Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Between A Rock And A Hard Place ❯ A Debt To Friends ( Chapter 19 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Nineteen
A Debt To Friends
Trouble was in the air. Gaara had figured something terribly wrong had happened when all he could hear was the panicked steps and voices of those moving around outside his bedroom. He had been instructed by Tsunade not to exert himself in anyway that would require him to use chakra, but having him confined in his bedroom, wouldn't do much to help him since he could not sleep to pass the time. He could only wonder what was happening beyond the shelter of his door and if it involved Naruto in any way.A Debt To Friends
Eventually Gaara's curiosity got the best of him and he eagerly pressed his ear to the door and listened for the voices. He could hear a few guards discussing their duties. "Lady Tsunade wants you three to go search the south side of the village and a few of you should stay here just in case Uzumaki-san decides to come back and see the Kazekage." The shinobi explained before sending the men on their way. Gaara's ear's perked up at those titles.
"Naruto's missing?" Gaara asked himself. What sense did that make? Didn't they know Naruto and Sasuke were suppose to return to Konoha; unless they were already sure that wasn't the case? "He wouldn't, would he?" Gaara asked nervously. These easily began to worry Gaara. Naruto was definitely going to find himself in trouble, and Gaara was more than sure Sasuke wouldn't be strong enough to protect him, that is if he even knew where he was. Gaara jerked at the knob, preparing to search for the blond himself, but he found the door locked securely from the outside and not with any ordinary lock, a chakra lock. "Damn" Gaara growled; Tsunade was really trying to keep him safe. But it wouldn't be worth it if Naruto was hurt because of it.
"I can't believe him! How can he be so selfish and naive?!" Sasuke, fueled by his intense fury, was scaling far more land than was possible on his determination alone. Simply knowing that Naruto was going to get himself killed was enough to give Sasuke the strength he needed to run faster. Of course he had donated some of his chakra into his feet so he could move more swiftly since his own manpower would not be quick enough for him to make it across desert land. The speed helped a lot when the tracks from the boat were quickly being blow away by the occasion gust of wind that ran through. He would be totally helpless if he was to lose the trail.With nearly three hours gone by, Sasuke finally approached inhabited territory. "The Land of Tea?" Sasuke told himself with suspicion. Why in the world would Naruto want to go here? Suddenly Sasuke's luck had changed when he saw the tracks disappear completely as the ground turned to grass and dirt. "Where do I even begin looking?" Sasuke asked out loud with frustration in his voice. This town was pretty big and with all the more people out this early evening, it would be even harder to spot his ignorant blond. "I suppose I better start asking around," Sasuke said with a sigh.
"Wow, you are a great help Naruto. Thanks a lot." The brunette man replied as he shuffled more boxes onto the back of the boat that they had stopped in the back of a warehouse building. The other men helped exchange cargo that would need to be delivered as well and Naruto was carrying the smaller, easier to manage boxes. Naruto did find it odd and annoying that everyone insisted he not strain himself with the work and only allowed him to pick up stuff that was less than half his body weight. Truly they didn't believe he was than fragile and weak.
"It's no problem Kudo." Naruto exclaimed cheerfully as he shoved yet another package on board. Despite his limitation with time, Naruto couldn't be rude to the people who had given him a lift. Just as Naruto reached down to grab another box, his stomach roared loudly and testily. Several pair of eyes fell on the obviously embarrassed teen as he stepped back and laughed nervously. "Sorry about that, I guess it would have been a better idea if I ate before I left." Naruto teased himself. Now he really did wish he had stayed to tell Sasuke, at least he would have been able to ate whatever the Uchiha prepared for him. Now that he thought about it, Naruto was a little curious to see what Sasuke would have made him. Did Sasuke care enough about him to actually cook something or had he not put any effort into something like a mere sandwich? Just these simple things would prove to Naruto how Sasuke truly felt about him. Either way, it was too late now.
Kudo, obviously the brains of the group gave a pleasant smile to the boy as he took up Naruto's package. "You know what, how about we treat you to dinner since it is getting so late?" He offered kindly. Naruto wasn't too sure if he little switching back in forth with favors. This would mean he would be back on the giving end until the guys finally accepted the fact he didn't need their generosity anymore. "I know a pretty decent stand around here; you don't mind ramen do you?"
"Ramen?!" Naruto questioned, his eyes suddenly wide and very alert. "Of course I don't, let's go!" Naruto hurried up with another box and quickly crawled back onto the boat. With some of the cargo in the way, he had to sit on top of some of the boxes. "Are you guys coming?" He asked ecstatically. Kudo merely chuckled and waved the others off to the ride as he headed inside the building to inform their employer of their previous delivery.
"Ah, Kudo. You are running a little late on the errands today, what's the hold up?" A large, scraggy looking man asked as he sat back at his desk with his feet kicked up in front of him.
"I ran into some lost baggage. I thought you could probably find some use for it." Kudo replied, throwing his thumb back out the window where there was a clear view of Naruto and the others waiting.
A sudden sinister smirk came to his boss's lips. "Now Kudo you know our policies; anything can have a purpose. I'll inform Mr. Ryuki that you have some new 'merchandise' for him. He will certainly be happy; it's been so long since you've brought him fresh meat." The man chuckled. "Now I won't hold you up on your delivery." With that said, Kudo cheekily let himself out.
"Alright, let's move on out." Kudo ordered to his party as he boarded the craft. As long as they were at the backs of building, there was enough sand for the boat to travel in as they sailed down the street. Kudo's partners turned to him expectedly as if asking him in silence about their new guest. The confident brunette had only winked at them before returning his attention to the fascinating blond creature before then that was presenting hanging over the boxes to get a better look at the world as it flew by.
Naruto's entire atmosphere lit up at the brief sight of a familiar ramen stand just on the side of the dirt roads. He had missed ramen for so long. This reunite would certainly be a sweet one. "Can I have as much as I want?" Naruto asked, turning back to Kudo with large and excited eyes. The man nodded and laughed as Naruto practically jumped off before they even came to a complete stop. Dashing over to the cleaned wooden counter, Naruto hoped on the middle stool and spun around twice before settling in front of the waitress. It was quite hard for the young lady to hold back a smile when seeing someone this excited to be eating one of their meals. "I'll have two Miso and pork ramen!" Naruto ordered anxiously.
Sitting on the left side of Naruto, Kudo order a simple spicy chicken bowel. "I've never seen anyone this excited to be eating ramen." Kudo chuckled. With each passing moment this kid seemed to amaze him more and more. He had yet to see in seriously rough or unappealing qualities about the boy, so he would definitely be good in the field of work Kudo was prepared to send him into. He grew impatient merely thinking about all the money, not to mention fun Naruto would bring in for them.
"I don't know why? Ramen is the best food ever invented!" Naruto insisted, picking up his chop sticks with a thrust in the air. His bowels were quickly set before him and he dug in without so much as taking the time to blow away the steam. His escorts watched in pure disbelief as Naruto slurped down several mouthfuls of noodles without chewing in between swallowing. they were sure he had to have chewed some time, but he must have been too quick for them to chance it.
Kudo was beginning to worry he would not be able to move on in his plan if Naruto finished up all his food so quickly. "So Naruto, what's the name of your friend you are looking for, maybe I know him?" Kudo asked. He was relieved to see Naruto suddenly turned to him in thought. Hastily Kudo exchanged glances with one of his partners that were sitting on the other side of Naruto. He watched carefully as a soft white power was dumped into the boy's ramen as his attention was else where.
"Uh...I'm not sure you would know him..." Naruto mumbled. Since Kabuto didn't exactly have a social life he most likely wouldn't have given his name to just anyone. And even if he had, he probably had a bad reputation to go with it. And as long as people knew he was acquainted with Kabuto in some way, they would probably think badly of him as well. That was simply something Naruto did not want to experience outside of home too. So he simply left it at that and returned to gulping down his delicious ramen. He forced down the noodles and sipped up every bit of the juice as he pressed the edge of the bowl to his lips.
The other's couldn't help but smile as they watched this. Was a capture always this easy with kids this naive? Naruto was a ninja, not to mention old enough to know the difference from friends and foes; so he should have been more observant. Little words were shared between the group as they ate, mostly because Naruto's mouth was full ninety-nine percent of the time. But by the time Naruto reached his six bowl, his wooziness was becoming more evident. Kudo had noticed how Naruto's speed had decreased drastically.
"Kudo..." Naruto murmured softly. His eyes felt so heavy all of a sudden and he was sure his hands had never felt this numb before. It was a little scare seeing his entire visible give out into doubles and his face heat up. He had barely heard the other man's question when he asked what was wrong. "I...I’m just a little tired..." Naruto said weakly. He wasn't sure when his balance had given out on him, but he at least knew Kudo was extremely warm to lean up against. The very last thing he saw before his world faded beneath darkness was Kudo's gentle yet mysterious smile as he slipped one arm around the blonde's shoulder.
"Wow Kudo, that stuff works great." One of his companions muttered, leaning close to make sure the blond was completely unconscious. "You sure you don't want to have a little more fun with him before we sell him to Ryuki?" He asked with a hungry gaze and a defiant smirk. It had became obviously apparent to all of them that Naruto was an especially delectable catch considering their previous luck.
Kudo merely shock his head. "Sorry no can do. Ryuki pays big for virgins, and I just have a feeling Mr. Oblivious over here isn't too keen on intimacy." Kudo chuckled. He scooped Naruto up into his arms and paid for their meal. Lucky for them the waitress and cook were busy with other customers. "We'll get to play with him later. Remember we get seventy-five percent discount on any meat we bring in ourselves." Kudo reminded them as he headed back for their ride.
Despite there luck with escaping eyes of the public at the ramen stand, the group was unknowledgeable of the pair of eyes watching them from another shop.
"Crap. It's getting late too fast." Sasuke moaned as he had slowed down to a tired walk. One could only run so much for so long. He hadn't had much look with spotting Naruto anywhere, and apparently so didn't the rest of the residents in this town. Knowing this, had Sasuke worried out of his mind. All the more trouble Naruto could get into at night may be fatal. "With my luck he's already buried somewhere." Sasuke grunted with a sigh.After traveling a few more feet, Sasuke noticed a quaint little shop by the side of the dirt streets. "A ramen shop?" Sasuke mumbled to himself. That would be the first place Naruto was mostly likely to be, especially so close to dinner time. "Well I have nothing to lose." Sasuke jogged over to the counter, stopping in front of a young waitress. "Excuse me maim, but have you seen a hyper blond rut around here?" Sasuke asked with mild annoyance.
"Oh you mean that popular lad?" She asked, her expression suddenly glowing at the thought. "Yeah, he came by here with a couple of older friends. They must have been some really caring mentors since they paid for all six of his bowels." She remarked absentminded. "But I didn't catch where they were headed off to, I only saw their ride go that way." She pointed back down the street.
"Thank you very much!" Sasuke exclaimed before running off in that direction. "Older friends?" His words were like venom, dripping with ill-intention. He couldn't believe Naruto would catch a ride with generous people with just saintly personalities. Grown ups never tended to be friendly with a kid unless they felt pity for them or wanted some thing from them and Sasuke doubted Naruto looked like such a pathetic sight; though after missing ramen for several days, he would certainly sound like one.
Sasuke's little lead hadn't brought him far. It was no time before he was lost again. He would just have to go back to asking around. Sasuke noticed quite a few people heading down into an underground pub and followed them inside. But to his surprise, most of the people didn't even bother to sit at one of the stools or tables within the pub, but instead went straight to the back. Naturally his curiosity got the best of him and he quietly crept behind them. The back door of the pub lead to a long stair well going into a dark cavern looking place. He scolded himself for even thinking Naruto would be in a place like this.
But just as Sasuke turned around to head back on up the stairs, he heard the boisterous bragging of some of the patrons. "I think we got seriously robbed Kudo; fifty grand is hardy enough for that runt. I say we go back and reclaim our merchandise. We could sell him for a higher price on our own." A particularly rough looking man mumbled over to a friend.
This caught Sasuke's attention almost immediately. Not only was there a chance Naruto could be somewhere around here, it sounded like these guys were into some illegal slave trading. And by the sounds of it, their new victim was probably very valuable. So maybe he would stay a little longer, just to find out for sure if Naruto was around or not.
"Get your ass up!" Naruto woke up to an unpleasant gust of cold as his entire form was splashed with the chilly water. He groaned softly as his eyes hesitated to open. His head hurt like hell and he certainly didn't remember being this cold before. In fact he remember being lost in the warmth of another's body. Lightly glancing ahead, Naruto noticed his world was turned on its side. Two muddy feet stared back at him until he sat himself up with a numbing pain in his head."Where am I?" He asked in a dreary moan. He gently rubbed his head, which was damp from the water, causing his locks to stick to his forehead and somewhat cloud his vision. Brushing back his golden hair, Naruto looked bewilderedly at his surroundings. This was definitely not the ramen shop. This room was pale and blocked with four gray walls; at least only the first set that is. Much to Naruto's discomfort, he found himself in a large cage; the cold metal sticking to his moist, naked flesh.
It had taken Naruto just a moment to register that last thought before his eyes dumbly drifted down. "Gah! Where are my clothes?!" Naruto asked in astonishment. His arms flew to his sides as if that would actually cover all of him. He stared suddenly embarrassed up at the guy that stood in front of his cage. What was going on here? Things just weren't making any sense.
"Oh, they are in the incinerator." The man said with a course chuckle. "You won't be needing them anymore. Those gawky fabrics only cover the true treasure form the customers." He explained. Naruto titled his head in completely confusion. Wasn't that the whole point of clothing; to cover up? Either this guy was short a few brain cells, or Naruto was in an alternate universe. "Now that you are awake, we can begin the auction." The man replied, waving a few workers over.
"What do you mean?" Naruto stood up with worry as three more men approached his cage. "What's going on?" His eyes suddenly widened with fear as they opened up the cage and surrounded him. "Hey!" Naruto pulled away when chains were brought to his wrist and neck. "Get these off!" Naruto commanded, not seeming to like this joke at all. But the men merely laughed at the boys incapability to comprehend his situation.
"Sorry, no can do cutie pie." The man chuckled. "You see, your friends sold you to us, which means you are our property now. But don't worry, that won't be for long. We'll get you a new wealthier master." The man bellowed with amusement as they tugged on Naruto's chains as if to herd him out of the small cage door and toward his cruel fate.
Naruto was at a true lost for words. Sold him?! Why would Kudo do that? He stumbled forward as they jerked on his bindings once more. "Stop it!" Naruto yelled, pulling it back. "I don't belong to anyone! Now let me go!" He argued, but his pleas went unanswered as the other two pushed him along. "No! Let me go!"
To Be Continued...
A/N: Yep., Naruto has gotten himself into some serious trouble now. But he isn't going to be the only one for long. So until next time! Thanks for all the reviews so far, they really are spirit boosters!