Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A Mother's Son ❯ Watching and Waiting ( Chapter 13 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The air was still, and all he could hear were the faint rustlings of the squirrels beneath him as he sat in his tree, uncomfortable. How things had turned out so bad, he didn't know. The light in the kitchen made it easier to see in through the small window, and Sasuke watched as Sakura busied herself and moved from one side of the room to the other. He had not seen his son; the boy was too short to clear the window and was therefore out of range. The older woman, to one who wouldn't leave, Sasuke had seen a lot of. As well as her four foot carbon copy.
So he sat, waiting for nightfall, until he could sneak in, explain this whole thing, and whisk Sakura away. And if she protested the whisking, well, he'd do it anyway. Maybe he'd be a little less liberal with the stabbing. He could see it pained her still, and the bandages made her sweater bulky.
He didn't want to drift into memories; he used to be so good at blocking them out. But every time he caught a glimpse of Sakura's bright hair, or intense eyes, he would snap back to last place he had seen her, when they were happy. And he couldn't live with himself if he started thinking that she was that happy, with someone else. He sighed.
At that moment, Sakura turned, and for a second, for one terrifying second, her eyes landed directly on his. Sasuke stayed completely still, but she didn't scream, didn't say anything at all. He thought that she had seen him, but she moved away, doing something else. Sasuke let out the breath he hadn't known he was holding.
“Do think we'll stay like this? Forever?” she asked quietly, leaning against him. Her body was soft, and warm. They lay on the grass, staring up at the clouds. Sasuke frowned, thinking.
“I don't know.” He answered truthfully. “I hope so.”
He felt her tiny hand splayed against his chest, while her head rested on his shoulder. She was turned towards him, half atop him. “You're going away, aren't you?” she asked, her voice small. Sasuke did not trust himself to be sincere if he looked at her.
“I have too.” He answered. Sakura sighed.
“No.” she replied simply. “You don't.” She said nothing more, tapping on his chest with her fingers, to the beat of his heart.
“Just can't wait…” Naruto mumbled, leaning against Kakashi heavily. “…to be king…” Kakashi raised his eyebrows.
“What the hell are you singing?” he grumbled. The drunken ninja act had been funny, for about five minutes. Now it was just annoying. He knew he should have more sympathy, but with Naruto, it just wasn't happening.
“I don't even know.” Naruto answered, laughing. “I've got no idea!”
Kakashi rolled his eyes. His estimate of making it home before dinner had been generous. They would be lucky to make it back before nightfall. Naruto was dizzy, wild, and throwing up every half hour. Kakashi figured that seeing a doctor as soon as possible would be best for the young man.
They were not being stealthy; Kakashi could only hope that the Uchiha brothers were not nearby in the forest. Any attack by them, and even the Copy Ninja was unsure if he could come out victorious. He dragged Naruto down the last stretch of the forest, before coming into the clearing before the village. He sat his student down. “Rest.” He ordered, and Naruto nodded, staying silent. Kakashi's watched the surrounding forest, listening for any clue of danger.
“It's all…all I can do, just to breathe…” Sakura gasped, clinging to Naruto. “I can't see, I can't hear. It's black. It's all gone. It means…nothing. All nothing.” Naruto hugged her, saying nothing. They sat on a hill, the grass wet from rain. He could not convince her to leave, and he was definitely not willing to leave her alone.
“I never…” Sakura choked back a sob. I'm so weak, she thought. I can't even talk. “I never told him…how could I? I'm horrible. I'm horrible.”
“No, shh, Sakura, it's okay.” Naruto promised, stroking her damp hair. “I'll take care of it. I'll take care of everything.”
“I wish you weren't so understanding.” Sakura sniffed, rubbing her nose on Naruto's shoulder.
“What would you prefer?”
“I want you to hate me.” She admitted. “Call me every horrible name you can think of. Tell me I'm a traitor, that I let you down.” Her voice broke. “Tell me, `cause I already know it's true.”
“No.” he told her firmly. “You shut up about that. You are, good, and beautiful, and truthful and I know you're really scared…but I'm here. You don't have to worry. I'm here.”
“I don't know what I'd do without you.” Sakura admitted, pulling him tighter. Inwardly, Naruto sighed. What was he getting himself into? Sakura loved Sasuke. No matter how much she depended on him, she would never love Naruto. Never give him a chance.
But maybe, maybe this was his chance. His chance to show her that she was the only thing is his life that mattered.
She was watching the horizon, her hands twisting themselves in worry. She tried not to be obvious, but she knew that Aniline had noticed how her eyes strayed to the window every time she passed it, searching. Sakura knew the sun was setting soon, and did not expect Kakashi to continue through the night. And maybe it was too much to hope, that they would be back in one day. Hell, for all they knew, Naruto was dead.
The thought made Sakura let out a crazed half laugh. She wasn't ready to think of that option. Not yet. Not ever. So, she looked out the window at every opportunity, noting how the sun sunk slowly, and still, she saw no one.
He had kissed her, in that dark forest. He had kissed her, roughly, teeth nipping at her lips. He had poured every hard emotion into her, lips moving with frenzied, intense feeling. Sakura had been helpless to such a kiss. Maybe, if she held on tight enough, he would stay. She could prove that they were good for each other. Perfect, even.
Then, abruptly, he was gone. He had pushed himself away, an unnameable emotion stirring in his eyes. They were dark pools, expressing everything and telling nothing. “Sasuke…” she had whispered. He turned away. There was nothing more to say.
“We're close. Do you want to stop for the night, or keep going?”
Naruto paused, thinking. He was feeling better. Kakashi was still helping him walk, but the dizziness was better, and he hadn't thrown up for over an hour. Clenching his teeth against a sudden burst of pain in his head, stopping or starting motion did that, Naruto weighed his options. His reunion would be nicer when he was feeling better, but he wanted to see Sakura so badly. He knew Sasuke wasn't gone, and didn't want to leave her vulnerable, not so soon after she had woken up. “We'll keep going.” He said finally, and Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief. He was desperate to see Aniline, but wasn't going to admit that to the other man.
He nodded in response, helping Naruto start moving again. They were near the village gates, only about half an hour more to walk, and once they got there, they could ask for assistance getting to Sakura's.
The tree was becoming uncomfortable. In a big way. Sasuke had been there all day, and was beginning to enjoy it much less. He was still watching Sakura, and could tell she was getting more and more agitated as the evening went on. He wondered what she was waiting for. Kakashi, probably. Sasuke knew that Itachi had killed Naruto, but that wouldn't stop Sakura from sending their Sensei out to look. He hadn't seen the silver-haired Copy Ninja all day. The other woman, she was also not as calm as before. Sasuke had no idea why she was getting antsy. He just wished she would leave again.
She had left, an hour earlier, and Sasuke had nearly jumped with relief. Until he saw where she went. Not fifty metres away, in a house across the street. And she was gone for less than ten minutes. She had gone into to her house, there was a bunch of shouting, and then had come back to Sakura's small home with a duffel bag swinging on her arm. Her face had been red and blotchy, and Sasuke didn't need to be a genius to figure out what had happened. They were loud enough anyway. She had picked a fight with her husband. Not a smart move, in Sasuke's opinion, but he didn't care either way.
“Whore!” he had screeched, upon her entrance. “Filthy slut! I let you into my home, and this is how you replay me?” his fist came down hard on her face, and Aniline cried out in pain and surprise. She fell back roughly, bumping into a chair. Her hand went to her face, where she knew a bruise was forming.
“What?” she choked out, before he pushed her roughly, sending her stumbling against the wall.
“It's all over town, filth,” he spat at her. His face, which she had grown to admire for its gentle strength, was twisted in an angry sneer. “I know what you did. Everybody knows.” Aniline said nothing, her face stinging and her eyes wide with fear. It was impossible. How could he know? All she had wanted were some clothes for Sarah…
“James,” Aniline said quietly, stepping forward slowly. “What are you talking about?” Yes, play it dumb, that was the smartest move. Maybe he's just suspicious…maybe it's nothing.
“Don't you say my name!” he roared, looking ready to hit her again. Aniline could smell the stench of alcohol on his breath and knew she needed to get out fast, unless she wanted serious pain.
“I just came for some things for Sarah.” Aniline said slowly, staying completely still. “She needs some clothes. We're staying over until Kakashi brings Naruto home.”
“Kakashi? That's his name, eh?” James said, standing straighter. “Your new boyfriend, huh? You like him so much to fuck him on the kitchen floor?” he sneered, and Aniline's heart stopped beating.
“What…” she breathed. She couldn't move, immobilized by shock. How did he know? “How…”
James laughed harshly. “I'm a rich man, sweetheart. You think I don't know about every thing you do, every thing you say?”
Aniline didn't want to cry, but could feel the first tears of shame and anger threaten to spill. “I have to get back.” She whispered.
James nodded, taking a swig from a nearby can. “You tell Sarah that Daddy'll be over real soon to pick her up,” he said nastily. Aniline looked down at the kitchen floor, saying nothing. She turned, and moved into Sarah's room, trying to move as quickly as possible, packing all her clothes. If James thought he could take Sarah from her, well, he was sorely mistaken. She would keep him away, and when Kakashi came back…
She fingered the red mark on her cheek. Yes, Kakashi would definitely do something.
“Is that the gate?” Naruto asked wearily. He was walking by himself, a little behind Kakashi. His teacher squinted, then nodded.
“That's it.” He confirmed. Naruto looked like he wanted to run, but decided against it. He settled to moving into a power walk that Kakashi thought made him look like an offended duck. He kept this opinion to himself.
They made good time. Soon, the speck on the horizon became a dot, and finally, an actual shape. They were so close to home that Naruto thought he could hear Sakura's voice, Daisuke's laughter. “Come on!” he urged Kakashi, who obliged, smiling to himself. He also had a reason to want to be home. The thought of Aniline was enough to push him into a run, but he quelled the impulse. It would not do to break Naruto so soon after finding him.
The gate came closer and closer, and finally, Kakashi heard the voice of the watchman. “Hey down there! Is that you, Kakashi?” Kakashi waved a confirmation and the young ninja jumped up to open the doors. “Just gimmie a sec!” he called down, and Kakashi nodded, more to himself then anyone else.
Naruto was nearly hopping with excitement. The doors were opening too slowly in his opinion. He wanted to be home. Now.
“Alright! Head on through!”
Kakashi and Naruto moved quickly through the gates, navigating their way easily through the quiet market. The sun had nearly set, and a pale orange light had settled over everything. “Nearly there, nearly there…” Naruto said quietly to himself. Kakashi chuckled.
“We'll be there soon. Calm down. They'll be there when we get there.” He promised.