Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Thirty-Nine ( Chapter 39 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland


Chapter Thirty-nine:


The morning sun shone delicately through the leaves of surrounding foliage, creating a sense of surreal tranquility. A bright smile lit Kurama's face as he examined the assorted plants growing around them. Delicate fingers gently plucked the occasional seed and stored it in crimson locks.

"When are we going to start training?" Naruto asked, irritated.

And thus, the tranquility was broken.

Jiraiya smirked slightly. "Don't get so fired up, we still need to gather information on Tsunade's whereabouts."

Naruto blinked. "Gather information?"

"In this town," Jiraiya said as they looked over the hustle and bustle of a village built into the ground.

"Whoa!" Naruto said, grinning brightly as he looked at all the people and stores.

Kurama only smiled slightly. `Too bad I spent almost all my money on that new outfit... that I have yet to wear…' Sweatdropping slightly, Kurama followed Jiraiya and Naruto down built into the wall of stone at the edge of the city. It really was quite a nice view, the buildings old compared to those back in his dimension, and far more interesting. Glancing at his backpack, Kurama smiled at the katana strapped to it. He was really quite happy with it, and couldn't wait to test it out and try a few of Hiei's techniques with it. After all, the short fire demon HAD been the one to teach him the finer details of the sword than he had known before dying as Youko. (If anyone doesn't know anything about Yu Yu Hakusho and wants to learn about it, review or email me with your questions.)

"Awesome!" Naruto exclaimed. "This is the first time I've seen something like this!"

"Have a good time doing whatever you want," Jiraiya with a grin.

Kurama shook his head, watching little boys in ANBU outfits running around playing on the streets. He would entertain himself in different ways than spending endlessly. Maybe there was even a medicinal store around here... And with that thought, Kurama blended into the crowd, knowing he'd be able to find Naruto and Jiraiya later.

Wandering around, he spotted several small shops with food, trinkets, and many other assorted goods. Seeing nothing of interest, he kept walking. Eventually, he came across a gambling place. A smirk curled upon his face as he watched rich men go in and poor men come out. Pulling out his purse, Kurama eyed how much money he had left. Around 3000 yen… ($40ish Canadian). Then with a shrug of his shoulders, he placed a serious expression on his face and acted older than he was. Walking into the gambling joint, he eyed the competition with half-lidded drunken eyes. `Child's play…'

"Hey there," an old man with a greedy smile said, "You wanna gamble?"

Kurama slowly turned his eyes to the man and eyed the circle of men with a relaxed gaze. Shrugging, he walked over to the circle and sat down, placing his backpack beside him and watching it out of the corner of his eye.

"We don't do chips here, only money. You ready?" the man asked Kurama.

Kurama only nodded drunkenly and held his bag of money in his hand.

(I'm gonna make this kind of gambling up, cuz I really don't know how it would work normally.)

"Alright, who wants to challenge this young man first?"

A balding man with a wide girth spoke up, "I do."

The man, who seemed to organize the whole thing, nodded his head and placed to dice in a cup. Shaking it up a bit, he soon slammed it down onto the ground. "Odd or even?"

Kurama thought for a moment. Since he was new, the call was on him. Using a bit of chakra, he sent it out to feel the grooves on the top sides of the dice. "Odd," Kurama said, and used his chakra to make sure the men didn't cheat (like he had) by holding the dice in place.

"Place your bets."

Kurama pretended to be unsure, but dumped out his wallet anyway. There was a little more money in there than he had first thought, but that was okay.

The other man was more confident, however, and placed down a 10 000 yen bill.

Kurama almost blinked in shock. The man was either drunk, liked to flaunt his money, or was incredibly confident that Kurama had no idea of what he was doing. It was probably all of the above, in Kurama's opinion.

The man brought up the cup and surprised everyone with odd. The balding man cursed under his breath as Kurama pulled the money towards him. After doing so, Kurama was quick to excuse himself.

"Where do you think YOUR going?" one of the men said, standing up. "You can't just come in here, win a round, and expect to leave. You have to play longer than that," he said, stepping towards Kurama, who was placing his bag back on his back.

"I do expect so, and I will do so," Kurama said with a smirk, no longer pretending to be drunk. And, with a cocky smirk sent at the shocked men's faces, he slipped out the door and into the crowd. He'd made a pretty penny at that place. However, he didn't want to chance losing it all by gambling again and having someone spot him. That'd really suck.

With a slight smirk on his face, Kurama picked himself up a bite to eat and sensed out Jiraiya and Naruto's chakra signatures. When he found the two, he was surprised to see Jiraiya on a couch with two beautiful women on either side of him, sake bottles in hand. Naruto was also there, and looking at what appeared to be his empty purse in shock.


"N-Naruto, calm down… This is a misunderstanding. L-Listen!"

During his rage, a squid in his hand flew out and hit a business man's suit.

"LOOK WHAT YOU DID! What are you going to do about this, you stupid brat!" dumbass #1 said.

Naruto turned around in surprise.

"You put a stain on Akoki's designer suit!" dumbass #2 said.

"An expensive type of clothing! You better compensate us for this! Give me 100,000 yen for it!!" said dumbass #1.

"That suit is worth 100,000 yen?!!" Naruto yelled loudly.

"Even if that type of designer suit costs 100,000 yen, it still looks pretty cheap…" Jiraiya commented.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY, YA BASTARD?!! Cheap?! You better not mess with us for your sake!" dumbass #2 yelled, "Akoki is a former chuunin from the stone village. He's a legendary dark-nin and someone to be afraid of. An incredibly skilled ninja!"

"Ah? Legendary… you say?" Jiraiya said.

"I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT REAL PAIN IS!" dumbass #1 yelled, a vein popping out of his ugly forehead.

"Naruto…" Jiraiya began, a smirk on his face, "This technique is what you're going to be learning soon… So take a good look." Jiraiya jumped forward, a whirling mass of chakra in his palm. He quickly slammed it into dumbass #1's stomach. The curling motion of the chakra sent the man bursting backwards, spinning through the air onto the streets, taking his friend with him.

Kurama raised an eyebrow as he watched the spectacle from right outside the building. He sidestepped the flying men with ease and watched as they crashed into a small cart of water balloons. Turning back to Jiraiya and Naruto, he blinked when he saw dumbass #1's wallet in his hand. `Not bad…' Kurama thought, a slight smirk on his face, `Although, if he wanted to steal it, that was no way to do it.'

And of course, all mighty Kurama that I adore and fawn over would know how to PROPERLY steal something. He is the greatest and most gorgeous thief of all time, don't forget…

Jiraiya caught a balloon as it flew through the air, a slightly drunk smile coming across his face. "This is a victory fee I'll be taking," Jiraiya said to the two men unconscious in the mess. To the cart owner, he said, "Sorry about this… Looks like your cart's broken to bits…"

"Just what did you do…" dumbass #1 asked from the ground, completely out of it.

"I just saved you… You guys are weak, you know," Jiraiya said, turning his attention away from his held out money. "Now, old man! Here's payment for the damages and for all the water balloons."

Kurama's eyes narrowed slightly as he watched Jiraiya. `What in the world was that jutsu? And did I hear that Jiraiya's going to be teaching Naruto that? Will I learn it too?' he wondered to himself.

"Naruto! Kurama! Let's go! Time for training!" Jiraiya said, a smirk on his face.

Kurama nodded his head and readjusted his bag. He followed the two spike-haired weirdoes as they headed out of the small village. Once they were out of the hole in the ground known as the village, Jiraiya stopped their progress and turned to face the two of them.

"I can really feel the training tension!!" Naruto said intelligently, a fox-like look of determination on his face.

Jiraiya grinned at Naruto before turning to Kurama, thinking over something. "Kurama, would you like to learn this too?" Jiraiya asked curiously.

Kurama smiled and nodded his head. "I'd love to," he said politely.

Jiraiya nodded and tossed the two of them a water balloon each.

"Huh?! What's up with this thing?" Naruto asked, a little annoyed.

"Did you pay attention to the jutsu I just did?" Jiraiya asked.


"What did you see in the jutsu?"

Kurama smirked. `The force and spin of the chakra not only pushed them back, but sent them spinning across the street,' he answered in his head. He didn't want to give Naruto all the answers, and this jutsu was obviously for him to learn in the first place.

"Somehow… those guys were spinning around wildly…"

Jiraiya smirked cockily. Holding out a hand with a water balloon in it, he started to spin his chakra inside of it. "From a normal point of view, it would seem that way. They spun…"

And with a splash, Jiraiya made the water balloon blew up.

Kurama watched closely, noting the deformities in the water balloon just before it exploded.

"You've learned tree climbing, which required you to maintain your chakra level by focusing your mind, and keeping that concentration. With the water walking, you learned to release a set amount of chakra continuously. I taught you the second. And so, with this one you should use what you learned from water walking. Spin the water around!"

"The chakra with a continuous flow…" Naruto said, thinking rather hardly.

"Well, to fully understand the jutsu means you must be able to read the elements and predict the outcome. First, use the principles of tree climbing to maintain a moderate amount of chakra in your hands, and use the water walking principles to release that set amount continuously," Jiraiya said.

Kurama smiled slightly. Reading elements was easy for him, and he'd already done much water walking and other chakra control practices.

"I get it! Okay, until this water balloon is about to boil, do the spinning water training!" Naruto said enthusiastically.

"You'll eventually get good at this! All right… LET'S TRAIN TILL NIGHTIME!" Jiraiya yelled out.


Kurama only smiled and eyed his balloon curiously. Deformities… and make it burst… He'd work on it later that night when Jiraiya and Naruto were asleep. For the moment, he'd run to build up his stamina and let his mind mull over the technique. What was it called, anyway…


Naruto sat up in bed with half lidded eyes, his cute night cap on his head that kinda looked like a santa hat… Wandering into the halls of the hotel, he blinked at a meowing cat at his feet.

"Hey! Get down from there," a janitor called to the cat.

"Where's the toilet…?" Naruto asked groggily, farm from wide awake.

Once he was done, he watched the water of the toilet spin down…


Kurama opened his eyes slowly. Blinking, he sat up, instantly wide awake. Where was he anyway… Looking around, he quickly spotted the morning sun shining over the tree tops. Had he slept outside? Bringing a hand to his face, he rubbed any left over sleepiness from it and reopened his eyes. Finding himself on a tree with his water balloon safely on his lap, he wondered where Jiraiya and Naruto were. Turning to the building beside him, he saw Naruto through the window, leaving the room to go to the bathroom.

When had he gotten into the tree? Sleeping in the tree… That sounded too Hiei'ish. Shaking his head slightly, he stood up gracefully and hopped into the open window. Sitting on the window sill, still completely dressed (and feeling rather yucky), Kurama watched Jiraiya as he slept, a stupid expression on his face… Wait, didn't he ALWAYS have that expression on his face? … Kinda like Naruto…

Naruto came back into the room with a grin on his face.


"I DID IT! I GOT THE WATER TO SPIN!!" Naruto yelled with a determined grin on his face.

Kurama watched Naruto brag with an amused smile on his face.

"I can break this without thinking! It'll be so dam easy!" he yelled out.

"Well, I'll be back after I catch some sleep," Jiraiya said nonchalantly.

"How could you be in the mood for a nap now!" Naruto said with a pleased grin on his face.

Jiraiya smiled at Naruto as he glanced back.

Kurama couldn't help but say in his head, `Yeah, Jiraiya. How COULD you be in the mood for sleep? Even if you are, it's not likely you'll get much with Naruto around…' Following after Jiraiya, Kurama waited for the man to sit down comfortably against a tree before sitting down beside him. "Jiraiya… What is the name of this technique?" he asked in a quiet voice, although not timidly so.

Jiraiya didn't even open an eye as he answered, "Rasengan."

Kurama nodded his head, although Jiraiya didn't see. "And the point of such a powerful and reckless attack is…?"

At this question Jiraiya opened his eyes and looked at Kurama. "Very rarely does a student at your age ask such questions. Like Naruto, you should be ecstatic about this, yet you're so calm and stoic," Jiraiya said, his eyes serious for once. "How old are you?"

Kurama blinked. "Didn't you already ask that question before?"

Jiraiya shrugged. "I can't remember."

Kurama turned to look up at the sky. "In demon years… I was little over 3000."

Jiraiya's eyes closed again. "How old do demons from your world usually live?"

A frown formed on Kurama's face. "Well, the range is rather extensive. Some demons are killed after or before birth because of tainted blood or other reasons. Some demons are powerful enough to survive and live longer than me, although those are very few. I'm an S class demon where I come from, the highest class. Only demon lords are more powerful than me," he said quietly, so no one would overhear.

"Who's more powerful than you?" Jiraiya asked, a little curiosity sneaking into his voice.

"The son of another demon lord… Yusuke. He's half demon half human, and is now the ruling lord of his father's lands."

Jiraiya's eyes snapped open. "There can be crossbreeding?" he asked, his full attention focused on Kurama.

Kurama blinked. "Of course. As long as the demon and human have the right sexual organs, then it is quite possible."

Jiraiya blinked. "Wouldn't a half-demon half-human be weaker than a pure demon?" he asked curiously.

Kurama shook his head. "Oh no. It all depends on the power of the demon father or mother. Yusuke grew up as a human, and didn't know of his demonic blood until a while after he had died and then been brought back to life. It was a very strange case, for the reikai. He's a detective for them now, killing off demons that go into the ningenkai to wreak havoc or killing demons in the makai who are power hungry or are doing something reikai doesn't like."

Jiraiya blinked. "Reikai? Makai?"

"Reikai is where dead souls go and Makai is the world of demons," Kurama stated simply.

"Are you a spirit detective then?"

"Yes, I am of the Reikai Tantei."

Jiraiya nodded his head. "Your world is very interesting. How are you coming with the Rasengan?"

Kurama blinked at the changed subject. "Well, I didn't really try yet. I suppose I could try now, though…" he muttered, pulling out his balloon and jumping into the tree Jiraiya was sleeping against. Molding chakra into his hand, he slowly made the water spin counterclockwise. Trying to be creative, he went the other way. Finding counterclockwise more comfortable, he went back to it and started testing out the balloon. The little thing was really quite tough, and his sickly chakra was straining to move the water. Becoming irritated, he burnt of the sickly chakra with a huge burst of power, surprising the hell out of Jiraiya in the process.

"What did you just do?" Jiraiya asked, quite serious.

Kurama smiled. "Just expended my curse seal chakra. It's very irritating and tiresome to work with."

Jiraiya blinked before closing his eyes again.

Focusing his green chakra into the ball, he made the water spin counterclockwise easily. Experimenting, he made it stretch out horizontally, vertically, and many other assorted angles. Getting an idea (and having quite a lot of fun at the moment), Kurama made the water move in two currents, one horizontally, and the other vertically. His eyes widened in realization as he witnessed the four deformations in the ball. Adding on a few more, he practiced making them spin in perfect sincronization for a while. After being able to do it without thinking, he easily blew up the balloon over Jiraiya's head, thoroughly soaking the man.

Jiraiya opened annoyed eyes and stared up at a smirking Kurama. "What's next, sensei?" he asked with humor in his voice.

If you have any questions or pointers, please feel free to review. Constructive criticism is welcome.

AI-SAMA: please email me and let me know if you received my email to you answering your questions and ranting of chapter 37. lol