Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Chapter TwentyTwo ( Chapter 22 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland

Chapter Twenty-Two:

"My name is..."

Kurama blinked cutely at the tension in the air. 'Is this guy really that important? I mean, what an idiot, to pause to create dramatic tension like that. Geez.'


Dum dee dum dum dum!

Kurama raised an eyebrow. "What's an Orochimaru?" he asked.

Anime fall.


"BAKA! THAT ISN'T THE NEXT LINE!!" Orochimaru yelled out, pointing a finger at the redhead.

"It isn't?" Kurama checked the script. "Oops. Oi Toki and Mirage! Give me another go at it!"

Toki: [rolls eyes] Kurama no baka.

Mirage: Damnit Kurama you're an idiot. Alright! 3... 2... 1... ACTION!

Kurama in Narutoland

Chapter Twenty-Two:

"My name is..."

Kurama waited in anticipation for the name.

"Orochimaru," Orochimaru said, coming out of the shadows with an evil grin on his face.

Kurama burst out laughing at the look on his face.

Mirage: DAMNIT KURAMA, GET SERIOUS! I know this is a lot of acting for you in one day, BUT THAT'S NO EXCUSE! Fans want another chapter!!

Toki: [sighs] this is going to take all day.

Mirage: 3... 2... 1... ACTION!!

Kurama in Narutoland

Chapter Twenty-Two:

"My name is..."

Kurama's eyes were narrowed as he watched a snake-like figure come out of the shadows, slitted yellow eyes glinting in whatever light was provided by the torch on the wall.

"Orochimaru," the snake man said with an evil grin on his face.

Kurama's eyes flashed. "And who is Orochimaru?"

The snake man grinned. "I am one of the three Sennin, also an S-rank missing-nin. I'm the one who had you kidnapped. You are useful to me. Oh, and if you are looking for that little fox of yours, don't bother. He's caged up here with no way out. Put up quite a fight for the kidnapper..."

Kurama kept his expression calm, although he was fuming on the inside. "How am I useful to you?" he asked, a dangerous edge in his voice.

Orochimaru only smirked. "I will show you..." he said. Suddenly, his neck lengthened and he came at Kurama with incredible speed.

Kurama tried to jump away instinctively, but the chains held him still. Eyes wide, he could only watch as the snake man dug his fangs into the conjunction between his neck and left shoulder. His face became pale as he felt a sickly energy begin to flow through his veins. A pained moan escaped him as he tried to stay conscious.

Orochimaru licked the mark on Kurama's skin and watched as it formed into the curse seal. He looked at Kurama's and found himself aroused by the pained look on the beautiful redhead's face. He licked the curse seal again, tasting the boy's sweet flavour and the taint of the seal together. It was delicious... His neck shortened and he became normal again.

Kurama watched as Orochimaru walked forward, disgusted with the man. Pain wracked his body as three energies fought for control. Kurama's chakra was the first to be beaten into submissiveness, but ended up taking the same side as Kurama's youki, which was fighting valiantly for power. The third energy, that of the curse seal, tried to poison Kurama's chakra, but his youki created a barrier around it. All the youki could do was protect Kurama's chakra as the sickly energy started to replace where Kurama's chakra once was. Soon Kurama had the sickly chakra flowing through his chakra pathways, making him feel dirty. The youki had sealed itself and his chakra away into a black marking on his forehead that looked liked an angry fox. The fox-like seal flashed red before it became black again, inactive. However, Orochimaru never saw this happen, because Kurama's hair kept it hidden.

"You will now become my servant, Kurama-kun," Orochimaru said with a sick smirk on his face. "Surrender to the incredible power I bestowed upon you. Isn't that what ever shinobi wants? Power?" Orochimaru laughed evilly as he watched Kurama slip into unconsciousness.

---Scene Change---

"So we found out where Kurama was taken. What do we do now?" Neji asked, arms crossed as he glared at the clearing.

"We will infiltrate it and locate Kurama. After that we rescue him. What else is there to do?" the ANBU asked, already walking forward.

Neji glared at the ANBU leader and asked, "What if complications arise?"

"Then we deal with them."

One thing was running through the Leaf shinobi's minds at that moment. 'What strange Stone ANBU.'

And so, they did what the ANBU leader said and followed as he opened the hidden entrance in the ground and jumped down. They were met with a long tunnel lined with torches for light. They ran along the tunnel, trying to get to the other end as swiftly as possible before they got caught and had to kill.

When they got to the end they entered a large empty room. There was nothing inside.

The ANBU walked forward into the room, careful of their surroundings. Using sign language, the ANBU leader, Eniwa, motioned for them to spread out along the walls and be cautious.

"You were foolish to come after Kurama-kun," a voice said before the entrance to the tunnel was blocked by a metal door sliding into place. Gas entered the room instantly, and soon all were knocked unconscious.

"Foolish," Orochimaru said.

"Indeed," Kabuto agreed, walking into the room with a gas mask on his face. He dragged the bodies one-by-one into another room full of cells and locked them all away separately.

"The anti-chakra spells on the cells and locks should keep them from going anywhere, Orochimaru-sama," Kabuto said when he was done.

"Good. I can't have them escaping before I am done with Kurama-kun."



Neji woke up and found himself trapped in a dungeon. 'Great. Now what the hell do we do?' he thought sourly to himself, glaring at the ANBU leader that had got them all into this.

"You can't blame him, though," Lee said, catching the look Neji sent his way. "He had no idea something like this was going to happen, just like the two of us didn't. Infiltrations are unpredictable, Neji."

"How long do you think we've been here?" Neji asked, rather angry with himself for not catching on to their plans.

"No clue. The adults haven't woken up yet, though. Do you know why?" Lee asked, in the cell across from Neji.

"Maybe because we're younger and it got out of our systems faster? I really don't know," Neji said.

"Okay. Since your awake now, try to use your Byakugan," Lee said, serious for once.

Neji tried to activate his Byakugan, but found that he couldn't access his chakra at all. "What's going on?!" he shouted, waking up a few ANBU, including Gai.

"It won't work?!" Lee asked incredulously.

"My chakra... I can't access it at all," Neji said, deathly serious.

Lee's eyes widened. "Seriously?!"

Neji only nodded his head and watched through the bars as the adults finally woke up.

"What the hell," one muttered, rubbing their head.

"What do we do now?" another commented.

---With Orochimaru---

"Has Kurama-kun woken up yet, Kabuto?"

"No, he hasn't. However, he may wake up soon; he is tossing in his sleep. It is amazing that he lived through it at all. I had thought he would die long ago," Kabuto said softly.

"He may be too stubborn, or his chakra was just weak," Orochimaru commented, taking a sip of red wine.

"Hai, Orochimaru-sama. I will let you know when Kurama-kun awakens."


---With Our Poor Hero---

Kurama's head hurt like a bitch when he opened his eyes. No light shone in the room he was in, and he couldn't think at all. His head pounded like someone had hit it with a hammer, many times. Sitting up, he felt pain lance through his whole body. The sickly chakra was running along his chakra pathways, and he couldn't access his real chakra or youki any more. That meant that he couldn't control plants either, without tainting them with the evil chakra. Looking down, he saw strange leaf-like markings all over his body, completely covering him. Holding his head again, he wondered why it hurt so much.

---With Orochimaru---

"Orochimaru-sama! He just woke up!" Kabuto said, rushing back into the room where Orochimaru was calmly sipping his wine.

The snake man's head shot up when he heard this, and he put his wine on the table. "Good," he said with an evil smirk that caused shivers to shoot down Kabuto's spine.

Kurama's eyes narrowed when the door to the room suddenly opened, light filtering in. The shadow standing in the doorway was none other than Orochimaru, who was carrying a torch. Placing it on the wall, Orochimaru eyed his new prey. The boy was completely covered in the curse seal markings, causing Orochimaru to smile.

"So, Kurama-kun. What do you think of the power I gave you?" Orochimaru asked with a devilish grin.

Kurama glared coldly, his eyes a frigid green that caused Orochimaru's grin to grow. "I don't want it, and I don't need it," he said, his voice colder than ice.

"You don't want it? I highly doubt that. Isn't there anyone you'd like to surpass? Kurama-kun? How about that Lee kid, he's far faster than you, and Neji, he's more powerful than you. But now, with my help, you've become more powerful than both of them."

Kurama's head felt light as he listened to Orochimaru's words. He was... weaker... than them? No... that wasn't right... He had always been more powerful than them... And now, because of Orochimaru, his chakra and youki were cut off from him. Orochimaru had given him a handy cap, NOT power. "You're wrong..." he whispered. The pain was getting worse.

Orochimaru was shocked. How had Kurama denied him? With that curse seal's negative energy, it should have helped him brainwash Kurama. Why wasn't it working?

"You're wrong..." Kurama whispered again, shuddering from the incredible pain. It was like nothing he'd ever felt before. Far more painful than any flesh wound he'd ever received before...

"No, Kurama. I am right. You are weak without the curse seal. The only way you will ever achieve your dreams is with the help of the curse seal's power. If you accept that power, you will be unstoppably powerful," Orochimaru said in a soothing tone, trying to brainwash Kurama into believing him. "You need the curse seal," he stated.

"I... need... the curse... seal," Kurama said, his head heavy and drunken.

"You need the curse seal."

"I need... the curse seal."

"You will call me Master."


"Good. Now, surrender to the power of the curse seal and become unstoppable!"

Kurama's eyes became glazed over, the pupil no longer visible. "Hai, Master." His power fluxuated, and suddenly burst forth to encompass him.

"Good job, my pet," Orochimaru said with a wicked smirk.

---Scene Change---

"Gai-sensei, what do we do now?" Lee asked, tears streaming down his face.

"We will figure something out Lee!!" Gai said, striking a pose, and ended up hitting his head because he was so tall. "Ow!" he exclaimed, grabbing his head.

"Baka," Neji said calmly, leaning against the wall with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, the door opened, letting light into the room. Orochimaru stood their in all his 'glory'. (cough)

"You wish to see Kurama-kun?" he asked smoothly.

"Yes!" Gai said.

Orochimaru's smirk was hidden by the lighting. "Very well. Follow me." With a snap of his fingers, the doors to the cells unlocked and swung open.

The three ANBU squads and Gai's team followed Orochimaru suspiciously out of the room.

They entered a very large room that was smooth with metal. "Kurama-kun, come out and say hello to your old friends," Orochimaru said, disappearing.

Kurama walked out from the shadows, his eyes dead and skin covered in the green curse seal markings.

"Kill them."

The group's eyes widened when Kurama came at them with a deadly sword. They were forced to split up when the sword hit the metal floor and blew a hole in it.

"Kurama! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Neji shouted angrily, activating his Byakugan.

Kurama didn't answer, and merely turned his attention to the white-eyed boy to attack him.

Neji dodged the assault with trouble. 'Since when has Kurama been so fast?!' he thought to himself, dodging another strike.

Gai shouted out, "Kurama! Get a hold of yourself! Orochimaru is controlling you!"

Kurama stopped attacking Neji and went after Gai, surprising the jounin immensely. Kurama managed to land a hit on Gai, making one of his legs useless.

'Impossible,' Gai thought, eyes wide as Kurama went in for the kill.

Neji grabbed onto Kurama from behind, wrapping his arms around the redhead's stomach. "Kurama! Stop it!" he shouted, trying to get the redhead to calm down.

Kurama tried to throw Neji off, and the ANBU and others could only watch as Neji was thrown off and stabbed in the stomach in the same motion.

Eyes wide, Neji clutched his stomach. He looked up at Kurama with wide sad eyes, tears gathering in the corners. The one who had claimed to love him was about to kill him...

"Finish the Hyuuga brat off, Kurama-kun," Orochimaru ordered.

Kurama froze, and a word came from his mouth. "Hyuuga?"

Neji's eyes widened at spark of hope that formed in his chest. "Yes! I'm Hyuuga Neji, Kurama! Your friend! Remember me! Don't you remember the night of the festival Kurama? What we said to eachother?!" Neji shouted, becoming emotional.

"Festival..." Kurama's eyes unglazed and he stared at Neji in shock. "NEJI!" He shouted, catching the white-eyed boy as he collapsed. "NO! NEJI!!" the green-eyed beauty shouted, tears streaming down his cheeks. "YOU CAN'T DIE!" he wailed, clutching Neji to him.

"I'm sorry, Kurama," Neji whispered.

Kurama shook his head in denial. "No... It can't be... Neji..."

Neji's eyes closed and Kurama broke down. "NO! Neji... Ne... ji..."

"You did a good job, Kurama. Now kill the rest of them. Remember! You need the curse seal!" Orochimaru shouted in hopes of controlling Kurama again.

Kurama was pissed off. Not only had Orochimaru manipulated him, he had forced him to kill the one he loved!! "You bastard..." he said softly. "YOU BASTARD!!" he screamed, placing Neji gently on the ground. "I'LL KILL YOU!!" he shouted furiously.

"Just try, Kurama-kun," Orochimaru said with a wicked smile.

Kurama felt pain lance through his body from all the anger welling up inside of him. He collapsed to his knees. Eyes narrowing, he tried to focus on the chakra and youki sealed in his forehead.

"There is no way anyone can overpower the curse seal, Kurama-kun. It only disappears at death!" Orochimaru shouted, laughing evilly.

"Bastard..." Kurama muttered as he collapsed to the ground, unable to access his chakra or youki. Summing the evil chakra, he attacked Orochimaru with all his will, ignoring the pain and becoming a mindless attacker. "I'll kill you," he whispered, stabbing at Orochimaru with his bloodied sword. "For what you made me do, I'LL KILL YOU!" Kurama shouted, enraged for the first time in his whole life.

"For what I did? You are the one who stabbed the Hyuuga brat through the stomach, Kurama-kun," Orochimaru taunted. "It's all YOUR fault he's dead."

Kurama stopped his attacking, eyes wide. They suddenly narrowed, and Kurama began laughing evilly, scaring everyone in the room, even Orochimaru, with its evil intent. "It was my fault you say? Do you think I am naïve enough to believe such bull shit, Orochimaru?" Kurama started laughing again, an evil look in his eyes. "I am no fool, Orochimaru. I know that what you say is lies. I am far from naïve," Kurama said with an evil smirk that rivaled Orochimaru's.

Orochimaru was shocked. The boy had such buried malice? It would have been perfect to use if he had found it BEFORE Kurama aimed it at him! "Damnit!" he cursed under his breath.

"Prepare to feel pain like no other, Orochimaru," Kurama said, reaching into his hair. He pulled out a death tree seed and shoved all of his evil chakra into it...

Still in Vancouver people, and writing as many chapters as possible. Nasty cliffhanger, ne? [evil cackle]