Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Blood, sweat, and tears ❯ All aboard ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto
Rating: R
Mage: Hello again! Chapter four up! Kagayoku and the others run into some troubling enemies.
Chapter 4: All aboard!
Kagayoku was the first to arise, early the next morning. The remnants of night still hadn't left the sky when. She looked down at Amadare who was curled up in a tight ball, wrapped in the blankets and sleeping soundly. She shook the girl lightly, "Amadare, time to wake. Hey, come on."
Amadare pulled her pillow over her head, "Five more minutes. Please?"
"Alright. When I finish getting ready, you're getting up." She got out of bed and walked into the bathroom where she prepared herself for the day. Before waking Amadare, she went to see if any of the others were awake yet. Hearing the sound of laughter coming from the room Kakashi and Iruka occupied, she opened the door.
Kakashi sat there, reading his favorite book and laughing, "Oh, good morning,” He said to her when he sensed her presence. "Iruka's getting ready now."
"Would you mind waking the others? I must check on Ame and Alecto."
"No problem."
"Oh, and Amadare as well. If she refuses you can do what I do to get her to wake."
"That is?"
"Just throw a freezing pot of water on her,” She said casually.
_________________________________________________________________ _________________
They were prepared to leave by four am that morning. It would have taken less time but Sakura took ages to pack and get ready, and the Hokage wanted to bid them farewell....with a really long lecture about courage and truth and justice and some other stuff but Kagayoku was the only one who paid attention.
"Come on already!" Naruto yelled. "We ain't got all day you know! This is a rescue mission for the world not a fashion show!" After loading the few belongings onto Ame and Alecto they were finally ready. Naruto was so excited he could barely stay still, "Is it time to go yet!"
Amadare smiled, "Glad to see you're happy! Yeah, but we have to decide the traveling arrangements. Me and Kagayoku are the fastest, so Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura can ride Ame, and Kakashi and Iruka can handle Alecto."
Naruto climbed onto Ame first and Sasuke climbed on behind him, and Sakura sat behind him She instantly wrapped her arms tightly around her waist, pressing her body against his. He cleared his throat, "Can you loosen your grip? We haven't even started moving yet."
"Remember to hang on to her collar tightly,” Kagayoku reminded. "Now lets go!" As soon as Kagayoku and Amadare were of, so were the ligers.
'Those two were serious!' Sasuke thought as he watched the two females moving just as fast as the liger. 'I didn't even know ninja could learn to move that fast!' Soon the two leaped from tree to tree instead of remaining on the ground. The second time around, Iruka enjoyed the ride, no longer afraid of falling. Kakashi tightened his grip around the ninja's waist, pulling Iruka's body flush against his own. Iruka's cheeks became a light, pretty, pink color. Kakashi knew exactly what he was doing. He smiled to himself.
He held on even tighter, and Iruka let out a squeaky gasped.
"You okay?" He whispered to Iruka.
"Oh! I - I'm fine! Nothing wrong with me!"
"Are you sure? You're all pink. Do you fell unwell?" Iruka shivered as Kakashi's warm breath tickled his ear.
'Quite the contrary,' He thought but instead said, "It's just I'm worried that we...uh...might fall off or something. Yeah, that's all!"
Kakashi loved making Iruka blush, "Oh, really? Well maybe you should hold onto the collar. Here let me help." He placed his hands on top of Iruka's, and made him tighten his grip on the collar. "That better?"
"Huh...Oh, yeah, that's...better. Thank you."
"If you want, I could sit up front and you could hang onto to me. As tight as you need to."
'Oh god, I know I'm blushing,' He thought, with a bit of shame. "...No, it's alright, I'm good."
"Where exactly are we going?" Naruto asked Kagayoku.
"To the Konohagakure village pier. There, a boat will be waiting for us. It'll take us to the land of Mystics. That's why I wanted us to leave so early. By the time the villagers come to the pier, we'll be gone."
"But what about Incoming ships. They'll notice the boat, and might even follow it!"
She smiled, "That's been taken care of. After we board Amadare will put an invisibility charm on it. How do you think we got here undetected?"
"Oh! I see! It must be so cool to be a ninja mystic."
"It has its ups and downs, but then again, everything does." Suddenly Alecto and Ame came to a halt, "What's wrong?" They darted their heads from left to right as if searching for something. "What is it? You hear someone?"
When they assumed a battle stance Amadare was certain, "Someone's been following us!"
"To true!" The owner of the unfamiliar voice leaped down from the tree, landing in front of Kagayoku. Oddly enough, this one was a female. And she wasn't alone. Another female landed right beside her.
The first had short black hair and amber eyes. The other, back length brown hair, blue eyes. From the
Sign on their headbands; they knew the red head came from the land of Mystics, and the other from the land of sand.
"Who are you?!" Kagayoku placed her hand on her shuriken holster. "And why have you been following us?"
The red head placed a hand on her hip, "That doesn't concern you! You know why we're here, and what we want. As soon as we kill the boy, we'll be on our way."
"You are not getting Naruto! You're wasting your time!"
'Crap!' Sasuke thought. He tightened his grip on Naruto's waist.
But the blond wanted to get in on the action, "Won't you go fuck yourselves!" He yelled, giving them the finger. "Ugly broads!" They were far from ugly, not like he cared.
"Silence!" Kagayoku hissed at Naruto. "Not another word from you! And don't you dare get down from there and try to fight!" Kakashi and Iruka were about to jump down from Alecto and help if need be, but she stopped them, "No! I can take care of them myself. Amadare, I want you to take them to pier. I'll meet you there. I promise."
"WHAT!" Amadare shrieked. "NO! I've never abandoned you in battle and I won't now! I'm fighting to!"
"No. You have to get Naruto out of here! You know what people who work for Theseus are capable of! Go!
"I - "
"As honored wife it is your duty to follow orders! Do as I say!"
She hesitated and then ran off at top speed, the ligers following behind her. Kagayoku watched until they were gone, "If you wanted Naruto so bad, why didn't you follow them?"
The red head shrugged, "There is no need, as soon as I'm through with you, getting rid of your little friends will be a piece of cake. Especially that cute one. What was her name? Oh yes, Amadare, the honored wife." She laughed. "Believe me, she won't have much honor once I'm done with her!"
"You better not even think of touching her! I'll kill you!" With speed unmatched she threw six shuriken at the duo. One hit the red head in the arm and the brunet in the leg.
"You'll pay for that!" The red head shrieked.
Kagayoku smiled smugly, "I'm counting on it!"
"Well, before we start I should introduce myself shouldn't I? My name is Anna. And this is Hana."
Hana smiled, "Are you prepared to die? Or do you have any last words?"
Kagayoku glared at her, "I liked you better when you didn't talk."
"And I'll like you better dead! WATER STYLE! DRAGON MISSILE!" Water flooded the area where they stood; the waves took the shape of a huge water dragon. It swept Kagayoku off her feet and slammed her into a few trees. The trees were broken in half from the force of her impact. Finally it slammed her into the ground and evaporated.
Kagayoku lay motionless on the ground.
"I knew that even she couldn't stand up to that!" Hana said proudly.
"And she's supposed to be the Supreme Hokage."
"Now that we're done with practice, lets really fight!" Kagayoku yelled, sitting idly on a tree branch.
Anna looked from the Kagayoku on the ground, to the one in the tree, "How the hell did you - "
Kagayoku snapped her fingers and the doppelganger on the ground disappeared, "You've been talking to my doppelganger this whole time!"
"But----how? I never even saw you - "
"You should know that ninja mystic are known for their speed! Did you really think a weak attack like that would have injured me anyway? Ha!"
"Weak?! That was my strongest attack!" Hana defended herself.
"Let me show you how it's done. WATER STYLE! SUPREME DRAGON MISSILE!" Kagayoku's wave was ten times as big as Hana's and the dragon leered above them, before crashing down with such a force, It blood spattered from both Hana and Anna's mouth. The two stood up and wiped the blood away from their mouths.
Anna spat out her mouthful of blood onto the ground, "Damn you!"
"I'll make a deal with you. Tell me where Theseus's hiding place is and I'll let you live!"
"Just kill us and get it over with. We'll never tell."
_________________________________________________________________ _________________
"Exactly what does his training include?" Sakura wondered out loud.
"Mainly torture. He pushes them to their very limits, to an inch of their life."
"They don't do that in your land? How do they normally train you guys?"
"The same way they train you. A lot of our power comes from our genetics. One cannot become a ninja mystic, they must be born. And we never attempt to reach our full power, for fear of becoming consumed by power and greed."
"You...come from a very strange race of people...."
She smiled, "Thank you!"
"If Theseus has all these people who work for him, why did he wait until now to start coming after Naruto now?"
"Because he didn't know. As soon as we found out, one of our comrades betrayed us and gave the information to Theseus. That bastard Enigma. Theseus puts all his allies through a series of secret test to see how trust worthy they are. He does this before he trains them. His allies would rather face death than tell us where he is hiding."
"So you have no clue at all?"
"Kagayoku thinks there is a possibility that it's on a different realm from our world."
"A different realm?! The more you talk, the stranger it seems."
"Really. There it is! The boat!"
A little farther off in the distance, you could see the pier, and one lone ship. Even at that distance, you could imagine how huge the ship was.
"I didn't know a ship could be that big!" Naruto said in awe. A group 12 of people stood in front of the ramp leading onto the ship. Two of them were little girls. One looked to be about six and the other at least four. They greatly resembled the woman they stood next to. A tall female with black hair and hazel green eyes. Amadare ran up to her and spoke franticly, "Mother! Is Kagayoku here!"
The woman shook her head, "No. She was supposed to be coming with you, wasn't she?" Amadare told her the story of what happened and how Kagayoku ordered her to take them and leave. "Don't worry." She tried to comfort Amadare, "I know she'll be here soon. Go inside and wait there. You must be tired."
"But - "
"No buts. Now go." The woman was soft spoken, but had sternness about her persona. She turned to Naruto and the others who had already jumped off the ligers. "You must be Naruto!" She said to the blond smiling. "It's so nice to finally meet you."
Naruto smiled nervously, "Hello. Are you Amadare's mother?""
"No, but she's like a daughter to me. I'm Kagayoku's mother. And those are her sisters." She pointed to the two little girls. "Hato and Hane." She pointed to the youngest and then the oldest. "And my name is Daiya. I'm actually Amadare's mother - in - law."
"They're very pretty. How old are they?"
"Four and seven. Come. You all must be tired." As they walked toward the ramp the rest of the people except the two girls and the woman, bowed before them.
Naruto scratched his head, "Um....Did they drop something?"
The woman laughed, "Oh no. These are the servants for the ship. They know who you are the vessel for our spirit protector. They are showing you the proper respect."
Naruto sighed and thought, 'Just when I was sure things couldn't get any weirder.'
_________________________________________________________________ _________________
"Holy shit on rye!" The ninja yelled as they looked around the inside of the boat. Upon entering the ship there was a large, comfortable looking white couch to their right. To their left, there was an even larger white marble fireplace with gold carvings of angels on the sides and mantle. In the middle of the room, there sat a large rectangular table made from cherry wood, complete with enough high backed, fashionable chairs to seat them all. Large crystal chandeliers decorated the ceiling and the floor was of highly polished oak wood. The room was ridiculously large, but beautiful all the same. On another side of the room, stairs led up to the higher decks, which held the bedrooms, bathrooms, library, artillery room, swimming pool, servants' quarters, and more.
Naruto whistled, "This is like a floating mansion! Even Sasuke's house isn't this big?"
Sakura eyed him suspiciously, "How would you know what Sasuke's house looks like?!"
"'s intuition....heh...hee...."
"In case you haven't just so happen to be a man."
"Oh, right. Forgot that. I hate when that happens." The others couldn't help but laugh.
"You're funny!" Hane said to him. Two pigtails held her long black hair together, and her green eyes were alight with joy. Hato looked very much like her, except her eyes were hazel, like her mothers.
Suddenly she and Hato began jumping up and down screaming, "Mommy! Sister is back! Kagayoku!" The others spun around and sure enough they saw the blood covered supreme shadow running towards the boat. Hearing the excited screams of the two little girls, Amadare ran down the stairs, curious as to why they were suddenly so happy. Upon seeing Kagayoku, she too began jumping up and down with glee along with the two girls.
'These guys really have to switch to decafe,' Sasuke thought. 'As a matter of fact, just give up coffee all together.'
When Kagayoku boarded the ship, the servants boarded as well, locked the entrance door, and each went off to their respective post.
"Big sister!" Hato, Hane, and Amadare were about to jump on her when she stopped them.
"No, no! No hugs until I'm cleaned up!"
"What happened?" Hane asked. "It looks like you had to disembowel an enemy. I take it that's what you did?" Her playful, child - like, girlish attitude disappeared for the moment and she sounded like a much older female.
Kagayoku nodded, "Yes, I did. And you know the importance of it, don't you."
"Of course." She switched back, "We were so worried! Why did you make Amadare leave without you?"
Kakashi explained to the wide-eyed, clueless, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, "Ninja mystic are also known for their multiple personalities. Especially the children. Normally gentle and loving, during training, battle, and other times, they expose they're true knowledge of who they are, what they are, and what they're capable of."
Iruka shook his head and threw his hands up in the air in defeat, "I give up. I'm never going to understand ninja mystics. Never."
Kagayoku smiled as Amadare led her upstairs to the bathroom, "Come on. We aren't that hard to understand. Sure we are strange and very different from humans altogether, but underneath it all we're just like you."
'I find that very hard to believe,' Sakura thought.