Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama in Narutoland ❯ Forty-seven ( Chapter 47 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama in Narutoland:
Chapter Forty-seven:
My talent…” Kurama suddenly disappeared, reappearing instantly behind Kabuto. A kunai stabbed itself through Kabuto's shoulder before he could move and twisted roughly.
“…is the ability to kill.”
Kabuto's eyes widened in shock before he roughly pulled away from Kurama and jumped towards Orochimaru. Using a medical jutsu, Kabuto quickly healed his wound. "What would you have me do, Orochimaru?" he whispered.
Orochimaru thought for a moment before smirking. "Kill Tsunade and the redhead brat. I will not have them interfering with my fight with Jiraiya."
"Yes Orochimaru-sama," Kabuto said before appearing beside Tsunade, who was covered with Shizune's coat. Shizune jumped forward to protect the paralyzed Tsunade and kill Kabuto. Holding a kunai in her hand, she stabbed at Kabuto only to have him kick her away. As Kabuto went in for the kill, Kurama appeared in his way and nailed him in the stomach. The white-haired jounin flew backwards across the ground, and his body dug a trench in the dirt. When Kabuto looked up, his eyes were met with smirking amber gems. The killer-intent radiated off of Kurama in waves of dark energy as the curse reacted to his lust for blood and began spreading across his body.
Becoming quickly annoyed by the dark seal eating away at his chakra, Kurama quickly burnt off all the chakra of the curse seal in a huge burst of energy. The tainted chakra oozed out and killed any small signs of life in the barren area. Smirking at Kabuto's shocked expression, Kurama accessed his chakra reserves to increase his speed to rush at Kabuto. His chakra-enhanced muscles increased his speed to the point where it looked like a flash of light to even Orochimaru's eyes.
Before he could react, Kabuto had a Rasengan in his stomach. The chakra ate away at his organs and exploded outwards when Kurama released control of it. The result was bloody. His body was literally torn to shreds with bits of bone, organ, skin, and blood flying everywhere. Kurama's expression was indifferent as he 'powered down' and golden eyes faded to green.
Naruto was shocked. Not only had Kurama easily defeated a jounin, but he had made it so... ruthless. Naruto emptied his stomach on the ground and turned his eyes away from the sight. Shizune was glad that Tsunade had been turned away from it, and Orochimaru and Jiraiya stopped their fight to stare.
Kurama merely walked back to Naruto and stood there calmly and emotionlessly. He was just like the roses he loved. Beautiful but deadly. "It seems I killed your servant, Orochimaru," he stated as if talking about the weather.
Orochimaru glared at Kurama and sweated slightly as he looked back and forth between Jiraiya and the others. "I'll be back to kill you, Kurama!" Orochimaru vowed nastily before disappearing into the ground and fading from the area.
Kurama walked calmly over to Naruto and rubbed his back gently. "Be aware that that will be the result of the Rasengan if you use it on a person, Naruto," he said gently before standing and pulling Naruto up with him. "Sometimes, regardless of the gore, you must do things you would rather not."
Tsunade looked up at Kurama as he said those words and then over at the bloody splatter that had been Kabuto. Her shuddering increased drastically before slowly quieting. Kurama's calm and gentle words finally pierced through her and made her come to terms with her fear of blood.
"Even if you have a fear of blood, you must do things that you must or you will never live your life," Kurama said, aiming the comment (obviously) at Tsunade. She relaxed and stared down at her hands before smiling slightly.
"Perhaps a brat like you is right. I must move on," Tsunade said as she stood up with her hands holding Shizune's coat on her shoulders. "Jiraiya, I have decided to become the Godaime," she said with a smile on her face; she looked at Naruto. "Have you mastered the Rasengan?" she asked.
Naruto smirked before forming a perfect Rasengan in the palm of his hand with little effort. "Of course, obaa-chan," he said with a smirk.
Tsunade's eye twitched in irritation and she went to smack Naruto into the ground. As he closed his eyes, she smiled and put the necklace around his neck. He blinked in surprise after feeling it put on before smiling back.
"Good job, Naruto," she said and kissed him on the forehead.
Kurama smirked at Naruto with a suggestive expression. Naruto quickly bashed him up the side of the head and chased him playfully around the group; both were grinning.
They decided to spend the night at a nice restaurant and enjoy the last evening they would have together before they had to get to work. It was then that Kurama told Jiraiya about him taking Naruto away to train.
“Five years? That long?” Jiraiya asked in surprise.
Kurama resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “Five years isn't nearly ENOUGH. It is the minimum. If I have to, I will extend it with or without your permission. Naruto MUST learn how to fully access its chakra and forms.”
“In the end, it is my decision,” Tsunade said, a slight blush on her face from the sake. “I am the Hokage after all.”
Kurama sighed. “Yes Hokage-sama. I would never be able to go against your orders, but I must stress how important this is.”
Tsunade blinked. “Why wouldn't you just ignore my orders?”
A red eyebrow twitched in annoyance. “I had pledged my allegiance to Sandaime and agreed to take orders from all Hokage after him. I am Konoha's secret weapon, and I cannot go against a direct order unless I think that Konoha's system has become corrupted or otherwise,” he stated as calmly and slowly as he could.
Tsunade stared at Kurama. “You mean I could ask you to do anything and you'd just up and do it?”
“If it were your orders.”
Tsunade blinked. “Wow. I got me the perfect little assistant,” she said with a grin. “Now I don't have to do all the paperwork.”
Kurama stared at Tsunade like she was stupid. He hit his head repeatedly on the table. “I am a weapon, not a servant. I will NOT do paperwork.”
Tsunade grinned. “What if I ordered you to have sex with me?”
Naruto passed out from a nosebleed then and there. Jiraiya and Shizune stared at Tsunade in shock. Kurama's expression was carefully clear of any emotion.
“For one, I happen to be gay. For another, a Hokage ordering shinobi around for their personal pleasure (pun intended) would be a sign of corruption,” he said casually, sipping on his sake.
Tsunade chuckled and acted like she wasn't serious. On the inside, however, she was thinking, `Damnit! He's gay!' “Well, I suppose you could leave for five years. When will you leave, though?” she asked.
Kurama smiled slightly. “We will be leaving immediately. I need to find a secure place to put up a barrier to keep others from detecting his chakra. That will take a few months of very fast traveling.”
Tsunade nodded, and they continued to enjoy their last evening together.
The next morning Kurama and Naruto left into the sunset in a classic farewell.
-Toki Mirage-
I'm VERY sorry for this taking so long (and being so short)! I've been really busy for these last two months, I just got back from a two week band trip a week ago, and I'm just REALLY BUSY! Plus my stupid brother fuckin fried the hard drive, trying to hook it up with another one. Sparks flew, literally. So I had to rewrite this chapter and stuff. I know the fight was lame, but Orochimaru is rather insignificant in the large sceme of things, so I'm killing him soon. Remember, this is (finally) breaking off from the manga! (cheers inside.) Copying manga is REALLY boring!!!! X.x