Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A Collection of Naruto Yaoi Drabbles ❯ Bad Habit ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

If anyone has any prompts or drabble requests they would like to see, I'd be happy to oblige. Send me a PM and we'll figure something out. Until then, enjoy a bit of sensual NejiNaru. Wow…I just said sensual. Why does that strike me as odd? Anyway, enjoy.
“Do you do that on purpose just to tease me?” Hyuuga Neji asked his boyfriend, one Uzumaki Naruto, when said boy entered the room.
“Do what?” Naruto asked innocently.
Neji pointed at Naruto's bare chest. “That.”
The blond glanced down at himself briefly before blinking confusedly up at his lover. “Huh?”
Neji rose silently from his position on the couch and circled behind the other shinobi, wrapping his arms around the blonde's thin waist.
“This.” he whispered and pressed his lips firmly to Naruto's tan neck. “You always,” kiss, “walk around,” kiss, “in only underwear.” kiss. He suddenly spun the trembling blond around and planted yet another passionate kiss squarely on Naruto's quivering lips.
After a moment the pair pulled apart, panting heavily.
It was Naruto who finally broke the silence. “I can stop doing it if you want.” he muttered breathlessly.
Neji smirked mischievously, thinking it over. “No, I think I rather like the view.”
I think it's a good habit personally…what do you think?