Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Akatsuki Chronicles: Childhoods ❯ Childhood of Kisame ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Akatsuki Chronicles: Childhood of Kisame
Summary: Fish Men-complex parody, Kisame-centered. The reason why Kisame joined Akatsuki.
To my wonderful beta-er, Nika.
I don't own naruto, nor One Piece. All credit go to Kishimoto and Eiichiro Oda.

Back when Kisame was 4 year old, his whole life centered around one thing.
Join Arlong's team.
It was the dream of every four-year-old with a fishy appearance: to join the strongest fish-gang in the world! To be able to fight side by side next to all those awesome and strong Fish Men, and to roam all seas!
He was sure he would be allowed to join!
He had the ability to breathe underwater, he already had his A, B and C diploma and his swimming teacher always praised him for being so good at swimming.
Surely he would be allowed to join!
Kisame practised his awesome fighting skills everyday. He could kick and bite like no other four-year-old could. And his school teacher always praised him for throwing his shuriken with such `fierce strength'.
Of course Kisame would join Arlong's team!
His mother and father both lived in the country of water. Their whole life revolved around fish and water. It was only natural that their awesome and talented son would join a cool gang like Arlong's.
Arlong would be stupid not to let Kisame join!
He had quills for God's sake! He had blue skin, quills, white eyes, quills, the ability to breath underwater, and quills! QUILLS! He had fucking QUILLS on his face. If that wasn't a good enough reason to join, then Kisame wouldn't know anymore.
So one morning four year old Kisame put on his best fighting suit, packed something to eat, left a goodbye note for his mother and father, and left his village. On his way all to Coco Village, where Arlong Park was hidden.

Kisame arrived, asked for permission, and got denied.
He didn't have the right `qualities', they said.
10 years later Kisame joined Akatsuki. The gang might have been Kisame's second choice of gangs, but at least they didn't care about his looks.
Or skin-colour.
Or quills.
(and luckily, Akatsuki didn't have a ridiculous laugh. Sha ha ha ha!)