Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Best Friends - Naruto and Sakura ❯ Jealous ( Chapter 6 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Well… I didn't get that many reviews the last chapter, but I thank all the ones who reviewed (two reviews from fan fiction, one from media miner, and another two from anime spiral). The reviews inspired me to continue on with the story… I just have to say that I'm extremely puzzled over the fact that I have close to 300 visits (on fan fiction) on my fifth chapter and I only get two reviews from them... You have to tell me whether you like the story or not! It's really important to me! If you like the story, TELL ME! Tell me your opinions on the story and make them long. Anyways, hope you enjoy the chapter! REVIEW!
Disclaimer: I'm not a good writer
Chapter 6 - Jealous
“Any luck yet?” The brunette haired girl asked.
“Nope. This mission is so not cool… but it's kind of stirring walking in the dark.” The other girl with black hair replied.
It was completely dark outside and mostly everybody in Konoha was sleeping. The sky was clear and the stars were glistening. The only people awake were the partiers and the drunkards. Two years ago in Konoha, several dance clubs were created and the clubs grew in popularity with young adolescents in the face of all the complaints from the elder age group. The elders argued that these clubs would corrupt their generation of children, and the corruption would carry on down through the generations. However, Tsunade supported the dance clubs. Since she had a history of drinking and gambling, she thought the clubs would provide a good alternative for gambling and the drinking of alcohol. Once the hokage approved, the three dance clubs settled in. Two of the dance clubs were composed of both techno and trance, and the other one was mainly dance, rock and soft rock. The younger teenagers preferred rock, but the adolescents surprisingly favored the techno style of music. The techno clubs would run in the evening and most of the night on the weekends.
The three barely dressed girls walked around the corner of the wooden fence that was set up as perimeter for the ninja academy.
“Maybe we should split up again and cover more territory.” The dark brown hair girl suggested.
“Okay. Let's do that and meet back here in one… wait… be quiet… someone's coming… …” She noticed a boy and girl walking towards them. “Is that Naruto-niichan?” The black hair girl was shocked.
“Yeah! He looks a lot different though. Who is that with him? I've seen her before… It looks like they need help with carrying things. Want to help?” The brunette whispered.
“Wait… I got an idea…” The black locks girl giggled evilly. “Let's try to see if his `girlfriend' gets jealous if we flirt with him. Come on, it will be fun!”
“You're so immature. But I like it! I'll do all the dirty work since you two would probably feel uncomfortable doing it.” The brunette agreed.
All three of the girls were wearing denim mini skirts, and they had tops that showed off their naked waists. The three eye-catching girls walked up to Naruto.
“Hi cutie. What you doing in the middle of the night carrying all that stuff?” The black locks asked.
The three girls walked in between Naruto and Sakura and blocked her off from him. “Oh, hey there. We were just moving her belongings to where I live.” Naruto replied.
“I see. Hmm, well, after you're done, want to go party with us?” The brunette insisted. “Party? Sounds fun but I really need some sleep and…”
“Ah, come on, it will be better than fun! I promise…” The brunette then wrapped her left arm around his neck and placed her right arm on his waist. She then looked at Naruto with a very seductive look and moved her body close to his. Naruto couldn't help but blush and he glanced over at her breast, which was partially exposed.
Sakura looked disgusted with the rowdy girls and shrieked, “Leave him alone! He needs his rest.”
The three girls disregarded her and they started to get closer to Naruto putting their arms around him in the process. The brunette slipped her hand underneath Naruto's shirt and started caressing his waist. “Ugh…” Naruto murmured. Her hand then went underneath Naruto's pants and briefs and started to rub his skin around his genitals. Naruto was so embarrassed because his dick was starting to get hard and he would have a boner soon. He was just about to push them all off of him until he saw Sakura's face.
Sakura was gritting her teeth together and her body was very stiff. Her bicep muscles started to bulge out of her arms and her eyes glared at the brunette's hand touching Naruto's genitival area. The jealous pink-haired kunoichi darted towards Naruto and grabbed the brunette's wrist wringing it hard enough to break it. She then brought her other fist back and started to pound her face in. “Don't touch him you slutty bitch!” Sakura screeched at the top of her lungs. Naruto tried to hold her back but she unintentionally elbowed him in his kisser. He started to see spots and he could still hear the powerful smacks that his outraged friend was delivering to the brunette.
“Stop hurting Moegi-chan! Please stop! STOP!” The girls cried and tried to hold back Sakura.
`Moegi!' Naruto was shocked and then suddenly realized who they were. Naruto then tackled Sakura to the ground in order to immediately stop the fight.
“Naruto?” Sakura was shaking. She then started to look bewildered over what she did and started weeping uncontrollably.
Naruto looked back and saw a vast cloud of smoke… He ran inside and saw Konohamaru and Udon sitting beside Moegi. “Moegi! Can you hear me? Moegi-chan!” Konohamaru screamed.
“What were you guys thinking? Don't you know how strong Sakura is? She could kill you if you get her angry!” Naruto exclaimed.
“Naruto-niichan, help Moegi! She's unconscious, her nose is bleeding and it looks broken!” Konohamaru begged. Naruto came over to get a closer look at Moegi. “Oh my word! She looks like a bloody pulp! I never knew Sakura would go crazy!” Naruto cried out. “Let's get her to a hospital!”
“No, wait!” Sakura ran towards Moegi-chan.
“Naruto, she's crazy! Keep her away!” Konohamaru pleaded.
“No! I just want to help…” said the whimpering pink-haired girl. Everybody looked baffled and worried at the same time. “You, help? What can you do? Help her what? Die?” Konohamaru replied.
Sakura ignored the comment and shoved everyone out of the way. She then leaned over Moegi with her tears dropping on Moegi's clothes. “I need room everybody.” Sakura then checked her pulse as well as the breathing and she felt relieved and sighed. “Thank God! I can heal most of her wounds but she may have a headache for a long time… She'll probably be unconscious for a long time as well.”
Sakura then accumulated green chakra in both her hands and started to glide her fingers across her bruised up face. Moegi's arms and legs convulsed while the medic-nin tried her best to heal her beat up face and her bloody nose.
“What are you doing to her?” Udon worriedly asked. “I'm trying to stop her internal bleeding and her nose from bleeding. Naruto, I need you to hold her head, and I need you two to hold her legs and arms.” Sakura replied.
After five minutes, Sakura was breathing heavily from chakra exhaustion and Moegi's face was starting to look better. Her nose stopped bleeding but her eyes were still battered. Sakura then twisted her nose back in place. “Come on; let's go before anyone sees us. Moegi will have to stay at Naruto's for tonight because I don't want anyone to know about this.”
Naruto, Udon, and Konohamaru helped carry Sakura's belongings and Sakura carried Moegi. After speed walking for two blocks, they finally reached Naruto's apartment. Once they got inside, Naruto set down the fold-up mattress and laid it right next to the bed. Sakura then carefully laid Moegi down on it because the regular bed wasn't set up and it was too dangerous because she might fall off of it. Sakura still couldn't believe what she did to this poor girl and she had teardrops falling from her eyes. Sakura was frustrated over herself for acting violently all the time when people pissed her off.
Naruto, Udon, and Konohamaru just sat on the couch not knowing what to say and watched Sakura cry until someone spoke up. After a while, Konohamaru stood up and sat down beside Sakura. “Sakura-neechan, we didn't mean for it to go this far. It was only meant to be a simple joke. I didn't know that Moegi would stick her hand down Naruto's…”
“It's alright.” Sakura replied not knowing what else to say. Konohamaru then stuck his hand on Sakura's leg to comfort her. Sakura then looked back at him in the eyes and noticed he was sorry. “I'm sorry.” Konohamaru apologized.
Sakura then embraced Konohamaru and said, “I'm sorry too.” Sakura then noticed that she put his head right in her breast and saw him blushing. “You pervert!” She said jokingly and punched him lightly on the shoulder. “What was your name again?” Sakura asked.
“Konohamaru; I'm the grandson of the Third.” He answered proudly. “That's cool…” Sakura paused. “Konohamaru-kun, would you promise to not tell anyone about this? If you do, I could get in big trouble and lose my job.”
Konohamaru hesitated and looked over at Moegi who was in pretty bad shape. He felt very bad for Moegi and some part of him wanted revenge. But then he knew that he would get in trouble as well if he did tell anybody, and he also was starting to like Sakura as a friend. “Okay, I won't tell anyone, but don't mention to anyone about what we did on our mission; deal?”
“Deal. What was the mission you were on?” Sakura was curious. “It's a C-class mission. There recently have been reports of rape around Konoha, and Tsunade-sama wanted us to pose as innocent lovely girls in order to capture the culprit. So far, we haven't had any luck. Right now, a lot more teenage girls go walking around at night because of the new dance clubs that were put in in Konoha two years ago.”
“Hmm… dance clubs… I've heard something about them from Tsunade-sama. She said something about the new type of music called techno… do you know what it sounds like?”
“Yeah. We went to the techno club called `Gomi Gomi Dotabata' (Trash Trash Noise). There was lots of kunoichis there that had barely anything on, and the boys were all over them. The music had a crazy feeling to it; it made me feel like partying all night long. Maybe we should all go together sometime!”
“It sounds sort of scary considering the fact that the boys are all over the girls, and I'm not the kind of person who dresses that scanty.” Sakura replied.
Naruto was now interested in the conversation. “But what's the harm in trying it once? I'm sure the boys won't tear your clothes off while you're dancing.”
Sakura then glared at Naruto. “I'm sure there are some perverts out there who want to see me naked.” Naruto then blushed and said, “What makes you think I'm one of them?”
“I never said anything about you being one of them! Well, now that you mention it, are you?” Sakura jokingly asked. “Hey, unlike most boys, I can control myself.” Naruto replied arrogantly.
Sakura was in her flirty mood and said, “So you can handle me sleeping in the same bed as you for tonight?” Everybody's eyes were looking at Naruto and waiting for his response… Naruto turned his head to hide his red face. “Sure. I won't even come near you.” Sakura felt hurt inside from his response. She wanted him to be close to her as they were earlier this morning. She wanted to taste his lips again. “I don't have a problem with that. I'll do the same.” Sakura lied.
“Humph…” Naruto scoffed. “Hey, Konohamaru and Udon; you going to stay here overnight to watch over your friend?” Konohamaru and Udon nodded at each other. “Sure, we'll sleep on the floor, since we're used to camping outside all the time.” Udon said. Naruto laughed. “If you insist. Here, you can use my blanket and sleeping bag. I'll just use the sheets for tonight.”
After Naruto and Sakura brushed their teeth, everybody went to sleep. Naruto was the one closest to the window and Sakura was on the far opposite side of the bed.
Sakura had a hard time getting used to the bed so she would squirm around and wake up a couple of times during the night. In her so called sleep, Sakura kept on instinctively searching for a comfortable spot to lie on. She finally had found it. She could finally now peacefully sleep…
-Cough- -Cough- -Cough-
Udon suddenly coughed and awakened Sakura. `What? Where am I?' She then turned her head and saw Naruto sleeping right beside her… Her arm was wrapped around his waist! She then remembered what Moegi did to Naruto and was jealous that she touched him. Sakura couldn't control herself and her hand went underneath Naruto's silk pajama shirt. She could feel his nice soft skin and his nice muscular abs. `Wow! I never knew he was this sexy! It's so tempting!' She then lightly caressed his abs trying not to wake Naruto up. Sakura unexpectedly remembered the most disturbing thought. She'd seen Moegi putting her hand underneath Naruto's briefs. Although she knew it was a joke, Sakura was still jealous that Moegi got to feel down there and she, herself, didn't. Now was the time to act! Now was time to get revenge! Her hand covertly made its way down to his pant ridge, and she pressed down on his skin to get underneath the elastic seam of his pants and briefs. Sakura started to tense up and started to worry more concerning whether Naruto was going to wake up to find her touching him. But she kept on going. Her hand was now feeling his pubic hair. Sakura was afraid to go any further, but she couldn't stop now! `Oh my… Naruto… please don't wake up! Please don't!'
If this isn't the worst cliffy there has ever been… lol… Don't worry my friends, I will come out with the next chapter soon enough. If you haven't watched Naruto before, then you were probably confused on the whole smoke ordeal. Well, for example, when you kill a kage bunshin, and cloud of smoke appears. Also, when a person changes back to his original form, a cloud of smoke appears. Pretty soon, I'm going to be writing about the main conflict and some of you might be surprised. Next chapter, I'll tell you if Naruto wakes up or not, and also what Sakura's reaction is to her actions. Additionally, I will put in whether Moegi and Sakura become friends or not. And please don't say to me that the characters are completely off… because I will explain their actions next chapter. I wanted to spice the story up a bit, so I tried my best! Anyways, till next time, PLEASE REVIEW!
