Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ After a Midnight Meeting ❯ A Secret, Kept Hidden Away ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kiba’s carried a forlorn look as his legs carried his body home. He knew he had waited too long…He knew he was too late.
Kiba hung his head low, Akamaru licked his cheek and whimpered.
Kiba entered his house and hung up his coat, shaking his brown hair as a dog would shake water off of it’s body. All was quiet, his family might have been out hunting. He walked slowly to his bed, Akamaru leaped from his shoulder and walked to his own bed, spinning in a circle before nestling himself down.
Kiba looked at the ceiling for a long time before he fell asleep, whispering the word “Hinata” over and over again
Kiba’s sleep was restless…but he had an idea…maybe he wasn’t too late? Maybe if Hinata knew how he felt.
It was decided, no turning back!

* * *

“Hinata!” Kiba shouted, running toward her.
“Oh, hello Kiba” Hinata smiled, petting Akamaru when Kiba got close enough.
“Hinata, I was wondering if you were interested in getting some barbequed pork after training today” he smiled.
“that would be nice, can Naruto come with?” Hinata smiled. Kiba frowned.
“no, this is a special team-building exercise, sorry” he said.
“okay…” said Hinata, she felt something might be up.
The two trained hard with Shino that day. Kiba took special care to aid Hinata whenever he could.
After Kurenai dismissed them, Kiba walked Hinata to a nearby restaurant near the edge of town.
“Is Shino coming?” Hinata asked.
“I didn’t invite him, its just you and me…and Akamaru” said Kiba.
“oh…” Hinata knew something was up, but she didn’t want to break her promise to Kiba.
The two ordered their meals, and ate heartily. Hinata occasionally gave a piece of her pork to Akamaru. Smiling as she watched the puppy eat. Kiba could only look longingly at her. She took notice.
“Is something wrong Kiba?” she asked.
“no, nothing’s wrong” he blushed.
“that’s good” she said. A voice sounded from a different part of the restaurant.
“yo! Kiba!” it was Shikamaru and Chouji.
“hey guys” replied Kiba.
“whatcha doin’ with Naruto’s girl?” asked Chouji.
“just treating her to some food before she goes home” Kiba replied.
“okay, just don’t let Naruto catch you with her! You remember what happened last time you two got into a fight?”
Kiba gritted his teeth “don’t remind me”
Hinata giggled quietly.
Shikamaru and Chouji left. Soon the tab came for their food. Kiba paid and the two left.
“That was fun Hinata, what do you say we do it again tomorrow?” said Kiba.
“I’m very sorry, I have some plans with Naruto tomorrow, how about the next day?” replied Hinata.
“Sure thing!” Kiba set his plan into motion.

* * *

Hinata entered her new home, Naruto was lounging on the couch waiting for her.
“Hey Hinata! How was training today? You’re a little late home” he greeted her, holding out his arms in an offer to snuggle. Hinata laid down next to him and felt his warm arms wrap around her.
“well, training was good, but something strange happened today…” Hinata blushed.
“What’s that?” asked Naruto.
“Kiba…kind of asked me on a date…and we had some food” Hinata blushed deeper, not in embarrassment, but in shame.
“haha, well, I’m sure Kiba doesn’t mean anything serious. I bet he just wanted to have some lunch with his most favorite team mate” Naruto said. Hinata smiled and wiggled to inch closer to him.
“you’re probably right” Hinata said.

* * *

The next day Naruto took Hinata out to the rocky outcropping where they first kissed. They were going to sleep overnight there.
Naruto walked into the woods to find some firewood after setting up the tent. Hinata unpacked the camp stuff. She placed the flint and tinder next to the ring of stones Naruto constructed for the fire. Then went inside the tent to set up. She blushed when she realized that Naruto only packed one sleeping bag.
Naruto soon came back, several shadow clones of himself carried thick logs, which he then set aflame. He pulled a blanket from his pack and threw it around He and Hinata.
“Naruto, I’m so happy!” she smiled and stroked his cheek.
Naruto grinned and held Hinata. “me too”
Hinata’s back was to the fire, when she felt it become uncomfortable she turned and warmed her front. Naruto gasped as her extremely warm back and backside came into contact with his chest and belly. Naruto spooned with Hinata. Soon his hands found their way to the inside of her thighs. Hinata moaned quietly.
“Hinata?” Naruto said.
“yes?” she answered.
“I was thinking…maybe tonight you and I could…you know…” Naruto blushed.
Hinata blushed deeply and turned to kiss him and stroke his cheek.
“Naruto, you know I love you, but I don’t think I’m ready for that…” she answered.
“oh” Naruto stroked Hinata’s hair “It‘s okay”
Hinata smiled and kissed his neck “but I’ll let you know as soon as I’m ready for you”
Naruto grinned. “I love you Hinata”
Hinata blushed “I love you too”
Soon the fire had gone out and it became bedtime. Hinata and Naruto entered theier tent to change into their bedclothes. Hinata removed her coat and undershirt and unsnapped her brassiere with her back turned to Naruto. She didn’t blush anymore when she was half naked around him. If Naruto asked she probably would have slept naked with him. But she slipped in her nightgown before he had a chance.
She turned around and saw Naruto, shirtless and grinning at her.
“hehe, what’s the grin for?” asked Hinata.
“I thought you might like to see a little” Naruto answered. She blushed, moving her hands to his pectorals and caressing his torso down to his abdominals. Scooting toward him, she kissed him as they slipped into the sleeping bag together. The fit in the bag seemed to be a little tight, which forced the two together.
Not that either of them minded.

* * *

It seemed to be too soon before the next day came. The two packed up and went back home, then stored all of Naruto’s camping gear in a shed.
Hinata realized today was the day she had to go meet Kiba.
“Naruto, I’m going to go shopping” Hinata said.
“for what? Should I come with?” Naruto asked.
“umm…Girly supplies” Hinata blushed, raising her hand to her lips.
Naruto laughed and nodded “oh”
She left in a hurry and brought her purse along with.

* * *

Kiba was waiting at their training ground for her. Hinata slowly approached.
“hey there, Hinata!” Kiba shouted. Akamaru didn’t appear to be with Kiba.
“hello Kiba” Hinata said in a rather uncomfortable voice.
“are you ready to go out?” Kiba asked.
“of course!” Hinata smiled and perked up a little.

* * *

Kiba took Hinata to a fancy clothing store, selling dresses.
“Pick one out Hinata, where we’re going, we’re not gonna’ get in with clothes like these” she blushed and smiled. Kiba was certainly being nice to her lately…
“when you have one, meet me at the changing rooms”
Kiba left to the men’s section while Hinata was left to look through a selection of Kimonos. Eventually she came to a white one, with a dragon embroidered along the back, curling and following the neckline.
She changed into her new dress and walked out, seeing Kiba in a suit made her blush and giggle. Kiba gawked a little.
“Hinata, you’re beautiful” he stuttered. She blushed and dropped her eyes.
“thank you” was all she could say.

* * *

Kiba walked Hinata to a very fancy restaurant high on the face of the cliff that the hokage‘s heads had been carved into. He opened the door for her.
“do you have a reservation young man?” asked the person in front.
“Inuzuka” said Kiba.
The woman checked a clipboard “right this way”
Kiba and Hinata were seated next to a window that provided a view of the entire Konoha Village. Soon enough dinner was ordered and eaten. They conversed over empty plates and virgin sake.
“Kiba, this is wonderful” She said
“even more so with you, Hinata” Kiba replied.
“Kiba…” Hinata said “why are you doing this?”
“Hinata…” Kiba sighed “there’s a lot of things I’ve needed to tell you for so long…and I’ve never had the courage to say anything, until now…”
Hinata frowned, she knew what Kiba was going to say.
“Hinata…I love you” Kiba said. Hinata’s expression changed to sorrow.
“Kiba…I love Naruto already, I can’t return your feelings…”she said.
“but…let me show you how much I love you! Spend the night with me” Kiba looked at her desperately.
“you know I can’t do that Kiba” she sighed.
“it’ll be easy! Just call Naruto and say Shino and I surprised you and we’re spending the night in the forest training” Kiba offered.
Hinata looked out the window with a great look of despair “okay Kiba…”
Kiba jumped and cheered, drawing an awkward look from the other restaurant patrons.

* * *

Hinata called Naruto, who approved of her training with Kiba and Shino…but would have completely objected to what Hinata was really doing.
Hinata had a bad feeling about this.
Kiba brought Hinata up to his room.
“wait here, Hinata. I’ll go change”
Hinata broke a tiny sweat while waiting for Kiba…Kiba emerged from his bathroom.
He was dressed in black tight boxer-briefs. Hinata gasped and stood up, marveling at his body. He was a work of art straight from the workshop of Michelangelo. His body was even more muscular than Naruto’s! and the tight underwear he was wearing wrapped around his massive package.
Hinata could only stare while Kiba’s body rippled with muscle as he walked over to her, taking her hand to stand her up.
“Hinata, let me show you how much I love you” he took her chin gently and lifted her lips to kiss him. His arms snaked around her waist and down her back…they slowly began to lift her dress…

Oh my goodness, a cliffhanger…