Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A night to remember ❯ the afterparty (2) ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The afterparty (part 2)
He couldn't understand the shy Hyuuga's behavior.. Oh yes, Sasuke knew about her desperate love for Naruto.He just couldn't grasp the fact that she could be so heartbroken about it, giving up her innocent nature just because that dobe got married.
Besides. What's there to like about that Uzumaki anyway?
He almost felt pity for the woman who needed to live with that loud mouth, almost, because Sakura's mouth could easily rival Naruto's.
He was thankful to Naruto for taking her off his back, and honestly glad that Sakura finally returned his love. Yet, the unbearable pain in his head whenever they were having another argument about something that definitely wasn't meant for his ears, made him stay far far away from the couple these last months.
He sighed and sipped from his beverage.
Sasuke turned his head and observed the female next to him. Her cheeks were covered with a permanent blush and her lips were slightly puffy. Hinata tightly closed her her eyes as she swallowed down the vodka. Her body shivered visibly from the bitterness of it.
She quickly recomposed herself and after giggling for a reason completely unknown to Sasuke, she asked the bartender to refill her glass. Satisfied, she started humming the the song that played in the background, and her head and shoulders started to react to the up-tempo rhythm. Just when she was about the to lose herself in the music, she heard a strange sound coming from her neighbor.
Sasuke was watching her behavior in odd fascination. Her hair was disheveled and her mascara worn out, so he realized she must have been crying. But now she looked as if she was actually amusing herself. He secretly wished that alcohol could make him forget his troubles too.
When she started to shake more vividly, and her breasts started to bounce with the movement, he couldn't help but stare in awe. His eye began to twitch and he coughed, remembering her that he was still there.
“Uhmz?” she asked confused, staring at him intently.
He closed his eyes.
“You're distracting me.” He said as he reopened his eyes, looking back at her, his face returning to its stoic mask.
She giggled again and now he was really becoming annoyed. Wasn't she supposed to be the quiet shy one?
“It seems Sasuke is grumpy today.”
Sasuke frowned at her statement. “And I think you had enough.” He stated simply as he stretch his arm.
He didn't expect her to react.
On instinct, Hinata jumped out her chair and lunged for the glass he'd stolen from her. Unfortunately, her unstable legs couldn't carry her very well, and she fell forward, smashing the glass out of his hands.
He looked at his expensive trousers, now wet with spilled vodka, and cursed. He was about to stand up and leave, until he felt two hands tug on his pants.
A blushing Hinata emerged from between his legs, supporting herself by clasping the black fabric.
“He-he.” She grinned embarrassed but when she felt the wetness on his trousers her eyes widened.
He felt her rubbing his legs in attempt to dry the fabric, muttering apologies, but he was in too much shock to react. The suggestive position that she was in made his throat dry yet he couldn't avert his eyes. She bit her lip when she gently moved her hands over his legs and he swallowed. He cocked his head to the side and earned himself a nice view of her cleavage, her breasts that threatened to pop out of their restraint moving up and down with her heavy breathing.
And when she looked up with those pearly white orbs of hers, lips parted, Sasuke knew his alcohol-influenced self was screwed. He felt his body react to the oblivious Hyuuga-girl and groaning he grabbed her by the shoulders.
“You can stop now” he said hoarsily, pushing her tempting body away from him.
“But... your trousers...” Hinata objected, as she stood up, dusting off her dress.
“It's fine.” He said softly without looking at her, his cheeks covered with a light pink
She was about to protest when a voice interrupted.
“Kiba-kun!” She squealed, throwing her arms around said man's neck.
Sasuke's jaw dropped and it seemed the dog-lover was surprised as well, giving the questionable look he gave Sasuke.
“Uhm. Hi. Hinata” He stammered blushing.
“Where's Akamaru?” Hinata asked, as she looked around for the large dog that never left Kiba's side.
“Shino's taking care of him.” He answered as if it was the most normal thing in the world. “Actually I needed him off my back for a while, so could come and steal Hinata-chan for a dance” he smirked, as he waited for Hinata to turn into all sorts of colors until she would eventually politely refuse.
“Sure, Kiba-kun, I'll dance with you.” Hinata giggled at his expression of shock and offered him her hand.
Kiba seemed transfixed by the hand for a while, and then realisation hit him. Hinata's drunk!
He had just seen her drunk once, the day she discovered Naruto and Sakura were a couple. He knew how affectionate could be when she was drunk.
He glared at Sasuke, now knowing he source of the familiar scent he smelled earlier.
Hinata could make a man go crazy, and be total oblivious about it. She had little to no boundaries when she was drunk, but she remained her cute little self, making you want to touch but also afraid to do so.
Well, this time Kiba was not afraid.
He was more determined then ever to make Hinata his. And with Naruto out of the picture, nobody could stand in his way.
He broke out of his daze.
Grinning, he took Hinata's hand and brushed his lips over the top, while he kept his eyes on her face. “Let's go dance, Hime.”
As expected, she blushed a deeper red, and willingly let Kiba lead her towards the dance floor.
Clutching his hand, Sasuke followed the two the two disappear between the crowd.
Stupid mutt.
Glaring at me like that.
He turned himself back to the bar and shifted nervously on his chair, restraining himself from going after them, and beating Kiba to a bloody pulp.
Sasuke had a feeling Kiba was up to no good, and with Hinata being in such a giddy mood, this could turn into something dramatic. And if there was one thing Sasuke loathed, it was definitely drama.
Whatever, her problem, I don't care.
Sasuke wasn't a white knight or charming prince, although many fan girls would consider him being just that.
But Hinata was no fan girl, and truly he had nothing against her. The relation they shared was one purely platonic, and was build on mutual respect. Until tonight, he knew her as the grey little mouse with an obsession for his best friend, and the heiress of a respective clan. Tonight, he knew her as being bold, dressed in a robe that exposed an alluring ammount of flesh.
Oh yeah and amazingly drunk also.
Which made her even more alluring in some sick way.
He realised now that Hinata definitely needed to stay away from the filthy paws of that dog lover. Just for her own safety.
So like the true avenger he really was he made his way through the crowd, already calculating how to take Kiba down if necessary.
When he spotted them on the dance floor, he was still debating whether he should go up there or not. They were dancing on some heavy-metal song, on a relatively safe distance from each other. But when a love song began to play, Sasuke narrowed his eyes. As expected, Kiba immediately took hold of Hinata, pulling her slender frame against his. His hands roamed her bare back freely now, and an enraged Sasuke stormed towards them.
He pushed Kiba away from Hinata, and allowed her to lean on him instead.
“What the...?” the brown-haired ninja hissed.
“It's my turn” Sasuke smirked and turned his attention towards Hinata, who was smiling back at him.
“Hinata, say something.”
“Kiba, it's okay, we'll dance again later ok?”
And with that, a disappointed Kiba drifted off in defeat, throwing Sasuke some last insulting words, promising him that "this wasn't over yet"
He encircled her waist and she threw her arms around him, nuzzling his chest contently.
Sasuke was confused about what to do next, and with her clasping him so tightly, he could hardly think either, so he looked around and then asked awkwardly:
“Shouldn't we be at least moving or something?”
Uchiha Sasuke didn't dance. He never had and he thought he never would. Today just seemed to be full of surprises. And it all started by being Naruto's best man. Curse him and his so-called 'favors'.
“Hm yes, you're suppose to lead.” She mumbled in his chest.
“Uh?” Her eyelids fluttered open, and she looked up. “You don't know how lead?”
He shook his head as if it was the most normal thing in the world, not knowing how to slow dance. After all, who has time to occupy themselves with such futile things?
“Well I guess it's ok, you can follow my lead.”
“I refuse.”
“What? Why?”
“Because you just said, that I am suppose to lead you. So I will.”
Hinata smiled at the seriousness of his statement.
“Okay,.” she laughed, "then I shall teach you how."
Sasuke and Hinata drinking... it was hard to write so I don't feel confident about this chapter, I got the impression it was a bit rushed at the end but well, it's late again.
-Sigh- I definitely need a beta.