Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A love Blossems Forever ❯ A love Blossoms ( Chapter 1 )
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Chapter 1
A love Blossoms
Before we start this FanFic, let me just tell you a little about my character, Ichigo!
Sanero Ichigo
Age: in this fanfic she's 20 or so
Hair: Black but in the light it's reddish
Eyes: Greenish-red (but when pissed off: Bright red)
Family: Sanero Mia (sister), Sanero Nama (mother (dead)), Mahai Mano (father (dead))
Ichigo's mother was killed by her father Mano when Ichigo was little because of her Kekkei genkai, and Ichigo sought revenge and later on Ichigo revenged her mother and killed her father
It was night time in Konoha, everyone was asleep, well almost everyone.
“Come on Ichigo,” said the copy nin as he took an orange book from his pouch, “Just go home!”
“Are you chickening out on me, Hatake?” said the jounin, Ichigo, with him.
“No, your just not going to win and this is boring me,” said the copy nin, Hatake Kakashi, as he turned the page. That book really annoyed Ichigo. Almost no matter who he was fighting he read that book, the perv. Ichigo prepared four needles.
“Let's go, you pervert!” Ichigo yelled as she threw the needles and took one of her kuni out. The needles only grazed Kakashi's hair as he jumped down from the tree. Ichigo jumped toward the older jounin with her kuni ready, but as she was about to hit him, he vanished in a puff of smoke.
“Damn a clone,” as Ichigo said that the copy nin came up from behind her and he had her tight and a kuni to her neck.
“I never thought you would fall for a trick like that,” sighed Kakashi into Ichigo's ear.
“Think again, Hatake!” said Ichigo as a sudden burst of bright red flower petals and green leaves appeared where Ichigo was and two needles zipped past Kakashi, one skimming his arm.
“Good I was wondering when you were going to make this interesting,” he said with a smile and turned to face Ichigo, but she was gone. Suddenly someone grabs Kakashi's neck.
“You should watch your back, Hatake,” said Ichigo's voice whisper in his ear.
“Really?” Kakashi replied and grabbed her arms and threw her over him and held her down.
Get off of me, Hatake!” Ichigo screamed at him as she tried to get out from under him.
“Better watch your temper, Ichigo,” teased Kakashi.
“Don't talk about my temper, I'm fine,” Ichigo snapped back, as her eyes slowly turned bright red, which usually happened when she's mad.
“Clearly your not, your eyes are getting red,” replied Kakashi staying calm as he looked into her eyes, and smiled to him self and thought, its fun to tease her.
“What are you smirking about?” Ichigo asked, “And could you get off of me!”
“It's nothing.” He said as he got off of Ichigo.
“That's it for today, I guess, alright?” Ichigo said as she brushed off the leaves and dirt from her clothes, and slowly let down her hair to get the leaves out and fix her pony tail. Kakashi watched as she did this and thought, wow, the moon really shows the red in her hair, and smiled to himself again.
“Is Mia going to be mad if you stay out late?” Kakashi asked as he took his book out again.
“No,” Ichigo replied, “One, she's out on a mission and won't be back for a few days. Two, I'm old enough to make my own decisions!”
“Why don't I buy you some ramen?” asked Kakashi as he put his book away, “I think the Ichiraku is open.”
“Okay!” Ichigo said, she was kind of hungry from all the training today, “Don't you dare leave early and make me pay!”
“Alright, I promise,” he said as he got up to stand, “Shall we?” he smiled and held out his arm to escort her. Ichigo sighed and took his arm. Kakashi was one of the people who annoyed her, besides Naruto, but he always listened to her when she was sad or mad. He was one of her best friends, besides Sakura. She knew Kakashi for a long time now and when Sakura was working at the hospital or training with Tsunade-Chan. Ichigo always hanged out with Kakashi. He's also been there for many bad times that had happened to her. She trusted him very much!
“Two ramen please!” Kakashi asked the lady behind the bar and then whispered something into here ear.
“Okay, Hatake-san!” the lady said with a smile and went to get the order.
“What did you ask or tell her?” Ichigo asked as she watched the lady go.
“Nothing,” he replied smiling.
“It's never nothing, Hatake,” Ichigo said as she looked at him with her greenish-red eyes.
“You'll find out soon,” he replied and met her eyes with his uncovered one.
A few minutes later the lady was back and placed down two bowls of ramen, one in front of Ichigo the other in front of Kakashi.
“Hope you enjoy!” she said with a kind smile, “Oh! Here you go, Hatake-san.” She pulled out a porcelain bottle and gave it to Kakashi.
“Thank you!” Kakashi said as the lady got out two cups. When she finished, she bowed and went into the back.
“Hatake?” Ichigo said looking at Kakashi as he opened the bottle up.
“You like sake, don't you?” he asked offering he a cup.
“Um… yeah,” she said and took the cup from him; “Kampai!” she smiled and took a sip, then placed the cup near her bowl.
“Itadakimasu,” Ichigo said and started on her ramen.
About half and hour later, Kakashi went to refill Ichigos cup, once again, but Ichigo stopped him.
“No thanks, Hatake. I had enough for tonight,” said Ichigo.
“Just one more?” he replied.
“No!” she said glaring at him as her eyes flashed red, “you know better than anyone, how much sake I can hold! Sometimes you're as annoying as Naruto!” She finished her ramen and stood up from her seat.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“I'm going home,” she said, “I want to get some sleep so I can do some training around ten tomorrow, and I don't want a hangover!”
“Okay, then at least let me walk you home,” he said also getting up.
“Alright,” she sighed, “I'll wait outside,” she turned to leave.
“Huh?” he was confused.
“You promised to pay remember!” Ichigo said turning to face the copy nin.
“Oh! Yeah Ok, I'll pay,” he said, and Ichigo smiled.
“Ichigo?” Kakashi said as the two nins headed toward Ichigo's House (its more of an apartment).
“Hai?” Ichigo replied.
“You can call me Kakashi, like most people do, you know.” He said as he continued to walk, Ichigo stopped walking and looked down at her feet.
“I'm sorry, you don't have to,” he said, stopping and looking back at her.
“It's alright. It might take me awhile to start calling you Kakashi, since I've always called you Hatake,” she said looking up at him, “Mia always said I'm allowed to call friends and family by their first name, unless they tell me not to, and you're my friend, Kakashi, right?”
“Hai!” He said with a smile.
To be continued…
Author notes!
Yesh! My first FanFic! XD
Well this is KakaxIchi.
Some may wonder why Ichigo's clones are made of flowers and leaves, because it's her Kekkei genkai, she has the power to control the leaves and petals of a flower called the Blood Cloud. It's very rare, mostly because you barely get the chance to see one. The Blood Cloud can stay alive for a long time, and the petals juice is very poisonous.
Well I'll soon have Chapter 2 up!
Disclaimer- I do not own Kakashi's character! (I wish I did)