned at it. "It's too light," he said immediately.

"Too light?" the man asked, eyes wide.

Kurama nodded his head, and put the weight down. Moving along the wall, he found one that was twice the size of the fist sized disc and picked it up. It was four times as heavy, and Kurama figured that it still wouldn't do. Moving on to the next one, he picked it up. It was hard for him to move his arm very fast with it, and Kurama smiled. "This one's weight is perfect," he said, looking at the man, whose eyes were quite wide at the moment.

Suddenly, the man smiled. "It seems that fitting you is going to be a challenge, young man. Please come here, and take of that covering that you wear."

Kurama took it off, folding it, and placed it on a clean worktable. The man came over to Kurama with a wrist weight, and clipped it on.

"How is this? Is it heavy enough?" the man asked.

"No, it's still too light," Kurama said with an apologetic smile.

The man grinned, "You have some muscles, lad. I'll have to take it up a notch." Grabbing another one, the man made Kurama try it. It was still too light, and the man said with a frown that he had no heavier weights for wrist weights. "However, we could also do something else. We can line my heaviest wrist weights up your arm until its heavy enough. I'll also design them so they come off together, okay?" the man said enthusiastically.

"That would be great," Kurama said with a smile.

"I love a challenge…" the man mumbled to himself with pleasure. Kurama, of course, heard it with his acute ears.

They lined a total of five weights all the way up to his elbow, to the man's surprise. "It would be best, at this point, if we used simple arm guards instead of weights. I will make all of these with my heaviest metals." The man pulled out a small note pad, and wrote `arm guards-60'.

"What sort of weighing measurement do you use?" Kurama asked curiously.

"Oh, it's not really a measurement, just a number that I understand when it comes to weights and the like. Made it up myself. Now, let's move on to shin guards, since you will probably be able to lift quite a bit with those…"

At the end, Kurama had an order placed for arm guards, shin guards, shoulder guards, and a strange weighted chest plate that had many flat cords that wrapped the back and front pieces together, giving it a lot of support to prevent back aches.

"This will be perfect! It should be done in four days at most," the man, presumably `Kyosan' said with a smile.

"Thank you very much," Kurama said with a polite bow, surprising Kyosan. Grabbing his black cover with the red rose pattern in the back, Kurama slipped it on and tied it in place. With a smile, Kurama asked, "Should I pay now?"

"That's up to you, lad. If you want to, you can, or you could just pay when you pick them up."

"How much does it come to?"

"Well, it's a very big order. It will cost…" Grabbing his pad of paper, he started doing the math of the purchase. "It will amount to 150 000 yen." (Around $99 Canadian)

Kurama nodded his head, and looked in his wallet. Thank goodness, he just had enough. Paying Kyosan, he gave the man his name for the order and left the shop with a smile. Next, he had to go grocery shopping…

Passing by a textile store on the way, he purchased two bags to carry the food from the market in. Next, he went to the market. He bought carrots, mushrooms, noodles, bacon, eggs, milk, bread, cheese, and other things.

It was late in the evening when Kurama finally got home, and put all the groceries in the fridge. He found Kakashi sitting on the couch, reading (you guessed it) Icha Icha Paradise.

"Would you make me some ramen?" Kakashi asked, not looking up from his book.

Kurama glared at him, and said, "I just went shopping. There is no way we are going to have ramen tonight. I'm cooking some REAL food." With that said, he got to work.

Taking out some eggs, ham, celery, and onions, Kurama began cutting up the vegetables and ham into small pieces. Pulling out a pan, he turned on the burner and put the pan on top. Taking four eggs, he expertly cracked them, and used a spatula to break the yolk and mix up the egg a bit. He put in a little bit of cheese to melt. Next, he threw the ham and vegetables on top, and started making an omelet. Once he was done, he split the omelet in two and put the separate pieces on plates. Putting the pan in the sink to clean later, Kurama served the food. The two of them ate in silence at the kitchen table, and Kurama was happy to finally eat some REAL food.

It was around 10 when Kurama decided to finally go to bed, with a full stomach, and feeling good.

The team met at their training area at 8 the next morning, ready for training. Gai started teaching Kurama the same style of taijutsu Lee knew, and Kurama had to keep his speed down carefully. Neji, on the other hand, went off on his own to practice his clan's taijutsu. They did this for the majority of the day, and then dispersed.

Four days of training later, Kurama's weights were finally finished. He put them on at the store, and was surprised to find that they totaled around 1200 pounds! Shocked, he allowed Kyosan to show him how to put the weights on underneath his clothes. Once they were on, Kurama felt very heavy. He said this to Kyosan, who smiled at him and sent him on his way. Kurama spent the rest of the day training, trying to adjust to his far heavier limbs. He was exhausted at the end of the day, and collapsed into bed without supper.

Of course, since he didn't eat supper, he was very hungry the next morning, and had a huge breakfast. Gai had informed them the day before that they were going on a mission, and all three genin were eager.

Well, they were eager until they were told what the mission WAS. They had to find someone's lost dog. VERY exciting rank D mission, note the freakin sarcasm. Although it was the most boring mission, they completed it within an hour, and were allowed to either go home or train.

All three of them chose to train, to the surprise of Gai. Kurama was having difficulties keeping speed and accuracy with his new weights, and had to ask Gai to help him with positions a few times.

Neji continued doing what he always did.

Lee was doing pushups and sit-ups, then running laps around Konoha. At some point, Kurama decided that he'd had enough physical training, and was running with Lee, trying to keep up. To his surprise, Lee was very fast, even with the weights he wore.

"How heavy are your weights, Lee?" Kurama asked, sweating profusely.

"About 300 pounds altogether," Lee said cheerfully, not breaking a sweat.

Kurama couldn't help but grimace to himself. The laps were killing him, but it was also doing wonders for his stamina. He pushed himself until the sun started setting, then left Lee to continue laps.

An exhausted sigh tore itself from Kurama's lips as he pulled off his weights in his room, as well as his clothes. Slipping into his pajamas, he fell asleep as soon as his head hit his pillow. Again without supper.

Big breakfast the next morning, and more running throughout the day, as well as a few other exercises. They had a mission the next day, and Kurama WASN'T looking forward to it.

Waking with the light of the sun shining in through his window, Kurama got out of bed with a groan. His muscles were K-I-L-L-I-N-G him! Moaning again, he went digging through the bathroom for a cream that would help with aches and pains. To his relief, he found a large and unused bottle of cream. Pulling off his pajamas, he started rubbing the cream into his sore muscles. It felt cool on his skin, and sent shivers down his spine.

Once he was done he put his pajamas back on and took the cream with him to his room. Changing into his black Chinese uniform, he sighed in content at his not-so-sore-anymore muscles.

Eating another large breakfast, Kurama prepared for the day. Today was another mission (and a waste of time, in Kurama's opinion, because he'd rather be training). When they got to their training area, Gai announced that they would be… WEEDING A GARDEN?!

Kurama smiled. He'd be with plants for the entire morning! Neji, on the other hand, was far from ecstatic. Lee… well… Lee was just too `I'm in love with Gai' for his own good…

When the arrived at the old lady's house, Kurama stared at the garden in shock. There. Were. Weeds. EVERYWHERE!! "Is this supposed to be a garden?" he mumbled under his breath, Neji agreeing with him. "There's more weeds than plants…"

"Alright! Here's a book that tells you what's a weed and what's not," Gai said, handing out a small booklet, a gleam to his teeth. (Bleach) "Now, have fun!" he said enthusiastically, disappearing with a poof.

Kurama blinked, flipped through the book, and then tossed it over his shoulder. "You two stand back, NO ONE touches the garden but me," Kurama said, a smirk on his face as he rolled up his sleeves. Working turbo, he started expertly pulling out all the weeds, without consulting the `manual' once.

Neji and Lee stared at Kurama in shock, as did the little old lady. Since when had Kurama been into… flowers? Ew…

Kurama was done in no time at all, and quickly retrieved a watering pot to perk up the plants. Within the time of half and hour, Kurama had turned the wild and ugly garden into a colourful masterpiece, to the shock of the old lady.

"Incredible!" she exclaimed. "Young man, could I hire you to take care of my plants every day?" she asked with a smile.

Kurama sweatdropped, and brushed off his dirty hands. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but I'm too busy to take care of a garden. If you ask for our team, though, for a mission, then I can." Kurama smiled beautifully, and washed his hands with a hose. "Well, let's get going," Kurama said, and lead his wide-eyed teammates away from the old lady's house.

"I didn't know that you were so experienced with plants," Lee stated in awe.

Kurama smiled absently, "Plants are my forte, actually. Why don't we train for the rest of the day?" he asked. "I'll race you, Lee."

"And I'll win," Lee said, grinning.

"Not for long," Kurama said in amusement.

And so, another long and tiring day of training ensued…

No comments from me today people! Have a good day! (waves)