Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A New Life, Naruto ❯ a fox in the family ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
"Katon: RyuuBakudan! (1)" shouted Haishi making a wall of fire around Naruto. "What's going on here!?" demanded Haishi. One of the more drunken villagers said "*hic* were finishing what the *hic* Yondiame started *hic*." Now Haishi being a very close friend did the first thing that came to his mind. “Mind if I help kill a demon?” Haishi asked. The same drunken villager said “Sure it would be an *hic* honor to have the leader of the Hyuuga clan to take out the demon spawn *hic*.” Seconds later when the flames died down the last things Naruto saw were the villagers that were chasing him unconscious and two white eyes looking at him with concern before he passed out.
##At the Hokages Tower##
“Hokage-sama, Haishi-sama told me to ask you to get a medic-nin who isn't biased against Naruto.” Kotetsu said “Kotetsu go get me Chiyu-chan! Izumo go see if Haishi needs help getting up here!” Sarutobi said knowing that the elders would like nothing other than to kill Naruto in his weakened state “Hai Hokage-sama!” both Jonin said.
Minutes later Haishi, and Izumo came through his door. “Hokage-sama, I will be straight forward I would like to take Naruto into my clan.” Haishi stated “WHAT?!? You want to adopt Naruto” Sarutobi asked “Yes Hokage-sama I believe it would be the best for Naruto, no-one in the Hyuuga clan hates Naruto. Not to mention Hinata would like to have a friend to play with.” Haishi said “Okay the Hyuuga clan doesn't hate Naruto but what about the other clans such as the Uchiha, and the Hanuro?” Sarutobi asked. “That's the beauty of the custody rules, the child that's being adopted(for lack of a better word) record won't have to go before the council.” Haishi stated. “Ok, but I want to see what Naruto wants to do. If he says yes you will have custody, but if he says no he will remain in the council's “care”. Sarutobi said venomously. “Ok Hokage-sama, but if he denies he will still have a place to live.” Haishi said.
##At the Hospital##
“Good morning Naruto-kun.”Suishou said. “Morning Suishou-nee chan. What happened?” Naruto asked “well Naruto-kun you have two visitors who can explain it better than I can, you mind if I let them in?” Suishou asked “Sure nee-chan.” Naruto said “wait one minute Naruto-kun.” Suishou said “Good morning Naruto-kun how do you feel?” Sarutobi asked “I feel fine Oji-san. But I got a question to ask you.” Naruto said “Sure Naruto-kun” Sarutobi said. “What happened last night, all I remember were people calling me names like `demon spawn, kyuubi brat, freak', why they call me that.” Naruto asked -sigh-“Naruto what I'm about to tell you is a SSS-class secret only you and myself may tell others. Naruto remember what was taught in the academy about the Yondiame defeating the kyuubi?” Sarutobi asked “Yea he killed it.” Naruto stated “Naruto that's a lie, the only way for the Yondiame to defeat a demon was to seal it into a newborn child...” “That child was me wasn't it?” Naruto asked interrupting the Hokage. “Yes Naruto-kun that child was you. But you're not the demon.” Sarutobi said “I know I'm just the jailor.” Naruto said “Naruto I would like to ask you a question. How would you like to be adopted by me?” Haishi asked “AHHH! When did you get in here?!? (insert sweat drop here) you're the one who saved me yesterday right?” Naruto yelled “Yes I am Naruto Now back to the earlier question would you like to be adopted by me?” Haishi asked “You're not lying?” Naruto asked hopefully “No Naruto-kun I'm not.” Haishi said smiling “Oto-san!” Naruto yelled hugging Haishi “Well the only thing left is for Haishi to sign the custody papers.” Said Sarutobi pulling the papers out of thin air, and Haishi hastily signed them. “Well Naruto its time to meet your imoto Hinata.” Haishi said smiling.