Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ A Tail of Two Bijus ❯ Awakening of the Doujutsu ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Hello again readers! It's time for the second instalment of the mission to the Snow.
I have to say, this chapter was easily the hardest chapter to do, hell, it caused me so much trouble I have had time to plan for everything up to the end of Naruto's fight in the main matches! And that includes all three alternatives for Naruto's opponent!
Also, I got 30 reviews! YATTA!
BTW, I will only be doing one round of the main matches, as that much of the story line I'm sticking to. The results of the vote so far:
(A): Hyuga Neji (Neji will be owned hardcore, because frankly, I think he's a jackass): 2
(B): Rock Lee (A battle to see which is better: The Demonic or Celestial Gates and who can open up more of them, ie a battle of epic proportions): 2
(C): Uchiha Sasuke (basically a battle of the Doujutsu to prove which clan has the best Bloodline Limit and which has the most power: The Curse Seal or the Demonic Gates, Chidori or Rasengan): 1
It stands at two for A and B and one for C.
Anyways, I'll get to the point you've all been waiting for.
'...Biju Thoughts...'
“...Biju Talking...”
&&&&&&&&&...Scene Change...&&&&&&&&&&
A Tail of Two Bijus:
Chapter 8:
Awakening of the Doujutsu:
In a Smoke Filled Room on the Other Side of Town:
In a vip room of a very low brow bar on the other side of the Village of Snow from Hiroshi's mansion, a rather obese man sat on a large plush chair and started to light a cigar. Just as the cigar was about to catch alight, the room suddenly filled with a mist that put the lighter's flame out.
“Katsuro, I really wish you wouldn't do that.”
“My apologies, Kenta-Sama.”
“Anyways, what news do you bring?”
“It's just as you feared Kenta-Sama. Hiroshi has hired ninja, leaf ninja at that.”
The man in the chair started to light another cigar.
“Oh? Do you recognise any of them, Katsuro?”
“Most of them are a bunch of little runts, nothing but Genin who are nothing but fresh meat to feed my sword.”
“And what of the others?”
Kenta took a sip of some sort of beverage, probably an alcoholic one.
“They couldn't have picked a better body guard, Kenta-Sama. The runt's instructor is none other than Hatake Kakashi himself.”
Kenta spat out the drink started a coughing fit before looking at his right hand man in disbelief.
“HATAKE KAKASHI?! Are you absolutely sure of this? You better not be lying!”
“His face is permanently etched into my brain from when he defeated us last. Although he has aged slightly, I am absolutely certain it is him.”
“This is grave news indeed. I may have to alter my plans slightly. I want you to go back to the mansion and find out not only how much Kakashi is, but how good his little runts are as well.”
“Understood, Kenta-Sama.”
“Oh and Katsuro?”
“Yes, Kenta-Sama?”
“Try and stay out of trouble until we begin the push, ok?”
“Sure thing, boss.”
Just like he had come in, Katsuro exited the room, putting out Kenta's cigar and ruining it, forcing him to get a new one. Kenta sighed before mumbling to himself about getting Katsuro to stop doing that.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&a mp;&&&
Back at the Hiroshi Mansion:
Ok guys and girls, these are two primary targets. They may have other major accomplices, but these two are the main ones, got it? If you spot either of them, you are to run to me and tell me immediately, got it? Do not and I repeat DO NOT engage them without at least me present. Ok good, all of you go and get some sleep, it'll be a long day for us tomorrow. Good night everyone.”
They all filed out of Kakshi's room, and went to their respective rooms. Naruto opened the door for Yukiko and allowed her to enter first ad turned around give her some privacy to change. When he heard her voice that she was ready, he turned around and walked through the doorway. As he was about to enter, he got a sudden, quick pulse of killing intent. Naruto froze and whipped around, only to find no one there. He gazed along the wall suspiciously before hearing Yukiko calling out to him.
“Naruto-Kun? Is something wrong?”
Naruto felt the killer intent disappear and shrugged it off. He'd talk about it with Kakashi tomorrow morning, for now though he just wanted to rest his body in a REAL bed for the first time in weeks.
“Nah, just imagining things. Let's go to sleep, Yukiko-Chan.”
Naruto then shut the door behind him and went over to the bed that Yukiko was getting into. Naruto then realised that he still needed to change, he got his sleeping gear and went to a corner of the room to change. Yukiko gave him some privacy as he stripped. However, she couldn't help herself and took a quick peek at him. She saw him in only his boxers. He was definitely a sight to behold. Well toned biceps, and a four pack was starting to develop as well. She just blushed as perverted thoughts careened through her mind until Naruto turned around and noticed that she was staring at him. They both blushed, but said nothing. Naruto quickly donned his light blue panama top and pants, before slipping into bed beside Yukiko. They both looked at each other before having a short but passionate goodnight kiss.
“Night, Naruto-Kun, my Nine-Tailed Fox. Sleep well.”
“You too Yukiko-Chan, my Two-Tailed Cat. Night.”
With that, they just went to sleep in each other's arms wanting the moment to last forever.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&a mp;&&&&
8 am. Next Morning:
Everyone had woken up and gotten dressed. They were now in Kakashi's room, deciding their course of action.
“Guys, I'm sorry to say that this is no longer a lower A class mission, or an A class mission at all for that matter.”
Everyone was shocked, especially Naruto.
“Eh? What do you mean no longer an A class mission, Kakashi-Sensei?”
“The right hand man of Kenta was known as one of the 7 Shinobi Swordsmen. That by itself is enough to bump this up to an upper A class mission, but I fear that Naruto and Yukiko's lives are in grave danger, and if my suspicious proves correct, this mission has become a mission that only someone of Kage level could undertake, which bumps this up to an middle S class mission at the least. If this turns out to be true, you two will be killed and there's nothing any of us can do to stop it.”
Everyone was now in disbelief, especially Naruto and Yukiko.
“Kakashi-Sensei? Who's so strong that even you can't protect us?”
“I suppose I had to tell you sooner or later. There is an organisation of all S ranked missing-nins. They call themselves Akatski. They have a goal, and a disgusting one at that. They plan to gather all the demon containers from around the world and drain the container's demons for their own personal gain, thereby killing the host body. The weakest member is ranked as a middle S ranked ninja. I'm ranked as an upper A ranked ninja.”
Yukiko still didn't see what this organisation had to do with the Seven Shinobi Swordsmen.
“Kakashi-Sensei, what does Akatski have to do with this mission? How are they related to the Seven Shinobi Swordsmen?”
“The most powerful member of the Seven Shinobi Swordsmen is now a member of Akatski. If they become involved, we have no choice but to abandon this mission. We got into something way over our heads.”
“Who is this member of Akatski, Kakshi-Sensei?”
“His name is Hoshigake Kisame. Sasuke, this has to do with you as well. Kisame is usually seen with a former member of the leaf. Your brother.”
With that, Sasuke bristled considerably.
“My brother is around here?!”
“We're not certain, Sasuke. Even if he was, I refuse to let you engage him. You can't beat me yet, and he could kill me without even breaking a sweat. Don't worry Sasuke, I'll see to it that when the time comes, you'll be ready to face your brother. Until then, I`m going to avoid all possible contact with anyone from Akatski. You'll know when you meet a member of Akatski by their black cloaks with red clouds on them and their straw hats that have white strips of paper coming off the hats. If you see anyone even remotely like that, run. Do not stop running until you can run no further. Do I make myself clear?”
Everyone slowly nodded, including Sasuke.
“Good. Now, I would like all of you to come with me to meet with Hiroshi-Sama and tell him about my discovery.”
Again they all nodded and filed out of the room and headed to the meeting room.
Once they were there, they took their seats and Hideaki and Hiroshi came into the room. They smiled before bowing slightly and beginning the conversation.
“Ah, Kakashi. I trust you slept well?”
“I wish I could say I did, Hiroshi-Sama. Unfortunately, the identity of Kenta's right hand man has been plaguing my mind all night. This morning, I finally figured out who he was. I regret to say that this mission is no longer an A class mission.”
Hiroshi and Hideaki opened their eyes in surprise.
“What do you mean, Kakashi?”
“Kenta's right hand man was once part of a group of ninjas from the Hidden Village of the Mist who identified themselves as the Seven Shinobi Swordsmen. That alone bumps this up to an upper A class mission. However, there's more.”
“More? How could it be any worse than that?”
“Hiroshi-Sama, we accepted a mission that was over all of our heads. The most powerful of the Seven Shinobi Swordsmen is now part of a criminal organisation that identifies themselves as the Akatski. Have you heard of them before, Hiroshi-Sama?”
“I have heard myths about them, but nothing more. Please give me some background on them.”
“Akatski is an organisation of missing-nins that are comprised of only the strongest ninjas in the world. The weakest of them is at least a middle S ranked ninja in my Bingo Book. I fear that if my suspicions are true, that the strongest member of the Seven Shinobi Swordsmen will turn up hear and attempt to abduct both Naruto and Yukiko. The sole goal of Akatski is to round up all nine demon containers and drain them o their demons, thereby killing the demon's hosts. Also, it's known that the Akatski usually travel in pairs. Hoshigake Kisame is the name of the former member of the Seven Shinobi Swordsmen. His partner from what we have been able to make out from the limited reports available is a former ninja of Konoha, possibly one of the mot powerful genius' we ever had. His name is Uchiha Itachi, Sasuke's older brother.”
Hiroshi and Hideaki's eyes widened in fear.
“I apologise for not telling you this, Kakashi, but we had no idea of the true identity of this ninja or the implications…”
“Don't worry, Hiroshi-Sama. It's understandable. We will not abandon our mission unless Akatski becomes involved. We need you to understand that even a single member of Akatski is far beyond us, and Naruto and Yukiko's lives take priority over this mission. We're sorry to bring you such bad news, Hiroshi-Sama.”
“On the contrary, Kakashi, I have to thank you for bringing this to my attention. Any new information about either of these two is very welcome. Is there anything else you would like to discuss?”
“No, Hiroshi-Sama, that is all.”
“I see. Again thank you for this information. Good luck with your mission. Please excuse me, I must go and update my forces on this. Have a pleasant day.”
“You too, Hiroshi-Sama.”
With that, everyone exited the room and Kakashi decided it was time to do some serious training. These kids had no idea of what they were up against, and although it wasn't much, he should be able to teach them some basic survival skills.
“Ok guys, I've decided to come up with a training regime to get you guys ready for combat. Let's go to the edge of town, we need to find some tall trees for this exercise.”
&&&&&&&&&&&&&a mp;&
10 Minutes Later on the Outskirts of the Village:
Kakashi stopped in front of four rather tall trees and turned to his students.
“Ok guys, I'm going to teach you how to control your charka by learning to climb trees. Without your hands.”
“Everyone but Yukiko just stared at Kakashi with fish eyes.
“Basically, you are going to use your charka to stick to the trees. Basically, you gather the charka to the soles of your feet and moderate it carefully. Too much charka, and the tree will repel you. Too little, and you'll just fall off. I guess that's about all I can tell you on how to do it. I'll show you how it's done.”
With that, Kakashi walked to one of the trees and stopped in front of it. He closed his eye and then put his foot on the tree and began walking up the trunk with his hands in his pockets as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura just stared at him while Yukiko was clearly unimpressed. Kakashi stopped and decided to walk along a branch. However, knowing Kakashi, he decided to show off and hang from the branch upside down without using his hands.
“That's basically it. Now, you four.”
Kakshi threw four kunai at them which landed at their feet.
“Use those to mark your progress up the tree. Also, I suggest a running start to help you get a bit of momentum. Go when ready.”
Just as Naruto was about to charge in, Yukiko grabbed his arm.
“Eh? What's up, Yukiko-Chan?”
Yukiko just whispered her answer in his ear.
“Despite what Kakashi-Sensei said about getting a running start, I think that would be a bad idea for you. There is another way of doing it, although it requires more charka, it is actually easier to do. I think my method is a better way of learning it.”
“Ok, I'm interested, go on.”
“Basically, go up to the tree and put one foot on the tree. Focus you charka to the point where you feel that your foot is stable, then put your other foot up and do the same. It's slow, but it usually works on the first or second try. I'll tell you what. If you do it first try, I'll give you a kiss, ok?”
Naruto's eyes widened. That was the sort of motivation he needed.
“You're on! Ok, here I go.”
Naruto calmly walked up to the tree and put a foot on it, followed by his other. Yukiko also walked up to the tree and began her accent. Both of them climbed at an equal pace, Yukiko purposely kept pace with Naruto, smiling at him al the time. Naruto and Yukiko after abut a minute reached the top of their trees. Naruto let out a victory yell and forgot about focusing his charka and just fell off the tree. Yukiko screamed, but Naruto managed to land on a snow covered branch and use his charka to swing around it upside down and smiled sheepishly while scratching the back of his head. Yukiko sighed in relief, before running back down the tree, and Naruto dropped down too. Yukiko ran over t Naruto and gave him a hug and a kiss, before playfully beating his chest.
“BAKA! Don't scare me like that! I was so worried…”
“Eh heh heh, sorry Yukiko-Chan, I forgot to focus my charka for a second. But I'm still alive so it's all good, isn't it?”
“I suppose you're right.”
Suddenly, a cal from the top of another tree caught their attention.
“Hey, this isn't so hard after all!”
There sitting on a branch at the top of a tree was Sakura. It seems she made it first go too.
“Eh? Good work, Sakura-Chan!”
The only person who was left was Sasuke. He paled quite noticeably before he turned to Naruto and gave him a very odd look.
“Neh… Naruto… What did Yukiko tell you about focusing your charka?”
Seeing that Naruto was in a position of power, he decided to take advantage of it.
“Well, if I tell you, will you teach me that fire jutsu after this?”
Sasuke saw he was in no position to bargain, so he sighed and nodded his head.
“Yatta! Ok basically, what you have to do is…”
Naruto said the rest as a whisper in Sasuke's ear. Sasuke nodded at regular intervals, before Naruto finished and Sasuke smiled.
“Thanks Naruto. I'll teach you that fire jutsu after this.”
“Ok, go for it, Sasuke!”
Sasuke walked up to his tree and stopped. He closed his eyes and focused his charka to the base of his feet and then placed his right foot on the tree before placing his left foot on the tree and continued in that fashion. Soon enough, Sasuke reached the top. Naruto smiled and gave a thumbs up while Kakashi just smiled at his team.
“Well it seems that you all mastered this exercise with ease. Ok guys, this was unexpected, as I thought most of you would at least take several hours to complete this exercise. Ok guys and girls, take the next two hours of to train in whatever you want in this general area. I'll be sitting here if you need me.”
“Ok, later Kakashi-Sensei! Neh, Sasuke, could you show me that fire jutsu now?”
“I guess. Let's go over here.”
“Neh, Yukiko-Chan, Ill see you in several hours, ok?”
Naruto gave Yukiko a hug and a quick kiss before running over to Sasuke. Yukiko had an idea on what would be a good training exercise for herself and Sakura.
“Sakura-San, I've noticed that you have extremely precise charka control. I'd say you would be well suited to medical abilities. Would you like me to start teaching you some of the basics of medical ninjutsu?”
Sakura thought this would be the a good opportunity. She may actually be able to use medical ninjutsus to win Sasuke-Kun's heart!
“You think so? Ok, I'd love to learn some of the basics of medicine.”
“Great, let's go over here and start off with the basics.”
Kakashi sighed and pulled out that little red book that we've all come to know and hate and began reading while giggling like a little school girl at random intervals.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&a mp;&&
Nearly Two Hours Later with Naruto and Sasuke:
“Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu!”
with said announcement, a moderately sized fireball appeared and scorched the already burnt ground. Sasuke was impressed. Naruto was keeping up with the pace that Sasuke had maintained when he learnt it.
“Naruto, I think you might actually be a natural at fire jutsus. You're setting a good pace. Keep this up and you may be almost as good as me. Almost”
“Heh, thanks for the compliment. By the way, what exactly do you think I'm doing wrong? I'm pumping a decent amount of charka into the technique. I don't know what else I'm doing wrong…”
“Do it again. Let me see if I can find what's wrong.”
Naruto focused again and let forth another fireball, this one slightly larger than the last. Sasuke finally figured out what the problem was.
“Naruto. I think I've found the problem. You're not mixing the charka and air right. Try focusing on the mixture of the two, and try and imagine that the chakra is kind of like a flame, while the air is like a rush of explosive gas. That's what I did when I was learning this technique, and that's what I found made me do the technique properly. Give it a try.”
Naruto closed his eyes and focused before doing the appropriate hand seals and calling out his technique.
“Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu!”
This time, the result was very different to the previous ones. Naruto let one massive fireball go, which made its way through the forest, incinerating everything in its path. The fireball finally died down about fifty meters from where Naruto stood. Sasuke whistled at the spectacle.
“Not bad. Not bad at all. I knew I was right when I said you were a natural at fire techniques. Good work, Naruto. I think you've got this one covered.”
Naruto let forth a rather loud “YATTA!” before putting his arm around Sasuke.
“Naruto, although you're happy, I'd appreciate it if you didn't hug me in such a…. Familiar way…”
Naruto released his hold on Sasuke before giving his trademark foxy grin and scratched the back of his head.
“Sorry, Sasuke.”
“No problem. Now, let's head back.”
They walked back to the group rather pleased with themselves. They saw that the two girls were rather pleased as well. Naruto was the first to break the silence.
“So, what kind of training did you do, Yukiko-Chan, Sakura-Chan?”
“Well, I saw how easily Sakura mastered the tree climbing exercise, so it occurred to me that Sakura should at least be half decent at medical ninjutsu. Boy was I surprised, she not only half decent, she's got the ability to become a very good medic, possibly almost as good as me.”
“Wow, way to go Sakura-Chan!”
“Thanks, Naruto. By the way, how did Naruto do with the fire technique, Sasuke-Kun?”
“I thought Naruto would have no hope at it before we started, but he proved me to be very wrong. Not only did he manage to master it, I think Naruto might be a natural at fire jutsus.”
“I'm impressed with the four of you. All of you have been progressing nicely. I've decided that we can go on a data gathering mission to find out more about our enemies. Remember what I said about the rules of engagement. If you spot them, run and tell me immediately. DO NOT engage. Understood?”
“Ok kids, let's go into town.”
Yukiko suddenly looked sullen
“Kakashi-Sensei, may I go to my former apartment? I… want to go there for personal reasons…”
Kakashi looked at Yukiko with sadness.
“Yeah, that's fine, although I want you to take one other person with you to watch your back. I can't afford to have us split up by ourselves. I assume you want to take Naruto with you?”
“Ok, meet back at the centre of the village in 2 hours, and we'll walk back to Hiroshi-Sama's mansion from there. Let's go everyone.”
Kakshi, Sakura and Sasuke wondered off towards some part of town while Naruto and Yukiko waked hand in hand towards Yukiko's former apartment.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&a mp;&&
Yukiko's Apartment:
Yukiko stopped outside a run down block of apartments. Yukiko took out a key from one of her pockets and walked towards her apartment only to find that the door had been blown in. They carefully snuck inside incase there were still people there only to find that the whole apartment had been trashed. Yukiko looked on in horror at the mess. Yukiko ran through the mess to what was her bedroom. She went to the remains of her desk and saw that her family heirloom was smashed beyond recognition and laid in pieces across the desk. Yukiko couldn't take any more, and fell to her knees and began letting out gasps and sobs.
“Yukiko-Chan, what is this... Or what was this locket?”
“Naruto-Kun... <sob>... that was my family's heirloom, passed down from mother to daughter... <sniff>... It's been in the family for over two hundred years... <choke>... And I broke it!”
“No! Yukiko-Chan, you did NOT break this! Those bastard villagers did! How could you even begin to think you had any thing to do with this locket's breaking?”
“But because of me, the villagers' loved ones were reanimated and killed! They had every right to do this-”
Yukiko cringed at Naruto as he shouted these words. Naruto quickly saw that he had made a mistake, and bent down next to Yukiko and put a hand on her face. His next reply was much more measured and gentle.
“Yukiko-Chan, were you in control of your body when you raised the dead?”
“No, but-”
“Did you have any control over your body whatsoever?”
“Then how is it your fault? You had absolutely no say in your actions. Now tell me. Did you want Nibi to raise the dead?”
“Of course not!”
“There you go then. Not only did you have absolutely no control over your body, but you had no intention of raising the dead. Do you still think it's your fault?”
“Well, I guess not...”
“Yukiko-Chan, listen to me. That whole incident was just one big misunderstanding. The villagers probably thought you were not only fully in control of yourself, but they probably thought you wanted to hurt them, which was exactly the opposite of the truth. Forget these villagers, they have no consideration for their 'comrades' whatsoever. They really aren't even worth the time. Why don't we just forget about these ungrateful selfish caring bastards and look for anything salvageable before we head back to Hiroshi-Sama's mansion. Sound ok with you?”
Yukiko started crying again, and Naruto wondered what he did wrong this time.
“Thank you, Naruto-Kun. You really know how to win people over don't you? I think you'd make a great Hokage one day.”
Naruto just gave his trademark foxy grin and scratch on the back of the head. Yukiko took this opportunity to launch herself onto him and push him to the floor and give him a long passionate kiss. Naruto wasn't expecting this, and turned rather red in the face before kissing Yukiko back and placing his arms around her waste. The two just enjoyed the moment while it lasted. Slowly, Yukiko drew back and cupped Naruto's cheek in her hand. Both of them gazed at each other with a look that most others would recognise as pure love. Naruto heard his watch make its regular hourly beep that it made every hour on the hour.
'Crap! How did we waste so much time?!'
'Do you really think it was wasted, kit?'
'Guess not...'
'Then stop complaining. Now, why don't you take a look around for anything to salvage?'
Naruto leaned up and whispered in Yukiko's ear.
“Neh, Yukiko-Chan, we need to get moving. We only have an hour before we are supposed to be back at the mansion. Why don't you go search the rest of the apartment while I search the bedroom?”
'Oi, kit. It's not a good idea to offer a girl to search her bedroom. Their bedroom is a rather... Personal place for them.'
'I have a reason for this.'
'Want to search her panty draw, eh?'
'Kidding kit, kidding.'
“I damn well hope you are.'
'Geez, lighten up ok?'
'Whatever. You'll see what I meant.'
Yukiko blushed before slowly agreeing. She turned around and walked back into the apartment. Naruto turned back to the remains of the locket.
'Neh, Kyubi, this may sound a tad selfish, but I need your help...'
'What do you want, kit?'
'Can you tell me if you can see any more pieces of the locket anywhere else in the room?'
'Heh, I see where this is going. Sure thing, kit. I'm going to do a partial demon transformation, only for your eyes though. Although I can still see out of your eyes, frankly I think I'm wondering around half-blind. Demon's eyesight is about 20 times better than a humans.'
'Ok then, go for it.'
Suddenly, Naruto's eyes changed quickly from cerulean blue to crimson red and the pupils elongated. Naruto started looking around the room before Kyubi spotted something that was obviously part of the locket.
'There, underneath that sock. Also, there's another one next to the front left leg of the bed. I think that's about it... No, there's another one under that bra.'
'Under the BRA?!'
'Yes kit, that's what I said. I suggest picking it up quickly, as Yukiko's coming back. You have about 7 seconds to pick it up before she comes back into the room.'
'Ok, thanks, Kyubi.'
'No worries kit. It's for a good cause. Have you got the parts that were on the desk?'
'I do now.'
“Good stuff.”
Just then, Yukiko came into the room. She was holding some photos amongst other things.
“Naruto-Kun, did you find anything?”
Naruto just shook his head Yukiko lowered her head. Naruto decided to lean up against a wall as he looked behind the chest of draws. However when he put some of his weight onto his hands, he heard a crack, and when he looked at the wall, there was a rather large crack in it. Naruto smiled sheepishly.
“Ah hah! Gomen, Yukiko-Chan...”
“Don't worry about it, Naruto-Kun.”
Naruto put his hands on either side of the crack and peered over the chest of draws again. However, this time, the section of the wall gave way. When Naruto got up off the ground and the plaster dust settled, they saw that the section of 'wall' had actually been nothing but a thin sheet of plaster covering a little indent in the wall that contained a miniature safe. They both looked at each other with wide eyes and grabbed the safe. It was surprisingly heavy, and it required both of them to carry it. Naruto just managed to put his wrist in a position to see the time.
“Neh, Yukiko-Chan, we have 45 minutes to get back to the centre of the Village. I say we should take what we have and head back.”
“Ok Naruto-Kun. Let's go.”
With that, both of them put the things on top of the safe and lugged the safe back with them.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&a mp;&&&
At the Centre of the Village:
Just as Kakashi was about to go look for Naruto and Yukiko, the two ninjas appeared from around a corner carrying a safe. Kakashi's visible eye widened in surprise.
“Did you two really go to Yukiko's apartment, or did you go rob a bank?”
“Nah, Kakashi-Sensei, we found this hidden in the remains of Yukiko-Chan's apartment behind a thin bit of plaster. Unfortunately, this is all we could salvage. Those bastard Villagers completely trashed her apartment.”
“I see. I'm sorry, Yukiko.”
“No, it's ok. I managed to get most of my most precious belongings out of there with minimal damage.”
“That's good. Well, I think we should start heading back. Let's go kids.”
With that, the five of them worked their way back to Hiroshi's mansion. Kakashi noticed as they got closer to the mansion, the people started to thin out, which was unusually, considering that the trade sector of the village was up the north end. Kakashi was starting to fear for the worst when he came to the gates of Hiroshi's mansion, only to find the guards slaughtered and blood everywhere. They five of them immediately got into a defensive stance. They suddenly heard a groan from off to their left. They looked at each other and ran in formation towards the noise. When they got there, they saw that one guard was still alive, although barely.
“What happened here?”
“Kakashi-San? We were attacked by...<Cough>... By Katsuro and some kid I've never seen before...”
“Where are they now?”
With that, the guard died from loss of blood. The four students looked distraught. Kakashi decided to give them a shortened version of the prep talk that an instructor gave his students when they first encountered death.
“So this is your first death caused by injury is it? Well we all have to see it at some point. That's unfortunately one of the things a shinobi has to deal with every day. Unfortunately, we don't have time to talk you though this, so we have to get going, or else Hiroshi-Sama could end up like these guards. Let's go!”
With that the five ran into the front door and followed the trail of bodies. Finally, they suddenly heard a scream, and rushed in the direction it came from. When they got to the courtyard, they saw a woman who had just been killed on the ground. On the far side of the courtyard, Hiroshi and Hideaki were cornered up against the mansion wall. In between the two men and Team 7, however, was Katsuro and by his side was a younger man. The younger man had bandages covering his entire face. He was dressed in a kimono that looked like it could be worn for both formal occasions and for battle. Strapped to his side, was a dual bladed sword. Katsuro on the other hand, looked far more scruffy. He wore black pants and a black vest with a Jounin jacket over the top. Most of his body was concealed however, by a very worn and ragged white cape that was attached to his shoulders. Strapped to his back was a very large sword. Saying it was large really didn't do the sword justice though. The sword was a very thin Murmasa. However it was not it's thickness that caught everyone's eye. It was the fact that the sword had to be at least 8 foot long that threw them off. Yukiko puzzled to herself as to how the man could even carry that sword on his back let alone fight with it well enough to be considered one of the Seven Shinobi Swordsmen of the Mist. At the sound of Team 7's arrival, Katsuro and his companion turned around.
“Oh? It seems I've been honoured with a visit from the infamous Hatake Kakashi. Tell me, Kakashi. Who are these runts you have with you? Did you decide to settle down with a woman and have kids?”
“Hardly, Katsuro. These are my subordinates.”
“HA HA HA HA HA! So, the genius Kakashi finally decided to let himself be tamed by his village? How pathetic.”
“Tell me, Katsuro. What have you done in your life that you can be proud of accomplishing? Did you have the pleasure of being the first real sensei of the next generation of shinobi who have more power and potential that either you or I did when we were their age?”
Katsuro looked vaguely amused at this.
“Hmmm? Are you saying these kids are really that good? Well, it would be a pity if I were to let these runts grow up to let them try and prove that claim, eh Kakashi?”
Katsuro's companion started forming hand seals for his technique. Everyone became serious, but Naruto just stared at the ninja's hands hands.
'When did I suddenly find hands so interesting?'
“Ninpou, Kiri Gakure no Jutsu.”
With those words, the area started rapidly filling with mist. Kakashi knew this was bad. Just before the mist hid Hiroshi and Hideaki from view, he motioned his team to follow. They ran towards their two charges, however Naruto was still a bit shocked at his new fascination with hands. He shook it off and tried to catch up with his team mates.
“One of them's a bit slow, Kakashi. Mind if I take care of the garbage?”
Naruto suddenly felt an arm grapple his neck and a sword appear in front of his face. Kakshi visibly got angry. Sasuke let the groups' feelings out.
“Naruto? What the hell we you doing back there?”
“I... I don't know! I suddenly became completely absorbed in Katsuro's hands while he did the hand seals for that technique!”
“Ha ha ha ha. You sure picked up a weird one here, Kakashi. He has a fetish for hands? How amusing...”
Kakashi suddenly started flying through a set of hand seals, again, Naruto was mesmerised. Katsuro released Naruto and began performing the same set of hand seals as Kakashi.
'What the hell is this? When did I get so... PERVERTED?'
'Kit, you're not perverted. Try focusing some of your chakra to your eyes next time you see a set of hand seals being done. If this is what I think it is, then you're one lucky kit.'
'Eh? Well, Ok...'
“SUITON: SUIRUDAN NO JUTSU! (Water Type: Water Dragon Bullet Technique)”
From behind both ninja, the mist started condensing to form rather large dragons. The dragons spiralled their way up before their heads took shape. They reared up against each other and then crashed into each other and dissipating, forming a heavy shower. Sasuke was getting pissed of at Naruto being dazed.
“NARUTO! Get your ass over here now! You'll be killed!”
“Ha... Hai!”
Naruto sprinted over to his team mates. About half way there, he saw five or so kunai fly out of the mist to the right and graze his cheek. A trickle of blood ran down the cut and Naruto turned to look where the kunai had come from.
“I won't let you go back to your friends. I will be taking care of you.”
After the disembodied voice said that, more kunai came flying towards him. Naruto just managed to dodge when the assailant appeared behind him and started forming hand seals. Remembering Kyubi's advice, Naruto focused as much charka as he could spare to his eyes. When the mysterious ninja formed the first hand seal, the person seemed to fade into a silhouette and became surrounded by a thin aura of chakra. He noticed that with each hand seal, the chakra of the ninja almost… pulsed and began to work it's way towards the ninja's mouth.
`What the hell is this? What's happening to me?'
`Congratulations kit, you just awakened your bloodline limit.'
`I suggest getting back to your team mates.'
Naruto noticed that the ninja was going to do a jutsu that would surround him. He needed to get out of now or he would die for sure. Using Hiraishin no Jutsu, Naruto flashed over to his team mates and stood beside them, dodging the ninja's technique.
“Senstsatsu Suisho!”
Naruto had been right. The water came up off the ground and transformed into a rain of ice needles that rained down on where he had just been standing.
Yukiko noticed Naruto's shocked expression.
“Naruto-Kun? What's wrong?”
Naruto turned to Yukiko and Yukiko gasped.
“Eh? Yukiko-Chan? What's with that look?”
“Naruto-Kun… Your eyes… They're turning black…”
With that, everyone watched the outside of Naruto's eyes turn black, and watched in horror as the black rims bled into the centre of his eye. When the blackness reached the centre Naruto's pupils turned cerulean blue and a cerulean blue triangle appeared where the edge of the pupil would have been.
“Naruto-Kun… you've gone blind…”
“EH?! Well, sure I can't see colours, but I can see so much more! I never knew hand seals meant so much!”
“What the hell are you rambling about, Naruto?”
“I don't know, but I can see what part of the body the technique is going to come from just by watching the flow of chakra surrounding their bodies and the way each hand seal moulds the chakra and a whole bunch of other things!”
“You serious? That could be useful!”
Sasuke thought about their options and decided to leave one of them here while the rest took care of the unknown ninja.
“Sakura, I need you to stay here and guard Hiroshi-Sama and Hideaki, ok?”
“But Sasuke-Kun, I want to help you guys to-“
“Sakura! We don't have time for arguments! We need someone who can apply medical attention and also has defensive techniques. You're the perfect option. Naruto, Yukiko, we're going!”
Naruto looked back in pity at Sakura before turning to follow the rest of the team.
“Sorry, Sakura-Chan…”
Sasuke, Yukiko and Naruto ran to what they judged to be the middle of the courtyard. They heard a disembodied laugh, and formed a triangular formation with a kunai in one hand.
“My my, such kawaii young children… Did you know that there are eight points on the human body where a single well placed attack with instantly kill you?”
Sasuke was visibly disturbed, so much so that he was quivering.
`This guy could seriously kill us with ease! We're going to die!'
“Awwww, look at him, he's shaking. Poor child, I'll end your suffering right now.”
The mysterious ninja suddenly appeared in the middle of the trio facing Sasuke.
“shi-ne!”(sp?) (die)
The ninja took out a small knife and lunged in to stab Sasuke Sasuke closed his eyes and waited for the end.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Sasuke opened his eyes to see Kakashi had managed to run in and take the hit for Sasuke.
“Sasuke. I will NEVER allow one of my comrades to die while I still breathe, got it? Now sharpen up, I can't afford to have you guys blanch now, got it?”
“O… Okay…”
“Oi, Kakshi, stop protecting those runts, your fight is over here.”
“Take care guys.”
With that, Kakashi ran off into the mist. The trio once again concerntraited on their own fight, full of resolve.
“Heh, seems that little prep talk by Kakashi blew away your fears… such a pity… Now, I will show you the true power of the Hidden Snow Village!”
The ninja started a long series of hand seals. Everyone turned to Naruto expectantly. Naruto on the other hand, grew very fearful and looked around wildly.
“Shit guys, this is bad. REALLY bad! He's going to surround us with some sort of barrier…”
“The chakra is lowering the temperature dramatically and forming into a dome! We have to move. NOW!”
The ninja finished his hand seals and snickered.
“It's far too late for that kiddies. Observe the Bloodline Limit that few in this world posses anymore! Snow Prison of Hell!”
With those words uttered, the water on the ground started raising itself into a dome like structure before freezing. The dome finally formed a complete seal around them. Sasuke, Yukiko and Naruto were wary of what could happen. Suddenly, a wall of snow shot up from one corner to the middle of the room, ending between the group. They jumped back, unknown to them however, this technique relied on that natural human reaction to improve the technique's effectiveness. Suddenly, a second wall came up, sealing Sasuke off from Naruto and Yukiko. They all realised what the aim of this technique was. Yukiko glanced in horror as she tried to run towards Naruto, but the last snow wall sprung up inbetween them, separating all three ninjas. They took in their surroundings to find that there was a small gap in the very center of the room where they could see each other, but the hole was far two small to do anything but place a hand and an arm through it. They ran to the center to converse and try and find out what the hell kind of a technique this was. They looked at Naruto expectantly.
“Guys, I'd love to tell you how this works, but I can't. My eyes don't understand this at all. All I'm seeing is chakra everywhere. It makes no sense whatsoever…”
From the wall in each section of the dome, a copy of the mysterious ninja appeared. The copies all spoke their reply in unison.
“That's to be expected. No one has ever lived through my clan's technique, and that's not going to change.”
When the ninja said that, ice kunai grew out of the walls and flew at them from all directions, passing through the ninja who was apparently nothing more than a bunshin. Kakashi and Sakura heard their screams and looked towards the trio. Katsuro laughed.
“Seems Isamu has used his Bloodline Limit on them. They're stuffed. No one has EVER lived through Isamu's bloodline limit. Might as well accept fate.”
“They will defeat Isamu. I have absolute confidence in them.”
“Heh heh. Big words Kakashi. What makes you think they can?”
“One of them is the last of our elite Uchiha clan. Another is an excellent medic who specialises in both wood and death type techniques and the last one is the only son of our Yondaime Hokage.”
With that last one, Katsuro's eyes widened.
“Son of the Yondaime Hokage? Interesting… I might just have to kill him. It's too dangerous to let him live.”
“No! Your fight is with me. Turning your back on an opponent is a fatal mistake. You as a `Jounin' should know that.”
“Hmmm, how true. Well then, shall we?”
Kakashi knew if he created kage bunshins, Katsuro would most likely make muzi bunshins and they would cancel each other out, meaning a complete waste of chakra. His only option left was...
“Oh? I'm honoured to be able to witness what copy ninja Kakashi is most famous for. So that's the famous Sharingan. However, what can you hope to do with that eye if you can't see me? You're eye is useless here, Kakashi.”
Kakashi felt a sligh change in air pressure to his left that was at the height of his neck. He quickly bent forward, dodging a kunai.
“Hmmm, not bad reflexes, Kakashi. Please, entertain me some more.”
Although Kakashi felt what happened next, by the time he noticed it, it was far too late to do anything. He felt the murmasa pierce his back, and come out through his chest. Katsuro just laughed.
“THIS is the limit of the famous copy ninja Kakashi? How pathetic...”
Katsuro pulled the sword out and stood over his kill, letting Kakashi fall to the ground. However, Katuro's eyes widened when the dead Kakashi poofed away leaving nothing but a small pile of blood on the floor.
“Hmmm? Kage Bunshin?”
“Katsuro, if you take me that lightly, you will die. Take this fight seriously, or you will regret it.”
Katsuro felt a kunai appear at his throat. He gulped before slowly bringing his head around to see Kakshi behind him with his right arm extended to hold the kunai at his throat.
“Game over, Katsuro.”
Katsuro wouldn't let himself go down so easily, and swung his sword around in a wide arc, attempting to slice that arrogant Konoha ninja in half, however Kakashi was expecting this and slit Katsuro's neck, only to find that 'Katsuro' was a Muzi Bunshin, who lost it's form and fell to the ground in a pile of water. Kakashi looked around calmly to find where Katsuro had gone, but the former member of the Seven Shinobi swordsmen refused to reveal the fact that he was even present. Kakashi closed his eyes and focused.
'Where will Katsuro strike next?. Think... SHIT!'
Kakashi ran off towards Sakura and their two charges.
Sakura, Hideaki, and Hiroshi had clamed considerably, but were still very wary as to what could happen. Sakura sensed the two behind her and noticed they were ok, and turned her focus forward again. As soon as she did, she felt another being appear in the middle of the little triangle that they formed. Sakura whipped around to see Katsuro standing there, sword at the ready.
Sakura brought her kunai up in a feeble attempt to block the monster of a sword, however she knew in all probability, even if the sword did make contact with the kunai, the sword would cut through it like a hot knife through butter. Sakura accepted her fate and prepared for death. What happened next was not expected. Kakshi had somehow mamanged to get in between them and block the sword with the short sword he had strapped to his back at all times.
“Sakura, as I said to Sasuke, I will NEVER let a team mate down. That includes you too.”
“How touching. Come on, Kakashi, let's go back to where we have some more space, shall we?”
With that, Katsuro body flickered away. Kakashi turned to Sakura.
“Sakura, keep up the good job protecting Hiroshi-Sama and Hideaki. I need them both to be alive by the end of this battle, ok? Good luck!”
With that said, Kakashi body flickered away, leaving the three to themselves. Sakura sighed in relief, before taking up a defensive position again.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&a mp;
Back with Sasuke, Naruto and Yukiko:
All three ninjas were having fight of their lives. They were peppered with ice kunai, and were just managing to stay upright. Sasuke looked through the middle hole at Naruto and nodded, to which Naruto nodded back.
Naruto and Sasuke both targeted the meeting point of the dividing walls in hopes of creating a space for all of them to get back together. When the fireballs reached the wall, they initially seemed to work, however, the snow wall held fast. When the fireballs died away, the snow walls began rapidly repairing themselves. The unknown ninja let out a hearty laugh.
“I'll give it to you three, that's the most damage anyone's ever done to the dome, however, as you can see, it was essentially a waste of chakra, because the walls instantaneously repair themselves. Also, have you noticed the true purpose of this dome yet?”
Yukiko and Sasuke looked at Naruto, who suddenly shot up in surprise.
“No wonder I saw chakra everywhere! This dome's draining our chakra and using it to reinforce the walls!”
“Oh, you're a sharp one. Yes, that's correct. This dome saps your chakra and uses it to not only strengthen the walls, but to unleash attacks back at you, such as this.”
They saw another wave of ice kunai sprouting out of the walls, and knew they were in big trouble. However, Sasuke seemed to notice something.
“Guys, those copies of the ninja aren't bunshins!”
“Well, if they're not bunshins, then what are they?”
“I… Don't know…”
“Seems you're pretty sharp as well. You're correct, the images you see in front of you are not bunshins. Although you've figured out more than any other person I've used this technique on combined, I don't feel inclined to tell you what you are actually seeing.”
Sasuke was unknowingly focusing chakra to his eyes.
`It's like I can almost… See how this technique works! Concerntraite! See though it!'
Sasuke's formerly obsidian coloured irises began to turn a blood red colour.
`More! I need to focus more!'
On the edge of Sasuke's iris's, a comma shaped object in each eye began to form. His left eye stayed at one, however, his right eye gained another comma on the opposite side of the iris.
`It's not much, but I think I can see how this technique works!'
The ninja had not missed this change in eye colour, and whistled in surprise.
“Hmm, so it seems that most of us are blessed with some sort of Bloodline Limit, eh? It seems your friend has just awakened his. If memory serves, that would be the Sharingan, would it not? I've always wanted to kill an Uchiha, to see how my bloodline limit would fare against yours. Now, shall we continue?”
Sasuke followed the small stream of the ninja's chakra that flowed from the image of the ninja in front of him up to the very top of the dome.
`Hmmm, he seems to have figured out most of this technique. I have to finish this now, it's too risky to toy with them any longer.'
With that thought, the ninja formed a solid wall of ice kunai on the dome's walls, and sent them at the three. This used up almost all of the ninja's chakra, but it was a garunteed kill.
Their screams echoed throughout the mansion's grounds. All three of them were curled up in fetal positions near the hole in the wall, hoping to see their friends one last time before they died. Sasuke managed to get up and put his arm through the hole.
“… Nar… Uto…”
“I… Didn't want to die… Until I killed… HIM… I thought my oath of revenge would… Protect me until… I fought him…”
“Your… brother?”
“You'll live! You can't die! Hell, We'll kill him together! Don't die! PLEASE!”
“It's too late… Naruto… I have… One request…”
“What is it Sasuke?”
“You have to… Carry out my revenge… For me… That's the only thing I'll… Ever ask of you…”
“Please! Promise me you'll do it… Before I die…”
“Sure! I'll kill him… But please Sasuke-“
“It's too late… Goodbye… Naruto…”
With that, Sasuke slid down the wall of snow and stopped breathing. Naruto started crying The ninja looked strangely sympathetic.
“Was that the first time you saw a friend die? I must appologise, but it's either you or me-“
“Shut up.”
The ninja stopped dead when he heard those words. He turned to see the boy beginning to leak blood red chakra out of his body.
“You killed my best and ONLY friend! I will never forgive you! I'm going to kill you!”
The ninja looked in shock at the boy as he raised his face. His hair had become unruly, his whisker marks had widened and darkened, his fingernails had extended and his cainines had grown. The strangest one of his many physical changes was that his pupil had elongated and turned blood red in colour. However the most shocking thing of all that happened was that the kunai were ejected out of his body and the wounds closed and healed at a rapid rate. The ninja suddenly felt another large and very evil chakra source coming from the girl.
“How DARE you murder Sasuke-San! That was my boyfriend's one and only friend! You have no idea how much pain you just caused him! Stage two, demonic seal! KAI!”
When she shouted those words, she immediately underwent the same transformation Naruto had, but green goo like chakra began pumping out of her stomach, which eventually covered her entire body. They green “chakra armour” gave her the physical appearance of a cat. The ninja turned back to the boy who was letting out a howl that showed an incredible thirst for blood. He suddenly seemed to go deep into thought. He was however, having a quick discussion with his tenant.
`Oi kit. I'm going to show you your other Bloodline Limit. I assume you know about the celestial gates?'
`Who gives a damn! That bastard murdered Sasuke!'
`Just shut up and listen, if you do this, you will gain enough power to rip that ninja's body to pieces and he can't stop you.'
`Fine I'm listening.'
`Ok, focus your chakra to your brain. Can you sense two areas where the chakra is concerntraited the most?'
`Yeah, there's one in the left and right sides of the brain.'
`Good. Try to pump asmuch chakra into the right oneas you can, try to force itopen.'
`Right, here we go…'
With that, Naruto forced as much chakra into the gate as possible, eventually the gate buckled and opened under the pressure, flooding Naruto's body with power. The power rapidly rushed to his stomach and began to be expelled from his stomach in an almost semi solid form. The ninja noticed that Naruto had begun to gain an aura of blood red chakra similar to Yukiko's, although when the chakra reached Naruto's chest, he began clutching his chest in obvious pain, and when the chakra reached his neck, Naruto let out a blood curdling scream of pure pain, which morphed into a roar of bloodthirsty rage when the chakra engulfed his head. Naruto slowly lowered himself to the ground and stood on all fours. As soon as he touched the ground, steam came out from under his hands and feet. The chakra armour turned opaque, with only the very edges of the armour staying blood red. The armour once again became transparent, and Naruto let out a guttural snarl. If the ninja didn't know any better, he looked like the representation of a fox or a Kitsune.
`Kit, I'm sensing the original ninja at the top of the dome.'
`No problem.'
Naruto raised one of his arms, and brought it down in a vertical swipe. The hand of his chakra armour extended towards the centre wall and completely smashed it to pieces. The dome began to visibly sag without its central supports, however it held up. Naruto beckoned Yukiko over to him. Naruto wasn't going let the dome stand up anymore, and he extended his other chakra hand towards where he detected the ninja was. His hand punctured the ceiling and grabbed the ninja and yanked him back towards the pair. Both of them began condensing chakra into their fists for a big punch. The ninja cried out in pain while Naruto and Yukiko screamed in anger. When the ninja got to the right distance, Naruto and Yukiko punched the ninja so hard that he not only went straight through the dome wall, causing the dome to collapse, and the mist to clear, but he went flying into the mansion wall right next to Sakura, Hiroshi and Hideaki. The part of the mansion wall that the ninja hit buckled and turned into a crater. The ninja slid down to the ground and slowly got up. When Sakura saw Naruto and Yukiko, her legs gave way and she collapsed. Naruto and Yukiko charged, letting forth a battle cry and ran at the ninja who just stood there, with his head bent slightly. Naruto and Yukiko reached the ninja and stopped.
“Aren't you going to kill me? I killed your best friend.”
Sakura looked up in horror at the ninja.
`He... He killed Sasuke-Kun?!'
Naruto and Yukiko gave a sadistic smile.
“Oh, we'll kill you alright. We're going to make your death slow and painful. No need to rush, we have all day.”
Naruto turned to Yukiko and nodded. Naruto extended his chakra hand and grabbed the ninja and began to squeeze forcefully, not only constricting him, but burning him with the red hot chakra. The ninja screamed in agony.
“Oh come on, don't tell me this is hurting you THAT much? It seems that we can't have as much fun with you as we initially wanted to. Yukiko-Chan, if you would be so kind?”
“Heh, very well, Naruto-Kun. Death Element: Soul Siphon!”
Yukiko raised her left hand and a deep violet stream of chakra came out of her hand hitting the ninja in the stomach. The ninja roared in pain, and felt his soul begin to detach itself from his body. The ninja felt his life fading fast, and the last thing he felt was his soul completely detach from his body. Yukiko licked her lips and drew the ninja's soul into her body.
“That was a refreshing power boost.”
Sakura finally woke out of her stupor.
“Yukiko-San… Is Sasuke-Kun… Really… Dead?”
Yukiko suddenly looked very sad and nodded her head. Sakura broke down and began sobbing. Naruto looked away. While Yukiko furrowed her brow.
“Sakura-San, I may be able to save him, but I need your help. Come with me.”
Sakura nodded dumbly and got up. She shakily followed Yukiko and Naruto to the remains of the dome. Yukiko hid the sight of Sasuke's body from Sakura and leaned down and checked his body.
`This is very strange… Parts of him are still alive while other parts of his body are dead… I need to try harder to figure out what's wrong.'
Yukiko focused more chakra into her eyes and began to see things differently. Her vision turned dark, before seeing the outline of Sasuke and his organs and chakra coils in great detail, as if his skin, muscles and bones didn't exist. If someone could have seen her violet eyes, they would have seen her eyes slowly turn silver.
`Congratulations, you just awakened your Bloodline Limit, kitten.'
Yukiko stood up, medical knowledge that would have once seemed foreign to her flooded her mind. She stood up, letting Sakura see Sasuke's body for the first time. He was laying on top of the dome near the centre, most of his blood had poured onto the snow. Sakura threw up, but Yukiko turned to her and snarled.
“Do you want Sasuke-San to live or not? If you do, then deal with it. I need you to gently move him out of the way for a moment while I prepare for this technique.”
Sakura picked Sasuke up and slowly moved him away. Yukiko took out a brush and ink bottle out of her backpack and began to paint intricate patterns of Kanji on the ground.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&a mp;&&&
Back with Katsuro and Kakashi:
Katsuro turned when he saw the mist disperse.
“Did Isamu…?”
“I can't sense him anymore. So yes, I'd say he's dead.”
Katsuro stared wide eyed at Kakashi.
“Didn't I tell you my subordinates would win? Anyone who underestimates us will die. Isamu learnt that the hard way.”
“Damn it! How can I, a former member of the Mist's Seven Shinobi Swordmen lose to these idiots?!”
At the mention of the former affiliation, Kakashi remembered the reason he had decided to fight Katsuro.
“Speaing of the Seven Shinobi Swordsmen, I'm sure you remember Hosigake Kisame.”
“Oh, I remember him alright. What about him?”
“Do you still keep in contact with him?”
Katsuro just laughed.
“I never want to see his damn face again. He betrayed the other six of us for Akatsuki. Just before we disbanded, we made a solemn promise that if any of us saw him again, we would kill him.”
“When was the last time you saw him?”
“Why are you so interested in him?”
“The goal of Akatsuki is to gather all the demon containers and drain their demons, thereby killing the containers. Two of my subordinates are demon containers, and it is my duty until I can find someone better than me to protect them. Now, will you answer my question?”
“Well, I'd personally love to give you any information that would help in his downfall, but unfortunately the most current information I have is about three years old, which was when he betrayed us. Since then, I haven't talked to, seen, or even heard of him, so I fear my information is more out of date than yours is. I'm sorry I couldn't be of help.”
“I see. Thank you.”
&&&&&&&&&&&&&a mp;&
Back with the Rest of Team 7:
After about ten minutes, Yukiko had painted a very intricate design of Kanji shapes with a human shaped gap in the middle. Yukiko turned to Sakura.
“Sakura, strip him of all his clothing except his undergarments. I need to paint Kanji on his body to complete this technique's preparations. Once you strip him, place him exactly inside the gap in the middle. Once you have done that, back off. I will need complete focus to perform this technique. Got all that?”
Sakura nodded and quickly stripped him, and then carefully placed him in the middle of the Kanji pattern. After Sakura had backed of, Yukiko bit her thumb and completed the rest of the Kanji on Sasuke's body in blood. The pattern centred on Sasuke's stomach. Yukiko closed her eyes and began a series of hand seals that continued on for well over a minute. Finally she activated the technique.
“Healing Type: Grand Healing Technique!”
The Kanji started to glow green and pulse. Sasuke's body began to spasm, and Sakura tried to stop the technique, but Naruto's chakra hand stopped her. Sakura looked at Naruto pleadingly, but Naruto just shook his head.
“Trust in Yukiko-Chan. She's probably the only person in the world who can save him now. It's painful for me too watching Sasuke in pain like this, but you just have bare with it.”
Sakura started crying again, looking at her love interest in intense pain. Finally, the Kanji let forth a blinding flash of emerald green light and started being drawn in towards Sasuke's stomach. The kanji started forming a swirl before condensing into Sasuke's navel and disappearing. Yukiko collapsed and Naruto ran over to Yukiko and held her in his arms. He lowered his head to hers and gave her a light kiss that lasted for several minutes. Sakura ran over to Sasuke and was checking on him. He showed no signs of life and Sakura put her head on his chest and cried. Unknown to Sakura, Sasuke was slowly coming to.
“Sakura… you're heavy…”
“Sasuke-Kun? Sasuke-Kun! Sasuke-Kun! You're alive! Thank god! Naruto! Yukiko! Sasuke-Kun's alive!”
“That's good to hear. By the way, what happened to Katsuro?”
A voice came from behind them.
“I just managed to finish him off. It seems our mission is-“
“Finished? I hardly think so. You still have us to deal with!”
Everyone turned to see a large group of thugs. In front of the thugs was a very obese man. Kakashi scowled.
“So, you get your ninja tools to do all the ground work then you take care of us in our weakened state with common thugs? Disgusting.”
“Eh, it may be disgusting, but it's effective.”
“So you're the bastard who hired Katsuro and his little friend? I have some serious issues with you.”
Everyone turned to where the voice came from. Naruto was barely containing his anger, and Kenta just smiled and laughed at him.
“What do you want you monster? It's because of freaks like you that-“
Naruto had heard enough. He bent down to stand on his hands and feet, and began running on all fours at Kenta. Kenta realised if he didn't get behind his militia, he would be killed.
“What are you idiots waiting for? Kill him!”
One of the thugs had no idea that he was about to die and called out to Naruto cockily.
“What could you hope to do by yourself you little monster? You could never-“
The thug didn't get to finish his sentence because Naruto had slit his throat with his chakra hand without even stopping. The others realised they were as good as dead and started to retreat. Naruto all this time had kept his sights on Kenta. Naruto approached Kenta, who was scared out of his mind.
“Don't… Don't come any closer!”
“This is for making Yukiko-Chan's life a living hell! SHI-NE!”
Naruto extended his chakra hand out and speared Kenta through the chest.
“Feel Yukiko-Chan's pain as I send you to hell.”
“Damn… you…”
With that, Kenta slumped onto Naruto's hand. Naruto withdrew his hand and gloated over his kill. The thugs were considering mass jumping him. Surely he couldn't kill all of them. As if reading their minds, Naruto turned to them.
“Do you seriously think I couldn't kill all of you? Would you like to try?”
This destroyed the last of the gang's resolve, and they fled the village hoping to escape persecution. Naruto felt the chakra armour dissipate, the last of his demon chakra was used up. He fell to the ground panting before fainting. Kakashi went over to him to check his pulse. Kakashi smiled as he realised he'd only passed out. Kakashi picked Naruto up and took him back to the group.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&a mp;&&&&
The next morning in Hiroshi's Mansion:
In the meeting room, Kakashi and Team 7 were patiently awaiting Hiroshi's arrival. After about two minutes of waiting, Hiroshi entered the room followed by Hideaki. Hiroshi sat on the other side of the table, and Hideaki sat behind him and too the left.
“Kakashi and Team 7, thanks to you, our country has once again attained peace. You have no idea how thankful our village is for your actions, on behalf of our village, I thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”
“It was no problem, Hiroshi-Sama.”
“Oh and did you find out if Akatsuki was involved in this mission after all?”
“Thankfully, the last time Katsuro had had any interaction or even heard of Kisame was about three years ago, and he said that if he did have any current information on him, he would have gladly give it to me, as it seems the other six of the Shinobi Swordsmen detest him enough to give any help they can as long as it aids in his downfall. I could see he meant it too, so the risk of Kisame appearing was minimal to non existent.”
“I see, so it seems your mission is now complete.”
Naruto remembered Isamu's Bloodline Limit and wanted to know more about it.
“Excuse me, Hiroshi-Sama.”
“Hmmm? What is it, Naruto-San?”
“Isamu used a Bloodline Limit on us, claiming it was a Bloodline Limit native to the Snow. I think it was called… Snow Prison of Hell… Or something like that…”
When Naruto mentioned the name, Hiroshi's eyes widened.
“Naruto-San, are you absolutely sure that was the name of the technique?”
“Yes, I'm certain.”
Hiroshi shook his head in disbelief.
“Naruto-San, the last known user of that Bloodline Limit died almost 25 years ago. It was the only Bloodline Limit the Snow had. This news is very saddening. To think that the last one who possessed the Bloodline Limit has now passed away, is a very disheartening fact…”
Naruto felt bad for killing the last of the clan, but then remembered some other words Isamu's words.
“Oh! I just remembered something else he said! He said that there were few in the world who still possess the Bloodline Limit. Doesn't that mean that there are others still alive who have it?”
Hiroshi brightened visibly.
“From what he said, it seems that way. Oh well, there's no use pondering this. I'm sure you're all desperate to return home.”
“Well, I wouldn't mind going home…”
Everyone just smiled in understanding at Naruto's admission, and so they discussed a few other things before retiring back to their rooms to pack up.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&a mp;&&&
Yukiko's and Naruto's Room:
Naruto and Yukiko had just got back to their room and were immediately absorbed in the safe they had recovered from Yukiko's apartment. Yukiko looked at the seal on the safe. She had never seen anything like it from the Snow, in fact, the only place she had seen anything like it was on Naruto's box. Yukiko turned to Naruto.
“Neh, Naruto-Kun, doesn't this look really similar to the seal on your box?”
“Hey! You're right Yukiko-Chan! Hold on, I'll see what I can do.”
Naruto activated his `Seal Eye' and looked at the composition of the seal. He noticed a lot of similarities between the seal on his box and the seal keeping this safe shut. He looked at the individual parts of the seal and worked out that it needed three hand seals to disengage the seal. He puzzled over the seals needed for over a minute before Yukiko started getting worried.
“Naruto-Kun? Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just trying to figure out what hand seals I need to do to dispel the seal. Well, I've figured out the first one. Give me a few more minutes to work out the remaining two hand seals…”
Naruto just sat there, knowledge that he never knew he had flying through his brain. His brain settled on another hand seal and he compared it to the energy given off by the second level of the seal on the safe. They matched perfectly. Two down, one to go.
“I just got the second one. One more to go.”
Yukiko looked very happy as Naruto began to cycle through different seals again. The last one however was proving to be fairly elusive. Yukiko noticed Naruto was beginning to sweat from exertion. She immediately felt bad for making him do this.
“Naruto-Kun, it's ok, you can stop now. Do it when you're more rested-“
“I'm fine, Yukiko-Chan, let me keep going.”
Yukiko just stared into his eyes marvelling at how hard he was trying for her.
Just when Naruto had gone through the last of his knowledge of both hand and carved seals, and was almost ready to give up, he remembered that what could be in this safe was as important, if not more to Yukiko as his father's box was for him.
`God damn it! There's got to be something I'm missing here! Focus! I can't let Yukiko-Chan down!'
Yukiko who was still staring into Naruto's eyes suddenly started to notice another small blue triangle form on the opposite side of Naruto's pupil from the first one.
“Naruto-Kun… I think you've just activated level 2 of the `Seal Eye'…”
“Yeah, I know. A whole bunch more knowledge of seals just flooded my brain. I'm going through the new seals. Give me another minute or two and I should have it.”
“Thank you so much Naruto-Kun. You don't know how much this means to me.”
“No, I think I do. It's the same as my father's box is to me, I'm guessing. Anyways, I need to concerntraite on this for a sec.”
“Oh, Gomen…”
“No problem.”
Naruto was silent for about another minute and a half before his face brightened noticeably.
“Got it. I finally got the last one.”
Yukiko squealed in joy and jumped on top o Naruto and pinned him to the floor giving him a bear hug. Unknown to Yukiko, Naruto was having extreme difficulty breathing, and started to turn blue in the face.
“Yukiko-Chan… Can't… Breathe!”
Yukiko jumped off Naruto and smiled sheepishly. Naruto began gasping for air before allowing his breathing to return to normal.
“Gomen, Naruto-Kun. I got a bit carried away…”
“No problem. Now, I'm going to activate and dispel the seal. I want you to stand by the door just in case this seal acts like the seal on my father's box does when it's activated incorrectly.”
Yukiko walked over to the door and opened it ready to run out at a moments notice. Naruto turned back to the safe and performed the first hand seal. A very intricate purple seal on the safe's door appeared. Naruto performed the second hand seal and the seal changed colours from purple to green. Naruto looked at Yukiko and she nodded. Naruto turned back to the safe and performed the last seal. The seal once again changed colour from green to pure white. The seal gave a small flash and then disappeared. Naruto dropped to the ground in exhaustion. Yukiko ran over to him and held him in her arms. Naruto smiled and put a hand on her cheek.
“I did it. It's open.”
Yukiko smiled and began crying tears of joy and kissed Naruto long and hard, who certainly didn't object.
“Yukiko-Chan, what are you waiting for? Go see what's in it.”
Yukiko began to walk towards the safe. She bent down and slowly opened the door. Inside was nothing but a single piece of paper and a photo. Yukiko picked up the piece of paper in shaking hands and began to read.
`Dear Yukiko,
If you are reading this, it means that you have met up with an Uzumaki with at least the second level of their Bloodline Limit, most likely one by the name of Uzumaki Naruto. I'm sorry that we forced you to have such a harsh life, but there was no escaping it. Several years before your birth, warning reached us of a large demon cat that was… forming if you will, on the edge of town. A few of the smarter elders of the village decided to send member of each clan and some select others away from the village, just in case the cat turned hostile when it woke up. A few days before you were due to be born, the cat, who identified herself as Nibi, the two tailed queen of the cats began ravaging the Village of the Snow. We silently thanked the few people who had taken the precaution of sending those few away from the village. We knew that our village's forces were no match for her, and so we called for outside help. Most villages completely ignored us, however, the Yondaime Hokage of Konoha told us he was experiencing a very similar situation in his own village. He said that there was only one solution to the problem, and it would require a heavy toll. He introduced us to the Shikifuujin, which was a technique he developed himself for his own crisis. He managed to teach us this technique, however we were no where near as strong as he was and no one in the village were able to pull it off by ourselves. The Yondaime created a variation of his technique on the spot that was perfect for our situation. Unfortunately, it required the sacrifice of almost our entire clan. There were only two able to survive the sacrifice. One of them was you, the other was your older brother, Kabuto, who had been one of the people sent away from the village just after he was born. When you were born, you were immediately put in the centre of town, and our clan took up specific points around the village for the technique. Once we managed to lure the cat into position, we drained the cat's soul and sealed it inside you. Just like that, one of the mot prestigious clans in the snow was almost completely wiped out. The only thing I regret was that your mother and I will be unable to personally train you ourselves. We hope you can forgive us for making your life a lonely one.
Katsu & Natsumi Yakushi.
P.S: With this letter is a picture of our clan a few years before Kabuto was born. I hope this gives you even a little bit of comfort. Remember, we will always love you and watch over you.'
After reading that, Yukiko dropped to her knees, dropping the letter and broke down crying. Naruto managed to get enough energy to crawl over to Yukiko and hug her.
“I can guess roughly what that letter said. I'm sorry…”
“It's…<Sob>… It's ok, Naruto-Kun…”
Just then, Kakashi, Sakura and Sasuke opened the door to their room trying to find out what was wrong. Kakashi saw the safe open and a letter on the floor next to Yukiko. He could pretty much guess what the letter said.
“So, you just found out abut your past, huh?”
Yukiko slowly nodded before continuing to cry.
“It must have been bad for it to do this to you. All I can say is you have my sympathies. Sakura, Sasuke, let's give them some space. Just letting you guys know, we're leaving in about half an hour. I know this is big, but please be ready to go by then.”
“Ok, we'll be ready by then.”
Kakashi jut nodded in response and walked out of the room. Sasuke just shook his head and mumbled.
“I'm sorry to hear about that…”
Sakura on the other hand, was much better at helping friends through rough times.
“If you want to talk about it, I'm available whenever you are. Naruto?”
Naruto looked up at the mention of his name.
“Take care of her alright?”
“Don't worry, I will.”
With that Sakura walked out the door, closing it behind her, leaving the couple to sort things out.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&a mp;&&&&
An Hour Later at the Entrance to the Snow Village:
Hiroshi and the rest of the villagers had come to see off their saviours. Kakashi turned to Hiroshi to say one final goodbye.
“Well, it seems everything will slowly return to normal.”
“Yes, it's all thanks to you and your students. Once again, Kakashi, we are in your debt.”
Kakashi smiled at the comment.
“Ah, don't mention it.”
“I'd love for you to stay a bit longer, but that seems unlikely doesn't it?”
“Yeah, my students really want to get back.”
“Well, All I can do is wish you all a safe and uneventful journey home.”
“Thank you, Hiroshi-Sama.”
With that, the villages waved goodbye to the five of them and Team 7 waved back, and they began their three week long journey home.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&a mp;&&
A/N: OMG! I've finally finished! SCORE! All 33 pages of it! Man, I'm exhausted…
Also, if you think I activated Naruto's level two `Seal Eye' too quickly, just remember that Sasuke had one eye with the second level of the Sharingan from the moment he first activated it, and the very next episode, both eyes had level two Sharingan when he activated them in his fight with Lee.
Anyways, please keep the votes coming. I put a lot of effort into this chapter and I would be very disappointed if few people R&R'ed it.
Well, until next time my avid readers!
Ja ne,