Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A Mask-Tastrophe! ❯ On the Outside ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto does! I just write fan-works…
No matter the wind, blocks or flamers…I promise that, upon pain of death, I shall continue to post
Ch. 3
On the Outside!
A calm, cool breeze rushed through his hair and the fabric of his mask rousing him slightly. When did I fall asleep? He wondered. What time is it? What day?
“So.” Kakashi tensed at the sound of the voice that was so close, almost as though it was coming from who or whatever had decided to cuddle with him. “Do you always sleep alone on this rooftop?” the voice sounded much like Hiashi. Kakashi quickly took note of anything missing or out of place, the first thing he noticed was his forehead protector laying haphazardly on a ledge nearby. A few other articles of clothing were missing but his mask still remained in place.
“I see you took the liberty of removing…” A finger touched his lips, over the cloth mask, giving him pause.
“Yes I did, I'm looking forward to the assembly. Had I been anyone else I would have cheated and taken a peek, but I didn't,” Hiashi replied, clinging slightly tighter almost begging Kakashi to never move from that spot. The white haired ninja waited in case there was more, listening in the moment's silence. “I can see why you like this place so much.” Kakashi furrowed his brow and looked down noting that the other was looking away to his right. Then Kakashi turned his own gaze and was almost instantly mesmerized by what he saw. The sun was sinking into the horizon, its long flaming arms reaching through the clouds grasping as they tried desperately to drown it out. So captivated was he that he didn't notice the weight lift from his chest.
“I guess…” he replied, suddenly to the retreating figure. Kakashi looked around suddenly but noticed Hiashi was already gone. A frown formed beneath the mask as he sat up to see if he could see where the other had ventured off to. He had no such luck, however, and soon found himself thinking.
“Kakashi!” a young voice yelled. He stood and looked around in surprise for the interruption.
Miana gasped, clearly out of breath, as she ran desperately searching for the object of her obsession. “Kakashi!” she yelled again at every pause in her flight. A male staggered along behind her also out of breath. Again she paused to yell allowing the male to take a small break as well. He could tell she was already past the limit of her own endurance. It just hadn't caught up with the adrenalin that coursed through her veins. She began her unstable run once more, barely able to stay on her feet. She suddenly rounded a corner and disappeared from view. He skidded around the corner just in time to see her falling. Hneale reached out towards her helplessly.
“Miana!” he yelled. She did not hit the ground instead she was suddenly lifted. Hneale watched in awe as the figure walked towards him. “Kakashi…” Hneale gasped, still trying to catch his breath. “We've been…looking…everywhere…” Kakashi nodded grabbing one of Hneale's shoulders and pinning the young male to his side making it easier for the boy to walk. While walking steadily away from where Miana had collapsed, Kakashi paused once, briefly.
“Kakashi…” a familiar voice rang through to Hneale's barely conscious mind an arm wrapped around his waist and he was pulled gently away from Kakashi only to find that someone else was supporting him now. He looked at the most welcome sight he had seen all day and smiled. Gaara smiled back. “You alright?” Hneale nodded in answer to Gaara's question.
“So Gaara, what got Miana all worked up?” Kakashi asked, suddenly while adjusting the exhausted girl in his arms.
“You getting attacked by that mob,” Gaara replied jokingly. “When she found out that you had mysteriously vanished she became worried and wouldn't stay in one place. I assume that Hneale was worried about her safety and followed when she stopped by asking for help.” The white haired ninja nodded going over the story in his head as he continued to lead the way. He stopped suddenly and turned towards a door. He managed to unlock and open the door without having to set Miana down or have anyone else hold her.
Gaara followed Kakashi into the house. The house seemed so simplistic yet with many hidden mysteries. Gaara frowned before helping Hneale take a seat on a comfortable looking chair before standing somewhat protectively at his side. Kakashi laid the sleeping girl out on the couch and checked her pulse before wandering away for a moment. “Gaara? Can I have a word with you?” the white-haired ninja yelled from another room. Gaara clenched his fists before complying.
“Hai,” he replied upon finding the other ninja.
“You seem a little tense,” Kakashi noted, giving the desert ninja a slightly surprised look. “Did something happen?”
“No,” he whispered looking away towards the way he had come, towards Hneale. “You know that mission you were given…”
“Oh, hai, I'd almost forgotten.”
“Don't pick Hneale,” Gaara ordered, glaring at Kakashi now in a threatening manner. The older ninja just smiled seemingly unfazed by the threat. Even a herd of raging bulls could not disrupt his façade.
“You don't have to worry about that, I promise!” he said, cheerfully. “I still can't say who I've chosen, however, but you can rest assured.” Gaara sighed seeming relieved.
“Arigatou.” No reply came, just a light a pat on the shoulder as the other passed by with some kind of cloth in hand. Tying the corners together along the way, Kakashi quickly made his way to where the girl lay and placed the cool cloth to her forehead. He looked towards Gaara whom was now sitting on the chair with Hneale in his lap. The young ninja was fast asleep while Gaara was still watching Kakashi though only with interest. Hneale stirred and mumbled something to Gaara. “Kakashi we intend to leave early though I wonder if they'll let us, see his training is nearly complete but…”
“Hai?” Kakashi asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I know Hneale is curious, would you consider showing you're face to just him at least before we leave?” Hneale sat up at this and looked surprised.
“Ah…Hai,” he replied. Hneale turned his gaze to him. Kakashi reached up and pulled the mask down until his face lay bare for them to see. Once he was sure they both had a good look he covered his face once more. “Is that fine?”
“Hai…Who ever you do pick is very lucky,” Gaara replied, surprising the white haired ninja.
“I suppose, don't tell anyone though, I'd hate to be bombarded worse then now,” Kakashi said.
“We won't breathe a word, I assure you.” Hneale was dozing off again which made Gaara smile. Gathering the young male in his arms the sand ninja stood, careful not to jostle the boy too much. “I'll take him off to bed.” Kakashi nodded and walked to the door opening it for the other. “Arigatou.”
Kakashi closed the door behind them and threw himself into a chair. He then dozed off waiting for Miana to wake.
Through the Fog
Kakashi peered around, blearily until his vision finally focused enough to see someone snuggled against him, quickly he made sure his mask on his face. Relief filled him until a pair of lips touched his through the cloth. Kakashi's eyes widened in surprise, shocking the thief and giving him pause. “Stealing a kiss are you? Eh, Kotetsu?” The male blushed obviously embarrassed.
“Hai, I wanted to know what it was like,” he replied.
“Close you're eyes.” Kotetsu complied. The mask was tugged down low enough to bare his lips, before he pulled Kotetsu close and kissed him gently. When Kotetsu opened his eyes white haired ninja had already recovered his face. The blush was now more profound then before. “No sneak peeks, I figure that should be enough of a thanks for all the assistance you and you're friend gave me.”
“Oh…Hai! I wasn't p-p-planning on a sneak peek, p-promise,” Kotetsu stammered. Kakashi smiled in amusement, it wasn't everyday that he could embarrass Kotetsu, after all, especially when the ninja kept to himself and only spoke to maybe one or two others.
“Will you do me a favor?” Kakashi asked. Kotetsu nodded. “Will you take her home and take care of her?”
“Of Course!” Miana stirred and rose then appearing as though she were going to run. Kakashi leapt up and blocked her path.
“Oh no you don't rest!” Miana looked up and her happy, tear-filled expression made him feel worse for making her worry but what else could he have done?
“At least, you're ok,” she replied before collapsing once more a smile on her face. Kotetsu rose, picked her up and with a bow took his leave. Kakashi watched after the two for a little while before turning to the room and beginning to clean up the small mess that was made.
Sneak Peek
Her voice suddenly boomed out over the crowd and the city, he assumed. “And now the moment you all have been waiting for…”
Kakashi spoke then, “I choose…”