Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Fourty ( Chapter 40 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland


Chapter Fourty:


Disclaimer: The majority of text from this section of the manga comes directly from inane scalations (which I didn't actually GET from inane, because I can't get their stuff from their site. I got their scanlations off two other sites). I DO take credit for what Kurama does (he's not mine), and I do not take credit for what I took out of said scanlations, and am too lazy to specify what I copied, so figure it out yerself. Now, on with the ficcie, heheh.

"ARGH!! WHY WON'T IT BREAK ALREADY!" Naruto yelled angrily, glaring comically at his water balloon.

Jiraiya continued to snore.

Kurama continued to mold his chakra into strange objects, enjoying himself as he made a little fox run around on his palm, doing acrobatic tricks.

Soon Jiraiya was awake from the racket Naruto was making. "Can you do it yet…?"

Naruto smiled nervously as he turned around to look at Jiraiya.

"Seems like I won't be getting any sleep… and I was dreaming of such nice woman… heh…" Jiraiya said, standing up.

Kurama only shook his head up in his little tree.

"Ano… Since you're awake, would you tell me how to break this?" Naruto asked hopefully.

"I can't give the you full explanation until you break that," Jiraiya said bluntly.

Naruto made a face, and there was silence for a moment.

"Alright…" Jiraiya said, causing Naruto to smile happily. "Normally, you'd have to go through the trial and error to find out for yourself… to master the know-how of the jutsu. I can only teach a little… Let's see you maintain the spin of the water."

"Kay!" Naruto exclaimed, holding out his hand and spinning the water.

"Right or left, which way is the water spinning?"

"W…well… Only to the left…"

"You're coming along very well," Jiraiya said with a grin, patting Naruto's head. "Heh… Just as I thought, It's right rotation. Anyone can learn to train the rotation of the chakra from within. You should build up the essential energy to blend the chakra. The rotation's direction's either right or left. So, each person is different. For this lesson, spin the water in the balloon in the opposite direction of your own rotation by using energy… The chakra flow will be disrupted when it is not in harmony with the rotation. The thing is, you need to be familiar with your sixth sense," Jiraiya explained.

"How'd you know that I was the right-type?" Naruto asked curiously.

"The back of the head! Your hairline shows it. A right swirl becomes the right rotation. Left swirl becomes left rotation."

"Ooh! So you're saying I have a right swirl!" Naruto said, hands on his head.

"Yeah, so use the energy of the right rotation for the spin, not left," Jiraiya lectured.

"Then right now it won't work without spinning it to the right and using that kind of energy…"

"Bring out the jutsu in you! Don't worry about learning the seal, just using chakra is good," Jiraiya said. "You don't have to memorize such a difficult seal," he said, grinning his ass off.

"ALRIGHT! IT WILL BE EASY IF I USE UP ALL MY ENERGY FOR THIS JUTSU… By the third day I will perfectly master it!!" Naruto said excitedly.

"This ninjutsu is one that the fourth Hokage left behind. Yondaime perfected this jutsu after 3 years…" Jiraiya said, surprising Naruto. "To appreciate the degree of difficulty of this Jutsu, he was six grades above the second… "A"-Rank ultra high grade level.

Naruto was silent, eyes widened slightly.

"In order to comprehend the jutsu, you need to be at third grade level Jutsu. This `water balloon' is the first stage," Jiraiya said. "This water balloon is the first stage."

"Does that mean that there are 8 stages to the Rasengan? If Yondaime was six levels above the second… then that makes stage 8, right?" Kurama asked from his tree, his entire attention focused on Jiraiya.

Jiraiya smirked. "Yes, he was. I am too, but I prefer not to use the higher levels because of their difficulty and how hard they are to control properly."

Kurama nodded his head and turned his attention back to his little dancing foxy.

`The genius ninja, Yondaime… Three years…' Naruto thought to himself in shock.

"And to be able to clear the first stage like him, explaining this advanced jutsu to you would be worthless. You'll find out the rest for yourself. Well then! I'm going back to the inn. What are you going to do?" Jiraiya asked, walking away.

Naruto didn't answer, and stared down at the water balloon in his hand. `Appreciating A-rank degree of difficulty… The ninjutsu Yondaime left behind…'

Jiraiya turned back to see Naruto's answer.

"I'm not going back yet!" Naruto said with a grin.

Jiraiya smiled and turned back around. "Don't overexert yourself."

Naruto stayed late, stretching out the balloon, trying to get it to break. Kurama watched his nonexistent progress with amusement.

"SHIIIIIIIIIT!!!" Naruto yelled out, huffing. `Before the three days have passed I need to know the secret. It stretches flat like rubber, but why won't it break?! What the hell… is different about pervert sennin…'

oOoEnd of little flashback I wasn't aware of until I wrote this chapter [sweatdrop]oOo

Back to Naruto in the bathroom at the Inn with his cute little night cap on his head. A loud meowing sound broke him out of his musings. He stepped out of the bathroom to find the cat playing with his water balloon. "Hey! That's not your toy…" Naruto said.

The cat pushed it back and forth with it's paws, and it suddenly blew up on the poor shocked cat that ran off hissing.

Naruto's eyes widened in realization and a slight smirk came to his face. `…That's it…!'


"YOU COULD AT LEAST WAKE UP! HEY! PERVERT SENNIN!!" Naruto helled at the slumbering pervert.

Kurama, who still sat on the window sill, blinked as Naruto blew the water balloon up over Jiraiya's head.

"Wha?!" Jiraiya cried out, frowning, water all over his face.

"First stage, CLEARED! Naruto said with a fox-like smirk on his face.

After rubbing water off his face, Jiraiya sat up in bed and muttered, "Well, let me see it then."

"ALRIGHT! PAY CLOSE ATTENTION!" Naruto said enthusiastically, bringing back a fist.

Jiraiya blinked half open eyes. `He's holding it with his left hand?'

Naruto closed his eyes and focused. Suddenly, his eyes shot open and his right fist shot forward and shot around the ball wildly at many different angles. The water balloon morphed and dented before blowing apart. "Alright! See?! See?!"

Kurama coughed from where he sat as Jiraiya sleeped on, sitting upwards.


Kurama shook his head, watching the exchange from the window sill.

"Eheh, sorry, sorry… It's just I'm tired from gathering information every night," Jiraiya said nervously, scratching his head.

"Gathering information or woman watching, Jiraiya?" Kurama asked cynically, eyes half lidded.

Jiraiya made a shocked face at Kurama's bluntness.


Jiraiya, while being reprimanded by a furious Naruto, thought to himself, `But… Holding the water balloon in the left hand and repeatedly bringing his right hand forward into it, thus making the water swirl and rotate… That's a rather interesting concept… He's an interesting guy.'

Kurama smiled slightly. "How did you figure out how to blow up the balloon?" he asked curiously.

"This guy!" Naruto said with a foxy grin, holding up a cat. "His name's Shu. I saw him bouncing the water balloon with his front legs over and over again. And then it hit me. Because he hit it with his front legs many times, the water inside was moving in all sorts of directions. And then, a light when off in my head!"

"And how did it go off?" Jiraiya asked.

"I remembered that when Perv-sennin first broke the water balloon, it got all dented and deformed. Until now, I was only turning the water in one direction. I realized the reason Perv-sennin's water balloon was getting so misshapen was because you were turning the water in all sorts of directions. So, I did some improvising of my own… and it worked!" Naruto exclaimed happily.

Jiraiya smiled. `It looks like he's still a fair ways off from being able to make his chakra spin wildly on one hand. He thought everything over, and came up with his own solution,' he thought while Naruto grinned and laughed under his breath. "Well, I guess that means step one is complete."

"YEEESSSSSSS!!!" Naruto yelled out before wincing from the pain in his hands.

`The strain's starting to get to his circulatory system. But… this is nothing compared to step two,' Jiraiya thought to himself, serious expression in place.


Naruto grinned as the group of three made their way through the forest to their training area. Kurama was staring at the scenery, looking for rare seeds and plucking them when he found them. There were some rather interesting plants out here he hadn't really seen before…

"Okay, on to step two," Jiraiya began, a smirk on his face.

"Alright! Some proper training, finally!" Naruto said excitedly.

Kurama stopped walking and turned to face the two just in time to catch what appeared to be a rubber ball. Chuckling under his breath, he waited for the comical reaction from Naruto… he wasn't disappointed.

"Argh… another one of these tests?" he asked with a half-dead expression of suffering on his face.

"Now you must break THIS ball," Jiraiya said, rubber ball in hand. A few seconds later, the ball blew was shredded into many jagged pieces. "It's at lease 100 times harder than the water balloon.

Naruto tried, doing the same thing he did to the water balloon. The rubber balloon dented and morphed before stretching back to the way it was before. "Ehh… Cool!" Naruto said, an expression of seriousness upon his face. `So powerful!'

"First step is to spin, second step is to add power. If there is no water, it's harder to feel your chakra spinning, so powering it up and controlling it is difficult," Jiraiya lectured. "Practice that for a bit. I'm going to go collect information," he said, beginning to walk off.

"WAIT A MINUTE! Didn't you say that today you were going to train with me?"

"I said I'd teach you. But its not that simple. Don't misunderstand. I said that I'd teach you jutsu, but I never said the jutsu would be simple. If you can't depend on yourself, forget it. You are like a child, asking for help all the time. You have to BECOME a real ninja," Jiraiya said, glancing back at Naruto.

"Yeah, your right, but can you at least give me a hint?" Naruto asked, inconspicuously panicking.

"Money," Jiraiya said, holding out a hand.

Kurama shook his head, laughing slightly.

Naruto was silent before exploding. "YOU TALK, BUT YOU'RE A DIRTY GROWNUP! YOU AREN'T ANYTHING LIKE A GREAT SHINOBI!!" he yelled out, eyes flying open in irritation.

Jiraiya only walked off, ignoring Naruto entirely.

`Is he really gathering information…?' Kurama thought to himself. `Actually, I don't think I want to know…' he thought, sweatdropping slightly. Throwing his bag back over his shoulder, he walked off to a quieter area of the forest…

Naruto blinked. Where had Kurama gone…?


Kurama breathed deeply, focusing his chakra into his right hand first he made the chakra spin, then he fed it more power. To his annoyance, nothing was happening. Stopping his chakra, he sat down on the ground crosslegged and began meditating. An hour passed by quickly. He slowly opened his eyes once more, his mind clear and focused on the present task.

Thoughts randomly came to mind. The nature of chakra, battle formations, thought out attacks and gorilla warfare… Kurama's mind mulled over many different things that applied to fighting. Suddenly, a rather peculiar thought stuck out amongst the rest. During battles, if attacks were focused all over the place, it was over all very unaffective. Like when demons try to break down a wall, their attacks are useless… however, if the focus their attacks to one spot…

Green eyes widened in realization. `That's it! That's how to break the rubber balloon! Focus everything to one spot to break the thing apart… Now, where should I focus it… it I make it focus on a wall, it will just puncture a hole in it… What if I focused it to the middle?' Trying out his new idea, Kurama started to spin the chakra in his hand in many directions, denting it. Next, he put power into it and focused it on an invisible point in the middle of the rubber balloon. In his mind, he saw the chakra swirl around the one point. Adding a burst of power and maintaining it, the rubber ball quickly blew up in his face, sending him flying backwards at incredible speed…


Kurama opened groggy eyes. What had happened? Sitting up, he winced as he felt the metal plate on his back dig in. `I'll probably have a dent there… AGAIN,' he thought to himself in irritation, sitting up painfully. Feeling more pain than just in his back, he looked down at his right hand and was shocked at what he saw. His hand was a bloody mess. Dried blood coated it, and a bit of bone could be seen. Some of the muscles were severed, and it hurt like a bitch.

Groaning, Kurama stood up painfully and made his way over to his bag, which had been thrown against a tree not far away. Once close enough to it, he sat back down and pulled a water canteen out of it. Pouring the water over his bloody hand, he started to clean away the blood so he could get a better look at the damage. To his surprise, it wasn't as bad as he had first thought, and it was already healing slowly with the help of his youki. How long had he been asleep? The sun was just beginning to shine over the tree tops, so he must have been unconscious for the whole night and the majority of yesterday…

Pulling out his first-aid kit, Kurama began to get to work on his hand. First disinfecting it with rubbing alcohol, he winced at the stinging sensation. `This training is going to be the death of me…' he thought to himself. Reaching for a needle, he groaned when he realized that he didn't have any string that was used for internal wounds. The string he needed would dissolve slowly as whatever was stitched would heal together.

Thinking hard, he wondered what he would do. Suddenly an idea occurred to him. What if he used his chakra to sew the muscle together…?

That wasn't such a bad idea…


Naruto groaned. He been practicing all night and had only managed to puncture the stupid rubber ball!

"It seems like you're finally improving," Jiraiya said with his old man smile.

"Improvement? I only punctured the ball! I didn't make it blow up, like you…" Naruto muttered grumpily.

"Come on, don't be so stubborn. Here!" Jiraiya said, holding out a popcicle. "You've come a long ways on your own."

Naruto was surprised for a second before smiling happily, taking the popcicle.

"Once you've gotten this far, the rest is just a simple trick. Let's try it out a little…"


"Give me your right hand."

Naruto handed over his hand, and Jiraiya drew a swirl on it with a paint brush. "What's this?" he asked curiously.

Jiraiya drew the same swirl on his own right hand, and held it out to Naruto for him to see.

"It's the same, but what's the point?"

"I'll explain it now," Jiraiya said, fiddling in his top for something. "Look at this piece of paper!"

Naruto looked at it, a dubious expression on his face. "Okay, I saw, I looked…" he said, a weird expression on his face.

"Alright!" Jiraiya said, taking the paper and drawing on it. "Now look at it," he said, holding out the paper for Naruto to see.

Naruto stared at the swirl on the page. "… So what?"

"Ha ha… It's not that complicated, but… when I used the blank paper, you looked at it as a whole, right?" Jiraiya asked, a smirk on his face and a cig hanging from his mouth.

"Hm… I guess…"

"But how did you look at the paper with the dot? You stared at the center, right?"

Naruto's eyes widened. "YEAH YEAH!! Then? So what's the hint?!!" Naruto asked excitedly.

`This guy is slow after all…' Jiraiya thought to himself with some amusement. "That's called concentration! The concentration!" he said.

"Concentration?" Naruto asked, looking at the swirl on his hand.

"When the paper is blank, you eyes travel all over the paper when you look at it. However, if there is something on it for you to focus on, your eyes will automatically stare at that one center spot. This is called `concentration-of-one'… You come closer to a state where you can draw maximum power because your mind is calm," Jiraiya explained.

"Hmm…" Naruto sucked on his popcicle while thinking about it.

"However, when you made that hole in the ball, you must have focused a lot of charka into your palm to push your power to the limit."

"Yup yup! So… what about that anyways?" Naruto asked intelligently. (note the sarcasm)

`I'm tired of explaining things to this dumbass,' Jiraiya thought irritatedly. "Listen well, Naruto! From now on, whenever you wanna focus your chakra on your right palm, make sure you concentrate you mind on the dot on your palm first!" Jiraiya said.

Naruto stared down at the swirl on his palm. `Concentrate…'

"I'm going to go look for Kurama and see how he's doing. After that I'm going to go collect information," Jiraiya said, not giving Naruto any time to complain before he disappeared.

Naruto's eyebrow twitched. "Heh, I'll just forget about that perverted guy and do my best!" he said to himself, grinning.


Kurama sighed. He was almost done stitching everything back together with his chakra. The skin would take a while to grow over again, though, unless he sped up the process with youki.

"Kurama? What happenened here?" Jiraiya asked, coming out of the trees with a shocked look on his face.

Kurama blinked, then assessed his surroundings… He hadn't noticed that hole in the ground earlier… or his blood all over the place… he'd been too occupied with his hand… "Um…" he said uncomfortably, looking back to his hand.

Jiraiya spotted a few pieces of rubber here and there, and his eye brows shot up. "You did this with the level two Rasengan?" he asked in surprise.

Kurama nodded his head. "And I tore my hand to pieces in the process. I used to much power when focusing it into one spot, and it blew up in my face. I didn't wake up till just an hour ago, I would think…"

Jiraiya kneeled beside Kurama and watched as the redhead stitched the last bit of muscle together with chakra, then began to wrap bandages around the wound. "Are you sure that'll fix it?" he asked curiously.

Kurama smiled weakly. "My youki can fix the skin within a day. It was just the muscles I was worried about, and a few cuts in the tendons. I sewed those together again, though, and they should finish stitching back together within a few hours."

A thought occurred to Jiraiya. "Why don't you heal like Naruto does?" he asked curiously.

Kurama smiled sincerely and looked Jiraiya in the eyes. "Because I don't know how."

This chapter was 10 pages long, ppl. That's a record for me! Well… it was actually just past 10, but whatever. I hope you enjoyed it.

AI-SAMA: please email me and let me know if you received my email to you answering your questions in chapter 37.