Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ 1923 ❯ Act 2: The Great Mansion and the Offer! ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto! This puppy will admit that if she did, she would put Naruto in a maid's outfit.
Warning: Dangerous threats with writing equipment, crazy butler, mysterious sparkles, and of course Boys' Love!
Thank you to everyone who review, you made me very happy!
All 1920s slang terms will have definitions at the end
“” means speech
`' means thoughts
//.// means long periods of thoughts
-bold- means author inserts
italics means emphasized speech
`' means thoughts
//.// means long periods of thoughts
-bold- means author inserts
italics means emphasized speech
Naruto stood in front of an enormous mansion. It was a pretty Victorian styled building that had looked like it had at least 3 floors. Vines covered the sides of the elegant structure; the garden in front contained a fancy sculptured fountain. Patches of various flowers, shrubs and trees finished off the luxurious look.
Naruto felt for sure his lower jaw had reached the ground by now.
`How rich is this fellow?!'
`How rich is this fellow?!'
He glanced at the business card in his hand again to make sure he had the right place. It read #7 Fairview Dr. The blond looked up to see a brass number 7 hanging on the wooden double doors. `I think this is it.'
Thinking back to yesterday; after Naruto had almost fainted from the shock, Mr.I'm-Still-Sexy-Even-Though-I'm-Covered-In-Coffee had given him a business card and told him to come to his house to discuss reimbursement for the suit. The blond almost fainted again when the card confirmed that he was indeed the young president of the famous Uchiha Automobiles Company.
Naruto sighed and then took a deep breath before walking up the cobblestone pathway and stopping in front of the huge double doors. He hesitated a bit and then reached up to knock loudly on the wooden frame.
Almost immediately the door opened, revealing a finely dressed butler. He had grey, almost silver hair, which was brushed back. He was wearing a fine black tailored tuxedo; the only thing that stood out about him was the mask he wore over the bottom portion of his face and the shaded monocle over his left eye. Upon seeing Naruto, he quickly hid something behind his back, but not before the blond saw a flash of orange; was it a book?
Almost immediately the door opened, revealing a finely dressed butler. He had grey, almost silver hair, which was brushed back. He was wearing a fine black tailored tuxedo; the only thing that stood out about him was the mask he wore over the bottom portion of his face and the shaded monocle over his left eye. Upon seeing Naruto, he quickly hid something behind his back, but not before the blond saw a flash of orange; was it a book?
“Well, well. What have we here? How may I be of service to a pretty girl like you?” Although the mask covered most of his face, Naruto could tell that he was grinning.
`I can't take this anymore!'
`I can't take this anymore!'
“I am NOT a girl! You hear me? I AM NOT A GIRL!” Naruto yelled,
The butler ignored him and bent down, “My, my…you have a fine pair of legs.” He peered at the blond's thighs with his thumb and forefinger under his chin. With his other hand he reached out and began rubbing one of them.
Naruto jumped back and cursed his decision to wear shorts today. “S-STAY AWAY FROM ME! YOU HOMO! PERVERT!” the blond continued to scream bloody murder at the top of his lungs.
The silver haired man laughed, “Alright, alright. Calm down, I was just toying with you. I know who you are, please come in. Master Uchiha is expecting you.” The silver haired man stepped off to the side to let Naruto through.
The blond glared suspiciously at him.
The man grinned again, “I won't do anything, man's word.”
Once inside, he looked up to see a grand marble stairway leading up to a carpeted second floor. There was a sparkling crystal chandelier hanging over the staircase and two intrically carved columns on either side of it. `Isn't this swell? Now we just need a ballroom.'
“Follow me please.” The masked butler gestured towards the right of staircase, which seemed to be a long hallway. He started to walk towards it and Naruto followed suit. The man stopped in front of a large door, opened it and ushered him inside.
“Master Sasuke will be with you shortly, wait here, alright? Don't you two have too much fun now, you hear!” He gave a two-finger salute and then promptly closed the door.
Naruto puffed his cheeks and suppressed the urge to slam that man between the double doors. When he finally calmed down, he turned around to look at the room, which appeared to be a study. There were high bookcases covering the walls, all filled with books and various documents. Near the center, there was a large mahogany desk which had stacks of papers and expensive looking fountain pens on it. Throughout the room, there were various sculptures and vases. The blond slowly walked around, looking at all the interesting sculptures on display.
He was examining a strange looking monkey mask when suddenly, a sultry voice behind him spoke into his ear, “that mask was supposedly worn by ancient Japanese ninjas.”
He was examining a strange looking monkey mask when suddenly, a sultry voice behind him spoke into his ear, “that mask was supposedly worn by ancient Japanese ninjas.”
“GAH!” Naruto jumped up, nearly causing the mask to fall. “Jeepers creepers(1)! You scared the bejeezus out of me! I didn't even hear you come in!”
“Special talent, who knows, I could be a descendent of a ninja.” Sasuke walked to the desk and sat down in the leather chair.
“Hooey(2)!” Naruto huffed and righted the mask its stand, “and anyways, do you normally keep your guests waiting that long?”
The raven haired man smirked, “I seem to recall that it was you who needed repay me for a certain something that was ruined.”
Naruto scratched his head and laughed sheepishly, “About that…”
“I am assuming you can't pay for it?” He smirked. “I admit the suit is a tad pricey.”
“A TAD?” Naruto yelled “Who in their right minds would spend 275 rubes(3) on a get-up(4)? AND wear it to a diner?”
“Unlike some people, I like to be dressed for every occasion.” Sasuke replied, smirk still pasted on his face. “Plus money isn't an issue when one has a gold mine(5).”
The blond stomped his feet, “Damn rich bastard! I hate you, I HATE YOU!”
“You know, we can easily take this case to the police. I think I'm being rather nice here.”
The blond clenched his hands,I'm…gonna…kill…this fella(6)!
I bet he wouldn't be smirking like that if all those fountain pens were sticking outta his head!
Alright Naruto…
calm down,
I am calm.
If something goes wrong now, I'll be saying adios to my job…or worse my future, my life!
The blond clenched his hands,I'm…gonna…kill…this fella(6)!
I bet he wouldn't be smirking like that if all those fountain pens were sticking outta his head!
Alright Naruto…
calm down,
I am calm.
If something goes wrong now, I'll be saying adios to my job…or worse my future, my life!
Knock, knock
“Master Uchiha, tea is served.” A girl's voice called out from the other side of the door.
“Master Uchiha, tea is served.” A girl's voice called out from the other side of the door.
“Come in.” the said man replied.
An asian girl walked in, she had two buns on either side of her head and was wearing a navy blue maid's outfit. She carried a tray laden with tea and various snacks. She walked up and laid the tray on the desk, then went over to Sasuke and whispered something in his ear.
Naruto could only catch a few words, “Preparations…ready, …storeowner…gave consent…”
Sasuke grinned and nodded his head, “Good work TenTen, you may go.”
The said girl curtseyed and took her leave, closing the door behind her.
The said girl curtseyed and took her leave, closing the door behind her.
The young president gestured towards a free chair in front of his desk. “Have a seat, make yourself at home.”
Naruto warily sat down in front of him. Sasuke righted a teacup and poured him some tea. “Help yourself,” he smiled sweetly.
`Is just me, or did his attitude just change?' The blond narrowed his eyes. `I swear that smile is not right, and when did all those sparkles appear beside him?' Despite himself, he took a yummy looking biscuit anyways. The tea smelled good too.
The raven's smile grew larger. “You don't have money to repay me right?”
“Yeah, unlike you, I don't have large amounts of pocket change.”
“Would you be willing to work for the reimbursement?”
“Not like I can do anything else, though it might take me a while.”
Sasuke smile turned back into a smirk. “Alright, it's decided.” He picked up a pen and began writing on one of the papers on his desk. “You will work for me for a total of 3 months and 2 weeks. During this time you will become my personal servant.”
The president continued, “you will cook, clean, run errands, tend the garden and carry out any of my personal requests. 80 percent of your payment will go towards reimbursement for the suit, while the other 20 percent will be for your personal expenses. You will be staying in one of the rooms of this mansion. I have already talked to your landlord, your apartment will be held until the time is up. You may return afterwards.”
“The storeowner; Jaraiya, has kindly agreed to let you continue your previous job at the diner after the 3 and a half months. You will move in 3 days from now, all necessary arrangements have been made.” Sasuke finished writing and pushed the piece of paper towards the blond, “now sign here.”
“WHAT!!!” Naruto stood up and slammed both hands on the desk. “You can't…when did you…you didn't even ask…I'M NOT GONNA WORK FOR A BASTARD LIKE YOU!”
Sasuke calmly looked up and gazed into the cerulean blue eyes, his smirk growing wider. The raven remained like that, just looking at the blond with that intense gaze of his. Naruto felt like his legs were being drained of its blood and a few moments later, he let himself collapse onto the chair. Sasuke slowly drew up his hands and clasped them together, then leaned across the desk so he was an inch from Naruto's face.
“You won't huh? Well…” He lowered his eyes and dropped his voice, “you could pay me back with your body.”
The blond's face flushed red, “B-but I'm male!” He sputtered.
“I am perfectly aware of that.” Sasuke leaned even closer.
Naruto's eyes went impossibly big and his face rivaled that of a tomato's. He sputtered and babbled incoherent words.
Sasuke suddenly leaned back, chuckling. “You sure are a goof(7). I'm joking, I won't ask for that yet. So how about it, will you accept the job?”
Sasuke suddenly leaned back, chuckling. “You sure are a goof(7). I'm joking, I won't ask for that yet. So how about it, will you accept the job?”
The blond crossed his arms, turned his head sideways and pouted, “It's not like I have a choice. When do I start again?” Though secretly in his head, he was adding a mental note to murder the arrogant man with a thousand sporks in his sleep.
The dark haired man drew aside the curtains to look at the blond walking down the pathway, he appeared to be still grumbling under his breath.
“Why do you keep insisting that he must work for you, Master Uchiha? It's not like you to make such a big deal out of few hundred dollars.”
A few moments of silence passed.
“He captured my attention.” The said man finally spoke out. “He will be the next one.” The raven turned towards Kakashi and let the curtains fall back into place, an indecipherable glint shone in those pitch black orbs, but was quickly gone and replace by the characteristic flat shade. “That is all Kakashi, go back to work.” The young master walked away.
Kakashi sighed into the darkening room, `the next one, huh?'
He gazed towards the curtained window.
`Maybe…this time it will be different…'
`Maybe…this time it will be different…'
-End Act 2-
(1) Jeepers creepers - similar to the saying: Jesus Christ!
(2) Hooey! - Bullshit!
(3) Rubes - dollar
(4) Get-up - outfit
(5) Gold mine - lots of money, a fortune
(6) Fellow/Fella - slang for `man', same as saying `guy' nowadays
(7) Goof - stupid person/idiot
(2) Hooey! - Bullshit!
(3) Rubes - dollar
(4) Get-up - outfit
(5) Gold mine - lots of money, a fortune
(6) Fellow/Fella - slang for `man', same as saying `guy' nowadays
(7) Goof - stupid person/idiot
My next chappie will hopefully be up before Feb. 11. But reviews DO encourage me!
Much love, Koinu-chan (Puppy)