Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Thiry-six ( Chapter 36 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland


Chapter Thirty-six


Kakashi sighed as he eyed the carnage before his eyes. Blood and body parts of all sorts were strewn about the place. It truly was a sad sight. Their Hokage dead, killed by none other than Orochimaru, the bastard. Not only that, but Naruto had yet to return with Kurama. Shikamaru had returned a while ago with his father, as well as Shino and his father.


The silver haired jounin blinked. "Yes, Sakura?"

"The fight's over… isn't it?"

"Yes." Kakashi said, gazing out onto the bloody city, a small smile tugging at lips hidden by mask. "For now, at least."


Kurama was breathing heavily, and had just woken up. He'd found himself on Naruto's back, being carried piggy-back style. Barely managing to open an eye, he winced at the pain in his stomach. It had finally caught up with him, now that the heat of battle had ended. Mumbling something intelligible, he finally called Naruto's attention to him.

"Kurama? Are you okay?"

Kurama would have rolled his eyes, had he the energy. `Of course I'm not alright you idiot…' "Just… k-keep… wa… walking…" he managed to get out, trying to focus his brain on something intelligently. A haze had settled over his mind, and he couldn't completely comprehend what was going on.

"Don't worry, Kurama, I'll get you to Konoha," Naruto said, a determined look on his face. He knew they were almost there… he could smell the blood. It was thick in the air, and had aroused the demon within him slightly.


Kakashi's head snapped upwards as he sensed the approach of two weakened auras. Disappearing in a puff of smoke, leaving a baffled Sakura and an unruffled Sasuke behind. `Naruto… Kurama… You two better be alright…'

It was not to be.

Kakashi's eyes widened when he found an incredibly tired Naruto trying to carry Kurama the last little stretch to the outer edges of the village. "Naruto!" he called, jumping down in front of him.

A relieved grin met the jounin. "Kakashi-sensei! Kurama's injured… please, help him…" the boy managed before tipping forward, unconscious.

Kakashi caught both him and Kurama. Peeling the two apart, he was shocked at the sight of Kurama's stomach wound. His eyes widened as he took a quick look over it. It was serious. Summoning forth a dog, he placed Naruto on its back and carried Kurama himself. The two of them, dog and master, quickly made their way to the Konoha Hospital.





Why the fighting?

Why were they… fighting?

Wait… the three…

One is wrong.


Very, very wrong.

It should not be there.

It shouldn't.

Why is it?


With the two working together…

Why won't the third be defeated?

Why does it return?


Purify it…

Get rid of it…



Kurama woke with a start. Blinking rapidly. `What was that just now? That strange voice… no, feeling... it…' Kurama shook his head lightly. He couldn't describe it, even to himself. It felt like some… underlying… `thing'… Growling in frustration at the inability to explain to even HIMSELF how he felt, he tried to sit up. Immense pain met him, and he was quick to lie back down.


Kurama blinked. There was that alien… THING… again… It wasn't a voice… it wasn't entirely an emotion either… it wasn't even a conscious `thing'… what was it? WHAT WAS IT?



Kurama frowned. Purify what? What poison? He was poisoned?


"I see you're feeling better?" a voice said, seemingly wanting to get in-between Kurama and his thoughts.

Annoying human

Kurama frowned at the `thing'. "No. My stomach hurts," he said, a bit of ice in his voice.

"That is to be expected, especially with that wound you managed to sustain."

"Who are you?" Kurama asked, voice ice.

"I am a doctor," the voice said, walking forward into Kurama's range of sight.

Kurama eyed the man with cold eyes.

The short black-haired doctor smiled at Kurama and asked, "Someone wishes to see you, will you allow them in?"

Kurama blinked. "Sure."

The doctor nodded his head and walked out the door. Soon, a blond-haired ball of energy shot into the room and jumped on Kurama, knocking the breath out of him.

"KURAMA!! Are you alright??! Are you still hurt??! Does your stomach hurt??!" Naruto said so quickly that it sent Kurama's mind reeling… from the pain and the unintelligible words.

Strange creature

"No, I'm not healed. And I would prefer it if you got of my stomach… sooner rather than later," Kurama said, trying to ignore the `thing'.

"Sorry!" Naruto said, jumping off Kurama and scratching the back of his head uncomfortably.

Kurama shook his head, still feeling at the end of his mind something foreign… `It probably has something to do with that `thing'… what am I going to call it, anyway…?'

"Kurama?" a voice called from the doorway.

Kurama sat up, with the help of Naruto, and smiled at Neji. The Hyuuga was standing there emotionlessly. "Naruto? I'll come see you later okay? I'd like to speak with my teammate."

Naruto grinned. "Kay!" he said enthusiastically and ran from the room. `Finally… another person with a demon… and unlike Gaara, I can talk to him about it.' Gaara was just plain strange to Naruto, although they were the same, they were also so very different.

Neji shut the door behind Naruto and locked it. Walking up to Kurama, he slipped gracefully onto the bed and straddled the redhead. "I missed you," he said simply, leaning in quickly for a mind-blowing kiss.

Kurama moaned into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Neji and pulling the boy against him gently, mindful of his wound. When the two finally pulled apart, Kurama smiled. "I missed you too. Too bad you missed all the action, ne?" he said, smiling with his eyes closed.

Neji's eyes narrowed as he grabbed Kurama's chin and forced him to open his eyes and look at him. "I was worried about you. Why did you go off after that Gaara person?"

Kurama shook his head gently. "Orders. As a tool, I must put myself to good use. That is the way of Shinobi."

Neji blinked before asking, "Is that how I sound when I go on a rant about destiny?"

Kurama started laughing, ignoring the annoyed look on Neji's face. "You sound worse, actually."

Neji's mouth opened to argue, but Kurama silenced him with another kiss.

A knock sounded on the door, and Kurama sighed. "Why is it that we're ALWAYS interrupted?" he asked softly before Neji got up to answer the door.

"What?" Neji asked when he opened the door.

He was met with the sight of Gai.

And so, weirdness ensues.

"KURAMA! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!!" Gai shouted theatrically.

Kurama couldn't resist the urge to roll his eyes. "I'm going to be fine in a few days, Gai-sensei.

Gai had tears streaming down his face as he went into a rather long lecture about… um… what the hell WAS he lecturing about anyway?

Kurama blinked when the end finally came, wondering what the hell the man had just said. It was probably irrelevant, so he thanked Gai for his `get well gift' (a bouquet of flowers) and then promptly booted him out of the room. "A person can get no peace nowadays."

Neji laughed lightly and asked Kurama how his wounds had healed so far.

Kurama blinked and looked down at his stomach… which was basically one big patch of bandage. "I honestly have no clue. Why don't you check, Neji? You're the Hyuuga here," Kurama said with amusement colouring his voice.

Neji blushed lightly, but did as told. To his surprise, the wound was healing as he watched, and was almost completely done. "It's… healing as we speak. Almost finished, actually…"

Kurama smiled. "Great! Then I can get out of here soon!"


Kurama sighed as he shut the door to his and Kakashi's home. He had visited Naruto earlier that day, and the two of them had had a rather quiet discussion in Naruto's apartment about demons and the natures of them. Kurama had tried to answer as many of Naruto's questions as he could, and the two of them had made an agreement to meet up again another time so Kurama could meet Naruto's demon and talk to it. All considered, it had been a pleasant time, and Kurama enjoyed Naruto's rather obnoxious company.

Now he was at home again, his stomach completely healed. It was five days since the death of the Sandaime, and Kurama was left feeling lost without the old man… He needed a Hokage to give him orders. After all, he had pledged allegiance to the old man and any other Hokage to come after him. But without a Hokage, he felt strangely disconnected from the Ninja society…

It was a good thing that Jiraiya came by to tell him of their approaching departure.

"What? I'm leaving Konoha with you?" Kurama asked, blinking rapidly at the white-haired man standing at his doorstep.

"Yes. It was one of the last wishes of Sarutobi. You will be coming along with Naruto and I, in search of a new Hokage. On the way, we'll be training. Get your things together, and bring what you need the most. I'll come by tomorrow morning to pick you up," Jiraiya said before poofing out of existence.

Kurama blinked. Well, that definitely wasn't a lot of time to say goodbye, now was it? Sighing, he went back inside and stripped down. Removing all his weights, he smirked evilly at the idea of seeing Neji…

After removing all his weights, he hid them under the comforter of his bed and clothed himself again. Afterwards, he disappeared from his room with a poof, intending to meet up with Neji and `say goodbye'.

The sun was slowly beginning to set as Kurama arrived at the Hyuuga household. Knocking on the door, he was faced with one of the `guards.'

"What is your business here?" the stony Hyuuga asked.

Kurama kept his face calmly clear of emotion and replied in his soft voice, "I would like to see Neji of the branch."

The Hyuuga nodded his head and led Kurama inside the two doors. They walked along a path within the place. It truly was huge. Houses everywhere, gardens, Hyuugas… Soon they came to a training ground, and Kurama watched as Neji practiced fighting with another young Hyuuga boy. Their moves were graceful and swift, almost completely identical in the style, although Neji incorporated a few of Gai's moves in now and then.

Neji's attention swayed to Kurama when he spotted the redhead standing a little ways away. He earned a few closed tenketsus for his blunder. Quickly taking out the other Hyuuga, he walked over to meet with Kurama.

"I see you're training as hard as ever," Kurama said, smiling slightly.

Neji only smirked and ignored the watching eyes of the older Hyuuga. "What are you here for, Kurama?"

Kurama smiled mysteriously. "I'll be leaving Konoha soon, I just wanted to say goodbye."

Neji blinked, staring at Kurama like he had just grown another head. "You're leaving? Why? With whom?" he asked, rather too quickly for his own comfort but hey, his boyfriend was leaving!!

"I really don't know how long I'll be gone for. As for whom, that's a secret. And why… that's a secret too," Kurama said, smirking cockily, which earned him a punch in the face from Neji. The Hyuuga was soon rubbing his fist.

"Christ! What the hell ARE you made of?!! Metal?!!" Neji asked, gritting his teeth.

The other Hyuuga raised an eyebrow at the display of emotion, and decided to go inform Hiashi of this `new' Neji.

Neji glared at the main house member before grabbing Kurama by the scruff and dragging him out of Hyuuga territory.

Kurama was smiling like an idiot, and couldn't really help himself. He was going to show Neji his skill… hehheh

Neji dragged Kurama to a little creek, and settled down on the shore-line. Kurama watched the Hyuuga with curious eyes.



"Why do you have to… go?"

"To train and for other reasons I cannot say."

Neji turned and watched Kurama with saddened eyes. "You're leaving? Just like that…"

Kurama smiled. "I will be back, Neji. Don't worry."

The Hyuuga nodded his head and breathed deeply.

"However, before I leave… I'd like to give you a little present," Kurama said, eyes shadowed.

Neji blinked. "Present? What kind of present?"

"Do you want to know?"

Neji nodded.

Kurama spread out his senses, and after making sure no one was in the vicinity, he crawled towards Neji and gently pushed him to the ground. After wards, he straddled the boy and started kissing his delicious mouth.

Continuation of lemon on the following url: h t t p : / / a d u l t f a n . n e x c e s s . n e t / a f f / s t o r y . p h p ? n o = 3 7 3 1 9