Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Ashes to Ashes ❯ Ashes to Ashes ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Howdy peeps. Shiny's back! *cha*
Another Naruto fic, just because I love Sasuke and Naruto. They are *so* cute together. Anyway, a pre-warning: Yaoi, Shonen Ai, character death. This one is an angsty one, which is rare for me `cause I don't write angst very much. So love it!!!!!
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, you can stop rubbing it in now.
*** - Flashback
--- - Change of scene in flashback
Text - Naruto's thoughts when NOT in flashbacks. The Flashback's ones are Sasuke's.
Ashes to Ashes
“Black nihility”
By Shiny (Nicola Thewlis)
Beep - beep
Beep - beep
A hand smacked on top of the alarm clock, blue eyes cracked open. The blonde sat up, shielding his eyes from the onslaught of sun. With the other hand, he ran a hand through his dishevelled hair. The blankets rolled off to his waist, causing a noise from beside him.
The figure beside him went back to sleeping, snoring lightly. The blonde looked at the other boy, sleeping peacefully and yanked the blankets a little further up the black haired boy.
He glanced to the headboard, where he noticed a rectangular packet. He picked up the object and looked at the front of the packet. “Cigarettes? What is this, 1 MG? Why the light dosage, Sasuke?” he asked, looking at the pale boy next to him.
His blue eyes widened in realisation as an image came back to his head that he would rather stay shackled deep in the recesses of his mind. It was a person, their back facing him. Short pink hair whipped across the collar of the soft white Chuunin vest.
The blonde shook himself out of his memory and flipped open the packet. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it. He inhaled it deeply, then withdrew it from his mouth. His hand hovered above the sheets, holding the smoke.
“Unpleasant, as expected,” he murmured.
Even thought I never liked them…
I could never stop smoking…
I guess I'm still locked… on the past…
That was…
How many years ago…?
They were perched in a tree, both the boys awaiting the other one's order. It came in the sign of a hand signal, indicating them to come down onto the forest floor. The blonde and raven-haired boys jumped from the tree and gracefully landed on the floor without a sound.
They were in their Chuunin gear; black pants and long sleeved shirt, white Chuunin vests over the black. The boys looked to the other member of their team, a girl with short pink hair and emerald green eyes. She glanced over to them and asked, “Did we break them up?”
“Yeah… but the explosion left traces of our whereabouts,” Sasuke replied coolly, fixing his Konoha headband back into place on his forehead. He pushed his black bangs off his forehead, dark eyes glancing to the blonde, and then to the pink haired woman.
“They'll find this place soon,” Naruto added, looking for instruction.
The green-eyed girl smirked and fumbled through her vest's pockets. “Well then,” she said, pulling out three objects. “How about this?” she asked, holding up three identical cylindrical objects.
“Cigarettes?” the blonde said unsurely.
“Not just cigarettes!” she said, smiling lightly. “These are lucky charm cigarettes!”
The boys each took one, smiles tugging at their lips. The green-eyed girl joined their small smile, before changing her expression and pulling a scroll out her vest pocket.
“Okay,” she said. They gathered around her, kneeling on the forest floor and looking over the scroll. Different points were marked on it.
“Sasuke,” she said. The raven-haired boy looked up at her, and then back down to the scroll. “You take `Go',” she said.
“Naruto.” The blonde smiled up at the pink haired girl. “You take `Yuu' and I'll take `Bou',” she said. “We'll disseminate them, and then meet here at ten,” she explained, pointing to different marked spots on the scroll each time. “If someone doesn't make it back, we're leaving right away.”
She smiled at them, slipping the cigarette into her breast pocket.
“Lets get back to Konoha!” she said enthusiastically. “If we make it back, then we'll light these cigarettes. As proof of our triumph.”
Sasuke stood up, brushing the dirt off his pants and vest. Naruto stayed kneeling next to the pink-haired girl, letting a genuine smile slide across his face.
“Heh,” he said, placing a hand on her back. She looked at him in confusion, puzzled by the gesture. “Like a wishbone? You're still such a romantic!” Naruto laughed.
She pushed his hand off her back, blushing crimson, and said, “Shut up! Just keep it in your chest pocket… and be careful not to get blood on it!” she added as an afterthought.
They both stood, gathering around each other. It was Sasuke's turn to speak now, the cool and level headed Uchiha prodigy saying in a toneless voice, “We are the 24th three-cell team of the Chuunin.”
His brow raised a little and a very small and almost unnoticeable smile slid across his face. “At ten o'clock… GO!”
All three took off in the blink of an eye, heading in different directions.
The room echoed every sound loudly, rebounding to the blonde as he handed in his report at the desk. His wrist was bandaged, along with his forehead, where blood still slipped out the now crimson bandage.
“Excellent work,” the Jonin said, taking the report papers. He flicked it open to a page labelled `casualties' and said, “you two can take five days off for recovery. Be ready for your next mission.”
Naruto's eyes dulled, and he clenched his hand until his knuckles were white. “Yes, sir. Thank you,” he gritted out, voice quavering. At the other end of the room, Sasuke was watching the blonde, leaning against the wall next to the windows. A bandaid was holding the gash across his cheek closed. He stayed silent as he followed Naruto out the room.
Outside, it was overcast, threatening to rain. Naruto was at the edge of the forest, where he stood in front of a tombstone. The rain began to pour, but the blonde refused to move. The sky thundered and the rain cascaded over his body like the very sky was crying.
He lightly ran two fingers over the top of the rectangular stone, removing his loving caress when he heard footsteps in the wet grass behind him. He still refused to look away from the new stone, knowing the sound of those footsteps.
“How about an umbrella?” came a cool and level voice.
Naruto looked out the corner of his eyes and saw his teammate, holding an umbrella over himself. His blue eyes were glazed over and puffy, probably from crying.
“Wouldn't make much difference now,” the blonde said. His usually cheery and loud voice was but a whisper now, filled with sorrow and unshed tears yet to come.
Sasuke cocked his head to the side, surveying the back of Naruto. The blonde had one hand unconsciously holding his banged up arm, clutching the stained bandages.
“Your wound… does it hurt?” Sasuke asked in a low voice
“It's nothing,” he replied, tears welling in his eyes.
Naruto heard a click and the sound of something being lighted. He realised what it was, and spun around, saying, “You!”
From under the umbrella, Sasuke had lit his cigarette as took a drag. His eyes were shadowed, revealing no expression on his face. Sasuke pulled the smoke from his mouth and looked Naruto in the eyes. For once, the blonde ninja was speechless.
“She'll come back some day,” he said, eyes searching the blonde's for some form of acceptance. “Did you smoke yours?” Sasuke asked, holding the now lit smoke at his side. The smoke coiled out in an intricate pattern, only to be dissolved in the rain.
“When we come back, we'll smoke these…”
Naruto turned his head away from Sasuke, looking back to the stone. “She died.” Naruto walked past Sasuke, tears falling from his blue eyes. “She's already dead!” he cried.
As Naruto passed, Sasuke grabbed his arm. He tossed away the umbrella and pulled Naruto to him. The blonde watched in shock as he was pulled to Sasuke's body, faces inches apart.
“But we're alive,” the Uchiha said.
Naruto's eyes softened at his words, and he grabbed Sasuke's vest and sobbed into it. He fisted the wet material and cried, while Sasuke held his head against his chest, still inhaling the cigarette.
Sasuke now held the cigarette at his side, as Naruto's face pulled off his chest and to his. Their lips crashed together in a burning kiss, surrounded by tobacco smoke and rain.
They slowly parted lips, Naruto looking into those black orbs that have already seen so many he loved die, and muttered, “we're alive.” He buried his head back into Sasuke's chest and Sasuke let the cigarette fall to the muddy ground.
As the rain pounded thought the night, it went unnoticed by the two boys. The only sound they heard was the rustling of fabric and the whimpers they made.
“Ah… wait… ah,” Naruto panted, cheeks flushed.
Sasuke pulled his face to the younger teen's one, kissing him. He nibbled on Naruto's bottom lip until the blonde parted his lips, allowing Sasuke to slip his tongue in. The Uchiha began to peel the singlet off Naruto, while the blonde whimpered.
“Ah… *huff* … No… *pant* … ah…”
Sasuke lowered him onto the bed and pushed his singlet up, exposing his lean chest. Sasuke kissed a trail down the blonde's neck while he ran his hands over the tanned chest. He raked his nails over Naruto's muscles, earning a shiver and low moan. Sasuke hovered over him, still clothed, while Naruto was only left in his singlet.
“Ah… somehow…” the blonde panted.
“Do you dislike it?” Sasuke asked, voice rumbling seductively.
Naruto shook his head. He gasped in surprise as Sasuke reached down to stroke him, causing the blonde to wrap his hand around the bed sheets. He held the other hand across his mouth, biting into the back of his hand to stop his moans.
“Mmrph,” he moaned through his hand, eyes open half way. The blush on his face spread to the rest of his body, making him feel hot all over. Sasuke manoeuvred his free hand and yanked away Naruto's hand from his mouth.
“Don't silence yourself,” he said.
Naruto gasped, using his free hand to grab onto Sasuke's shirt. Sasuke left his hand on the blonde's arm and continued his ministrations.
“Ah… Sasu…ke…”
He picked up pace, earning more moans and wails from the blonde beneath him. He felt his own hardness growing to the pleas of the blonde. He stroked Naruto harder, feeling him writhe and toss.
Repeatedly crossing those corpses…
Getting hurt over and over again…
That petite back of yours carries so much pain
“Sasu…ke…” Naruto moaned.
Sasuke stopped his ministrations and spread Naruto's legs. He propped tup the blonde's legs, bending them gently and kissing each raised knee. The Uchiha fumbled around with his own pants and pulled them off, and lowered himself to hover over the length of Naruto's body.
When you have no where to keep those hands…
So that they wander about…
“Sasu…ke…” he said again, eyes opening all the way to look at the Uchiha.
Don't be perplexed
Naruto's hands slowly, shakily reached up around Sasuke's neck, gently stroking the hair on the back of his neck.
Just hang onto me
They kissed, tongues coming out to meet each other as Sasuke ran a hand up his thigh, caressing the soft tanned skin. Naruto moved his hands away and clutched the sheets as Sasuke lowered himself onto the boy and settled himself between his legs.
“Sasu… ke…?” Naruto panted.
The Uchiha pushed into him without warning, causing Naruto to cry out.
Sasuke started at a slow pace, gradually picking up when he saw Naruto's face contort in pleasure.
If my beloved - you - were wounded
I would love that wound of yours…
“Hn… AH!” the blonde ground out, gripping the fabric on the bed. Sasuke began to cry out along with Naruto as they began to reach their peaks. Below him, Naruto was throwing his head from side to side, their bodies were slick with sweat as they cried out together until they came together.
“AH!” the unison scream tore from their throats
To the extent of being shattered
I love you.
From now,
We'll live on…
Naruto stubbed out the butt of the cigarette on the headboard and reached for another one. He glanced down at Sasuke's sleeping face as he lit it up, inhaling deeply. He glanced out the window, exhaling deeply, still in thought.
He was snapped out of his thoughts when a hand grasped his free one. Naruto paused, cigarette hovering half way between his head and the bed. He looked down and found Sasuke with his eyes cracked open, watching him through slits.
“Sorry, did I wake you?” the blonde asked, smiling in the morning sunlight.
“Nah,” Sasuke said. He rolled onto his stomach and pulled himself further up the bed. Sasuke propped himself up on his elbows and reached out with one hand. He placed it on the blonde's bare chest, causing him to smile brightly.
Unrepentantly, Sasuke's hand flew into Naruto's hair, dragging the boy down and into a scolding kiss. They broke apart, and Naruto's face fell significantly. Sasuke simply looked up at him and said, “It tasted like cigarettes.”
Naruto's hand, which still held the smoke, was resting on the sheets, clutching them subconsciously.
“That's because we're alive,” Naruto said.
Naruto picked up the packet of smokes and played with the lid.
We've been…
Alive since then…
While Naruto was preoccupied, Sasuke snatched the cigarette packet and pounced on the blonde, shouting, “Gotcha!”
“Woah, what are you, sleep walking or something?” Naruto asked from his new position on the bed, lying with one leg still raised and arm in the air. Sasuke was firmly attached to his chest, hugging it tightly.
The Uchiha's eyes were closed as he inhaled and muttered, “You smell like smoke.
Naruto looked down, eyes still solemn, and said, “ `cuse me”.
“Then don't smoke,” Sasuke replied, refusing to give up his position to the struggling Naruto.
“What are you talking about? They're your smokes!” Naruto retorted, breaking the raven-haired boy's grip and sitting up. Sasuke held Naruto's wrist and brought the blonde's hand to his mouth, where he took a deep drag of the smoke.
“Yeah, they are,” he said, exhaling loudly.
We weren't even good at walking
And weren't even sure where we're heading
“Then…” Sasuke started.
He leaned down and stole another puff of the cigarette. Then, he pulled Naruto to him by his wrist and kissed him.
“…Why don't we become ashes together?”
We'll live on…
Because we're still alive…