Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A night to remember ❯ prologue ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hi guys, welcome to my newest fic “A night to remember” (well that's the working title for now)
My first SasuHina all the way. Well... eventually... because for now you'll have to do with this prologue. I hope this fic makes up for my lack of progress in my other work.
Enjoy and don't forget to review!
He watched his reflection in the mirror and a scowl plastered his face.
“That does it. I'm not going”
“What? You have to go, your my best man!”
“I don't remember agreeing to such a thing.” He mumbled to his blonde friend, undoing the red tie and throwing it casually on the floor.
Naruto shrugged his shoulders in return, “I didn't think it was necessary to ask, besides you would have said no if I did.”
“Damn right I would've”
“C'mon Sasuke, your my best friend, you have to do this!” Naruto pleaded.
“and if you do, I'll make sure that you get that ANBU-position you've been working for” he added quickly in an attempt to convince his former teammate.
“Hmph, it doesn't matter, I'll get that position anyway.”
“I don't think so, the Hokage has to approve all new enlistings. So that means I have to approve it first.” Naruto stated boldly, knowing very well that he was taking advantage of his newly-achieved power. He'd do anything to make his friend attend his second most important day in his life. After all, he bailed out on the first one, which was his day of glory, the day he became Hokage.
The former avenger clenched his fists and took another glimpse into the mirror. He sighed before turning his head back to Naruto. “Fine, but I'm not wearing a freaking tie!”
“Sakura, you look so pretty!” the blonde woman squealled excited as she entered the bride's quarters.
“Thank you, Ino.” The pink-headed smiled, standing up from her chair. She greeted her friend, who was also her maid of honor for the occasion, with a polite kiss on the cheek.
“Wow, that looks really expensive.” Ino said, pointing at Sakura's dress.
Sakura was wearing a white, strapless, two-piece gown which fitted nicely around her small figure. The bustice was covered fully with tiny diamonds, which reflected the light and gave her a glamourous look. Her now long hair was let loose, and brushed to one side. On top of it she weared a tiara, also covered with diamonds.
“Well, I guess that's the advantage of getting married to the Hokage” She said, her smile turning even bigger.
“Lucky girl.” Ino murmered with a hint of jeaulousy in her voice.
“I am.”
“I'm happy for you,” she looked around and then asked “So where is the rest?”
Sakura's smile disappeared “I don't know, they should've been here by now” she said nervously.
“Don't worry, they'll come” Ino reassured her friend.
As if on cue, the door busted open, revealing her two other bridemaids.
“Hinata, Tenten. You came!” she exclaimed, hugging her two female friends in the process.
“Of course. We wouldn't want to miss your special day for the world!” Tenten smiled, hugging her. “Right Hinata?” she said as they parted.
Tenten cocked an eyebrow and pinched the Hyuuga-heiress in the arm
“I said; right Hinata?”
Hinata flinched at the sudden pain in her arm and broke out of her daze.
“Uhm. Right!” She said, cranking a smile.
Tenten rolled her eyes. How convincing.
“Waw Sakura, what an amazing dress!” She said, turning her attention fully to the bride and swirling around her to admire the artwork.
“Thanks Tenten. Now hurry up you three and get in those gowns!” She commanded.
The three bridemaids nodded and turned to get dressed.
About 15 minutes later
Hinata, Ino and Tenten stood next to each other, waiting for Sakura to finish her little inspection.
Hinata was feeling a little uncomfortable in her dress. It was showing way to much flesh for her liking.
Ino and Tenten, on the other hand, couldn't stop praising Sakura for her choice of bridemaidsclothing.
The girls wore a soft purple, strapless, one-piece gown with diamonds embedded in the bustice, although not as many as in Sakura's dress. Self cummerbund accented the waist and a split, which went al the way up their thighs, ran through the lower part of their dress.
Sakura nodded her approval, and so the only thing left to do, was to wait until the wedding commenced.
Naruto was waiting unpatiently at the aisle. He was tapping his foot nervously and looked around. The little church was cramped with people he didn't even know. It was expected, after all, he was their Hokage now.
He could distinguish Shikamaru on the first row, leaning back in his chair, looking bored as usual. He raised an eyebrow as he saw Chouji sitting next to him, eating a bag of popcorn. Next to Chouji, he was surprised to find Shino without his eyeglasses. At first he didn't know who he was, but sweatdropped when he saw a bug escaping his tux. Even Sai showed up, passionately making sketches of the whole event. He reminded himself to ask for them later.
Behind them, he recognised the three sand siblings. Temari waving enthousiastically at him while Kankurou gave him two thumbs up. Gaara was sitting in the middle and looked stoïc as usual.
A bit further down the row he recognised Gai and Lee, wearing matching tuxido's in a hidious green color. Next to Gai were Kakashi, hiding beneath his porn novel., Kurenai who was now about 7 months along and Iruka, the man who was like a father to him.
Naruto smiled. He was happy to have so many people that cared about him.
Familiar music began to play and he turned around, heart beating wildly in his chest.
As the door opened, he was sure his heart stopped. His jaw dropped when he saw his soon-to- be wife entering the church. She looked gorgeous.
Walking slowly on the tempo of the music, she approached him. Behind her were her three bridemaids, with their chaperones.
Ino had the best night of her life cause she had the opportunity to walk with Sasuke, while Sasuke on the other hand, wasn't in a great mood at all. He wished this whole ordeal was over soon.
Behind them walked Tenten en Neji, glimpsing at each other while the other one wasn't looking.
An as last but not least, Hinata and Kiba. Kiba was grinning like an idiot the whole time, glad he could lock arms with his crush. Hinata was smiling too, although her eyes couldn't hide the sadness that was locked inside her.
When Sakura halted at the aisle Naruto gave her a kiss on the cheek and whispered “you look amazing” into her ear, which caused her to blush.
Hinata's heart sank when she noticed this small interaction.
The pair turned their attention to Tsunade, who lead the ceremony. They read their vows, expressing their love for each other in every line over and over again, and Hinata could help a lonely tear from falling down. “Be strong Hinata” Tenten whispered in her ear. She nodded and quickly wiped her cheek.
“... then I now pronounce you husband and wife. Naruto, you may kiss your bride”
“Don't mind if I do!” and he grabbed his wife, giving her a passionate kiss, obviously forgetting about the audience.
The crowd went ecstatic and cheered their encouragment towards the newly weds.
“Hum” Tsunade coughed as the couple was still engaged in a fierce kiss.
They parted and blushing they turned themself to the public.
“Citizen of Konoha, may I present to you. Mr. And Mrs Uzumaki.!”
To be continued