Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A stranger in Konoha ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto but if I did I would be soo happy!
Chapter 7:
The next day Itachi, Kisame, and I left the cave and again I followed Itachi's lead. Last night was still going through my mind and I was glaring at Itachi with an intensity I had never had before. Kisame was still an indifference to me, besides I didn't hate him or at least not yet. Finally after about 4 hours or so of constant running we approached a building. It was just a plain building with absolutely nothing special about it. It wasn't small or big just medium sized. Looking around a bit I took up my usual feeling of indifference.
“Finally we're back at the Akatsuki headquarters,” Kisame said with a slight smile. Itachi didn't say anything as was usual and I just stared at the building. I looked down at my arm for a brief second and was unsurprised to see its faint glow. Apparently as long as Itachi was nearby it would glow. Delightful and I'm sure the pain last night it gave off was only a small amount of what it's capable of giving off. Itachi and Kisame walked towards what I assumed was the front door and I followed still glaring at Itachi.
The next hour was a blur to me as I was in a state of indifference and choose to block out the world. Basically we went inside and Itachi went to talk to some guy about me staying here and apparently he said yes because Itachi lead me to some room and told me I was going to stay there. He also said that he was staying in the room next to mine and if I tried to leave the tattoo would kill me. I merely just nodded my head and he left. Now I'm lying on the bed in the room about to fall asleep. Well I guess I better get used to this place as I expect I won't be leaving this place anytime soon. Itachi's curiosity won't go away till he learns everything about my eyes how lovely, I think to myself. I then fall into a dreamless sleep.
A loud knock issued form my door and the next second Itachi burst in the door. Lovely I wasn't expecting him this early. I'm still on the bed having just woken up and was thoroughly angry at Itachi. Being a night person I was unhappy about being woken up.
“Let's go,” Itachi said simply and walked out through the door. Looking back at me he glared and my arm gave off a slight bit of pain.
Getting up I follow him and the pain immediately stops. Impatient jerk I was going to get up in a second anyways.Itachi walks towards the entrance and I follow him outside. He then takes off into the forest and I follow him until we stop at a clearing. Let me guess we're here so Itachi can test the limits of my Shigan. Great more fun, I think sarcastically.
Suddenly Itachi disappeared and a kunai flew towards me. Dodging it I turned around
and activated my Shigan. Damn that's what he wanted. But what else was I going to do? Well let him see what powers my Shigan has. At least I can have a little fun, I thought and smirked. Performing some hand signs a green fire came out of my hands to where I knew Itachi to be. He dodged it and before I could react he disappeared again and preformed my own justsu against me. Cursing under my breath I dodge it and turn around to find Itachi there looking at me with his blood red eyes. I glare at him with my dark green eyes and attempt to stab him with a kunai. “Do you want to kill me Chiyo?” Itachi asks.
Turning around I mutter “No duh.”
Itachi smirks at me and laughs. “Let me see you try.”
My anger boiling up inside of me I perform another justsu. A dark green chakra formed a ball in her hand and I threw it at Itachi. Doing more hand seals a green rain starts to fall and three clones made of the green water formed. In perfect sync my clones and I perform all different hand seals. One of the clones had green fire surrounding her and another had a dark green sword in her hands. The last one had glowing green kunai and shuriken surrounding her and I had a green tiger beside me. “Do you like my special clones Uchiha Itachi?” I asked with a slight smirk on my face. All at once my clones attacked Itachi who seemed slightly surprised.
“Not bad Chiyo and you're right these are special clones. Let me guess, they are infused with part of your chakra no doubt. Interesting they will not be as easily defeated as normal clones would be. So let's stop this for now shall we?” Itachi said as emotionless as ever. Dodging all of my attacks he appeared in front of me and grabbed my wrists. I merely just glared at him seething with anger that he could dodge all of my attacks. “Your power is impressive but nowhere near mine,” Itachi whispers in my ear. A small chill goes down my spine. His breath on my ear felt so strange to me. No man had ever been so close to me and my stomach issued some pain. Disgust and hunger probably caused it or maybe something I didn't want to think about caused it.
“Let go Itachi,” I tell him. Glaring into his eyes I begin to feel lost in them. They were such a beautiful deep red color and captivated me. Looking away from his eyes I close mine and they return to there original dark brown color. I struggle to free my wrists from his grasp but find it impossible. “Itachi I said let go!” I yell with anger in every bit of my voice. I feel my body beginning to shake from the anger.
“You say that but yet you won't look at me. Tell me Chiyo why should I let go? You will only try to attack me and I will be forced to kill you.” Itachi says. I feel his hand grab my chin and force me to look into his eyes.
I glare at him and say, “Then how do you expect to learn about my Shigan? I know that's what you care about. Now let go of me and I'll let you learn about my Shigan.” I felt Itachi's grip on my wrists release and I resist the urge to punch him. I knew all to well that Itachi could easily kill me and I didn't want to die just yet. I wanted to kill him so bad but the fact was I couldn't. It pained my heart but I couldn't extract my revenge on him just yet.
“Tell me then Chiyo. I'm waiting,” Itachi said staring at her and still only inches from me.
“My Shigan give me all the same powers as your Sharingan. Although my Shigan gives me a special ability to collect the moons power and use it with my chakra. What else it can do I don't know you killed the only person who could have told me that.” I said. The last part I said with hate in my voice and glared into Itachi's eyes. I remembered my mother well and knew she shouldn't have been killed.
So what do you think? Ok so the fight scene needs some work but don't worry I will improve for the sake of whoever reads this! Wait does anyone read this? *thinks* Hmmm probably not. I will update as soon as possible and this story is no where near over yet. Some big scenes are coming up soon maybe in the next chapter. So if you have any questions or just want to talk to me email me at