Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Thirty-Seven ( Chapter 37 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland


Chapter Thirty-seven:


Disclaimer: The majority of the conversation between characters (except Kurama) will be almost entirely copied from the manga text. To those who don't like that, too bad.

Oh, and we're skipping the `Itachi shows up for the first time ever' part of the manga.

"EH?!! WHY?! Why do I have to go on a work trip with a pervert sennin?! Why should I go? And what for?!" Naruto asked Jiraiya as they walked down the streets of Konoha.

"Because it's a paid-for work trip. We're supposed to find a certain girl. It's also a `special' trip. We'll stop by the Red Light District in Hima. You will learn much more than what Kakashi has taught you," Jiraiya said, trying to be persuasive.

"I don't want to and I want Kakashi-sensei to teach me the chidori. NOPE…" Naruto said with an annoyed look, arms behind his head. `Don't think that's going to work on me.'

"And also this woman. She's so hot! She wants to meet you!" Jiraiya said, leaning down and looking at Naruto with a sly look.

"You're trying to fool me you perverted sennin!! Whatever you say! I DON'T WANT TO!!"

"Ha… she knows a technique even more amazing than the chidori. Did you know that? But you're not coming… I guess I'll have Sasuke accompany me instead…" Jiraiya said, walking ahead of Naruto.

"ALL RIGHT! LET'S GO!!" Naruto shouted excitedly. "I'm going to my house to pack up my things!! Pervert-sennin… Don't leave without me!!!"

Jiraiya laughed evilly after Naruto ran off, sweatdropping slightly. "Really… he is such a cute brat…" he said, rubbing his head. "Oh well… might as well go get Kurama…"


Kurama stared at his packed bag. Inside were four changes of clothing, around ten or so boxers, and another outfit he had found in town that day. It was meant for long missions, made of very strong materials, and had many pockets to put things in. The black cargo pants were baggy, but not overly so, and had a pocket specially made for a kunai holster or a shuriken holster on the side of the thigh. The net shirt was made of a strong fabric, and had many thin metal wires running along the threads for extra strength. The vest was the coolest part. It hung open on a person down to mid-thigh, dark and light green flame mingling and licking up the bottom. The main colour of it was a dark bloody red, almost black and it had two stylish looking pockets on the front that could be used to store anything from scrolls to medicine. Kurama had purchased a tank top to go over the net shirt, however, to almost entirely hide the metal plate on his chest and back. The arm guards had to be revealed, but it wasn't that big of a deal. For shoes, he had bought expensive hiking boots that had a lot of ankle support because of how high they were made. The material used to make the shoes and laces was strong, durable, and in style.

Smirking to himself, Kurama went over everything else he had in his mind. `I'm almost out of money, I've got a few emergency food pills as well as a first aid kit. Soldier pills for in the pocket of my vest… a few blank scrolls that MIGHT come to use for god knows what… and a sword. I love that sword… I'm so glad I bought it,' Kurama thought to himself with a grin.

It truly was a magnificent sword, the craftsmanship incredible. A katana, a little longer than most, incredibly sharp, with a nice grip. It was made out of the strongest alloy the smith could find and get at a reasonable price. The sheath was iron, and had a strange making to it so that every time you sheathed the sword, it remained sharp.

The katana was tied across the top of the bag, and had a strap that was packed away that could hold it on the wearer's back for easy access.

A knock sounded on the door, and Kurama was taken quickly out of his thoughts. `Time to go already?' he wondered to himself as he went to answer the door. Kakashi wasn't there… for some reason. Kurama wasn't all that worried though…

Kakashi was at the hospital from his encounter with Itachi and Kisame, unbeknownst to Kurama.

"Jiraiya? Is it time to go?" Kurama asked after he opened the door.

Jiraiya nodded his head. "Naruto's packing right now. Are you done?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Kurama smiled. "Of course. I finished ten minutes ago. I was just doing a look over before you came."

"I see. What did you bring?" Jiraiya asked as Kurama moved aside to let him in.

"Clothes, first-aid kit, my sword, and some emergency food. Why?"

"Just wanted to know. What do you have in this first-aid kit?" Jiraiya asked curiously.

"Needles, bandages, disinfectant for wounds, healing salve, soldier pills, string for stitches… that kind of stuff," Kurama said, going to his room to retrieve his bag.

Jiraiya blinked. "Wow, you're prepared. You gonna be our medic?"

Kurama smiled. "Why not? I don't know a lot about that stuff, but I know enough to be useful if I am needed," Kurama said, continuing the sentence on in his mind, `And unlimited plants to help me…'

"Good. Do you think Naruto is done by now?" Jiraiya asked, looking out the window at the sky.

"Knowing him, he'll bring everything but the kitchen sink…"

And that's exactly what he did.

"LET'S GO!!!" Naruto shouted, a pack his height and four times his volume set down beside him.

Kurama's eyes widened. "How the hell can you walk with that?" he asked, an eyebrow raised at the boy who was struggling to take a few steps.

"Are you really serious about this… You're bringing everything you have. Aren't we just going for a trip…" Jiraiya said, sweatdropping. `Man, Kurama was right about that…'

After getting rid of the majority of Naruto's `crap', as Kurama had so bluntly put it, they went on their way.


"Hey Pervert-sennin, what sort of jutsu are you going to teach me this time?" Naruto asked eagerly, catching Kurama's attention.

However, Jiraiya ignored him completely.

"Pervert-sennin…" Naruto said, irritated.

"Hey you, don't you know what an amazing person I am? Eh?" Jiraiya asked, annoyed. "It's been said that I'm the Toad Sennin. And that's not all. In the north, in the south, east and west… The legendary three ninja's white haired frog-summoning child! The handsome man that can silence a crying child! HE'S JIRAIYA-SAMA! That's me!" Jiraiya said, striking a rather comical pose.

Kurama blinked. "More like make a crying child scream," he commented cynically.

Jiraiya's jaw dropped comically as Naruto started laughing his ass off, rolling on the ground.

Kurama snickered to himself.

"And I thought you were the respectful one…" Jiraiya said, his expression still comical.

Kurama only smirked and replied, "Now look what you got yourself into." He then walked on, leaving a shocked Jiraiya and a grounded Naruto behind.


"Hey, Pervert-sennin-"

"My name is Jiraiya, damn it…"

"-I've got a hidden talent, don't I? Really?"

Jiraiya was silent.

"Hey, hey, why did you choose me? And why did Kurama come along?"

Jiraiya looked sideways, avoiding Naruto's curious gaze. "The Fourth Hokage was my apprentice, and you resemble him in a funny way. That's the reason. Kurama is here on Sandaime's orders, before he died."

`The Fourth Hokage?' Naruto thought to himself

Kurama watched the exchange with hidden interest. `The yondaime… they resemble eachother? In looks, perhaps? Or maybe their character… funny way… They must be very alike for Jiraiya to word it that way. Maybe Naruto is related to the yondaime?'


Meanwhile, in Konoha, Sasuke was searching for Kakashi. He found him sleeping in the hospital when another ninja came in.

"Is it true that Itachi came back?! And he was chasing Naruto?!"

Sasuke's eyes widened before he dashed out the door. `He came back… and he's chasing Naruto?! Why did he say that?' Sasuke thought before skidding to a stop at Ichiraku. "Old man! Naruto usually comes here for lunch. After that do you know where he went?!"

"Ah, Naruto. Jiraiya-san came and ate with him here. He said where he was going. Let's see… He was going to leave town for a bit, take a cattle-road down to the hotel-town or something… Jiraiya-san took him along when he left."

"Jiraiya?!" Sasuke asked, his face peculiarly clear of emotion.

"A great ninja. The Three's Jiraiya. Spotting him is easy. A big white-haired man."


"What a peculiar town…" Kurama commented, and Naruto nodded, his head flashing from side to side to check out the place.

"Naruto, Kurama, today we're staying here," Jiraiya said, then something caught his attention.

Both Jiraiya and Naruto made scary happy faces at the sight of a beautiful young lady, who winked at them.

Jiraiya grinned. "Kurama! Here's the key. Go up to your room, with Naruto, and refine your chakra straining."

"WHAT?!" Naruto exclaimed. "You Pervert-sennin!"

Kurama dragged Naruto up to their room, giving Jiraiya a look that said `be wary' before leaving. He sensed something wrong…

"What's this?! This sort of thing is always happening with Pervert-sennin. My training, riiiiight. I can see what he really hand in mind," Naruto ranted to himself, bristling.

"Naruto, do want training, right?"


"I can train you in chakra control. Although I don't know a lot of jutsu, I can at least help you in that aspect so you can LEARN jutsu faster in the future," Kurama offered.

"Really?" Naruto asked eagerly.

"Yes. Do you want to go do this now?"

"HELL YEA!!" Naruto exclaimed, and the two of them left.

Itachi and Kisame just missed them.


"Shoot. There are a lot of buildings. I can't go to them all one by one," Sasuke said to himself. Approaching an in, he asked, "Is there a blond stupid-faced guy about my age and a large white-haired old man staying here?"

"Hm… Yeah, I think I know the people you're looking for."

"Which room?"


Kurama frowned. They had just barely escaped those two menacing auras. What did they want? Regardless, Kurama had to get Naruto and him to a safe spot immediately. Those two were dangerous…


There was that strange THING again. What the hell was it, anyway?


Kurama blinked.

Want… idiot…

Was it just him or was that `feeling' starting to resemble words in his mind?


That was definitely a word… Kurama shrugged off the nagging feeling at the back of his mind and returned to the problem at hand. Sensing the two on their trail, he grabbed Naruto by the hand and dashed out of town, into the forest. His territory.


Sasuke knocked on the door. When it opened slightly, he pulled it open and yelling, "NARUTO!" He was met with a weird look from a blond kid and an old geazer. After seeing that they were obviously not Naruto and Jiraiya, he ran off. `He is close by.'




"For now, I want you to do exactly what I say, no exceptions, okay? Please?"

Naruto thought for a moment. "Why?"

"Just, please, Naruto. Trust me," Kurama said, looking into Naruto's eyes.

"… Okay."

"Thank you."


"Where could he have gotten to, Itachi?" Kisame asked, examining the room more closely.

Itachi was silent, watching the area. Spreading out his senses, he searched for the kid's chakra… Finding it, he dashed off to the right, following the fresh trail. Kisame followed behind.


Kurama stopped for a moment, and let go of Naruto's wrist. However, the blond was soon picked up and carried through the woods by Kurama, who knew the boy was too slow.

Naruto, about to make indignant noise about the situation, was quickly shut up by Kurama, who whispered, "Silence…"

Nodding his head, Naruto pouted in Kurama's arms. Soon they arrived by a creek. There, Kurama traveled upstream a ways and came to a conjunction. Turning left, he then went downstream, making no marks in the creek with his feet. Absolute stealth. He'd hidden his trail well. After a while, he jumped out of the creek and landed on a tree smoothly, and flashed thorugh the forest once again.


Uchiha Itachi was irritated. There should have been no way for the brats to know they were coming, yet it seemed as if they were doing everything to keep Itachi off their trail… Or rather, one of them was. Most likely the redhead. Naruto's foot prints were so obvious and easy to track it was sad. However, Itachi was surprised when Naruto's tracks suddenly disappeared, leaving nothing behind but a slight indent in the dirt from a person lighter on their feet. They tracked that person to the creek, and Itachi swore under his breath.

"How? How could genin get away from us so well? They should not have such stealth and knowledge of hiding their trail," Kisame commented.

Itachi said nothing, wondering which way they went. If he were a kid, he would go downstream, it was easier to walk. However, if he were an intelligent strategist… he would go downstream just to fool his enemy… Itachi immediately recognized the circle of thought and decided to just go upstream. Soon they came to a fork, and Itachi followed a hunch, and went downstream…


Kurama sensed the two auras growing closer, following his untraceable `trail'. `How? How they hell did they manage to follow me this far?' Kurama wondered to himself. Taking in a deep breath, he jumped straight at a large tree and commanded it to open up like the one during the second exam. It split apart like some alive `creature' and `ate' them.

"Kurama? Why are we in a tree?"

"Quiet, Naruto. This is the most important time to not utter a word or make a sound. Silence… silence…" Kurama said soothingly with his voice, Naruto still in his arms. The tree could grow leaves on the inside to change the carbon dioxide with oxygen inside their little cave, so Kurama wasn't worried about suffocating… no, he was worried about that evil chakra that stood right beside them right at that moment.


Itachi frowned. All trace of the two was gone, from the scent of roses, to physical trail. They just disappeared. Poof. Gone. Glaring coldly, he punched his fist into a nearby tree and broke it down out of anger. He wasn't pleased.

Inside the tree next to it, Kurama paled at the close call. The tree he was inside was frightened as well, with these predators in the vicinity.

"How do we find them?" Kisame asked.

Itachi shook his head. "I don't know. They've disappeared entirely. Something no shinobi can do, no matter how good. That means that they are here somewhere. We just have to find them.

Kurama swore in his mind. They were probably gonna start chopping down trees or something. Using his sick chakra carefully, he moved them downards to the base of the tree, where roots were. Expanding one of the main roots, they slowly slid down the tunnel because of all the liquids that were in this area.

Feeling rather sticky and dirty, Kurama relaxed as the tunnel closed above them. He could feel Naruto staring at him, probably becoming phobic of the small space. Placing his forehead against Naruto's, he created a direct link of thoughts.

)Naruto, you and I will be fine. I'm going to put us in a coma-like state so we use next to no air. We'll go into a state of suspended animation. Are you ready?(

)What the fuck IS this?!(

)Telepathic communication. Quite easy to do once you've mastered it. Now, we're going into a coma in three seconds…(

)Aw shit…(

Kurama knocked Naruto out and used his sick chakra to make a small tree in the area for a source of oxygen. It wouldn't last forever, but it would do for then.

Next, he to fell into a coma… Hopefully, he'd wake up again…