Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Behind Her Smiles ❯ Chapter Nine: First Day ( Chapter 9 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Behind Her Smiles
A/N- Here is chapter nine, enjoy you to my beta reader named Gaara's Secret Mistress for beta reading this story this far and this chapter.
Basic Information:
Chapter Nine: First Day
Sakura walked out of Tsunade's office and looked at her schedule to see her locker number and combination. It said her locker was on level two; number fifty five. She smiled at this as she walked up the steps and towards the right side of the building. Sakura reached her locker just as she heard the bell going off above. Entering the combination, 13-28-7, she opened to see it was empty for now.
Closing it again for the time being, Sakura glanced at her papers again and started to walk towards the nearest door, when she heard footsteps coming her way and fast. She turned to see ... Sakura couldn't believe it. It was her friends!
"Samiko, Natira!," Sakura yelled as they stopped.
"Sakura?," Natira said, uncertainly.
Sakura nodded her head at them, as she felt herself being pulled into a hug.
"Sakura, what are you doing here?," Samiko asked.
Sakura pulled away from them with tears in her eyes. "He found me again."
They understood what Sakura meant by that. They looked over, while Sakura did the same thing to them. It had been a long while since she'd last seen them. Today, Samiko was wearing some green capris with a complimentary brown shirt, and Natira wore a pair of black pants along with a red shirt.
"Samiko, Natira, can you tell me where classroom 240 is?," Sakura asked, trying to rid herself of thoughts of Sai for the moment.
Samiko smiled at her. "Hai. That's where we're going too."
The old friends led Sakura towards the classroom, talking about plans for a sleep over as they went. When they entered the room, Samiko and Natira went and sat down in their seats but Sakura remained standing at the front.
"You must be our new student," the teacher said, "Please, introduce yourself." Sakura saw that the man's hair was silver and he had only one greyish-blue eye. The other was hidden under a patch.
Remembering that she had been asked to introduce herself, the woman turned to the class. "My name is Sakura Haruno," Sakura stated. "I'm twenty-three and I just moved here from the United States. My interests are my own; my likes and dislikes are bountiful. I'm going to get through this hell hole and get the hell out." Her emerald eyes were cold, her face stoic.
"I'm Kakashi, and I will be your Physics teacher," Kakashi added, "Miss Haruno, you can take a seat with Neji and Hinata Hyuuga."
Sakura nodded her head as a female with white eyes held up her hand. Assuming this was Hinata, she moved towards the table and saw that the male also had white eyes.
"Hello, Haruno-san," Hinata greeted as she moved over to the middle seat.
"Just call me Sakura or Sakura-chan," Sakura replied, seating herself and taking out her note book.
"Please feel free to call me just Hinata then. This is my cousin, Neji," Hinata introduced him.
Sakura inclined her head at him in silent greeting. The introductions done with, she then turned her attention back to the front of the class and her new teacher. It was a wonderful feeling to back in school or college again. She hadn't felt like this since….Sakura shook her head, not realizing the one named Neji saw this.
An hour later, Sakura waved bye to Hinata and took off, meeting up with Natira and Samiko at the door. Neji watched this silently, curious, as those two usually never talked to anyone beside themselves.
"So Sakura, what class do you have next?," Samiko asked.
"Computers 20," she said.
"Same with us," Natira exclaimed. After a moment, she inquired, "We understand why you are here but why did you pick this place specifically?"
"My mother and father had a friend that lives here. She happens to be the principle of the college," Sakura explained.
Her two friends smiled. "What a wonderful woman she is."
They reach their second class shortly and, just as in the first one, Natira and Samiko went and took their seats, while Sakura introduced herself again. Finished, she sat down beside Samiko and the classed started.
Forty minutes later, Sakura looked at her time table to see she was to head to biology next. "Well, I have biology next."
Samiko and Natira replied, "We have math 30."
Sakura nodded her head at this. "Sakura, you just go down the hall and turn to the right," one of the girls pointed out. "Biology is just there."
Smiling in thanks, the young woman followed her friends' directions, turning the corner as she was supposed to, only to see Neji walking down the hall. "Ya Neji-san, do you know where biology 30 is?," Sakura called.
Neji stopped, looking behind him. Seeing that it was the new student, he nodded his head. "I'm heading to that class now," he answered.
Sakura walked towards him and smiled. "Thanks." They walked quietly to their necxt class.
"So, Sakura-san, how do you know Samiko-san and Natira-san?," Neji inquired.
"We became friends from a shared experience we had in the past. And before you ask, aside from that, I'm not telling," Sakura whispered to him.
Her words held a finality to them that the man could not argue with. Respecting her silence, the two continued on to their class quietly. "This is the class, Sakura-san; you can meet with Hinata and some of our friends," Neji told her, as they entered the room. She followed him as he headed towards his seat.
"Yo, Neji."
Neji sighed. Sakura looked at him and then to the group of people walking into the class that very moment. Her eyes widened in shock as she saw one of the individuals who striked a scary resemblance to Sai. Unbeknownst to her, Neji caught her look of surprise; a black eyebrow rising questioningly.
As the group approached, similar looks of confusion showed on their faces. Understanding what the confusion was about, Neji gestured to Sakura. "Sakura-san is a new student," he informed them.
Immediately, one of the blondes stepped forward to greet the new girl. "Hello Sakura-chan, I'm Ino. And this is Tenten, Temari, Shikamaru, Kiba and Sasuke," Ino said, gesturing to each of her friends as she introduced them.
"Hello," Sakura replied politely, giving her head a small shake to clear Sai's image out of her mind. This man had a different name; he was not Sai. Still, she found it just a little harder to breathe until the teacher entered the room. By then, her thoughts were preoccupied with how familiar the teacher looked to her, yet she couldn't place how she might know him.
One hour passed, and afterwards, it was lunch time. Sakura followed Neji towards the lunch room, but split away from him to go meet up with Samiko and Natira.
"Sakura, you okay?," Natira asked her as soon as she was close enough.
"Hai. Why?," Sakura replied, slightly unnerved by her friend's concern.
"Hyuuga Neji is a part of a gang here called Reds. That whole group is in the gang," Samiko answered.
Sakura felt her heart drop into her stomach. "So it's like THEM?," she whispered.
"No," Samiko replied in a hushed tone, "The girls are some of the male's boyfriends, but it's not like what Kanpeki did to us. They're not forced into it." Sakura glanced back at the group of people she had just been with, not sure if she believed her friend. "Uchiha Sasuke is their leader."
Their lunch hour was spent talking a bit more, and before they knew it, the bell was ringing and they were going their seperate ways again. Sakura was walking towards her last class of the day, when she felt a chill run down her spine. Coming to a stop, the young woman turned to see a male with red eyes looking at her.
"Hey, babe, can I get your number?," he asked, strutting closer as his eyes moved up and down her body.
"No," Sakura stated coldly, turning again and continuing on to her class.
"Come on, babe. I can give you the time of your life," he leered.
"I said no," Sakura repeated, refusing to look back at the stranger.
"You bitch," he growled, lunging forward in an attempt to grab her arm. Sakura felt his fingers almost graze her skin, and, quickly, she spun away, facing the man now.
There was at least more than an arm's length of distance between them. Glaring at him, with one hand cocked on her hip, she said, "I would think my lack of response would tell you that I'm not interested. Idiot. Don't ever try to talk to me again or put your dirty, fucking hands on me. That's if you want to keep them. So do yourself a favour: leave me alone."
"You heard her, Akito. Leave her alone," said a voice from behind. Sparing a quick glance over her shoulder, Sakura saw that it was Sasuke and his gang. Sasuke stood at the forefront of the group; no doubt that one who had just spoken.
"Uchiha," Akito spat. Fists clenched, the man turned about and stormed off; not willing to get into a confrontation when he was so obviously out-numbered.
Sighing in exasperation, Sakura headed towards her locker, ignoring the group a few feet away. She did not realize that the Uchiha was following her. Sakura spun in her combo, grabbing a green notebook from within, before slamming the locker shut again and locking it. When she turned around, it was to see Sasuke standing behind her.
"What?," she growled, patience gone. This college had idiots everywhere.
"You had a run in with Akito; the resident slut of the college," Sasuke told her neutrally.
"Yeah, so?," Sakura snipped, "I told him to leave me alone and now I'm telling you Uchiha. Leave me alone or I'll throw you into a wall." Turning on her heel, she marched off down the hall.
Sasuke growled softly as he watched Sakura walking away from him, annoyed by her disrespect. He vowed he would get her back for threatening him.
A/N- Here is chapter nine and I hope you enjoyed it. Chapter 10 would be done soon too. Bye
A/N- Here is chapter nine, enjoy you to my beta reader named Gaara's Secret Mistress for beta reading this story this far and this chapter.
Basic Information:
Chapter Nine: First Day
Sakura walked out of Tsunade's office and looked at her schedule to see her locker number and combination. It said her locker was on level two; number fifty five. She smiled at this as she walked up the steps and towards the right side of the building. Sakura reached her locker just as she heard the bell going off above. Entering the combination, 13-28-7, she opened to see it was empty for now.
Closing it again for the time being, Sakura glanced at her papers again and started to walk towards the nearest door, when she heard footsteps coming her way and fast. She turned to see ... Sakura couldn't believe it. It was her friends!
"Samiko, Natira!," Sakura yelled as they stopped.
"Sakura?," Natira said, uncertainly.
Sakura nodded her head at them, as she felt herself being pulled into a hug.
"Sakura, what are you doing here?," Samiko asked.
Sakura pulled away from them with tears in her eyes. "He found me again."
They understood what Sakura meant by that. They looked over, while Sakura did the same thing to them. It had been a long while since she'd last seen them. Today, Samiko was wearing some green capris with a complimentary brown shirt, and Natira wore a pair of black pants along with a red shirt.
"Samiko, Natira, can you tell me where classroom 240 is?," Sakura asked, trying to rid herself of thoughts of Sai for the moment.
Samiko smiled at her. "Hai. That's where we're going too."
The old friends led Sakura towards the classroom, talking about plans for a sleep over as they went. When they entered the room, Samiko and Natira went and sat down in their seats but Sakura remained standing at the front.
"You must be our new student," the teacher said, "Please, introduce yourself." Sakura saw that the man's hair was silver and he had only one greyish-blue eye. The other was hidden under a patch.
Remembering that she had been asked to introduce herself, the woman turned to the class. "My name is Sakura Haruno," Sakura stated. "I'm twenty-three and I just moved here from the United States. My interests are my own; my likes and dislikes are bountiful. I'm going to get through this hell hole and get the hell out." Her emerald eyes were cold, her face stoic.
"I'm Kakashi, and I will be your Physics teacher," Kakashi added, "Miss Haruno, you can take a seat with Neji and Hinata Hyuuga."
Sakura nodded her head as a female with white eyes held up her hand. Assuming this was Hinata, she moved towards the table and saw that the male also had white eyes.
"Hello, Haruno-san," Hinata greeted as she moved over to the middle seat.
"Just call me Sakura or Sakura-chan," Sakura replied, seating herself and taking out her note book.
"Please feel free to call me just Hinata then. This is my cousin, Neji," Hinata introduced him.
Sakura inclined her head at him in silent greeting. The introductions done with, she then turned her attention back to the front of the class and her new teacher. It was a wonderful feeling to back in school or college again. She hadn't felt like this since….Sakura shook her head, not realizing the one named Neji saw this.
An hour later, Sakura waved bye to Hinata and took off, meeting up with Natira and Samiko at the door. Neji watched this silently, curious, as those two usually never talked to anyone beside themselves.
"So Sakura, what class do you have next?," Samiko asked.
"Computers 20," she said.
"Same with us," Natira exclaimed. After a moment, she inquired, "We understand why you are here but why did you pick this place specifically?"
"My mother and father had a friend that lives here. She happens to be the principle of the college," Sakura explained.
Her two friends smiled. "What a wonderful woman she is."
They reach their second class shortly and, just as in the first one, Natira and Samiko went and took their seats, while Sakura introduced herself again. Finished, she sat down beside Samiko and the classed started.
Forty minutes later, Sakura looked at her time table to see she was to head to biology next. "Well, I have biology next."
Samiko and Natira replied, "We have math 30."
Sakura nodded her head at this. "Sakura, you just go down the hall and turn to the right," one of the girls pointed out. "Biology is just there."
Smiling in thanks, the young woman followed her friends' directions, turning the corner as she was supposed to, only to see Neji walking down the hall. "Ya Neji-san, do you know where biology 30 is?," Sakura called.
Neji stopped, looking behind him. Seeing that it was the new student, he nodded his head. "I'm heading to that class now," he answered.
Sakura walked towards him and smiled. "Thanks." They walked quietly to their necxt class.
"So, Sakura-san, how do you know Samiko-san and Natira-san?," Neji inquired.
"We became friends from a shared experience we had in the past. And before you ask, aside from that, I'm not telling," Sakura whispered to him.
Her words held a finality to them that the man could not argue with. Respecting her silence, the two continued on to their class quietly. "This is the class, Sakura-san; you can meet with Hinata and some of our friends," Neji told her, as they entered the room. She followed him as he headed towards his seat.
"Yo, Neji."
Neji sighed. Sakura looked at him and then to the group of people walking into the class that very moment. Her eyes widened in shock as she saw one of the individuals who striked a scary resemblance to Sai. Unbeknownst to her, Neji caught her look of surprise; a black eyebrow rising questioningly.
As the group approached, similar looks of confusion showed on their faces. Understanding what the confusion was about, Neji gestured to Sakura. "Sakura-san is a new student," he informed them.
Immediately, one of the blondes stepped forward to greet the new girl. "Hello Sakura-chan, I'm Ino. And this is Tenten, Temari, Shikamaru, Kiba and Sasuke," Ino said, gesturing to each of her friends as she introduced them.
"Hello," Sakura replied politely, giving her head a small shake to clear Sai's image out of her mind. This man had a different name; he was not Sai. Still, she found it just a little harder to breathe until the teacher entered the room. By then, her thoughts were preoccupied with how familiar the teacher looked to her, yet she couldn't place how she might know him.
One hour passed, and afterwards, it was lunch time. Sakura followed Neji towards the lunch room, but split away from him to go meet up with Samiko and Natira.
"Sakura, you okay?," Natira asked her as soon as she was close enough.
"Hai. Why?," Sakura replied, slightly unnerved by her friend's concern.
"Hyuuga Neji is a part of a gang here called Reds. That whole group is in the gang," Samiko answered.
Sakura felt her heart drop into her stomach. "So it's like THEM?," she whispered.
"No," Samiko replied in a hushed tone, "The girls are some of the male's boyfriends, but it's not like what Kanpeki did to us. They're not forced into it." Sakura glanced back at the group of people she had just been with, not sure if she believed her friend. "Uchiha Sasuke is their leader."
Their lunch hour was spent talking a bit more, and before they knew it, the bell was ringing and they were going their seperate ways again. Sakura was walking towards her last class of the day, when she felt a chill run down her spine. Coming to a stop, the young woman turned to see a male with red eyes looking at her.
"Hey, babe, can I get your number?," he asked, strutting closer as his eyes moved up and down her body.
"No," Sakura stated coldly, turning again and continuing on to her class.
"Come on, babe. I can give you the time of your life," he leered.
"I said no," Sakura repeated, refusing to look back at the stranger.
"You bitch," he growled, lunging forward in an attempt to grab her arm. Sakura felt his fingers almost graze her skin, and, quickly, she spun away, facing the man now.
There was at least more than an arm's length of distance between them. Glaring at him, with one hand cocked on her hip, she said, "I would think my lack of response would tell you that I'm not interested. Idiot. Don't ever try to talk to me again or put your dirty, fucking hands on me. That's if you want to keep them. So do yourself a favour: leave me alone."
"You heard her, Akito. Leave her alone," said a voice from behind. Sparing a quick glance over her shoulder, Sakura saw that it was Sasuke and his gang. Sasuke stood at the forefront of the group; no doubt that one who had just spoken.
"Uchiha," Akito spat. Fists clenched, the man turned about and stormed off; not willing to get into a confrontation when he was so obviously out-numbered.
Sighing in exasperation, Sakura headed towards her locker, ignoring the group a few feet away. She did not realize that the Uchiha was following her. Sakura spun in her combo, grabbing a green notebook from within, before slamming the locker shut again and locking it. When she turned around, it was to see Sasuke standing behind her.
"What?," she growled, patience gone. This college had idiots everywhere.
"You had a run in with Akito; the resident slut of the college," Sasuke told her neutrally.
"Yeah, so?," Sakura snipped, "I told him to leave me alone and now I'm telling you Uchiha. Leave me alone or I'll throw you into a wall." Turning on her heel, she marched off down the hall.
Sasuke growled softly as he watched Sakura walking away from him, annoyed by her disrespect. He vowed he would get her back for threatening him.
A/N- Here is chapter nine and I hope you enjoyed it. Chapter 10 would be done soon too. Bye
