Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Boredom isn't Interesting ❯ Escape ( Chapter 1 )
[ A - All Readers ]
By: Sayayaa This is my first fanfic, so dont blame me if its bad!!!
(There are some changes. Eg., Konohamaru’s already graduated)
Naruto groaned. He was tired of being in the hospital all day. He wasnt even allowed to go for a walk! Because of stupid Tsunade and her ways, Naruto's world had shrunk to the four walls of his hospital room. He turned over in both anger and longing. He longed to go outside, to go to Ichiraku Ramen by himself and eat HOT ramen instead of cold and not something that had been in another's hands. He turned over again, thrusting the bed covers of him. Maybe... and idea formed in his mind.
Naruto slid the door open. He looked outside. No-one. Phew! He put his toe on the floor boards. then a foot. Then another. He crept towards the reception, hoping that the receptionist was away. He peeked around the corner. Damn! The nurse receptionist was there, and she was looking at the entrance. Lightbulb! He crept towards the side of the reception desk, hoping so very much she wouldn't notice. Naruto crep into the reception behind the nurse. Crap! He stepped on a loose floorboard. Just before the nurse turned before, Naruto quickly muttered, "Henge!" and transformed into a random nurse he had seen before.
"Oh, it's just you, Nurse Suuma (I made this name up, btw). Gosh, you sure gave me a fright! Nurse Suuma, you sure have quiet toes." The receptionist exclaimed. "Anyone would think you were a ninja in disgui-" she broke off. " Is anything wrong, nurse Suuma? Nurse Suuma?" Naruto's face was blank, rather.
He hadn't noticed it before, but the receptionist was unusually familiar. It gave him quite a fright to see her face straight up. The same, familiar jagged pink hair, the same bright green eyes. Naruto did'nt know what to say. Nor did he know what "Nurse Suuma" called Sakura-chan. Well, he'd have to have a go, then.
"Oh, sorry, erm, Sakura-ch-kun. I must've tuned out. I just um,was about to go to Naruto-sans room, but I needed to go to the bathroom first." Naruto forced a smile. It wasn't too bad of a excuse.
Sakura smiled. "Call me Sakura, Nurse Suuma, onegai. And, I was also wondering if could visit Naruto-baka as well. Mind if i assist you?"
Oh crap. he just got into a bigger mess.
"Not at all, not at all! I'll just go and go to the bathroom first. If you would wait here?" Naruto struggled to smile again.
He walked, rather reluctantly into the GIRLS bathroom. No-one else was inside, so Naruto released the jutsu. He sighed. What would he do now?
Naruto poofed back into Nurse Suuma before opening the door again, just to find Sakura-chan still at the reception."Shall we go?" Holding out her hand. Naruto nervously took it, and they walked toward Naruto's empty room. Just as Sakura slid open the door, Naruto wrenched herself from her grasp, and made a run for it.
"Nurse Suuma! Where are you going?" Sakura's cry echoed through the corridor.
Naruto gasped for breath and looked around his room. It seemed the same. It looked the same. it he felt something was different. Very different... Naruto looked at his desk. Two notes were on it. Naruto read what was on the first one, then on the second.
Dear Naruto,
I know this is quite sudden, but a tournament has just come out. It's available to any Genin's and Chuunin in Konoha, and its like the Chuunin Exams, except that the reward is 10 free passes at Ichiraku Ramen and 50,000 yen. I know you're obsessed with ramen and could do with a bit of money, so I'm writing to tell you. It's rather a fight for the top, except it's in doubles. Why not choose a partner (a strong one, if you want to win.) But remember if you make it to the top you would have to face each other in a fight. Its on the 24th, starting from noon. Hope to see you there at the Jiiku Tournament!
Hatake Kakashi
The second letter surprised him more:
Dear Naruto-kun,
Umm., have you heard about the Jiiku tournament? I was wondering if you could be my partner for it, if you don’t mind. If you aren’t anyone else’s partner, can you meet me at the back of Ichiraku Ramen . at 2pm on the 17th? Then, if you can, we might get some training done. I’ll tell you the other pairs if you arrive.
There wasn’t a name. Naruto wondered who it was.
Well, that’s the first chap done! You might have to wait a week for another one if I have time. I’ll tell you the pairs.
Naru____(next chap) KibaShino, SakuTen, ShikaChou, InoLee, NejiIruka (yes, Iruka is participating), Suuma(yes, she is a ninja as well as a nurse.)
Anime/Manga: Naruto Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Action | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 11.02.2007 | Pages: 1 | Words: 952 | Visits: 509 | Status: Work In Progress
This is my first fanfic, so dont blame me if its bad!!!
Naruto groaned. He was tired of being in the hospital all day. He wasnt even allowed to go for a walk! Because of stupid Tsunade and her ways, Naruto's world had shrunk to the four walls of his hospital room. He turned over in both anger and longing. He longed to go outside, to go to Ichiraku Ramen by himself and eat HOT ramen instead of cold and not something that had been in another's hands. He turned over again, thrusting the bed covers of him. Maybe... and idea formed in his mind.
Naruto slid the door open. He looked outside. No-one. Phew! He put his toe on the floor boards. then a foot. Then another. He crept towards the reception, hoping that the receptionist was away. He peeked around the corner. Damn! The nurse receptionist was there, and she was looking at the entrance. Lightbulb! He crept towards the side of the reception desk, hoping so very much she wouldn't notice. Naruto crep into the reception behind the nurse. Crap! He stepped on a loose floorboard. Just before the nurse turned before, Naruto quickly muttered, "Henge!" and transformed into a random nurse he had seen before.
"Oh, it's just you, Nurse Suuma (I made this name up, btw). Gosh, you sure gave me a fright! Nurse Suuma, you sure have quiet toes." The receptionist exclaimed. "Anyone would think you were a ninja in disgui-" she broke off. " Is anything wrong, nurse Suuma? Nurse Suuma?" Naruto's face was blank, rather.
He hadn't noticed it before, but the receptionist was unusually familiar. It gave him quite a fright to see her face straight up. The same, familiar jagged pink hair, the same bright green eyes. Naruto did'nt know what to say. Nor did he know what "Nurse Suuma" called Sakura-chan. Well, he'd have to have a go, then.
"Oh, sorry, erm, Sakura-ch-kun. I must've tuned out. I just um,was about to go to Naruto-sans room, but I needed to go to the bathroom first." Naruto forced a smile. It wasn't too bad of a excuse.
Sakura smiled. "Call me Sakura, Nurse Suuma, onegai. And, I was also wondering if could visit Naruto-baka as well. Mind if i assist you?"
Oh crap. he just got into a bigger mess.
"Not at all, not at all! I'll just go and go to the bathroom first. If you would wait here?" Naruto struggled to smile again.
He walked, rather reluctantly into the GIRLS bathroom. No-one else was inside, so Naruto released the jutsu. He sighed. What would he do now?
Naruto poofed back into Nurse Suuma before opening the door again, just to find Sakura-chan still at the reception."Shall we go?" Holding out her hand. Naruto nervously took it, and they walked toward Naruto's empty room. Just as Sakura slid open the door, Naruto wrenched herself from her grasp, and made a run for it.
"Nurse Suuma! WHere are you going?" Sakura's cry echoed through the corridor.
Naruto gasped for breath and looked around his room. It seemed the same. It looked the same. ut he felt something was different. Very different... Naruto looked at his desk. Two notes were on it. Naruto read what was on the first one, then on the second.
Dear naruto,
I know this is quite sudden, but a tournament has just come out. It's available to any Genin's and Chuunin in Konoha, and its like the Chuunin Exams, except that the reward is 10 free passes at Ichiraku Ramen and 50,000 yen. I know you're obsessed with ramen and could do with a bit of money, so I'm writing to tell you. It's rather a fight for the top, except it's in doubles. Why not choose a partner (a strong one, if you want to win.) But remember if you make it to the top you would have to face each other in a fight.