Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Blindsided ❯ Chapter 2: Languages and Hunger ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I own my OCs and my plot... that's about it...

Characters: OCs, Tsunade
Rating: G
Word Count: 2,773
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The night was long, and though she woke up several times, she kept making herself fall back asleep. At some point, she'd managed to get her hoodie off, and covered Shizuka with it, when she felt him shivering.

At another point, she searched through her bag blindly, hoping to feel her cell phone. It wasn't there. She silently cursed herself, because she realized she'd probably dropped it, and the manga she'd been reading, when she had run to save Shizuka. Well, at least she still had her iPod, she thought sarcastically.

That she took off, and put in her bag. It would be safer there, besides, the headphones were hurting her neck...

Three times, in the night, she woke to hear Shizuka crying and whimpering. These times left her hazy mind at a lost for what to do. So she would cuddle him closer, and rub his back, and make cooing sounds. The third, and last time, he woke up, she actually sang. She wasn't sure what song it was, and she knew she got the words wrong, but it was soft, and calmed him down.

When morning finally came, she felt like she hadn't slept at all. However, she was glad, when she realized it was the sound of people talking that had woken her. It was a welcome sound, and in fact, for a minute or two she thought it was the TV. Of course, the idea that it was the TV and the whole thing had been a dream, was shot, when she realized she was sitting up, and her back was against something hard, not the softness of a chair or couch. She could also feel a child pressed against her front, curled up and sleeping.

She was reluctant to open her eyes, but as she remembered every detail of what had happened the day before, she knew she had no choice but to get up as quickly as possible. If there were people around, it would be in her best interest to find them, and ask for help, not that she was sure how much help they would be, if it turned out none of them spoke English.

It would really, really suck if it turned out all of them spoke only Japanese, but the sinking feeling in her gut told her just that. So as she rubbed at her eyes, and slowly forced herself into a more lucid state, she found herself pleading mentally that they spoke her language.

She was hesitant to leave at first, since she hated the idea of bothering the child that slept against her. But what had to be done, had to be done. She put off waking him, and carefully opened her bag, and dug through it to find her Japanese-English Dictionary, just in case. Then, carefully, she shook Shizuka's arm, and spoke to him in quiet, cooing words that she knew he wouldn't understand, but that might help him come too.

It took longer than she would like, for him to open his eyes to the world around him, and despite the knowledge that he couldn't see, she was glad that he had done so, otherwise she wasn't sure how to know if he was awake or not.

"Ikou," She told him, lifting him up to his feet, and then standing herself. She took her hoodie and tied it around her waist, then stretched the kinks out of her back. Sleeping in a sitting position against a tree? Not a good idea.

He didn't seem interested in the idea of moving. The moment she'd stood, he'd plopped back down to sit, being very careful about his injured leg. He sat on the ground, blinking and rubbing his eyes. She ended up having to pick him up, and carry him. He didn't struggle, instead, he wrapped his arms around her neck, and rested his head on her shoulder. After a moment or two, she figured he'd probably fallen back asleep.

So as he slept, she picked her way through the forest, following the sound of voices that seemed to get farther and farther away from her. She picked up the pace a bit, when she thought for a minute they had disappeared, but then smiled as she heard them again.

Finally, after what felt like hours later, she came out of the forest and onto a road. She didn't see any one on the road, but she could still hear them. She shouted out, "Hello?!"

No response came. She started to follow the road, and hoped to find whom ever had been talking, but it seemed that the voices had disappeared. No longer having anything to follow, she settled for just walking.

She followed the road for a long time, and eventually, Shizuka woke up. He didn't want down though, she worried that it was because of his leg, but when she asked, "Daijobu desu ka?" (Are you okay?) She just got a quiet 'daijobu' (okay) in response.

So she carried him as long as she could. It didn't take long before her stomach started growling, and her desire for food was evident. She felt dizzy and tired, and she could hear Shizuka's stomach growling as well. It was nice to know she wasn't the only one hungry, but it didn't help that the other person was a very young person. She wondered how old he was.

She'd always been horrible with guessing ages. He was obviously not to old. But he could be around six or seven? No. She didn't think so, he was so small, and he was rather clingy all of a sudden? That was probably in her head, she thought. After all, he was hurt, and alone, and she was the only other person around.

At what she guessed was noon, they finally seemed to find an end to the road. It opened into a huge clearing, at the end, seemed to be the drop off of a cliff, there was a railing. She picked up the pace a bit, now excited.

A town!

It was surrounded on most sides by cliffs, like someone had dug down and put the town there to hide it. It was familiar...

She frowned, trying to place where she'd seen it, but she just couldn't. After a few minutes of trying to place this town, her stomach growled, and Shizuka made a small whine of agreement. So, she followed the railing to a set of stairs.

It didn't take long before the two entered the town, and much to her pleasure, there were no guards or anything.

It seemed to be a tourist town, she noted. She was able to walk around for quite some time, before anyone took notice of her. Her stomach growled, as she walked by a stand that was selling something on a stick that smelled sweet. She chewed on her bottom lip, and wondered what was the possibility that they would take her money?

Doubtful. She thought, They probably use yen. This thought did not sit well with her, and she wondered if anyone would take pity on her, since she had an injured child on her?

With a shrug, she realized it was worth a try. Worst came to worst, she had bubble gum in her bag that she could use to stop her growling stomach, and maybe someone would just give some food for Shizuka?

She stopped at the stand, and stared at the food being made. It was dango, she thought, or, it looked like dango. She'd always wanted to try it. She bit down on her lip, and sniffed. Shizuka was sniffing the food too. They had to look rather weird, she thought, standing in front of this man's stand, sniffing his food.

In fact, the man behind the stand, seemed quite annoyed. He spoke to her, rapidly, and slightly angrily. She didn't understand any of it, but she could tell he was very, very agitated.

“Ah.. Nihongo ga, iie?” (Japanese, no.) She tried, and shrugged her shoulders slightly, “Eigo ga?” (English)

The man stared at her like she was an idiot. She had a feeling she probably looked like one. For a moment, she wished she'd taken her phrase book to her friend's house too. Since that was sadly not the case. She let Shizuka down to stand on his own, and put on hand on his shoulder, “Matte, kudasai.” (Wait/stay, please)

When she got a nod from Shizuka, she turned her attention back to the man behind the stand, and made a motion for 'wait just a second,' with her hands. As soon as he nodded, still looking a bit annoyed, she began to go through her book. A dictionary was not meant for grammar, so she could only hope that her broken words could be translated into something recognizable. “Ano.... Watashi wa nihongo, nai?” (Um... I speak Japanese not?)

He stared at her, and she blushed.

She knew the word for 'don't understand', but couldn't remember it. She turned her attention back to the book, it didn't have 'don't understand', but the moment she saw the word understand, she remembered it. This was a moment where she was extremely grateful that her best friend had taken Japanese lessons, and had given her a few vocabulary words. Now if she could just recall them automatically? “Ah! Nihongo ga wakarimasen.” (I don't understand Japanese)

The man gave her a really dry look, and said something she thought was probably meant something like “no, really? I didn't notice.” It was just in his voice.

“Eigo ga-” (English-)

“Iie.” (No.) He cut her off.

She frowned at him, he could have at least let her finish her attempt at asking him a question. She was getting the feeling they wouldn't get any charity from him. “Anata wa... tasukete, kudasai?” (You, help, please?)

“Iie.”(No.) He replied, and motioned for her to move along.

“Onega-” (Pleas-)

“Iie.”(No.) He cut her off again, with a tirade that she didn't understand, though she knew 'iie'.

Wincing at his yelling, her stomach clinching as she realized she wouldn't be able to get any food from him, she decided to stop trying. She put her dictionary in the side pocket of her bag, and lifted Shizuka up.

Shizuka asked her something, but she didn't know what it was. His stomach growled, though, so she had a feeling he was asking if they were going to eat.

She carried the boy, and wandered away from the clearly angry man. In her mind, she called the man a great many things that she wouldn't say aloud, even if no one could understand the words. After all, sometimes, the tone of voice was enough, and she didn't want to scare Shizuka more than she had too.

She decided that it was probably best not to try and talk again, until she'd managed to get an idea of what she needed to say. She found a bench, and sat there with Shizuka, setting her bag down by her feet. She watched people walk passed them, not even glancing in her direction, and couldn't help but worry about what to do now.

She glanced at the boy who was rubbing his stomach, and starting to whimper. She was worried that he might start to cry, and she didn't know what to do to keep that from happening. As it was, she was starting to feel like crying. Her legs were feeling weak, and she was slowly becoming aware of her appearance. She had slept in the woods last night, this was the third day in a row she'd worn these jeans, and her shirt was not clean. She knew her hair had to be tangled by now, and she was only mildly aware of the fact that she did still have a rubber band in it.

She bent over, hands dangling around her ankles, her resting against her knees. With her body folded like this, it was harder to breathe. She felt her mind get a bit hazy, then let herself straighten just enough to breathe. She stared down at her scuffed and worn out sneakers, as she tried to remember any Japanese phrases. Any at all.

Watashi wa Green, Alyssa. (My name is Alyssa Green)

Honto ka? (Really?)

Oyasumi nasai. (Good night)

Daijobu desu ka? (Are you okay?)

Ogenki desu ka? (How are you?)

She didn't think these would be of much use right now. She felt Shizuka tugging on her arm, and looked up at him, without sitting up fully, “Hai?” (Yes?)

He said something, but it was quick, and she couldn't tell one word from another. She wanted to ask him to repeat slowly, but didn't know how. She picked up her dictionary, and flipped through it quickly, “Kurikaesu.... Osoku suru?” (Repeat that... slowly?)

The boy's face scrunched up, but he did as asked. “Onaka ga suite imasu.”

She still didn't know what that meant. She knew imasu, but only as a word that went on the end of a sentence. Like desu, suru, or ka, she'd never really looked it up. She knew ka, was for the end of questions, and desu was a basic 'is, it' sort of word... sorta. She was pretty sure... “Matte, kudasai.”(Wait, please)

She chose to ignore Shizuka's annoyed sigh, and started looking through her book.

Onaka: stomach. Onaka ga: be pregnant; or to be full.

She frowned, and decided it was probably the first one. She didn't think he was pregnant (though that would be an interesting twist to whatever sick plot she'd been put in the center of), and considering she hadn't eaten yet, and he'd been pretty much glued to her side, she didn't think he had been able to sneak anything. He was hungry. She didn't even try and translate the rest of his sentence, as she wasn't sure she'd heard it right anyway. “Hai.” (Yes). She opened her book to look for the word for hungry, and frowned. There was his sentence. “Onaka ga suiteiru.” (In need of food).

Okay, so maybe it wasn't exactly the same, it was close enough. She glared at her dictionary, not sure if she should think of it as being the enemy or her ally right now. She was about to open it, just so she could look up the actual word for food, when she heard a voice that sounded familiar. She couldn't place it, but she knew she had heard the voice before.

Looking up, she locked her eyes on the person she was hearing. Her eyes widened, as she realized just who it was.

Across the road, there was a blonde woman. She was facing away from Alyssa, but even from her back, Alyssa knew who she was. She supposed it had to do with the familiar green-over coat-thing with it's kanji. She didn't know what the kanji meant, she was pretty sure it was 'gamble', but couldn't be certain. Either way, she recognized it, and was caught between excited, and terrified.

Standing, she dropped her book, “Tsunade?” Her eyes were wide, and her hands shook. She felt Shizuka's hand still clutching at her arm, and his quiet 'nani?' (what?), but it went over her head. She fumbled to get through her bag, and find the manga she'd picked up from the library, only to find, much to her disappointment, they didn't go far enough that Tsunade had shown up. “Smeet!” She growled at herself, before closing her bag.

She slung the bag's strap over her shoulder, and hoisted Shizuka up into her arms. He gave a startled cry, and his arms wrapped tight around her throat. She barely noticed as she rushed towards the blonde woman.

The woman was staring up at the building before her, one hand clutching what looked like a purse. She was about to enter, when Alyssa reached her.

“Sumimasen!” (Excuse me!) Alyssa looked up at the woman, who turned slowly to look at her. She found herself gaping as she realized the woman really was Tsunade. The blonde Hokage from Naruto. The woman who was one of the best Medic's in the world, in Naruto. Right here, in front of her!

“Hai?”(Yes?) Tsunade stared down at her, looking a bit annoyed.

Alyssa gaped a few times, trying to get her mouth and voice to work in sync. Finally she managed to get her mind to catch up. “Tasuke, kudasai!” (Help, please!) She practically shouted, as she bowed low. The boy in her arms clutched at her tighter, nearly falling.

Tsunade just stood there staring at her. “Nani?” (What?)

To Be Continued.