Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A Second Chance ❯ No more ( Chapter 6 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: And I… will always love you.
No More
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“And then he said… `Baby I love you'.” A woman in her late twenties giggled loudly to her friend at the comment. “I mean, come on, that phrase is so… out!”
Her friend nodded, “I know! You would like that they would come up with better pickup lines then that lame shit! He as well ought to've said, `Oh baby, let's have sex'. Guys these days… and they actually think that we will believe that?”
“Yeah. Idiots…”
The two grabbed their requested drink at the bar and hurried off to another regular night of dancing and drinking. One of them looked back to see a pair of gorgeous women sitting at the far table, seemingly lost in their thoughts. Unaware to them was that these two beautiful ladies had been eavesdropping all along.
“Humph.” The pink haired maiden, casually leaning on her chair, scoffed to her friend. “You would think that people these days would have more to talk about.”
Her friend giggled, earning a grin from her companion. “Lighten up Forehead! We were once them.” She hastily took a cheeky look at the table a few places in front of them. It was filled with a few drop dead gorgeous men, all-shooting wanting looks in their directions.
“Indeed.” The pink head uttered, taking another sip from her beverage, ignoring the stares. She let out a sigh. If only this was just a regular night. If only she didn't have to worry about anything and just sit back and enjoy her martini. No… tonight just had to be Haruno Sakura's bridal shower.
“Oh Sakura! It's just a bit of fun!” The loud blonde woman whined, eyeing the men with interest. “It's not everyday that you have a bridal shower!”
“No means no Ino. I told you that I'm not going to do it, so no.”
“Oh… come on,” the woman batted her eyelashes and put on an adorable puppy dog pout. “Pleease… Pritty please.”
The pink head put her drink on the table, frustrated. “No.”
“Oh…” she let out a sigh and fell back on her seat. “You're no fun,” she teased.
“Hmm…” she said mindlessly taking another sip from her glass. She raised her eyebrow at the group of men that were currently looking directly at them, `they are pretty good looking…' she mused. She instantly reached out and grabbed Ino's hand from preventing her from pursuing the man that had just winked at her. “Show some self control why don't you?”
The blonde gave her a sly smile, “Look who's talking, why don't you stop checking them out?”
Sakura was going to pummel her best friend when her actions were quickly cut short. A large gathering of women started to arrive at their table.
“Oh Sakura darling! You look so beautiful!” A teary eyed woman fussed. “I can't believe that my only daughter is getting married!” She started to brush away imaginary tears. “Why I remember it like it was yesterday,” she sighed revisiting the far away memory. “I should have believed you when told me that you were going to marry Uchiha Sasuke when you grew up!” She clasped her hands together and let out a high-pitched squeal. “And look at you now, all grown up.” She brushed off an imaginary tear, “And engaged to the man of your dreams as well.”
“God, please stop talking mother.” She pleaded, embarrassed.
The other woman started laughing, “It's nothing to be ashamed of dear, your father and I are very proud of you.” She playfully hit her arm. “You…snatching up such a fine young man and all. He is so handsome, such a nice physic,” she swooned.
She groaned, trying to cover her face. Her mother was talking about how hot her fiancée was… How creepy. “Mother…” she silently pleaded.
“Alright, alright, I'll stop.” Kari Haruno gave a sly smile. “Although I can't help but be proud of you for snatching up such a fine looking devil!”
`Oh god… just kill me now.'
“Now, now, Haruno-san, let's not bother the young lady, tomorrow is her wedding day! Don't poop yourself out; leave all the lovely comments for tomorrow when her husband will be present.” Tsunade-sama said cheerfully.
“You're absolutely right Godaime, as always.” The petite woman said adoringly. “Aww, my little muffin is going to look so beautiful tomorrow!” she squealed all over again.
Sakura let out a sigh and ran her hands through her messy hair. `You're dead, Tsunade-sama.' She thought trying to send telepathic signals to her mentor. `I hate you.'
The lovely blonde with the humongous bust just grinned and ordered another drink. “Ahh… I love the sweet smell of sake.” She inhaled before gulping down the contents.
Why on earth did she invite all these people again? Oh right. She didn't. The whole wonderful event was arranged and organized by her maid of honor. The stupid pig. She glared daggers at her.
“Oh lighten up Forehead, this is the last day you'll be single! Have some fun!” She said winking at her.
“Oh pl-ea-ze.” She said sarcastically. “Is that the best you got?” She frowned, clearly disappointed.
“Well… I -”
“No, Sakura! Last time we party together single?”
“Cut me some slack -”
“No, Sakura! Last time we go drinking together? No, Sakura! Last time we mope around together after having a hangover?” Sakura said, clearly ignoring the blonde's interjections.
“Yeah… Well… I -”
“I mean everything is going to be different -” She gasped. “Oh my god! Everything really is going to be different now isn't it?”
The blonde let out a sad nod.
“Oh my god…” She slumped down in her chair. “I never realized…”
Her best friend let out a small sniff. “You're getting married!” She howled.
“I'm getting married!” she screeched back franticly.
“You're getting married!” She yelled out.
Best friends stared at each other for a while before they both started to break down.
“I'm getting married.” Sakura said softly.
“I know.”
“Oh my god Ino-pig.”
“Oh my god Forehead girl.”
The pair burst out crying and hugged each other.
“Let's go have some fun… one last time.”
“Knew you would come around eventually.” Ino winked.
The two excused themselves and scurried off, ordering the strongest drink the house had and finally had a talk to those handsome little devils that were staring at them.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Damn shoes.” Sakura grumbled to herself, resisting the urge to prop the dreaded high heels off.
After what seemed like hours of partying, dozen of drunken drinks, a few new phone numbers, and better pick up lines, the group of ladies were sitting back at their table, resting their poor swollen feet.
“Heh serves you right Forehead. You better give me Keni's phone number after this!” she hissed.
“No can do, Ino-pig, he gave it to me.” Sakura boasted.
“Oh come-on Sakura! You're getting married!”
“So? Your point?”
“Why you -”
“Girls, settle down.” Tsunade-sama yawned; eyes twinkling in the direction that Shizune was dancing with an unknown hunk. “Besides… I think he is already taken.”
“Huh?” Both girls said, dumbfounded. They turned around and stared at the scene happening across from them. “Oh,” they said sadly.
Haruno Kari laughed at the scene in front of her. “Ah, young love.” The caring mother told the silently agreeing Hokage. “Sakura… I just want to know one thing before your wedding.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Yes?”
“… As long as you're happy, your father and I will be happy.” She said tearfully.
She smiled, “I already know that mother.”
“Yes… but at times I think that you don't.” She said carefully, hoping that her daughter got the message.
Sakura was left speechless. Did her mother just tell her to reconsider her decision to marry Sasuke-kun? No. Impossible. Her mother adored him… Or did she really? “Thanks mom,” she thanked, giving her mother a hug.
“No problem sweet pea.” She said patting her back. “Besides, I can even fathom the idea of how nervous you are.”
“Nervous?” She questioned.
“Yeah.” She chuckled. “I remember how anxious I was before my wedding.” She let out a small laugh and sighed. “I was so nervous, but after thinking about how happy and how much I loved your father, that was enough for me to smile every time I thought of my wedding, wishing that the day would come sooner.”
Sakura was shocked. Sooner? … The days were going by so fast.
The older woman chuckled, continuing. “Every night, I would go into my closet and I would try on my wedding dress. I would be standing in front of the mirror staring at myself, imagining about how happy I would be being Mrs. Fay Haruno.” She let out a content smile, noticing that her only daughter was listening to every word. “I would recite over and over in my head that I was going to be the new, Mrs. Fay Haruno.” She smiled up at her daughter's distant expression.
“…New, Mrs. Fay Haruno…”
“I would do that every night and I never got bored of it, or tired of hearing the phrase, `I'm marrying Fay-kun…' I fell asleep to those words.”
“You did?” Sakura gasped. She couldn't help but think about how alike she was to her mother.
“Yupp.” She grinned. “I was so nervous when I saw him the next day, whilst I was walking down that alter. I was so scared that I fumbled and almost dropped my bouquet!” The whole table started to laugh, Kari Haruno's chuckle being the loudest.
“Ah… I will always remember that feeling I got in the pit of my stomach when I said `I do'. I looked right up at him and he smiled at me and I knew that I was making the best decision in my life for marrying him, even if I gave up everything. I was willing to do that, just for him.”
The entire group was glazing intently at her.
“Please… Do go on…” Tenten said softly, lost in thought. “How did you know?” She elaborated when she realized that her question was incomplete. “I mean, how did you know that he was the one?”
She smirked, “I knew that he was the one when I felt my knees go at the sight of him.”
“Wow… that's amazing,” a few said in awe. “You fell in love before you knew it.”
“Yupp.” She smiled proudly. “Me and my cursed knees.” She chuckled.
Sakura turned away from her mother and thought about her feeling towards Sasuke-kun. Did she have wobbly knees around him?
“Although it was just a moment in time, I will always remember that feeling. You can never forget something like that.” She let out a soft sigh, “you always have an odd feeling around the one you love. I guess that's what makes you love them. You always think about them.” She said happily.
She stared at the women in front of her, so naïve. She was glad that she could teach them some things about falling in and out of love. She wasn't at all surprised when one of the girls suddenly decided to leave out of the blue.
“Um… Excuse me please.” One of the women said to her and quickly exited, tugging her purse behind her.
“Heh,” she chuckled, “calling someone dear?”
The woman blushed and smiled warmly, “Yes.”
Kari Haruno silently surveyed the group of girls and gave a curt nod when each one politely excused themselves for a bit.
“Um… I think I'll go for a bit too.”
“Yeah, me too.”
One by one each woman left to make a quick phone call to her love one.
When more than half left she turned onto Sakura and gave her a kind smile. “You phoning Sasuke as well?”
Sakura looked puzzled, she wasn't planning on it, what would she say to him? He hated being bothered for not reason. “Yeah. I should.” She quickly took out her puffy pink cell phone out and excused herself from the table.
“Never miss the chance to tell someone you love them…” Her mother muttered behind her walking form. “Be brave my daughter… tells him the truth…”
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
She walked around, at lest finally an isolated area. She walked into the bar area where no one was and she dialed a memorized number.
`Pick up, please pick up.' She silently prayed.
“Hello?” A masculine voice answered. She subconsciously smiled; she hasn't heard this voice in a while.
“Hey.” She greeted softly.
She didn't here any answer on the other line and carefully looked at the caller id to make sure he didn't hang up. He didn't. He was still there, just not talking.
“Um…” She fumbled, “I'm sorry I called, I know… it's late and everything - ”
“No, it's fine.”
She let out a sigh and tugged on her black sweater, why was she calling again?
“Erm…” She said, not sure how to start. “I'm not sure if you heard yet but I just wanted to tell you that I'll getting married.” Somehow instead of saying this with joy she said it quite regrettably. When he didn't say anything she quickly elaborated. “I mean, I'm sure I sent you the invitation… but I'm not sure if you got it yet… and… um… or if you heard -” She stopped, thinking of how foolish she must have sounded babbling like an idiot. She laughed, “I'm sorry. I know I must sound stupid for calling you like this…”
“No, it's fine. I'm glad you called.”
She blushed at his comment. Sasuke-kun would have never said anything like that to her. “Well, um,” she faltered; suddenly the real reason she called came to her. “I really hope that you'll be there.” She blabbed out, closing her eyes in horror for her stupid confession. All she could do was wait for his answer.
`I really want you to be there Neji-kun.'
`It wouldn't be the same without you.'
`Please come.'
She smiled. Somehow she had a feeling that he wouldn't come. She needed him to be there. It just wouldn't be the same without him. He had to come.
“Thank you Neji-kun.” She said softly. “It means a lot.” She stared at her pink cell phone imaging that he was there.
He sighed, “…Sakura…I -”
“Hey Sakura! Hurry up! You're missing your own bridal shower!” Tenten yelled while her head peeked behind the wall Sakura was leaning on.
Sakura nodded at her and Tenten left.
“I'm sorry Neji, I have to go. I'll talk to you later okay?”
“Ah…” He said defeated.
“Thanks again, the invitation should have everything on it. I got to go, bye.” She hung up.
He listened to the dial tone ring in his ears, “…Goodbye Sakura-Chan…”
He hung up.
A/N: This was three hours of my life. I hope you liked this chapter. Personally, this is one of my favourite scenes in the whole story, besides the wedding that is… which I will start writing soon. I still have this feeling that I could have wrote more and added more descriptions and whatnot… but I'm in a hurry to post this baby up and things can be edited later.
It's now past four in the morning and I'm semi finish editing this. I'm tired and I must sleep. I'm sorry if this chapter sucks… it's the best I could do… honest. I'll try my best in the next one. Short and Sweet. It's how I want to end this beauty. Goodnight.
Happy Easter! Finally! My pretty bunnies have a use!
Happy Clicking.
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Bunny POWER!