Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A New Life, Naruto ❯ Living with stone, exiled by hate ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
*Hyuuga compound*
“Keikai-chan will you go get Hinata and take her to my office? I with to speak with her” asked Haishi. “Hai Haishi-sama” Keikai said “come Naruto. Time to meet your sister.” Haishi Said “Hai Tou-sama.” Naruto said
*Haishi's office*
“So Naruto how do you like the Hyuuga complex?” Haishi asked
“I like it the Hyuuga are a lot nicer than the villagers, and there's no whispering behind my back.” Naruto said
There was a hesitant knock at the door.
“Enter” Haishi said
“Y-you wanted to see me tou-sama?” Hinata asked
“Ah yes Hinata-chan I'd like you to meet your older brother Naruto. Naruto meet your younger sister Hinata.” Haishi said
“Konichi-wa imoto.” Naruto said
“Konichi-wa Nii-sama.” Hinata said
“Ne, Hinata-chan why'd you call me “Nii-sama”?” Naruto asked
“W-well you're older than me so therefore you're my better.” Hinata said looking to the ground.
“Hinata-chan look at me, (Hinata looks up) just because I'm older doesn't make me your better. So if you don't mind please don't call me Nii-sama, you can call me anything else.” Naruto said
“Thank you Nii-chan.” Hinata said while crying into Naruto's shoulder.
Naruto hugged her and tried to calm her down.
“Well Naruto ready to begin your training?” Haishi asked
“Hai tou-sama.” Naruto said.
*4 years later*
Oct, 10 for most it's a time of remembrance, hate and partying for today is the day when the Yondiame Hokage gave his life to defeat the kyuubi no kitsune. But this festival is going to change the future of the shinobi world. Our story begins in the Hyuuga complex...
“Aw Tou-sama I wanna go to the festival with you and hina-chan.” Naruto said
“Naruto as much as I would like for you to go I can't take the chance of you getting attacked, maybe next year.” Haishi said
Knowing there was no way to change his guardian's mind Naruto sighs in defeat.
“*sigh* Ok Tou-sama I'm gonna go to training ground 9 till 5 o'clock so I can go to the festival next year.” Naruto said
“Ok Naruto but be careful and don't over-exert your-self.” Haishi said
“Hai hai I won't Tou-sama see you later.” Naruto shouted while leaving
`I swear that boy will train himself to death' Haishi thought
*Training ground #9*
4:45 PM
*Huff huff *”lets try this again” Naruto said after making a series of hand seals he shouted
“Katon: Bakuhatsu!” all he got was a little puff of smoke then fell on the ground exhausted, little did he know that a mob was on the prowl for him.
“HEY! Their he is!” shouted a random villager “Lets get him.” The mob shouted
“Shift.” He said under his breath and made a run for it.
No matter which way he went, there seemed to be a mob on every street and ally. But in actuality it had all been preplanned to flush him toward the east gate by the one Hyuuga who hated him. When he reached the gate a look of horror etched itself on his face, in front of him was a mob of at least eight hundred people.
`Crap crap what should I do?' Naruto thought when he was broken out of his thoughts by a cry of “Get him!”. About 30 minutes later the villagers tossed a battered and bloody Naruto to the feet of the Hyuuga Chunnin who would take him far out of Konoha.
*Mean while Haishi, Neji, and Hinata were just getting home from the festival.*
“Hogosh have you heard from Naruto?” Haishi asked
“Surprisingly no Haishi-sama, I was going to wait another five minutes then go looking for him” Hogosh said
`It's not uncommon for him to stay out late but this is not like him' Haishi thought “Hogosh form a search party and go look for him.” Haishi said a little worried
“Hai Haishi-sama.” Hogosh said and disappeared
A half hour later he returned with a bloody shirt and a note from Naruto
“Haishi-sama this is all we found.” Hogosh said giving him the note and shirt.
“What's the note say?” Haishi asked fearing the worst
“I believe you should read it for your self Haishi-sama.” Hogosh said
Haishi opened the note and started to read
I was found by some
villagers they've been
chasing me for awhile
“Inform the Hokage that Naruto is missing.” Haishi said.
“Hai Haishi-sama.” Hogosh said
`where ever he is I hope Naruto is ok.' Haishi thought