Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Actions Speak Louder ❯ Under Commands ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

((note: they're all like around 18 now.. sry for the major time skip, but this is where i wanted the story to get more into the relationships))

Being a Chunin meant more missions and more accomplishments that needed to be was a new start for Ura, now that she was an official Chunin, she was doing missions that required more strength out of her. Now that Gaara was the new Kazekage, Ura began to see a real person out of Gaara. He didn't seem so angry at the world anymore, he had a good head on her shoulders. Though it was easy to see that she would not be able to fight him, Ura still wanted to prove to Gaara she was not just your average kunoichi. Actually, they became better friends, time-to-time, they would have a small conversation, though it's been a few years since they started that, both had some stuff in common.

The day was like any other day, hot, sweaty, and the sun beating down on Ura as she finished one of the lowly missions no one usually took. She had to escort an old man to the Water Country, and nearly got killed from robbers and rouge ninja that preyed open women. Ura easily killed them with ease, but had a burial site for their spirits, hoping they will rest in peace. But she was back in the desert, again, and lived on her own in her small, little home.

"Well hello, Ura, you look beautiful today," Kankurou approached her.

Over the years, Kankurou had been given the name as a womanizer, and everyone knew he has done almost every woma in Suna. All except his sister and Ura, of course, but besides them, every not-taken woman had been screwed by Kankurou. Ura had seen woman he had done before return for more, but that was probably every other month that would happen.

"Thanks, you're not getting any," Ura teased as she smiled at him, "How are you though? Your mission go as planned?"

"Yeah, it was alright," Kankurou had a tired look, "Gaara wasn't in a good mood when he gave me this mission..."

"Oh.." Ura eyed Kankurou...

Also, her feelings for Gaara had faded, for so long she loved him, but when he was giving nothing in return, Ura had began to give up. She hadn't chose another man yet, but she needed time to end her feelings for Gaara, and that would take awhile.

"Oh that's right...sorry, I didn't mean to bring him up," Kankurou knew how sad Ura was when she realized when she knew Gaara did not feel the same, though he didn't know she felt that way.

"It's alright..." Ura sighed, "I'm ok now with that."

Kankurou and Ura walked to her house, she invited him in, and so he sat on her couch, "You could tell Gaara how you feel and watch his reaction..."

"No way, it's too late now, besides..." Ura tried to find a good excuse.

"What? Found another man already?" Kankurou eyed her, he knew very well she didn't have an excuse this time.

"I might, you never know," Ura pouted as she poured him some tea and sat it down on the coffee table in front of them, "I have admirerers!"

"Yeah ok, you're just afraid of Gaara turning you down," Kankurou commented, gulping down the warm tea.

Now that hurt Ura badly, and Kankurou didn't see how bad he had slammed her until he saw her set her cup on the table, then stood up. Kankurou stood up as well and walked over to her, "Look, i'm sorry, it's just i'm not used to seeing you so done and gloomy. I know Gaara has let you down and hurt you, and I wish he could've given you the love you deserve. Sometimes I wish I could love you, Ura, then may be you wouldn't be so depressed."

Ura hugged Kankurou tightly, "Thank you...but somethings are better left unsaid about how I feel for Gaara..."

"You know...I can make you feel a lot better," Kankurou embraced her in a more intimate way, "Just let me take you upstairs and you'll forget everything about Gaara."

"Not today Kankurou, i'm tired..." Ura nudged away from his grasp.

Along with growing up, she and Kankurou had formed a little 'friends-with-benefits' kind of thing. Though Kankurou had many lovers, he only allowed Ura to be his 'friend with benefits', only because he knew how lonely she was and how much she craved a human touch now and then. But seeing how Ura didn't want that at the moment, he went back to being her friend, "So...are you going to lay low for awhile to avoid any missions?"

"Yeah," Ura unwrapped the bandages around her stomach, "Just for awhile though...those missions are paying my bills."

Kankurou gazed at her body as she took off the rest of her bandages, as a man, he had to look at what he saw was beautiful was in front of him. Even when Ura was in the toughest of battles, the scars always faded against her pale skin, leaving her body little marks. The first night Kankurou ever saw Ura fully nude was the night when Temari's friend was getting married, everyone in the village was invited, even himself. But..that was also the very first time Ura realized how Gaara was never going to be hers... Ura had left the party early in a jealous fit, crying and kicking the sand while Kankurou ran after her to come back. When he had seen the hurt on her face, Kankurou couldn't help but want to cry himself. Then, he had kissed and caressed so many parts on her to make Ura feel better, but after they were finished, Ura had layed awake, silently crying.

Ever since then, Kankurou never forced himself upon Ura, she was still in pain from always being near Gaara, but never touching him. He then smiled at Ura, "Well, if you ever need anything, just give me a call."

"I will," Ura returned his smile.

Kankurou kissed her forehead, then left her home, leaving Ura alone in her little home. She took a deep sigh, it's no wonder why all the women craved him, he was a gentlemen in and out of bed. Ura scooted that thought from her mind and decided to lay down in her bed for awhile. Walking down the wooden floored home, there were pictures of Ura and her team all over the walls, they were her only family now. In her room was a picture of her, her team, and Baki all together, it was the one picture she never allowed anyone to touch. That picture stood right next to her bed, where every night she could look at it and wish she could jump right back into that time period.

She layed on her back and looked up at the ceiling, as much as she wanted to move on from Gaara, he wasn't giving her the chance. Time-to-time, he would stop by her house just to give her some stupid mission no one else wanted. If that wasn't enough, he would summon her to his mansion to guard it with the ANBU if Gaara couldn't get enough people. She was basically his lackie, though Kankurou and Temari were Jonin now, Ura wouldn't become a Jonin for an even longer time because she was getting stupid missions.

The fact was, though she and Gaara were good friends, she was still in love with him, no matter how much she tried to not be. Ura wanted to hate Gaara like everyone else used to, say 'no' to him, but that's impossible because he's the Kazekage, and just...leave.... That would never happen though, her life was in the desert, not anywhere else...

Someone was at her door, the familiar chakra was emitting off of the person, stating they were furious about something. The sound of the person whacking at Ura's entrance could be heard, so Ura ended her few minutes of peace early to go see who was bothering her at the stroke of noon. She opened the door to see the one person she did not want to see for a few days, Gaara... His eyes were narrow from his anger, what did she do wrong now?

"Good after noon, Lord Kazekage, what brings you-"

"There better be a good reason why you didn't check in at the mansion after you finished your mission," Gaara entered her home without her consent, something a Kage was always allowed to do.

Ura shut the door and leaned against it, "I was already paid heavily by the Kage in the Water Country, so I thought that was the money I was supposed to get. I'll pick it up after I get some rest..."

"Don't bother with something as inconvienent as that, you have another mission that needs to be done in a few days," Gaara stated as he looked around her home, then with a disgruntled face, "Explain to me again why you chose to move out of your room at my mansion to"

*To get away from you....* Ura thought to herself, "'s not usually right for someone outside the family blood-line to live with someone else at my age of 18."

Gaara eyed her for a few moments, then handed her a scroll, "Your mission is to speak with Hokage Naruto-sama and pursuade him to allow free-passage through both countries. It's a very important mission, and no one else is as good as swaying someone with words than you are, to my knowledge. A small shrine has been rented out for you already, and you should have enough money to cover any expenses you desire."

Ura took the scroll, but was very confused, "I don't understand... Chunins don't get these missions, only Jo-....wait a minute, did Temari and Kankurou talk to you the last few days.?"

Gaara nodded.

"Then i'm a-..." Ura's eyes widened.

Gaara nodded again.

A huge grin whipped her face from gloomy to excited, "So i'm a Jonin now!?"

"I'm not nodding again, but yes you are," Gaara rolled his eyes in a bored manner, "You leave in two days, you have enough time to get any rest you require, but your main goal is to get Naruto to agree."

"Yes Lord Kazekage-sama!" Ura opened the door so he could finally exit, but Gaara didn't make any movement on leaving, "Uhm...don't you have any appointments?"

"No, my main reason was to get away from the elders from the Mist Village...the meetings are over, but talking with them is the worst part," Gaara leaned against her walls, "I planned on staying here for an hour or two..."

"Oh...please do, would you like anything Lo-"

"Just say 'Gaara', while i'm just around you, don't call me by my formal name," Gaara interupted her for the second time, "Just as long no one else is around to hear it."

"Sure, Gaara," Ura smiled, "Would you like anything? Tea? Food?"


" you want anything else?" Ura offered, *If not then get out...*

Gaara could easily pick up how distressed Ura was feeling, but he didn't understand why she was so nervous now. When they were on the same team, Gaara only picked up determination and confidence from her, but now that they were more far apart than before, she was more anxious to get away from him. He didn't know how she got that way over the years, or why she ever did get this way... Gaara then walked to her kitchen, then went through her cupboards, "Where is your tea packets?"

"I'll get them Gaara, you ju-"

He shot her a firm stare, idicating he did not want her to help, just to tell him the answer he was seeking, so Ura just answered, "Two cupbaords to your right, top shelf."

Gaara found what he was looking for and boiled some water on his own, Ura leaned against her own wall, staring at the handsome man in front of her... His short red hair looked a lot like blood under the shadows of her home, but he looked so fragile under the sunlight that hit him from the kitchen window, like he was still a little kid from before. She smiled at the thought of Gaara wanting her to be normal around him...what was normal for Gaara? Acting confident and strong all the time? That wasn't normal, that was just an act to get him to respect her!

Wait a minute, she knew Gaara well enough that the only reason he was here was to hide himself from the elders! He wasn't here because of her, and there was no way Ura was going to allow him to just enter her life again! . . .though he really looked hott bent over to get that fallen tea bag... Ura shook her head lightly, she had to stop thinking about Gaara like that, if she ever wanted to get over him, she had to take the first step and to just stop thinking about him!!!

" long will you be here?" Ura managed to ask.

Gaara turned as he poured himself some tea, "Two hours, like I said before...unless you are having company that I don't know about."

"Oh no... The only other two people that come here are Temari and Kankurou, and that's only when I ask them to. Besides you three, no one comes here except for me," Ura explained as she poured herself some of the tea Gaara made.

Gaara sat at the head of her kitchen table, which was her seat, and then eyed her, "Since Temari and Kankurou already live with me, I don't have a big problem you coming back to live there as well, it will save you funding for this shack that you could be spending on saving your village's water supply."

If Ura hadn't of wanted to get away from Gaara so much, she would have gladly accepted and would have rejoiced with a little celebration with Temari...but since Ura DID want to get away from Gaara, she just shook her head, "I already pay half of my mission money to that, and the other half to the bills. Food and other needs are covered by what I usually manage to scrape up, and i'm perfectly content with my life-style."

That answer was not what Gaara was expecting from Ura, he was expecting at least a 'i'd love to' or something like that from her, but not what she gave him. The only reason why he wanted her to live with him was because he needed his old team around him, she was somewhat apart of his circle of people he could trust. Gaara then looked at her sternly, "As the Kazekage, your leader, I order you to move into my mansion."

Ura felt trapped as he told her how it was going to be, that feeling of being insecure had worn off of Ura a long time ago, now she would not allow Gaara to speak to her like that, not even if he was emperor of the universe, "I'm not going anywhere..."

Gaara was losing his patience with Ura, she was not going to defy his command, not while HE was Kazekage, "I'll repeat myself... I order you to move in my mansion by tonight."

This time, Ura got up from her chair, pushing it back in, "This is my home you are in, and you are just 'Gaara' under MY roof. I'm not leaving my home to go live under your roof just because you are telling me to, I have obligations here that need to be met."

For Gaara, that conversation was going too far, this woman was talking to him in a way that was not only defying his order, but disrespecting him as a Kage. Yes, he was under her roof, but if he was under any other roof, she was still obligated to obey his every command. Gaara stood up as well and glared at Ura, "I'll send for you and your stuff tonight at sunset, if you don't come before then...i'll bring you by force."

"Why do you want me to live there? I'm happy here!" Ura was about to go into a rage with Gaara.

"Temari is very analitical with her mind and used to plan events out with the elders of other villages. Kankurou uses his brute strength to carry out the deals between the other villages that are allied with my land. You, I want you to be the one that can pursuade the elders and lords to agree with my terms and laws. There are reasons why I keep you three under my roof so I can continue my reign as Kazekage and be remembered for the power I had to keep control with our land and allies," Gaara explained.

Ura thought about what he said for a minute, then crossed her arms, "'re using the three of us to make you succeed? We don't get a name in history? Is that what you're saying?"

"If you put it that way then..yes, that's what i'm saying," Gaara shrugged, that was the exact truth too.

That just infuriated Ura, she wanted to just say 'no' and not do a thing to help him...but she didn't have the choice, Gaara wins either way. She let a frustrated sigh of anger, " win, Gaara... I'll start packing now.."

"It's good that you saw my plan through.." Gaara put his cup in her sink, "Be prepared when you come, there is a meeting I must be in and I want you there to help me sway the elders of the Mist to give us some of their trades."

"Yes, Gaara.." Ura answered, rubbing her temples, her head was throbbing from all that was going on.