Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A Shooting Star ❯ The star ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Okay I'm not sure if this is a poem or a oneshot. It was inspired while I was reading one of my poems today and I just had to write it. The Poem is at the bottom of the page. Don't flame if you don't like it...I'm not fire proof.
They were out in the forest by a clearing. It had been a long day of training, and time had slipped by. The sun had long ago set leaving the team in the care of the stars. They were on their way back to the Hidden Leaf village when the pink hair girl walking between the two boys stopped. Her face turned skyward to the moonless ocean of blues. A hand on her shoulder brought her out of the daze and she turned to her blond friend.
"Sakura-chan? Are you okay?" The girl forced a smile and nodded her head.
"Yeah, I was just thinking, Naruto." Their raven haired teammate had stopped to look back at them. His eyes caught hers and Sakura felt she would drown in the seemingly endless depths of onyx. The wind blew through the air without a sound picking her hair up to play with it. A chill ran down her spin from the chilling cool of the night, and he turned away without letting an emotion flicker across his face. He was good at that. Making her feel accepted for a little while before pushing the girl away carelessly. It hurt a little more every time.
"Sasuke. . ." His name floated off her lips before she realized it. He must not have heard her because he didn't turn around or slow his pace, but the blond just ahead of Sakura flinched -as if it stung- but why should he hurt? She was the one who was rejected time and time again, sometimes without words. Why did he have to be so cruel? Couldn't he let just one person inside his barrier? She continued her trek through the tall grass that swayed ever so lightly. Green eyes turned upward again, as if asking the heavens for help.
A shooting star whizzed through the sky leaving a trail. A smile formed at her lips, and she couldn't help but point it out.
"Look! It's a shooting star. Make a wish, guys, fast!" She closed her hands together before her chest and squeezed her eyes closed. Her two team mates stopped and looked up just as the light was starting to fade. The raven haired boy with is hands shoved inside his pocket continued to stare at the sky while Naruto followed the pink haired girls actions. After they had made their wishes Naruto and Sakura opened their eyes.
"What did you wish for Sakura-chan?" He was grinning with a hand in his blond hair. The girl glanced up to the other boy and a wistful smiled passed over her features. Naruto got it, and looked away trying to keep up his cheerful demeanor.
"Wishes don't come true." They both head Sasuke reply before he began walking again. Once again she had been rejected, without even trying he crushed her. Her head hung, and pink hair fell across her eyes, but she had to agree. Wishes don't come true...
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It was a cold October night, with no moon in view.
The wind blew through the air with an eerie quietness.
And a shooting star crossed our paths.
I wished for the one thing I knew I would never have. . .
-Amanda Rae
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Thanks for reading! Please review!!