Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Forty-six ( Chapter 46 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland
Undoubtedly, you have all wondered, at some point, about NEJI! All I'll tell you is that I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the two of them yet. For all I know, Neji DIES.
Chapter Forty-six:
Naruto's breath was ragged as he rested his exhausted body. He had managed to successfully execute the Kyuubi Bunshin no Jutsu, but it took a lot of energy out of him to get Kyuubi to remain in existence for more than a few seconds. “What am I doing wrong?” he breathlessly asked Kurama.
A gentle frown had been occupying Kurama's face for a while now as he watched Naruto struggle with the Jutsu. “You're chakra control is far better than normal, and you waste very little when doing a jutsu. However, it seems that your chakra reserves aren't strong enough to support Kyuubi's energy. We're going to have to increase your chakra, and in order to do that, we'll also have to increase physical strength. Does Kyuubi have any different ideas?”
Naruto spaced out for a moment before saying, “He agrees with you.”
“Then we're going to have to get you some weights and new clothes. I don't have any money right now, though, so we're going to have to `borrow' some from Jiraiya…” Kurama said with a mischievous smirk.
Naruto grinned as the two of them planned a way to swipe some money from Jiraiya's wallet.
Later that night, when Kurama had gotten Jiraiya sufficiently drunk to the point where he passed out, the redhead slipped some money from Jiraiya's pocket after taking him back to the hotel. After having completed their little `mission', Kurama and Naruto headed back out into the forest to train until it was time to sleep. The next day they would go buy Naruto a nice outfit and a whole crap load of weights.
Kurama had long since managed to perfect the Rasengan up to level 3, and was helping Naruto with focusing the energy and pouring power into it. Kurama would force him to keep the Rasengan activated for hours at a time, constantly pouring more power into it and trying to keep the upped amount of chakra under control.
Around midnight the two of them fell asleep in the flowers again, Naruto extremely exhausted and Kurama tired from the extra weight.
oOo Fifth Morning oOo
Naruto blearily opened his eyes to find Kurama no where in sight. Blinking, he sat up and yawned. Looking up at the sky, he saw that it was around noon. `Kurama let me sleep in… why?' he thought to himself with a confused frown on his face.
“Perfect time to wake up, I just finished shopping.”
Blue eyes looked up to see a grinning Kurama, a few bags hanging from his hands. “What did you get?” he asked sleepily.
A warm chuckle filled the air as Kurama sat down beside Naruto. “First of all, I bought you a wicked new outfit. Then I got you some weights, and some ramen to go,” Kurama said, pulling stuff out of the bags as he spoke. Smirking, Kurama handed Naruto a pair of black cargo pants and shirt with net sleeves. “Go put those on, as well as these boots and socks,” he said, shoving the purchased items into Naruto's arms.
The blond boy blinked and went into the bushes to do as he was told.
When he came back, he saw Kurama smile at the site of him. He blushed lightly as he stared down at the outfit. He watched as Kurama stood up and walked over to him. He put a black vest on Naruto's shoulders, and the boy put his arms through the holes. It hung nicely on him, going a little ways past his hips. A belt with pouches on it was placed on his hips, which was full of kunai, medical supplies, shuriken and a few other things. To finish it all off, Kurama put on shin-guards and arm-guards that were incredibly heavy and suited the outfit well.
“There. Now I'm not embarrassed to be walking along the street with you,” Kurama said playfully, shoving Naruto a little with his arm. The slight nudge caused the boy to lose his balance, and he went toppling to the ground with a thud. Kurama blinked innocently. “Wow, looks like those weights are heavier than I thought they'd be…”
Naruto glared at him from the ground and slowly pulled himself up, struggling. “Kurama! How am I supposed to be able to move with these things!”
The redhead only smirked. “We're going to play a game of tag. If you catch me, I'll let you eat your lunch. If you don't, then I'll eat it all by myself.”
Naruto's eyes widened, but before he could say anything, Kurama had run off with the ramen. Grimacing, Naruto ran after Kurama, forcing his strained muscles to work under the pressure of gravity.
oOo Sixth Morning oOo
Naruto grimaced as he woke the next morning. (Not only had Kurama not let him eat the day before, but he'd had to nurse his bruises on his own with his new medical supplies). They trained all day, running, and doing pushups and other such exercises. Once Naruto was exhausted that evening (and after they ate supper), they practiced chakra control by walking on the stream, climbing trees, and battling eachother with small balls of chakra.
Naruto was out like a light as soon as his head hit the grass. Kurama stayed up a little while longer to train himself to get used to the weights. Because of his and Naruto's quick healing, they excelled quickly after a good night sleep.
“Tomorrow is the end of the bet with Naruto, Right?”
Tsunade was silent as she fiddled with something in her hand.
“I wonder how he is doing…” Jiraiya said as he tipped back his glass of sake.
While he wasn't looking, Tsunade slipped some powder into the sake bottle. She watched as he poured some in his cup and got ready to drink.
“Thanks for waiting! Your radish is ready,” the man behind the bar said, placing the dish on the counter.
“Ah! That looks good…” Jiraiya said, before drinking the sake in one gulp.
“Tomorrow...” Shizune began, “please, don't go!”
Tsunade didn't say anything, and continued to stare out the window.
“Why won't you say anything? Tsunade-sama! Answer my request! If…. You say you're going…” Shizune trailed off.
“What will you do?”
“Even if it costs me my life… I will stop you!” Shizune said bravely.
“Shizune…” Tsunade began with a deadly expression, “who do you think you're talking too…?”
Tsunade walked by and punched her in the stomach. The last thing Shizune saw was Tsunade walking out the door.
oOo Final Morning oOo
“Sir! It's morning! Please, wake up already!” the owner of a small stall called to an old man sleeping on the counter. “Geez! Yo?” he yelled, shoving the old man. The limp body fell off the counter. “H-Hey! What's wrong!”
Meanwhile, Orochimaru and Kabuto were running through the forest, heading to the place they had made the deal with Tsunade. “It would be a problem if there was interference during the exchange,” Orochimaru said to Kabuto.
“What are you suggesting?” Kabuto asked calmly.
“Tsunade's associate… It might be best to kill her…”
Kabuto's expression darkened as he pulled out a kunai, stopped himself against a tree, and shot off to the side.
Naruto and Kurama stared at the sight of Shizune on the floor of her apartment. Both of them had come to see Tsunade because Naruto wanted to show her he had won the bet. However, there was no sign of Tsunade and Shizune was off in dreamland.
“Hey! Wake up!” Naruto said, shaking Shizune roughly.
When she woke up, she exclaimed, “Oh no! What day is it!”
Naruto backed off, surprised. “M-Monday… why?” he asked, blinking.
“Where is Tsunade?” Kurama asked the wincing woman, who was clutching her stomach.
“Yeah! Today's the day of the bet, and I wanna show her that I can do it!” Naruto said with a grin on his face.
`Oh, yea… I have to get moving!' Shizune thought, remembering what was supposed to happen that day. “Naruto-kun, Kurama-kun, stay here!” she yelled as she prepared to jump out the window. A thrown kunai stopped her in her tracks, however.
Kurama, Naruto, and Shizune looked at the one who had thrown the kunai.
“Shizune… Wait…” a sweating and weak-looking Jiraiya said.
The three of them helped him to sit down and listened to his explanation.
“That damn Tsunade drugged my sake. I can't release my chakra well and my whole body stings… I can't even hold chopsticks…” he managed to get out.
Kurama rolled his eyes and bashed Jiraiya over the head. “Couldn't you be more cautious around people? One of these days we won't be around to save your ass,” he said indifferently, his expression rather cold.
Naruto looked at Kurama in surprise before turning to look at Jiraiya's indignant look. He sniggered quietly to himself.
oOo AN: this is mangacopying, (which is boring as HELL) so if you want to skip ahead, I'll have a bunch of oOo symbols where it's changed. (there might be small irregularities in the copied bit).oOo
Kabuto watched the exchange with surprise on his face. `Jiraiya-sama is with them…? This complicates thing… I'll have to report this to Orochimaru-sama. But Naruto-kun… why are you here…?'
Kurama gave Jiaiya a significant look and a tiny jerk of his head in the direction of a ninja he sensed nearby. Jiraiya looked and caught sight of gray hair disappearing around the corner.
“Hey… Shizune… Your negotiations with Orochimaru… It's about time you tell us…” Jiraiya trailed off, giving Shizune the look.
“Orochimaru?” Naruto muttered to himself in surprise.
“…I wished to believe in Tsunade-sama… So I remained silent… But now…” Shizune lowered her head, eyes shadowed. Standing up, she exclaimed in a determined voice, “We don't have much time! Follow me! I'll explain on the way!
“I'm coming too!”
Tsunade stood, back turned to the newly arrived Orochimaru.
“Your decision?” he asked her in that cold snake-like voice of his.
Tsunade was silent.
“She has to say no!” Naruto exclaimed as they jumped through the trees. Kurama silently agreed with him.
`This could get really nasty…' Jiraiya thought to himself, a dark look on his face. `Tsunade still hasn't been able to release their memory and move on…' he thought as they glimpsed the place of meeting through the trees. `Depending on her answer… I may really have to kill her!” Jiraiya thought grimly.
Naruto's eyes were narrowed as they approached the destroyed castle, while Kurama's expression remained impassive.
“I will heal your arms… In exchange, you will not touch the village…” Tsunade finally spoke.
“Heh heh… All right,” Orochimaru said with an evil smirk on his face.
Images of Tsunade's younger brother and boyfriend flashed through her mind. Tears leaked down her face as she walked towards Orochimaru.
“If his arms are healed, he will attach the leaf again!” Shizune called to Jiraiya.
“If we don't stop Orochimaru now, an even more dangerous situation may occur.”
`Damnit!' Naruto projected the thought at Kurama.
)That would be agreed upon, Naruto. I have yet to show Orochimaru my `appreciation' for the damned seal he `bestowed' upon me,( Kurama projected back, sarcasm lacing his every word.
Naruto turned to look at Kurama, but his face did not betray the hatred he felt for the snaky bastard.
Kabuto landed on the tile roofed wall, a thoughtful expression on his face as he watched a ball of energy appear between Tsunade's hands. The two of them jumped apart when he threw a kunai at between the two of them, sensing her wish to kill. Jumping down from the wall, he landed a ways behind Orochimaru.
“What is this… To come this far, and betray me…” Orochimaru said, his eyes widening angrily as he finished, “TSUNADE!”
Kabuto remained silent behind Orochimaru.
“How could come to an answer like this, Tsunade-hime? To try to kill me... But I trust you, Kabuto from the bottom of my heart. Your loyalty, and the ability to see Tsunade's attack…”
“Yes… We both began from the medical field, so… Her chakra was full of intent to kill,” Kabuto explained.
“Tsunade, I really intended to revive those two. I even promised not to destroy the Leaf…” Orochimaru said.
Tsunade looked down. “Heh. Orochimaru, I know that you not touching the Leaf was a lie. I knew that but… I… Those two people… Even for just one more time… I wanted to see them… Even for just one more time… their smiling faces… But… I'll really be able to see Nawaki and Dan again. The moment I felt that on my skin, I realized to myself… that I am a total fool.” Tsunade, said, tears falling from her eyes. “Those two's faces, from just remembering them… For me to become this blind… I loved them, because I truly love them1 I wanted to see and hug them! But I couldn't,” Tsunade said as she thought of Naruto. “Because of that brat., because I now remember those two's dreams. I had tried to forget. The dream to become Hokage. Having those dreams come true was also my wish. All things that have shape eventually decay, you've said that. But… Only this feeling… will not decay,” she said, a sad frown on her faces as she cried.
“So the deal if off… No choice then, we'll have to force you to do it.”
Tsunade wiped the tears from her face and stared at Orochimaru with steely eyes. Jumping up, she slammed her high-heeled foot down onto Orochimaru, who jumped out of the way. The ground cracked and broke like a spider-web, the walls around the road collapsing under the tremendous force of the woman.
“Let's do it, Kabuto!” Orochimaru said from where he had landed with Kabuto.
“I told you… this medicine is going to be beyond bitter!”
“…come! OROCHIMARU!” Tsunade said, anger rolling off her in waves.
“Now that I think about it, I realize I never fought against you before…” Orochimaru said, trailing off.
“THAT'S TRUE…” Tsunade said, throwing off her `coat' as she charged at Orochimaru.
“I wonder how you could say that… It's me who is fighting her now…” Kabuto said.
“YOU BASTARDS, I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU HERE NOW!” Tsunade yelled, pulling back a fist as she punched down the wall from beneath them.
“Even one hit can end your life…” Orochimaru warned Kabuto.
“Yes, I can tell…” Kabuto said. “This place is a bit too crowded for this kind of fight…”
“Are you planning on moving this fight elsewhere?”
“I think that would be wise. There was also someone with Tsunade's servant who worries me… we don't know when he might come and help her out.”
“Who is it?” Orochimaru asked.
Orochimaru's eyes widened a fraction in surprise.
`I won't let you escape,' Tsunade thought to herself as she watched Kabuto and Orochimaru jump away.
The four ninja (and pig) stared at the destruction in awe.
“Whoa… that Tsunade-hime has gone pretty wild,” Jiraiya said with a smirk.
`So… Tsunade-sama has declined!' Shizune thought to herself in worry.
“Ton-ton! Which way did she go!” Shizune asked the pig, who began following its nose.
Tsunade huffed, surrounded by indents in the ground and half-destroyed rocks. Kabuto stood across from her, in a similar condition.
“Tsunade seems to be running out of breath,” Orochimaru commented. “It might be good to use `it' now…”
“Although I'm not that strong with taijutsu…” Kabuto said, reaching into his pouch. He plopped a soldier pill in his mouth. After he was done chewing, he did a bunch of fast seals before pulling his hands apart to reveal them covered with chakra.
`So this child also knows medical ninja techniques,' Tsunade thought to herself as she watched Kabuto disappear with a poof of smoke. He reappeared below her, and she jumped up before slamming her fist into where Kabuto just was.
Kabuto kicked a rock, breaking it into many small pieces before appearing behind Tsunade, who had flipped backwards. He touched a few places on her body with his chakra-covered hands before she managed to hit him away.
“Ouch!” Tsunade exclaimed as she tried to move her body. `Muscles!' she thought in surprise as she stared at her trembling biceps.
“I've cut your biceps and abdominal muscles. You won't be able to use your powerful strength.”
“Chakra scalpel… Why aren't you aiming at my arteries?” Tsunade asked from her place on the ground.
“Certainly, with this chakra scalpel, I could have severed al l your muscles and blood vessels… However, during a fight, I can't maintain one long and precise enough to penetrate all the way to your arteries and hear muscles. Well, either way, as long as I aim for your neck, there shouldn't be a problem…” Kabuto said as he rushed at Tsunade, who was trying to stand.
Tsunade tried to dodge, but Kabuto's hand hit her upper chest. She burst into a fit of coughs. “Shit! You hit my lung muscles… can't breathe…” `This boy is not an ordinary medical ninja. His senses and strength may exceed even my own in my prime.'
“It would be troublesome if you were to die now… So I won't aim for your neck. But you won't be able to move around,” Kabuto said confidently as he pushed the bridge of his glasses up. His eyes widened in surprise as Tsunade hit him on the back of the neck with a chop. His body was sent flying across the ground. `I see… she isn't ordinary… an average person would just suffer and not be able to move at all… Did it not penetrate deep enough because of her fat breasts?' Kabuto wondered as Tsunade collapsed coughing. `It seems that… I need to be a little more serious… What?' Kabuto's eyes widened as he stared down at his body. `I'm trying to move my hand… but my leg is moving? Is this…!' Kabuto's thoughts were interrupted by Tsunade punching him in the face. `This… this isn't caused by my muscles… it's caused by the nervous system…!'
“You seem to have realized… Yes, it is a result of your nerves. I changed my chakra into electricity and sent the electric waves into your nervous system!” Tsunade announced before doing some quick hand seals and healing her chest.
Meanwhile, Kabuto was doing a quick check over his body to figure out what made his body move which way. `It's tiresome, but… Now I've figured out how to use 80 of my body.' “Don't think with that level of technique, you will be able to defeat me!” Kabuto said as he pulled out a kunai.
`What! He already figured out how to control his body? This boy is no ordinary ninja…'
“You're afraid of blood, right! I'll show you some now! I'll scatter just enough blood until you are at the brink of death…” Kabuto said as he ran at Tsunade. However, he was interrupted by an explosion of smoke.
When the smoke had floated away with the wind, it revealed Jiraiya, Naruto, Shizune, Kurama, and Ton-ton.
“Long time no see, Jiraiya,” Orochimaru said coldly.
“You haven't changed at all, Orochimaru. Those wild eyes…” Jiraiya said cockily.
“Naruto-kun…” Kabuto greeted.
“WHA!” Naruto exclaimed in surprise.
“Kabuto-san. Fancy seeing you here,” Kurama said calmly, his voice betraying no surprise or emotion (though he wasn't surprised anyway).
“I see you know who he is…” Jiraiya commented, looking side-ways at Kurama and Naruto.
Tsunade gritted her teeth and hit Jiraiya out of the way. “MOVE!” she shouted as she ran at Kabuto.
“Hey!” Jiraiya shouted indignantly.
Kabuto raised his kunai and slashed his wrist right in front of Tsunade, who stopped and stared at the blood in horror as she began to shake. “My body has finally started to move.” `It is bad even for me to go against two of the three great ninjas… I'LL STOP THEM!' Kabuto thought to himself as he punched Tsunade back.
Shizune caught Tsunade as she was sent flying.
“Hey! Hey! What the heck's going on! Why is Kabuto fighting Tsunade!” Naruto exclaimed in surprise.
“You are so thick, Naruto-kun. That's why you can't compare to Sasuke-kun,” Kabuto said as he huffed slightly.
oOo oOo oOo oOo oOo oOo oOo oOo oOo oOo oOo oOo oOo oOo oOo
“Naruto. His headband,” Kurama stated calmly. )Naruto, your emotions are on display. You and I are going to have to work on that.(
)I can't believe that bastard betrayed the leaf!(
“Unlike Sasuke-kun, you have no talent in becoming a shinobi,” Kabuto said factually.
Naruto's eyes widened slightly before turning to look at Kurama, who was chuckling gently.
“And you are one to judge,” Kurama said serenely, a disarming smile on his face as he shrugged out of his vest and gently placed it on the ground. “Naruto will become a very skilled shinobi over time, and everybody has their special talents. My talent…” Kurama suddenly disappeared, reappearing instantly behind Kabuto. A kunai stabbed itself through Kabuto's shoulder before he could move and twisted roughly.
“…is the ability to kill.”
+Toki Mirage+
(Runs and hides from people who are scary and hate cliffhangers.)