Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ After the Dream ❯ Say It Ain't So ( Chapter 28 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
~b~ normal story
~B~ flashbacks
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.
Say It Ain't So
“Calm down Anko; try to focus on me. Fight the seal, you can do it,” Rin soothed as she took another step forward. “Sensei will be here soon,” she offered, taking another step forward.
Anko's nails bit into the skin on her palm. She could barely hear the other girl's voice over the blood rushing through her veins. Her shoulder was on fire and she wasn't sure if it was just a sign of pain or if it was literally on fire. She could feel her breath coming out in ragged breaths. “Just hold on another minute,” Rin said, kneeling down next to Anko. The seal on the younger girl's shoulder pulsed and the small tadpole like markings began to spread. “Fight it, Anko,” she repeated.
Anko decided that Rin was a lot easier to fight than the seal. She slammed her elbow into the older girl's chest and Rin skidded back into the wall. She cursed under her breath and looked into Anko's eyes as the seal reached them and stained them black and yellow. They were in a small fifteen by fifteen room and Anko took full advantage of the small area to corner Rin as she moved for another attack.
Before the older girl had the chance to fight back, Anko checked her into a wall. Rin grunted at the force and elbowed Anko away from her.
Anko woke with a start; her hand automatically reached for the seal on her shoulder but she realized a moment later that she felt nothing from it. She glanced around trying to figure out what woke her when she heard Iruka calling for her attention. “Are you alright?” he asked, looking at her in concern.
Anko nodded in confusion. The only times she had ever dreamed about her childhood it had been the fault of the curse seal, but it showed no signs of having acted up. “Was it the seal?” Iruka asked, mirroring her thoughts.
“No,” she responded, “I guess it's just because Rin's in town again. I'll talk to her about it in the morning just in case,” she reassured him.
“It is the morning,” Iruka chuckled.
Anko blinked at him in confusion and realized that he was already dressed. “Genin exams?” she asked blearily. When Iruka nodded in response she grinned cheekily. “You wouldn't consider failing Hyuuga, Sarutobi, and that glasses kid that's friends with them would you?”
“Why should I consider that?” Iruka asked.
“I really don't want to have to deal with three Genin,” Anko responded. “Maybe I'll beg Rin to take them off my back when I go talk to her; although, I think she has something against the Hyuuga clan now.”
“You're starting to sound like Kakashi every time the Hokage handed him a new team,” Iruka commented.
“Ooh, I can just fail them,” Anko decided.
“You know the Hokage won't let you do that,” Iruka told her walking out the door. Anko cursed and got up; it was pointless to delay her day anymore.
That afternoon she found herself outside the academy as a number of parents began to congregate outside the front doors waiting to congratulate their children. Anko spotted Rin avoiding the other parents and reading on the solitary swing in the schoolyard - she couldn't count the number of times she had walked past the academy hoping to catch a glimpse of Iruka only to find Naruto sitting there. She began to approach when an older man beat her to it; her eyes widened when she recognized him as the father of her future charge Hanabi.
Hiashi spoke with Rin for several minutes before handing her a scroll and walking off. Rin slipped the scroll into a pocket on her pants and turned back to her reading. “Can I help you with something?” she asked several minutes later as Anko's stare bore into her.
“How much longer are you going to be around?” Anko asked, walking up to her.
“That depends on Mitsutori. She's waiting to hear back from her uncle and if all goes well, she'll need to go see him so I'll stay a few more days. I have to be back in two weeks at the latest,” Rin told her.
“I need to talk to you about the seal,” Anko stated, gaining an alarmed look from Rin. “Nothing's wrong with it; I just have some questions. Is there any way we can meet later?”
“Anytime over the next week is fine. What prompted the questions all of sudden?” Rin asked cheekily.
“You know very well that I've had questions for over a year. You disappeared not long after applying this thing and I never fully understood it,” Anko retorted. Rin turned back to her book with an unapologetic grin on her face. “And people say I'm the insane one,” Anko muttered, sitting down next to her. “So, do you ever plan on returning?” she asked a moment later, “Tsunade really would like you to come back. She'll take all the medics she can get, and you were one of the top field medics.”
“I have obligations outside of Konoha. They're a bit more important at the moment,” Rin said.
“Thank god,” Anko heard one of the women closer to the school mutter. She hadn't been aware that anyone was listening but Rin apparently had been. “Did I mention that I don't exactly enjoy coming back here?” she asked Anko rhetorically.
Anko looked at her apologetically. “So when exactly did you become a full-fledged Jounin?” Rin asked out of the blue.
“A few months after the memorial,” she answered, “Tsunade-sama convinced me to.”
Rin kept her eyes on her book but Anko should have known she was planning something when her lips began to sport the same grin she had been wearing when she nearly got Kakashi decapitated for reading Jiraiya's book. “When do you and Iruka plan on getting married?”
Half the schoolyard, who had all been eavesdropping on their conversation, turned to look at the two women. “That isn't exactly something we've discussed,” Anko bit out.
“Well I just figured you wouldn't want to wait. I mean you spent almost ten years trying to get a date with him. I still remember the day you met him, that other Chuunin was there - the annoying white-haired one,” Rin commented.
“Mizuki, who by the way is now in prison thanks to Naruto,” Anko told her.
“That's right, Kakashi mentioned that. Iruka wasn't hurt too badly, was he?” she asked, grinning at Anko, who wasn't quite sure why Rin was still grinning.
She figured it out a moment later when she heard Konohamaru shout, “You're dating Iruka-sensei!”
The Chuunin in question froze in his conversation with one of the parents and turned to look at the confused Konohamaru, embarrassed Anko, and highly amused Rin. “Well He certainly has interesting taste. He befriends the little monster brat, and now he dates Orochimaru's whore,” the same woman as before muttered to two of her friends.
Anko turned to the woman in outrage, as did several of the newly appointed Genin when they realized she had been talking about Naruto, but Rin made it to her first. “Rishito,” she said as she walked calmly over to the woman, “Why don't you head home and tell Itachi and Kakashi that you graduated? Mitsutori has a gift for you.”
“But…” the young brunette protested; the stripes on his cheeks bunched up as he scowled.
“I'll be right behind you,” Rin assured him.
“It's just like you to send your little bastard away first,” the woman commented, smirking at Rishito. “You tend to hide your connections to things you're ashamed of, don't you. You took him away from Konoha and at the same time managed to erase your connections to the little demon.”
Rin held out her arm to stop Rishito from lunging at the woman. “Calm down. What reason do you have to be angry at her for? You and I both know that nothing she just said was true, don't we?” she asked, looking down at him with a smile. “A: in order for you to be a bastard I would have had to be unmarried when I gave birth; we both know that that isn't true. You also know why we left Konoha, so her lie there is obvious as well. And what did I teach you to do when you're around a liar?”
“Kick their asses?” Rishito responded hopefully.
“No, I asked what did I teach you to do, not what do I do,” Rin told him.
“Ignore them,” he said mournfully.
“Right, so why don't you go tell Kakashi and Itachi the good news and I'll be along shortly,” she said.
Rishito looked at his mother suspiciously and asked, “You're not just sending me away so you can punch her without me seeing and telling Mitsutori, are you?”
“No, if I was going to punch her for what she just said, I would gladly let you watch. Now get going,” she responded, gently nudging him away. When Rishito had disappeared Rin turned back to the woman with a smirk that immediately set off alarms in Anko's brain; had she been feeling responsible and not fuming over the `Orochimaru's whore' comment, she might have stepped in.
“You're very stupid,” Rin said. “Not only did you insult my son in front of me, but you insulted two other's that for quite some time were the only family I had. On top of that, you insulted Naruto right as his godmother walked by. You made his life hellish enough while he was still alive; give it break now,” she muttered, brushing past the woman.
Anko watched in awe as Rin walk out of the school yard before her words caught up with her. “Hey, wait a minute, when did you get married?” she shouted, running after Rin.
“Ibara, are you alright?” her friend asked the woman Rin had been speaking to.
The familiar voice seemed to snap her out of her daze. She turned towards the direction of her friend's voice, but looked past the woman as she said, “I can't see. That little bitch did something to my eyes; I can't see.”
“She severed your ocular nerve as she walked by,” Hiashi commented, taking his daughter's hand. “I'd suggest you find either the Hokage or her assistant to help you. It may be temporary, but if it isn't I wouldn't trust any but those two to have the expertise to heal you without some permanent damage.”
Ibara's friends quickly ushered her out of the courtyard with their children tagging along behind them. Hiashi watched them go before turning back to Hanabi. “Your sister and cousin are waiting to congratulate you,” he told her, pointing to the shocked group of teenagers that had watched the confrontation. Hinata and Neji stood with their teammates and friends in one of the far corners of the courtyard. They had come hoping to congratulate the six new Genin that they had been training; their former sensei stood behind them glaring at the fourth member of their group: Hatake Kakashi.
“I should probably go make sure Rin doesn't throw a fit,” he muttered, walking away from them.
Once he was out of sight Shikamaru murmured, “Apparently being gone for over ten years hasn't dulled her abilities.”
“Actually, I'd say they've increased,” Iruka said, walking over. “I've only heard of her capabilities from Anko, but attacking the nerve the way she did is very difficult.”
“What did she do?” Ino asked.
“She didn't even need a visible chakra scalpel. All she did was touch the woman's shoulder, and that was very brief contact. If she had just been using a genjutsu to simulate blindness, that would have been enough, but she actually managed to reach the nerve in that time. I didn't actually believe Anko or Tsunade-sama when they mentioned Rin's abilities, but what she just did is proof of how battle-ready some medic nin's can become,” Kurenai answered.
“And orientation is in a week. We get to meet our sensei and the rest of our teammates!” Rishito chatted exuberantly with Mitsutori the night of graduation as they celebrated his promotion. “Who do you think will be on my team?” he asked, turning to Rin, Kakashi, and Itachi as they all shrugged in response.
“Who do you think my sensei will be?” he asked, gaining three more shrugs, although Mitsutori was fairly certain Itachi shouldn't be smirking evilly if he honestly didn't know.
“When are you going back home?” he asked Rin.
“That depends on her,” she said pointing to Mitsutori, “but I'll be here at least until after your orientation.”
“Since I don't have classes until then, will you two train with me?” he asked, pouting slightly. Itachi laughed out loud as Rin and Kakashi gave in, causing a number of people in the restaurant to look up in genuine surprise. He quieted the minute he realized that people were staring and scowled at them turning back to his food. “Itachi will help us,” Rin added, kicking him under the table, “won't you?” He rolled his eyes as Rishito tried to con him into it, but gave in anyways - he could always take the time to find out how much Rishito had advanced in the months he'd been gone.
“I don't understand how you kids keep getting entire days off as a group. I mean even if there aren't enough missions to send most of you out, there would normally be plenty of stuff for you to do around the village,” Anko stated, looking at Ino in disbelief.
“Tsunade-sama asked Shikamaru and Neji if we would mind working with Konohamaru and friends this week. They said she seemed worried that their sensei may not pass them, so she wants us to grill them a bit,” Ino explained before adding thoughtfully, “Kakashi isn't teaching again, is he?”
“No he's not. I don't see why you want me to come along,” Anko responded, glaring over Ino's head at Kurenai and Asuma. Ino looked at her pleadingly and Anko caved. “Fine but only today. At some point this week I actually have to track Rin down and speak with her,” she grumbled.
“Alright!” Ino exclaimed, grabbing Anko's arm and pulling her along. “Kiba, Chouji, and Lee are tracking down the brats; we're supposed to meet them at the school in about ten minutes.”
When they reached the school five minutes later, nearly everyone was waiting for them. “We found everyone but Rishito so we'll find him on the way to the training grounds,” Kiba informed them. Anko snickered when she noticed Genma, Ebisu, and even Ibiki had some how been convinced to come along - either that or they wanted to know what she knew, and that was just too annoying to think about.
“Bah, I say we leave him. He can train with his mom or something since he always talks about how strong she is,” Konohamaru snorted.
“Do you doubt how strong she is after what she pulled off yesterday?” Asuma asked.
Konohamaru grimaced and remained silent as they took off. “Akamaru'll find him for us so it won't take too long,” he said as they continued to walk through the village. The inconspicuous group of twenty eventually found themselves nearing an area that made most of their stomachs drop. “Wait here,” Anko ordered as they neared the clearing with the memorial stone. “I'll go see what they're doing; if it's private we'll leave Rishito be for the day.” She crept forward and had to stop herself from laughing out loud when she was within sight of the clearing. Anko hurried back to the group barely concealing the large grin that was fighting to take over her face; after all, she didn't want to scare them.
“Should we leave?” Ino asked.
Anko quickly shook her head and told them, “Just be quiet as we approach. If they think we're trying to hide they're more likely to continue and let us watch.”
“Let us watch what?” Genma asked, twirling the toothpick in his mouth.
“Rin and Itachi are sparring while Kakashi explains the fight,” Anko told him, letting the grin peak out for a moment.
“Damn, I haven't seen Itachi fight since his Chuunin Exam,” Genma stated in amusement as he followed Anko back towards the training area. The others slowly followed, most of them wondering what the big deal was.
They crept closer and found Anko and Genma sitting on a branch listening as Kakashi explained how to counter a move Rin had used. “So basically you're telling me the same thing they did: dodge don't block,” Rishito clarified.
Kakashi chuckled and nodded. “Now why don't you explain the point of this to your friends so they know what you're doing,” he told Rishito, pointing back into the woods where the onlookers were `hiding'.
“Aww…” Rishito mumbled, as Kakashi nudged him towards them. Rin and Itachi stopped and walked over to Kakashi as they waited for the others to come out. “You're out of shape,” Kakashi taunted, smirking at Rin. She muttered something that the others couldn't hear and whacked Kakashi over the head. “Keep that up and I'll unmask you,” she threatened.
Kakashi and Itachi snickered at her as Anko pounced. “Hello Rin my dearest, dearest friend,” she chirped.
“What do you want?” Rin asked.
Anko didn't answer and instead reached down to look at the ring Rin was sporting. “You weren't wearing this yesterday,” Anko commented.
“Yesterday most of the village didn't know I was married,” Rin responded.
“Speaking of yesterday-” Anko was cut off by Rin's snarl.
“I'm not talking about it,” she said.
“I was just gonna ask if you would show me how you did that to Ibara; I'd love to be able to shut her up in the future,” Anko said innocently.
Rin looked at her in shock for a moment before turning angrily to Kakashi. “You didn't tell me that was Ibara,” she accused.
He shrugged and turned to Itachi. “It's our turn now,” he said, quickly walking away from the fuming woman.
“You didn't recognize her,” Anko deadpanned.
“I thought she had red hair,” Rin muttered. “Damn, they'll have a field day with this.”
“Who? Tsunade-sama'll get pissed off if she finds out what the woman said. I doubt anyone would fault you,” Ino said.
“Rishito, go tell Itachi and Kakashi to limit the destructiveness of their jutsu. We don't want to destroy the field,” Rin told him. When he had scampered off she ran a hand through her ponytail and asked Anko rather despairingly, “That was really Ibara?”
“Yeah,” Anko answered in concern.
“The same Ibara that Kachuu-sensei taught?” she asked.
“There's only one Ibara in the village,” Anko responded. “I figured you knew since you actually attacked her.”
“Is there something you all wanted? I mean, I doubt you came all the way out here for nothing,” Rin said, changing the topic abruptly.
“We were looking for Rishito. The Hokage asked us to train them before they meet their sensei,” Shikamaru told her.
Rin gave him an amused look and turned to Anko. “What is she afraid of, that you and Itachi will try and fail them like Kakashi did?” she asked, laughing.
“I would have appreciated it if you hadn't said that,” Anko muttered.
“How did you know who the new sensei were?” Shikamaru asked.
“Because Tsuande-sama tried to convince her and Kakashi to take on teams. Itachi and I were simply the back ups,” Anko answered.
“Why wouldn't you take on a team? These six would make good students,” Ebisu told her.
“Because in order to divide them up properly I would either be saddled with my son or a Hyuuga, neither of which I'm willing to teach. That would also require me to come back to Konoha permanently which I can't do at the time,” Rin answered.
“Does that have something to do with that Eiki kid? Gai mentioned he had a sister as well and it sounded like you were perfectly happy teaching them,” Genma asked wryly.
Rin looked at him in confusion and said, “Eiki and his sister are friends with Mitsutori's cousin. I'm watching them for the time being, but if all goes well they'll be heading to Hifukidake this winter to study.”
“Why won't you teach a Hyuuga?” Hinata asked, looking at Rin.
Rin sighed and looked to make sure none of the new Genin were within hearing range. She was pleased to find the other five standing near Rishito as they watched Itachi and Kakashi fight. “Don't take it personally,” Rin told her.
“It's a little hard not to,” Hinata replied.
“In case you didn't notice, your clan's elders hate me - for this example we'll ignore the fact that they're joined by the majority of other clans' elders. Kurenai got away with teaching you because she's inoffensive and talented. Gai got away with teaching your cousin Neji because…well because he's Gai. And when Gai decides that it's his duty to turn the year's genius ice prick into a human being no one's going to try and stop him because they're afraid they'll become his next project if he has to find a new one,” she said.
The former rookies stared at her in shock for a moment before TenTen broke out into laughter. Her teammates looked at her scowling defensively - Lee because Rin had insulted Gai, and Neji because Rin had insulted him. Hinata tried to stifle her giggles but not even Neji's scowl directed at her could completely silence them.
“Actually I recall the Hyuuga being one of the few clans that had sided with you most of the time,” Anko said.
“Well that sort of changed when I pissed them off a year ago,” Rin said with a shrug.
“Damn even when you aren't living here anymore. No wonder Tsunade-sama will never be able to convince you to return,” Anko teased.
“Actually she'll never be able to convince me to return because the council won't let her ask me out right. The few things she's tried to offer have been ones she knows ahead of time that I'll turn down. I left knowing I wouldn't ever return here permanently; actually, I left hoping I would never return here period, but we can all see how that turned out,” Rin muttered a bit bitterly.
“That woman, Ibara, she said you left to get away from Naruto. Was she telling the truth?” Ino asked.
“That was bullshit,” Anko answered for Rin.
“Can't she answer for herself?” Shikamaru asked, shocking Anko.
“That was bullshit,” Rin repeated.
“Is there a reason for us to believe you?” Shikamaru asked.
“What is with you guys?” Anko asked, looking at them in disbelief.
“You're a seal master, right?” Ino asked.
“So I've been told,” Rin responded.
“What are the requirements for becoming one?”
“Why don't you tell me?” Rin bit out, grinding her teeth slightly.
“Hey, that's enough,” Anko said, stepping between Rin and the rookies. She didn't like where the line of questioning was going and she sure as hell didn't like their attitudes that had come out of nowhere.
“Stop Anko,” Rin said. She turned away from the flustered Jounin and back to Shikamaru, asking, “Well, why don't you tell me?”
“There aren't any. The title of seal master is granted within hidden villages when someone shows significant talent when dealing with a difficult seal or creating one that's considered impressive enough. Konoha's had six in the past thirty years: Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Tsunade, a man named Arashi, another named Danzou, and you,” Ino stated.
“The three Sannin were all gone at the time of Kyuubi's sealing and Danzou was in prison, that leaves me and Arashi - who none of you would have been able to place, right?” Rin asked.
“Most would consider sealing something like the Kyuubi enough to warrant seal master status,” Neji said.
“Most would,” Rin agreed. “Unfortunately, I gained that title about a week before I left Konoha. Arashi, the shinobi that you couldn't place, couldn't be placed because when someone becomes Hokage they're records are generally sealed for the village's protection; you see if too much information about the Hokage is known it can be used against him or her. He had gained the status of seal master several years before that and the seal he created and used to hold the Kyuubi is considered one of the most impressive achievements among the small, but still too large, number of people who know anything about sealing bijuu,” Rin told him. “You're getting a lot of the right information. You're just putting it together wrong,” she added for the benefit of the dumbfounded group.
“The real connection you should have made was that I was a medic and one of the few not on record anywhere during the attack. That was because I spent the entire day leading up to and the night after the Kyuubi's attack in Hokage tower. The morning was spent treating a single patient; a pregnant woman to be exact. One who, before her death, gave the Hokage her permission to use her son in the sealing,” Rin finished.
“You delivered Naruto,” Genma stated in disbelief.
“Would have been his godmother too if Arashi-sensei and I hadn't both told her it was stupid to name two shinobi as his guardians. Luckily, she was smart enough to pick a civilian instead. Unluckily, that civilian never gained custody of Naruto,” Rin said.
“Who was she?” Hinata asked.
“That is something I won't even tell the Hokage,” Rin said. “As far as I'm concerned, Naruto never learned that information so no one else should either.”
“Rin…” Anko trailed off.
“Forget about it Anko. I'll speak with yo-” Rin dropped her train of thought and jerked her head in the direction of Kakashi and Itachi's fight. “Stop it you idiots!” she shouted, but whatever the two were doing they couldn't stop. “Duck!” she ordered, pushing Anko to the ground. The others quickly followed her example right before a large shock wave rocketed above them.
The moment it was gone, Rin jumped to her feet and glared at the prone forms of Kakashi and Itachi. They quickly stood up as well and looked around; Itachi grimaced slightly when he saw Rin's glare. “When will you two learn not to foolishly copy jutsu and use them without consideration for what could happen when you send it against itself?” she growled out.
As Rin walked towards them Anko rounded on Shikamaru and opened her mouth to yell at him. He cut her off by holding his hands up defensively and saying, “As troublesome as it was, the Hokage asked us to do it. She needs to know how much Rin knows and isn't telling her.”
“Apparently the only way to get Rin, Itachi, and Kakashi to talk is to make them angry enough that they'll name the person to blame, which generally isn't actually them,” Neji added.
Anko's anger deflated slightly and she asked, “How did she learn this?”
“When she was initially questioning them on their activities during Itachi's mission she tried to find out what actually caused the massacre. She managed to aggravate Itachi enough that he told her the Uchiha clan's elders had maintained some sort of relationship with Orochimaru that seemed to involve eventually handing over Sasuke to him,” Shikamaru told her.
“It's wonderful to hear that the Hokage is telling confidential information to anyone she pleases,” Kakashi stated, walking up behind them. “Tell the Hokage that there are some things that happened during her absence that need to stay buried. If she keeps pushing for answers she doesn't really need, she'll only hurt the village,” he added.
For the first time the group noticed that Rin, Rishito, and Itachi were gone and the Genin were waiting patiently for their attention. “Kakashi…” Anko started.
The Jounin in question held up his hand to stop her. “Don't Anko. It's bad enough that every time she comes back here someone pisses her off; what's unfair is that every time they do that and she cuts her visits short, Rishito loses time with her. Rin will meet with you tomorrow morning; stop by Mitsutori's.”
The next afternoon found Rin and Anko in a small corner booth in a small restaurant during the lunch hour rush. Rin hoped that whatever Anko wanted to discuss about the seal would be ignored by everyone else as they rushed through their own lunches. She watched Anko curiously, waiting for the other woman to talk about whatever she needed to get off of her shoulders. Of course Anko's first words weren't exactly the ones she had been expecting, “Two nights ago I had a dream that I lost control of the seal and attacked you while you were trying to calm me down. I don't remember that happening.”
“That's not surprising. From what I recall a lot of your memory from those few days has been blurry at best; for you not to remember what happened when the seal actually activated wouldn't be odd,” Rin assured her.
“Rin I've heard those kids talk about what Sasuke did the first time he lost control,” Anko told her.
“Your situations were different. He was in the middle of an already stressful contest and his teammates were both injured. The stress levels caused him to react differently than you did when you received the seal,” Rin told her.
“If the stress levels were lower, why would I attack you? Why did the seal activate at all? And why don't I remember doing something like that?”
“You attacked me because you didn't know what was going on. Orochimaru's departure was sudden; it wasn't completely unexpected by some, but what happened that day caught people off guard,” Rin explained.
“That doesn't explain why I attacked you. Even if I was confused because Orochimaru had turned on me, it doesn't explain why I would lash out against people he shared a mutual hatred with.”
“It's not like the seal allowed you to think very clearly,” Rin reasoned.
“I attacked you,” Anko stated.
“And I kicked your ass,” Rin retorted. “You didn't hurt me much. I just had to restrain you until Arashi-sensei returned with Kakashi. When they got there, Kakashi knocked you out and Arashi-sensei began preparing the seal to inhibit Orochimaru's.”
“You're lying.”
“Wh-” Rin was cut off when Mitsutori skidded up to the table.
“I've been looking all over for you. This just came from Sho,” she said, giggling and handing a letter to Rin.
“They got in, didn't they?” Rin asked, smiling back.
“Just read,” Mitsutori urged.
Rin rolled her eyes and did as told. She made it half way down the page before looking in surprise and asking, “Suzu's working there?”
“Yeah! And she wants Hana as her student. She said all three others are welcome as well, but she wants Hana full time. If she does this…think about what it could mean. Hana would be taught by the head physician to the Daimyou and his family. Technically all four will be receiving training in a number of areas already, but apparently based on their recommendations from you and Itachi they were each recommended to a member of her staff by Lady Shijimi,” Mitsutori explained excitedly.
“How much more time would they end up spending there?” Rin asked.
“Not much, it'll mainly cut into their own personal time if they choose to accept. I need to leave soon though so I can tell them. We'll have to tell them about the adoption a bit ahead of schedule and then Kato or I will have to work with those three before they go into the capital, but this is amazing,” Mitsutori continued.
“Yes it is.”
“I'm going to head back to tell Kakashi and Rishito. Then I have to get ready to leave; I'll see you back at the house soon?” Mitsutori asked.
Rin nodded and waved as Mitsutori walked back out. She turned back to Anko with a small, but entirely sincere smile on her face. “Where were we?”
Anko watched her sadly for a moment before shaking her head. “We were finished. If something comes up, I'll find you over the next week or so,” she claimed. Rin wasn't fun to tease when she was like this Anko decided walking away with a wave.
“Stop squirming,” Inari hissed to Rishito.
“I can't help it,” Rishito retorted, “Aren't you excited to find out about your team?”
“We all are. Just calm down and wait for Iruka-sensei,” Moegi commented, giggling slightly.
Konohamaru stuck his tongue out at Rishito behind Moegi's back and smirked before turning back to Udon. Rishito ignored him and turned back to the front, where seven Jounin were standing speaking with each other. “There aren't enough Jounin up there,” he said leaning in so Moegi and Inari could hear him. “There are forty-five graduates, so there should be fifteen Jounin.”
“They've been arriving on their own, so the rest just haven't gotten here yet,” Inari reasoned.
“Yeah, but there's only five minutes left. I hope I get one of those seven, because now we know they arrive on time,” Rishito told them.
“You're just saying that because you have to deal with Hatake-san,” Hanabi countered, “Just because these Jounin aren't here yet doesn't mean they're as irresponsible as he is.”
“I wasn't talking about d-Kakashi,” Rishito shot back.
Several people talking outside the classroom cut into there conversation, “I still can't believe the Hokage talked the two of you into this.”
“She didn't talk us into it; she offered the teams to Kakashi and Rin, when they turned her down she told us we had to be here today,” a voice that Rishito recognized as Anko's responded.
“I understand why Kakashi wouldn't take another team, but I would have thought Rin would have taken the chance to come back to Konoha, what with Rishito here and all,” Rishito didn't know who was talking, but he scowled as her words caused most of his classmates to turn and look at him curiously.
“Keep it down,” another voice said immediately perking Rishito up.
“That was Itachi,” he said as his face split into a grin.
The three that were talking, Anko, Itachi, and one of the Kunoichi instructors walked into the room. “Iruka-sensei will be here in just a moment,” the kunoichi told them as Anko and Itachi walked by her to stand near the other instructors. The Jounin that were already in the room, turned to look at Itachi and Anko in surprise before they quickly began whispering amongst themselves. Itachi rolled his eyes and glanced at Rishito who was smiling at him. He shook his head and leaned back against the wall waiting for Iruka to show up so he could take his team and get out of there.
“Alright everyone, listen up,” Iruka said, walking into the room. “We're still waiting for several Jounin, but they're meeting with the Hokage so they'll be down as soon as she's finished. Hanabi, Konohamaru, and Udon your sensei is Anko,” he told them turning to Anko. “Tsunade-sama needs you to meet Madame Shijimi at the front gate in about fifteen minutes; you're supposed to take your team,” he said.
Anko turned wide eyes to Itachi as he fought the urge not to snicker at her. “It's not funny,” she muttered, waving for her new students to follow. “Come on brats.”
The three Genin jumped when they were addressed and quickly moved to follow Anko out of the room. Iruka spared Moegi's stricken form a sympathetic glance; he knew the girl had wanted the original Konohamaru Corp to work together again. The Hokage hoped her new teammates and sensei would ease her disappointment, especially when she realized how much more fluidly she would work with them.
As he was about to continue the door opened and six more Jounin walked in. Iruka nodded to them and turned back to his former students. “As you saw just a moment ago, all of you will be divided up into teams of three and placed under the care of a Jounin sensei. Anko-sensei and her team are missing lunch to meet with a diplomat that prefers dealing with her above other shinobi,” Iruka told them.
“We're hurrying everything a bit this morning so without further ado…when I call out your name, join your sensei up front,” he explained. “Team 1…” and so he continued. Iruka was more amused by the sensei that had been chosen and the teams he knew were going to be back within several hours already having failed their second exam. Genma, Kurenai, Aoba, Ebisu, and even Akimichi Chomaru had been convinced to take teams. All of this year's sensei, with the exception of Anko, Itachi, and Ebisu, had already taught and passed on one team to Chuunin level. Somehow that made the fact that Itachi and Genma were both teaching even funnier.
“Alright, Team 6 was Anko's and they're gone,” Iruka paused and gaped at his clipboard for a moment. He hoped this was an accident and not the reason Tsunade had told him she'd write up the final list last night. He glanced at Itachi apologetically out of the corner of his eye and then at the rest of the Jounin that were waiting. Not a single Team 7 had been passed since Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke; ever since their deaths the team number had become practically taboo and most Jounin just failed the team without even giving them a chance.
“Team 7 under Uchiha Itachi will be Chiyu Rishito, Hashigui Inari, and Ageru Moegi,” he said. Itachi turned to glare at him and no one missed Genma's attempt to muffle a curse.
“Damn,” Rishito murmured, glancing at his two new teammates. Itachi ignored the comments and turned to leave, beckoning for his students to follow. As they exited the door in front of him Itachi glanced back at Iruka and said, “Tell Tsunade this better have been a coincidence.”
“Where are we going?” Rishito asked, looking up at Itachi - for once he was wearing the standard Jounin uniform, instead of his trademark black. The younger boy was surprised to notice that it actually managed to make him look more intimidating.
“Just because Anko and her team missed lunch doesn't mean we have to,” Itachi said, smirking down at his students. Moegi's nervousness dissolved and she giggled slightly.
“Your treat?” Inari asked suspiciously.
Itachi nodded and asked, “What do you three want?”
“Ramen!” the three shouted back unanimously.
Teuchi, the owner of Ichiraku's Ramen stand, got a pleasant surprise in the form of three young, hungry Genin. Moegi settled for only one bowl, but both boys were on their third when Rishito suddenly stopped eating and turned to look at Itachi in confusion. “I thought my mom told me that we had to pass a second exam before or we could be sent back to the Academy,” he said.
“Consider yourselves passed. I've seen all three of you train and you're talented enough to be Genin. Teamwork will come with time,” Itachi explained.
“You mean we don't get to take the bell test?” Moegi asked.
Itachi chuckled, but it died away quickly when he noticed several people on the streets stop to look at him. Relaxing as much as he did in Kumoma apparently wasn't something he should do while in Konoha. He turned back to his students and answered Moegi. “You can take it, you just can't fail it. The way I see it, I don't have a problem with you three so sending you back to the academy would just mean I have to take another team later and I probably won't like them. Like I said, all three of you are talented; I've seen the proof of that in your training over the past week.
“The bell test has a number of forms and I'm not sure which one you heard about. Generally it's just used to test how well a new team can integrate their individual skills to accomplish a single goal. Kakashi and Rin's sensei, Arashi, changed it from that when he took Rin and their third teammate onto the team. He needed them to figure out how important teamwork was on their own, especially because of Kakashi's reluctance to go against any rules. Kakashi used the same test on his team,” he explained.
“I see your first mission was successful.”
Itachi turned around and smirked at Rin. “What are you doing here?” Rishito asked from beside him. He gently stroked the cat's head while Moegi cooed at it. Inari was standing next to his teammates scowling at the animal. His teammates hadn't caught it so they didn't realize just how evil Tora really was.
Rin scowled and pointed to the front of the room where Tsunade was seated with a number of Chuunin and speaking with a new client. “She wanted to see me,” she answered flatly.
“I'm surprised she caught you. I thought you told her you left a week ago, the day after orientation?” Anko asked, walking in behind her team.
“I did; someone told her that Mitsutori left and I stayed. The problem now of course was that I was actually supposed to leave today and I really do need to get going,” Rin said.
“Did you leave them on their own that whole time?” Itachi asked.
“No, Kato was supposed to arrive the day after we left and Mitsutori's been there since last week, but still, I've been gone for almost three weeks. I really need to get back,” she said, winking at Rishito. He giggled catching what his mom was hinting at. Three weeks away from her four month old daughter was a bit too long.
“Ah, Lady Shijimi it looks like the team found Tora,” Tsunade said as she finished speaking with her client: the Daimyou's wife.
“Wonderful!” Lady Shijimi exclaimed, walking over and smiling at Moegi and Rishito as they continued to dote on her cat. “I don't know what is about this city but every time we come here she escapes. I guess the pull of the forest is just too much for a kitten with her spirit.”
“I believe your dog had the same problem,” Rin muttered for Anko to hear.
“Yes well Ookami really was a spirited thing. The runt of his litter, so he couldn't hunt like the rest of them,” Lady Shijimi replied.
“Where is he now?” Rin asked.
“Curled up with my grandson. Ookami refuses to leave the boy's side. I'm afraid I might lose Tora for the same reason when my daughter delivers in a few months,” was the answer she received as Lady Shijimi turned to smile at her.
“I was wondering if I'd get to see you or the Hatake boy while I was here. I was lucky enough to see the little Mitarashi girl, Anko, when I arrived - oh here she is again and her sweet students,” the noblewoman said, patting Anko on the cheek. Tsunade looked up from her paper work and blinked as she saw Anko and Rin being spoken to like children. She had to bite back a laugh as she saw the tight smile on Anko's face.
“We haven't had as much excitement in the capital since the three of you passed through. Oh that would have been over ten years ago now, wouldn't it?” she asked.
“Have I apologized for that incident lately?” Rin asked, glancing at Anko from the corner of her eye.
Anko glanced nervously at Tsunade and cursed when she realized that she and her entire staff - as well as Jiraiya who had appeared out of nowhere - were listening intently. As were the six Genin, Itachi on the other hand was trying not to laugh; Rin was dead woman for telling him.
“Are you joking? You made my daughter's wedding the most talked about event in Fire Country. Ignoring the fact that the three of you stopped that assassination attempt, you brightened her day. Old Marubi had been complaining about everything and my daughter was nearly in tears about it; it made her day to see that woman's kimono ruined by the water. I can only hope that between the new baby and Sho's four we'll get a bit of excitement,” Lady Shijimi told her.
Anko breathed a sigh of relief that the woman hadn't told the whole story. Rin, however, looked a little uncomfortable with the audience. “Ah, well I can promise that between Kyokki and Takara you'll have plenty of amusement. Eiki can be a bit of downer if left on his own, but those two'll pull him out of it,” she told her.
“Ah, Suzu was so excited when she learned you had taught Hana. She was getting worried about the lack of help, but with Hana there this winter should be much easier. Especially since you mentioned Hana's already had some experience with a pregnancy in Kumoma. How is everything with that?”
Itachi stilled slightly and had to stop Rishito from saying anything. “Everything went perfectly,” Rin responded.
“A little girl, wasn't it?” Lady Shijimi asked, gaining a nod from Rin. “Are coming along when Sho brings them in?”
“Probably,” Rin answered.
“Ah, wonderful. We have a favor to ask, but I'll talk to you about it then. Now that Tora's back I really must be going,” she said, waving goodbye.
“Oh look, there's Kakashi now,” Rin stated, pointing to the Jounin that had just walked into the room
“Kakashi, why don't you escort Lady Shijimi on her way out in case she needs any help with anything? You can turn in your mission report later,” Tsunade said, waving him off.
Kakashi sent a panicked glare at Rin as the Fire Lord's wife smiled at him and held out her arm. He took it and led her out of the room, sending a final glare at Rin as the woman began chatting happily. Rin waved back at him, tauntingly and turned back to smile at Itachi. “He's never that courteous around me,” she commented, feigning disappointment.
Rishito and Moegi broke out in laughter, and Inari smiled up at her. She shrugged and turned back to Tsunade expectantly. “How much longer do you plan on ignoring me?” Rin asked.
“I waited a week for you to agree to meet with me; can't you wait ten minutes?” Tsunade asked.
“I would but I left three teenagers alone in a house. Who knows what they've done with the place since I've been gone?” Rin commented.
“Fine, fine, Iruka take care of the last few for today and then bring them up to me if you have the time. Jiraiya, Rin come with me,” Tsunade said.
Rin froze and looked between the two Sannin. She swallowed nervously and turned to scowl at Anko. “Rishito go to Kakashi's when you're finished. I'll be there to say goodbye when I'm finished,” she said, still looking at Anko.
“I'm not the one that told her you were still here,” Anko stated as Rin walked out of the room.
Rin slowed her pace as she followed the Tsunade and Jiraiya from a distance. She could hear them talking, but she didn't feel like wasting the energy to learn what they were talking about. The slipups during her first week back in Konoha hadn't been too bad, but she had still been hoping to avoid speaking with Tsunade about them. Jiraiya's presence just made it worse, especially after the incident with Ibara.
The trio entered Tsunade and Rin heard Jiraiya shut the door behind her. “Well?” Rin asked, as Jiraiya and Tsunade took seats; she remained standing, hoping that it would give them enough of a hint that she wanted to finish the meeting quickly.
“I'm going to ignore the incident with Ibara. The council would depose me if they heard me congratulate you, so let's just drop it. I can't ignore what you told Shikamaru,” Tsunade stated.
“But you can ignore what Kakashi told him to pass on to you.”
“You delivered Naruto. You at least know who his mother is,” Tsunade continued, ignoring Rin's comment.
“Who? I understand you told them she died, but didn't she give you a clue as to who his father was? If it was someone you were close enough with to almost be picked as his godmother then I would normally guess it was a shinobi; however, I spent the last week and half going over records and I can't find a single female shinobi who died during the Kyuubi's attack and would have been pregnant. I even checked civilian records and found nothing; so the real question is who was she and who's covering this up?”
“I can't tell you and I don't know,” Rin answered.
“Why can't you tell us?” Jiraiya asked.
“Why does it still matter?”
“I don't think it's fair to leave Naruto's heritage unknown; it makes him seem inconsequential,” Tsunade answered, surprising Rin.
She looked at the Hokage for a moment and sighed. “It's not place to tell you. I do know who they were, but it really isn't my place,” she told them. “As to who's covering it up, that depends on what you're talking about.”
“You just said you didn't know.”
Rin shrugged in response to Jiraiya's statement and turned back to Tsunade. “So what are you talking about?” she asked.
“His birth records, did you fill out any paperwork when Naruto was born?” Tsunade asked.
“I didn't, but the majority of it was still completed and should have been filed. Several days later when I went to look something up, it was gone,” Rin admitted. “Sandaime wouldn't answer any questions about it, but I never learned whether or not he was the one who removed, or ordered the removal of, the records.”
“Madame Shijimi had been here for the past week. While her visits are not rare, this one stood out from the rest. She told me her husband intends to come to the Chuunin Exams being held here next spring,” Tsunade said, moving away from the previous subject.
“The last Chuunin Exam he intended in Konoha was the only one your sensei hosted. She also expressed disappointment in the fact that the regulations placed on Sound by the shinobi countries are being lifted to allow them to participate,” Tsunade explained.
“Why are you telling me this?”
Tsunade sighed and looked over at Jiraiya. “We both spent nearly fourteen years outside of Konoha; you hear a lot during that time. The rumors about tension between the Sandaime and the Daimyou weren't lost on us,” Jiraiya told her.
“Neither has the reaction to Mitsutori within the village. The adults here almost all know about her family and when I was here most of the establishments did business with them. Yet it seems to me like she has to restart trade with them again. Traveling I wasn't ever aware that they were having troubles supplying their goods, but for some reason they weren't sold here starting six months after the Yondaime's death,” Tsunade answered.
“Trust you to keep track of what sake is sold where,” Rin muttered.
“I'll ignore that for now. Things seem to be getting back on track. I haven't had any diplomatic problems with the Daimyou and the tension seems to have eased ever since sensei's death. You've been outside of Konoha for over ten years; do you know more about the situation than we do?” Tsunade asked.
“Probably, but once again it's not my place,” Rin answered.
“What do you feel you can tell us without betraying whatever it is you're trying not to betray?” Tsunade asked indulgently. She wasn't willing to risk starting more trouble with Rin, especially after seeing her interact with Madame Shijimi; however, she also needed answers.
“Is the Daimyou coming to the Chuunin Exams?” Rin asked, gaining a nod from Tsunade. “Then I'm sure you'll have your questions answered then.”
“I can't afford to go in blind like this,” Tsunade told her.
“From what you've told me, you aren't going in blind. You know more than most realized you did,” Rin assured her. “I don't know of anyone within Fire Country who is looking to take advantage of your…”
“My what?” Tsunade asked when Rin failed to continue.
“Prime?” Rin offered. Tsunade glared at her and Rin faltered slightly. “Look your little trick with those rookies earlier was just plain cruel and it's made the past two weeks miserable for everyone involved. I'm not a shinobi anymore, nor am I a citizen of Konoha. Technically that removes me from your jurisdiction and puts me in a place of loyalty to the Daimyou. I can't get involved in a conflict between the Shinobi and Secular powers of Fire Country.”
Tsunade sighed and glanced over at Jiraiya. The white haired man shrugged in return and Tsunade turned back to Rin in dismissal, “You can go.”
“Hold on,” Jiraiya said, remembering why he had wanted to be there in the first place. “What was with the incident with Ibara? I don't remember you two ever having any problems before.”
Rin froze and glanced back at him. “A lot happened after you left,” she told him sadly as she walked out the door. “Most of that would be better left buried.”