Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ 1923 ❯ Act 7: The Flapper Dress and the Formal Party! ( Chapter 7 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Koinu-chan, dressed in ninja attire, crawls on the rooftop of Kishimoto-san's house, the `mission impossible song' playing in the background. She drops in through an open window and…!
`The Special Alarm for Fabulous Manga Writers to Protect their Slashable Male Characters from Rabid Fangirls' sounded, so sadly she had to make a break for it in a white van before those nice policemen could come and take her away. So she would still be able to continue her fanfiction (which she does not claim ownership to the characters in it…yet!). Stay tuned for Mission Impossible 2!
`The Special Alarm for Fabulous Manga Writers to Protect their Slashable Male Characters from Rabid Fangirls' sounded, so sadly she had to make a break for it in a white van before those nice policemen could come and take her away. So she would still be able to continue her fanfiction (which she does not claim ownership to the characters in it…yet!). Stay tuned for Mission Impossible 2!
Warning: An orange flapper dress, a formal party and the Charleston.
A/N: I went to visit University of Waterloo on Tuesday, which is my future university that I'm attending next year. It is quite a big campus, if not for the map, we would of indeed been lost. I had to wake up at 4:30 am, so we would get there in time. Urgh, and we walked around for most of the day. My legs were sooo sore, they felt like they were sliced up and soaked in vinegar for 12 hours.
Anyways, enough about that, on with the show! (It hasn't been proofread, so forgive me for mistakes)
Anyways, enough about that, on with the show! (It hasn't been proofread, so forgive me for mistakes)
A single bright ray of sunlight passed through a crack in the curtain of the window. It slowly drifted across the bedsheet, heading up towards the sleeping face, and rested upon the heavily closed lids. It fluttered, and the body shifted and groaned.
`Uhh…must not have closed the drapes properly…stupid sunlight…'
The boy shifted again, turning his head away from the window, so that the sunlight hit his gold locks instead of his eyes.
`Too early...going back to sleep…' The grandfather clock across the hall ticked away, then chimed 8 times.
Suddenly the blond bolted straight up in the bed, his face bright red. In an almost fearful motion, he peeked under his covers, then dropped it down again.
“Oh maaannn…we really did it last night, didn't we?” Naruto moaned, realizing that it was not just a dream.
Last night, after seeing Sasuke like that, he could not help but be drawn to him. It was like an invisible rope tugging him forward, wrapping around them and made them want to be as physically close to one another as possible. He could not explain it, but it felt right. It was not just a physical bond they shared, but a mental one as well. Naruto could almost reach out and touch all of Sasuke's emotions, intertwining their own worlds into one.
Author throws sakura petals.
(The futz? Just how corny can you get?)
Author laughs sheepishly, then scurries away.
Naruto stared around the room, `Sasuke must have carried me back to my room after I passed out.” He mused as he blushed in embarrassment.
The blond got up, intending to get dressed and then to look for Sasuke.
On his way to the closet, pain shot up from his bottom all the way up his spine. The blond clutched his behind and whimpered. Naruto would admit it felt good…still…
On his way to the closet, pain shot up from his bottom all the way up his spine. The blond clutched his behind and whimpered. Naruto would admit it felt good…still…
`he didn't have to do it so many times!'
“Kakashi, has the arrangements with Gaara been set?”
“Yes, master Sasuke. They are ready for tonight.”
“…Sasuke, you shouldn't do this. It will only hurt you—both of you. Just let it go-”
The raven haired raised his hand to silence the butler. “That's enough Kakashi.” Sasuke slowly turned his chair around to face the curtained window. They both stayed like that, motionless.
“Say…Kakashi. Do you think I am a fool to have hope…to have trust for him?” The Uchiha uttered in a shaky whisper.
Beneath the mask, Kakashi smiled. “No…not at all.”
“Eh? Sasuke left?” Naruto enquired the butler quizzically.
“Yes, you just missed him; he left for a business meeting a few minutes ago.” Kakashi replied.
“Oh…” the blond looked slightly dejected.
Kakashi's visible eye curved, “Missing him already after your exciting night? I guess you'll have to take a check(1).”
“K-K-KAKASHI!” Naruto stuttered, face bright red. “H-How do you know about it?”
“Well…you weren't exactly quiet.”
Naruto's body froze in shock; his face went starkly white, eyes lolled back and his soul drifted out of his open mouth.
Let's give him a moment, shall we.
The blond finally snapped out of it and proceeded to clutch onto the front Kakashi's suit; “D-Did anyone else hear?!?” asked Naruto hysterically.
“Who knows…” replied the butler indifferently, bringing his arms up and shrugging. Though in reality, he was forcing back the urge the laugh.
There was now tears in Naruto eyes, he clutched his head and crouched down on the ground. “I wonder if it's possible to die from embarrassment…” He wailed hopelessly.
Kakashi, deciding that he had teased the blond enough, burst out laughing. He patted the blond on the head; “Don't worry Naruto, my room is the only one that is anywhere near Sasuke's study. I'm quite sure no one else heard.”
The blond sniffed and wiped his eyes.
“Oh right, Sasuke left a message before he left.”
Naruto perked up.
“He said you were to accompany him to a formal party in the afternoon, he will meet you there at 17 00 hours. Since you are to dress appropriately, Sasuke already picked out the outfit for you.”
“REALLY? I've never been to a formal party!” Naruto jumped up excitedly. “And a get-up(2) all ready for me! I can't wait, can I see it now, ne? ne?”
Kakashi stifled another urge to bust his guts laughing. “Sure, follow me.”
The silver haired butler led the way to where the outfit was kept, Naruto followed suit, rambling on about how nervous that he might have to dance since he was such a heeler(3) at waltzes.
Kakashi went into the closet and drew out the outfit, all the while trying not to burst out laughing. It was a flapper dress, in a light pumpkin colour, with sequins and a sheer orange overlay. It gathered below the hips and gave away to a fringe bottom. There was also a matching hat completed with fake sunflowers.
Naruto's jaw dropped to the floor. “WHAT THE FUTZ?!” He pointed at the fringy thing. “THAT'S what I'm suppose to wear?”
Kakashi chuckled in amusement, “Sure is.”
“NO WAY AM I WEARING THAT!” Naruto shouted angrily and crossed his arms.
“But Naruto, is it Master Sasuke's wishes that you wear this. And it is my job to ensure that you do.”
“Well, both of you can just go to hell!”
Kakashi grinned devilishly, “My my, Naruto. How can you say that after last night?” He switched his tone and mimicked Naruto's voice; “S-Sasuke…ahhh…No! That won't fit!...I-It feels good…ahhh…mmm….harder-!”
“S-STOP!” Naruto face was flaming red. “Ok, I get it!”
“I wonder what other people will think of this predicament. Maybe I should ask Iruka whether he thinks you should wear the dress or not.” Kakashi placed his hands on his chin thoughtfully.
“GYAH! NO!” Naruto's eyes widened and he waved his hands frantically. “Ok, I'll wear the dress, just don't tell Iruka!”
The silver haired butler grinned, proud that he manipulated Naruto once again.
“I can't believe I'm doing this…” Naruto grumbled, a slight blush staining his cheeks. He was wearing the stupid orange dress and stood in front of the grand building where the party is being held. Kakashi chuckled and pushed him forward.
“Oh but Naruto, you look lovely, and I'm sure other people will love your look too.”
“That's exactly what I'm worried about.” Naruto said through clenched teeth.
As they entered the front door and into the lobby, they could hear soft classical music coming in from the main room. A manservant took their outer jackets and they made their way towards the room.
“Ne, where's Sasuke?”
A look of solemnity passed over Kakashi's face, but he quickly hid it with a smile. “He'll show up soon. Meanwhile, why don't we have some fun?”
They entered into the large dance room that was lit magnificently with crystal chandeliers. A formally dressed band is playing various instruments on the stage, while couples waltzed in front of them. Various groups of people stood by cocktail tables and chatted to one another; others sat at round tables and snacked on some appetizers. Suddenly a black haired man in a green suit appeared in front of them, he had the bushiest eyebrows Naruto has ever seen, even more so than Lee. He gave a huge grin which exposed his sparkling teeth.
“Kakashi, my friend! S'been a while! How have you been doing? Eating enough, exercising enough?” Mr. Bushy Eyebrows threw an arm around Kakashi, who looked like he wanted to die.
Naruto was now certain this man was related to Lee.
He slowly inched away, not wanting to be caught up in with an older version of the hopped-up(4) paperboy. The blond glanced around, looking for something to do while Kakashi was busy. Suddenly he caught a flash of red, `G-Gaara?' He looked closer. `Jeepers! It really is that freaky redhead!'
Naruto looked frantically around for somewhere to hide, not finding any, he quickly seated himself at the nearest table, pushing himself into the chair as low as possible. He glanced once more at the redhead to make sure he had not seen him, then breathed a sigh of relief before turning around. That's when he realized he had company at the table. The two were seated across from him stared back, the fellow and the girl seemed to be related for they both had shiny black hair and clear grey eyes. Naruto laughed sheepishly, giving a little wave; “Uh…Hello! My name is Naruto.”
The man with the long hair gave a curt nod, “Neji Hyuuga.”
“M-My name is H-Hinata Hyuuga.” The short haired girl stuttered, smiling shyly.
Naruto immediately warmed up to her and smiled back. A moment of silence passed.
“Uh…nice party, huh?”
“Uh…nice party, huh?”
Hinata nodded back, but Neji rolled his eyes, “Yes…swell....”
It went on like this, Naruto trying to initiate conversations but the replies was either a blush or a short curt reply. He was slowly getting bored out of his mind, he could see why Neji didn't like being here. The band seemed to play nothing but classical music or soft blues, definitely not the kind of songs he could dance to.
Naruto suddenly straightened up, getting an idea. He looked towards the two,
“Hey Hinata, Neji! Would you two like to dance?”
“Hey Hinata, Neji! Would you two like to dance?”
The two Hyuugas looked a little startled at the sudden question, Hinata nodded her head politely and uttered a quiet “A-Alright.” Neji merely gave him a strange look and shrugged.
“Hold on a sec, I'll be right back.” Naruto got up and rushed off towards the stage, leaving the two perplexed people behind.
The blond maneuvered through the crowds and climbed up to the stage, he talked to the conductor for a minute, then the man laughed and gave him an `OK'. Naruto ran back to the table to drag the two Hyuugas to the middle of the dance floor.
“N-Naruto?” The girl looked confused and Neji just looked irritated.
“I hope you two know the Charleston!” The blond grinned enthusiastically. Hinata's eyes widen and she tried to stutter a protest, but Naruto had already turned to the stage and shouted, “READY?” The whole room quieted, everyone was looking towards the front to wonder what was going on.
The conductor gave a thumbs up, a man in the band beat two sticks together, shouting, “ONE, TWO! AH, ONE-TWO-THREE!”
The saxophone player belted out the Charleston beat, and one by on, the other instruments joined in. Pretty soon, the whole room was filled the jazzy tune of The Charleston Dance.
The saxophone player belted out the Charleston beat, and one by on, the other instruments joined in. Pretty soon, the whole room was filled the jazzy tune of The Charleston Dance.
Naruto whooped, throwing his arms up and started to swing his legs to the beat. Hinata stood there embarrassingly and blushed, Neji looked shocked. You don't do these kinds of dances at a formal party! The blond was oblivious to the fact that he was the only one dancing.
“Come on Hinata! Raise your arms! Neji, swing you feet!” Naruto grabbed onto Hinata and swung her around.
Naruto's cheery smile was contagious, and despite herself, Hinata found herself laughing and swinging her feet as well. The rest of the people in the room caught on as well, moving their body in beat with the song, arms flailing and doing silly steps. Pretty soon everyone was laughing and dancing as dramatically as possible, even Neji found himself smiling and joining in.
The blond laughed merrily, dancing the most animated of them all. He turned towards Neji, “You should smile more often, you look more handsome when you do!”
Neji's cheeks turned pink.
The raven haired man leaned against wall of a shadowed hallway; he looked into the whirling mass of arms and legs, focusing on the laughing blond.
“He really is something else…” Sasuke smiled faintly.
Out of the shadows, a figure appeared behind the Uchiha. His lips curled into an amused smile, “Interesting little blond isn't he? Too bad he's going to run to me soon.”
Sasuke turned his head around and gave him a cold glare, “Just remember to back off if he refuses.”
“Of course.” Gaara smirked and gave a mock bow. He turned around and took his leave.
Sasuke looked back at the cheery blond again, a pained look crossing his face.
-End Act 7-
(1) Check - A kiss for later (often people would ask cash or check? Cash: kiss now, check: kiss me later. Hehe, I find this amusing)
(2) get-up - outfit
(3) heeler - poor dancer
(4) hopped up - under the influence of drugs ( just a clarification! Lee is NOT doing drugs, its just a metaphorical humour thing).
(2) get-up - outfit
(3) heeler - poor dancer
(4) hopped up - under the influence of drugs ( just a clarification! Lee is NOT doing drugs, its just a metaphorical humour thing).
A/N: Ah, not the best chapter. Was in a rush to get this up as soon as possible, eh-he. Well anyways, I really wanted to write about the Charleston cuz for my history class. A group of people and I actually performed a short skit doing the Charleston dance, I wore a flapper dress and everything. It was so fun!
Anyways, if you wanna see what it's like. Here's a link for a youtube video that shows the dance: (take out brackets)
Anyways, if you wanna see what it's like. Here's a link for a youtube video that shows the dance: (take out brackets)
http(:)//www(.)youtube(.)com/watch?v=-0TW5I1VuDI&mode=related &search=
Ahh, sorry but no new fanart this time. I think I'm gonna draw Naruto in the flapper dress this week, so look forward to that!
Next Update: Sat. March 24, 2007