Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Of Eternity ❯ Itachi Returns ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Blood of Eternity
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto but I do own Akina and Yasashiku.
A/N: HI! Sorry the last Chapter was so short, I kindda wanted to add a little drama to the mix. I assure you there will be PLENTY of drama in this chappie. ^_^ THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL YOUR AWESOME REVIEWS!
The room quickly fell into a shocked silence as the Vampkage sat on the floor clutching her right arm as her sister held her by her shoulders. “Are you sure Lady Vampkage?” Kurenai asked stepping up.
“Yes,” She replied. “I'd recognize his chakra anywhere.”
“What could he want with us now” Hinata asked on the verge of tears. Naruto wrapped a protective arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to him.
“How do you know he has Kiba?” Kakashi piped in from the back of the room. “Lady Haruno, can sense where a person is, if they're healthy or not or even if they are even alive.” Anko explained.
“What are we going to do Lady Haruno?” Temari asked stepping forward. Sakura stood up and quickly regained her composure. “Everyone, listen up!” she yelled. “Split up into squads and everyone take a direction. Temari you and Tenten go south, Ino and Hinata east, Kurenai and Anko west, I'll go north with Akina. Tsunade you stay here and search the castle, just in case. Everyone understand?”
After a brief chorus of `yes ma'mas' everyone took off in their own directions. Sakura, Akina and Sasuke quickly headed towards the half circle of cherry trees. `Damn it Itachi, if you do anything to him so help me, I'll suck you dry.' As they approached the trees she noticed a something on the ground and stopped to examine it. She dropped the item as her hands began to shake. Akina and Sasuke came up behind the Vampkage and as Akina silently comforted her sister, Sasuke picked up the discarded item. It was a Blood head band with a slash mark through the broken heart. But that wasn't the only thing strange about the headband. Aside from the slash mark the cloth portion of the band was blotched with blood and a small piece of paper was attached to the back with a shuriken. Sasuke detached the note as the two women stood up to join him. He opened the note and read aloud:
“Hello My Little Cherry Blossom,
By now you must have sensed my presence so their no real need to tell you I've returned. I don't know why you insist upon running away from me, it will only cause pain for you and the others. You should have just died with the rest of your clan; your presence will only cause more pain for the others. I'm afraid I will have to teach you that the hard way. I plan on taking my blood back through this boy. If you wish to save him, come find me. What will if be Lady Vampkage? Will you save him or will you run like the little coward that you are and always have been. Oh, and by the way, I thought you might want your mother's headband back.
The group fell into silence as Sakura stared at the headband that was soaked in her mother's blood. `You've gone to far this time Itachi.' Sakura thought to herself. `I won't have anymore blood on my hands. One of use will die tonight.' “What should we do Lady Vampkage?” Sasuke asked bring the woman out of her trance. “We're going after them of course.” Sakura replied. She took a deep breath before beginning a few hand signs. “Chakra Tracker Jutsu!” she yelled. In her mind she saw a flash of the trail Itachi had took and after a few minutes she had the trail memorized. “Alright, Akina, I want you and Uchiha to go tell Tsunade to sound the alarm to bring everyone back to the castle. Then I want you to follow me, here's the map” Sakura placed her hand on Akina's forehead and gave her a copy of the mental map she had just made. “Now be quick and careful!” she yelled back as she sprung away.
“Do you think she'll be okay by herself?” Sasuke asked as he and Akina hurried back to the castle. “And who is this Itachi guy?”
“Sakura will be fine, she may not look like much, but she can hold her own in a fight.” Akina replied. “And Itachi used to be Sakura's companion before are village was destroyed.”
“Why wasn't he killed along with the other vampires and humans?”
“Because Itachi's the one who killed them
A/N: Not much to say except, Please read and review!