Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Accident ❯ Home is where you are ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Naruto awoke with a smile. He was safe and warm in Sasuke’s arms.

“Good morning Sas...” Naruto stopped noticing a dummy made out of straw sporting Sasuke’s jacket.


Jumping to his feet he realized the wagon was still and slowly made his way out. Using all of his super shinobi skills the coss the barn.

“Hey. You’re finally up.” Sasuke said taking a bite of a bagel.

Naruto screamed luckily Sasuke’s hand shielded the noise.

“You can’t just sneak up on people like that.”

“I didn’t. I just walked in and watched you go all 007 for a none existent audience. There’s no one around at all. It’s kinda odd.”

“Deserted village?”

“No, the villagers are locked in their house I expect this place to be dangerous. It’s the only reason I can come up with.”

Naruto nodded and was caught off balance by the hideous new addition to Sasuke’s ensemble. He cringed wondering why he hadn’t noticed it before.

“What is that thing on your head.”

“It’s a sombrero. Lot’s of people here wear them.”

Naruto cringed again catching a smile from the dark haired rebel. As he slowly walked over caressing the painted whiskers across his cheeks.

“I wouldn’t be talking. You wore that orange jump suit for sixteen years. Plus, you’d look good in this hat.”

“No one looks good in that hat.”

“I meant...just this hat.”

Naruto blushes scratching his head.

“Uh...ddid you find any place we could hide out a little while?”

“Heh. Yeah, a tavern up the road. They have cozy rooms upstairs.” Sasuke whispers grabbing his jacket from the wagon.


“Lady Temari how is you little brother this evening?”

“Fine. He’s playing with his action figures.”


Temari grabs her fan swinging it by her side a jet of air blowing the monks robes up all around him as it flies open.

“There not dolls...They’re action figures you nitwitted stooge.”

“Yes! Yes, Ma’am.”

“Can I speak with him?”

“We’ll see.”

“Oh Gaara thank you from saving me from the lecherous Sasuke-kun.” Gaara squeals trying to sound like Naruto. Moving his Naruto “action figure” slowly closer to Gaara’s. “It’s nothing Naruto...but I would like one reward. What is it? Anything for you Gaara. A kiss...”

The naruto action figure and the Gaara figure are all smooched together as Gaara makes kissy noises in delight.


Gaara turns his eyes blazing with anger at his sister.

“What did you see?!”

“Nothing I swear. Uh...someone’s here to see you.”

The monk walks in bowing.

“Excuse me Lord Gaara but I have news. It seems strangers have entered the hidden sand village.”

“What?!...Isn’t there a reason why we call it the “HIDDEN” sand village? Damn it.”

“Should we dispose of them?”
“Uh...sure. Do what you like. Just do it soon I have a guest coming.”

“Yes sir.” The monk runs out glad to be leaving.

“A guest? Like a friend?”

“Yeah, a friend. What?! You think I don’t got friends?!”

Temari glances at the “action figures” then back to her brother.

“Of course not. I’ll be happy to meet him.”

“You already have.”

Temari smiles leaving her brother to whatever he was doing earlier.

“Please don’t be Orochimaru or something.”

“Room six. Here’s your key. Have a comfortable stay.” the tavern owner smiled gripping a kunai under the counter.

Naruto and Sasuke lock the door to their room the lone queen bed creating an ominous feeling. At least in Naruto as Sasuke didn’t seem to give it a second though stretching out on the clean covers.

After everything they had gone through Naruto felt nervous. He loved Sasuke but he wasn’t ready for the next step in their relationship. It kinda seemed pathetic after the guy had actually killed someone to save their love and you weren’t even ready to sleep with him to prove yours. Maybe he could kill someone too...he never did like seemed easier then this. Damn it how could he think such a her dying wasn’t a big deal. Cause it was. It will always be. Everything’s just so messed up. He wondered if it would always be this hard.

“ this where we’ll stay for a while?”

“I don’t know. Seems kinda odd. Like I should be picking up on something but am just too damn oblivious to accept the signs.”

“I don’t sense anything.”

“’m just paranoid?..Probably.” Sasuke sighed patting the space beside him.

Naruto smiles sitting on the edge beside him. His eyes grazing the floor.

“Do you miss home already?”
“My home’s with you Sasuke.” Naruto whispers as Sasuke pulls him down beside him their eyes meeting once again.

“You’d tell me if you were scared wouldn’t you?”

Naruto smiled kissing the end pf Sasuke’s nose.

“Probably not.”

Sasuke laughs rolling on top of the blonde pinning his arms over his head.

“Very cute.” he whispered pressing his lips against the shivering Naruto’s.


Sasuke’s head darts up the distant sound of a lock opening keeping him alert.

“What is it?” Naruto mouths sensing his friends tention.

“We have company.”


“Something else. Something worse.”

Naruto catches a glimmer of a metal kunai out of the corner of his eyes.


Sasuke and Naruto roll off to the floor quickly making it under the bed as an wave of weapons shoot towards the empty sheets.

“Come on. We have to go out the window.”

“They’re out there too.”

“It’s our only shot at an escape.”

Sasuke shatters the glass griping Naruto’s hand tighter as they cascade to the ground barely escaping more fatal aerial projectiles. Running down the narrow street they come to a dead end as a wall of sand explodes from the ground.

“Sand walls?” Naruto gasps ideas of their destination skimming his mind.

Cornered, at least six sand shinobi walk up the glistening forehead protectors validating their worst fears.

“Sand-nins...”Sasuke whispered glancing to Naruto with a helpless look resting in his eyes.

“Damn it! He’s late!” Gaara slammed his fist on the table bits of sand grumbling to the floor.

“You didn’t need to make up a guest to impress anyone. My darling little brother.” Temari sighed filing her nails.

“I didn’t! How dare you..”

“Then where is your friend? Is he invisible or something?”

The door slammed open gathering a satisfied smirk on Gaara’s face.

“I’m here. Sorry I’m late. Some...things have come up.”

Temari turned around her jaw open.


A blinding ping sent her grunting into another room.

“What things have come up that are more important than our visits?”

“’s dead.”


“We think’s complicated..I came as fast as I could.”

“Lee...if there is anything I can do for you...”

“There me find the killer.”

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