Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Abduction 1 ❯ Chapter one ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: orichimaru lover 
Taking a look at the last 6 years that he had liked her, he did not like what he saw. The abuse. Every time he tried to talk to her resulted in a punch or a jab. He would smile at her and she would still verbally abuse him, or physical hit him. He always took it. He decided no more. Even thought, he loved her, he could not take it any more.
The next few weeks almost killed him. He walked by her not speaking, not smiling at her. He would go out of his way to walk across the street if she was on the same side as he walked. He would dart down alleys to avoid her. Even though they were teammates, he would not talk to her outside of training or missions. This seemed to bother her somewhat.
She seemed a little distracted by his avoidance. She was use to his attention. But now, it was not there. She did not like the silence from him. She approached him after training one afternoon, but he took off before she was able to speak to him. This confused her. She decided she would try again tomorrow after practice.
When it was tomorrow, she decided not to approach him. She trained, then left the field to go home. No word was spoken by any of the three. He did not notice she left in a hurry. The other teammate looked on in disinterest. All three went their separate ways to their homes.
He was distracted when he left the grounds. He failed to notice a dark pair of eyes following him through the forest. Silently, the eyes watched him leave the forest. He felt a chill run down his spine. Looking behind him he could see no one. He could not shake the feeling he was being watched.
He was wary when he approached his apartment building; the lights were out around the street entrance to his building. The hall way to his floor was also dark. He walked to his door and put the key into the lock. There was a sound behind him. As he turned around to look, he was struck from behind. First, the pain came, then lights, then darkness. The key was still in the lock, as he fell to the ground.
Anime/Manga: Naruto Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Adventure / Drama | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 07.15.2008 | Updated On: 05.04.2009 | Pages: 1 | Words: 12 | Visits: 518 | Status: Work In Progress

Taking a look at the last 6 years that he had liked her, he did not like what he saw. The abuse. Every time he tried to talk to her resulted in a punch or a jab. He would smile at her and she would still verbally abuse him, or physical hit him. He always took it. He decided no more. Even thought, he loved her, he could not take it any more.
The next few weeks almost killed him. He walked by her not speaking, not smiling at her. He would go out of his way to walk across the street if she was on the same side as he walked. He would dart down alleys to avoid her. Even though they were teammates, he would not talk to her outside of training or missions. This seemed to bother her somewhat.
She seemed a little distracted by his avoidance. She was use to his attention. But now, it was not there. She did not like the silence from him. She approached him after training one afternoon, but he took off before she was able to speak to him. This confused her. She decided she would try again tomorrow after practice.
When it was tomorrow, she decided not to approach him. She trained, then left the field to go home. No word was spoken by any of the three. He did not notice she left in a hurry. The other teammate looked on in disinterest. All three went their separate ways to their homes.
He was distracted when he left the grounds. He failed to notice a dark pair of eyes following him through the forest. Silently, the eyes watched him leave the forest. He felt a chill run down his spine. Looking behind him he could see no one. He could not shake the feeling he was being watched.
He was wary when he approached his apartment building; the lights were out around the street entrance to his building. The hall way to his floor was also dark. He walked to his door and put the key into the lock. There was a sound behind him. As he turned around to look, he was struck from behind. First, the pain came, then lights, then darkness. The key was still in the lock, as he fell to the ground.
Anime/Manga: Naruto Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Adventure / Drama | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 07.15.2008 | Updated On: 05.04.2009 | Pages: 1 | Words: 12 | Visits: 518 | Status: Work In Progress