Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Bound genius ❯ Sanctuary ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Yet again, I both like and dislike a chapter....Dx Well, enjoy, and I think part of my slowness was because I love Deidara and for this chapter, Shikamaru was mean to him...

Enjoy, review, inspire me to update faster!


Shikamaru trudged along behind Itachi. He felt more like a dog now than when he'd been in the position with Itachi, or tied to the bed with a collar on, or hanging from the chains.

Come to think of it, he really was being treated like a sex slave a lot wasn't he?

“Here.” He saw Itachi reach out, giving up the end of his leash to a blond male with a high pony. The leash was attached to the chakra eating handcuffs used earlier in his Akatsuki escapades. The cord attaching the cuffs together led up to the leather collar he'd had from day one. Didn't he feel special.

“Wow Itachi. He looks like a moaner, hn.” Hn? What kind of word was that? As Shikamaru observed, the other kept using the strange ending. Boy would this be an annoying venture. He felt compelled to ask to go along with Itachi.

“Will you be a good boy, hn?” The man, Deidara asked. He emphasized with a tug on the leash in his hand. Shikamaru glared at him, tugging back. He really was just rubbed the wrong way with this guy, and having a killer head ache from that genjutsu was not helping at all.

“Depends on if you're better than Itachi, which I doubt from you're image.” Deidara glared back, tugging him forward harshly. Shikamaru really wanted to tug back, like last time, but found that he was still too drained for much physical stuff.

“You'd better watch yourself, Shikamaru-kun, or I'll make sure you become a piece of art, hn!” Shikamaru raised a brow, wondering what the crazed blond meant by that. Become a piece of art? Was he going to trap his soul in a painting or something?

“He doesn't know about you're version of art, Deidara.” Shikamaru was a bit startled when Itachi's partner, Kisame, spoke up. He usually did the talking for the two, but Shikamaru had gotten used to being alone with Itachi. It was either him talking, silence, or one word sentences.

“Well, then let me show him, hn!” Deidara threw the end of the leash at Kisame, who caught it with a scowl. Shikamaru was beginning to feel like some unwanted pet. Itachi was treating him better than these two.

Deidara brought out a small bug…thing. It was simple and plain, vaguely spider-like and about the size of a rubber bouncing ball. Immediately after pulling it out, the blond went into a spiel about true art, vision, explosions, yadda yadda. He found himself turning on his randomly occurring ADD just to survive.

Had he gotten so used to short worded explanations? Well, it did suit his lazy attention span. Honestly, this Deidara could have just said something like `explosions are cool, so I make my art explode after making it live'. It was short and to the point at least.

“I think I miss Itachi already…” He said, yawning. He heard Kisame snicker lightly, and Deidara glared whole heartedly. He couldn't see Itachi, but he guessed he hadn't changed at all.

He sensed chakra under him, and suddenly it seemed like firecrackers were going off under and around his feet. He flinched, raising his cuffed hands in automatic reflex, feeling minute hairs on his legs begin to singe. He heard Deidara laugh over the left over crackling.

“Not so high and mighty now, hn!” Itachi's eyes narrowed, and Kisame snorted. Apparently Deidara rubbed them the wrong way to.

“Well, considering you used explosives on an unarmed, handcuffed and chakra deprived teenage chuunin, yeah, I think I can feel high and mighty.” Kisame chuckled, turning to Itachi.

“I can't tell who we'll find dead when we get back, your pet or Deidara. You sure we should leave him in those kinds of hands?” Itachi merely shrugged.

“Leaders orders.” Kisame snorted.

“Strange. Is he tired of the Blondie as well?” Shikamaru smirked at how Deidara scowled. He could swear the blond had death threats beginning to pile behind his eyes.

"Who wouldn't be. He's not going to be my partner, is he?" He honestly couldn't say why he was being so...genial around these men. Maybe it was a way to get closer, maybe he just didn't care anymore. At this point he'd been in Akatsuki for a few days now, what seemed like at least three to him. He hadn't asked yet, and the black spaces between things were hard to piece together.

Kisame looked at him strangely, probably wondering the same thing. Well, good thing they were all on the same page then.

"No way in hell. You two would kill each other, and we need his explosive powers." Kisame explained to the brunette. Well wasn't this going to be fun.
And that was the exiting way he'd been handed over to the crazy blond shinobi. Hmm, reminded him of Naruto, that description. Needless to say, as soon as Itachi and Kisame left, he started his plan. Currently he had a lot of burns, rips, piercings and was running around trying to find freedom.

It hadn't been all that hard to get out of Deidara's clutches. The blond had such a hot temper, he easily got riled enough to send little bombs at him. No matter how mad he got, the combined threats from Itachi and whoever the leader was kept him from trying to kill. This was how he managed to escape.

“Damn it, come out, hn! You can't escape my art or the akatsuki!” Shikamaru stilled his panting, hoping the soft splashes of his blood would be masked by the others loud mouth. The worst burns were on his wrists, where he'd moved them so that the bombs would blow the chains away. Considering Deidara wasn't crazed enough, for the moment, to blow up his own base, he only had to deal with small scale explosions.

“You just wait, hn! You think those little burns and scrapes are bad now! I'll pierce your throat next, hn!” Shikamaru snorted internally, turning and quietly stalking down the corridor, away from the loud and insufferable blond. He had uncomfortable piercings on his side from where Deidara had made his explosive snake bite. Its fangs had dislodged, sticking into his skin like normal piercings. Only, it wasn't loose skin or cartilage. He never knew it was even possible to pierce your side.

“Of course, he had to start with the nipples.” He glanced down, wincing at the site. It was only one, but the little ivory fang that curved through it shown in the dim lighting. The other one had fallen out while he dodge rolled around a corner, narrowly missing a flock of birds already sizzling in the air. “I want to pull them out, but…they're better in and out of the way….” He sighed, continuing on. Plus they would give away his position like a trail of bread crumbs.

“Though how he hasn't found the blood smears yet amazes me.” Though they were random, since he hadn't started bleeding until after he'd escaped the blond's clutches.

An explosion behind him, at the end of the hall, told him Deidara was getting restless. Good for him. Did he really expect to be able to handle Shikamaru, alone, for three whole days? Especially without the sharingan to sedate him mentally?

Which was the added bonus of being cut off from Itachi. The realization that he'd been basically drugged, and wasn't just falling for the lovely Uchiha's perfect body, was a great stress reliever. It took about a day for the hold to break, or maybe it took a day for him to realize it was broken? Either way, he'd gotten away around the morning of the second day.

On that line of thought, he'd also discovered he wasn't gay. Point for him, the only reason he responded so much to Itachi was because of the sharingan holding his inhibitions back.

Well, okay, so maybe he was a little attracted to the same sex, but he wasn't a man whore at least. Deidara's advances could easily be ignored, and in fact were scorned, which lead to some of the first minor abuse. Which then lead to the beginning of his escape.

“Get back here, Shika-kun! I promise to play nicer with you, if you'll only cooperate, hn.” Shikamaru stilled. He was at a crossroads, a very vulnerable place to be. He could here Deidara coming down one of the paths, muttering about damn bratty kids. He held back, noticing his shadow stuck out from the wall. He knew there was no point to catching him in a shadow bind; he himself had no weapons to throw, and so little chakra it would only show Deidara where he was. But if Deidara saw the shadow, he would get caught as well.

“Here's hoping I got enough chakra.” He said, crouching down. He summoned up the amount he needed, taking hold of his shadow. He carefully smoothed it out, taking it into the wall, hiding it. Here's also hoping Deidara wouldn't notice how the walls shadow seems to be so much darker on this side.

His entire body stilled. The only sign of life was the fine quiver his skin did, shaking in strain as he felt the trickling of his life energy pour into his shadow. He didn't even let himself breath for these few desperate seconds.

He finally breathed a sigh of relief. Deidara hadn't noticed.

Sneaking around the corner and going down the way Deidara had gone, he wished he had Naruto's stamina.

If he did, even just a bit more, he could have attached a bit of chakra to Deidara's shadow, a new thing he'd been thinking of testing. Luckily it worked, as he'd been using it in this game of cat and mouse, up until recently. It only lasted about thirty minutes, but by using it he could follow wherever Deidara walked from the point of attachment, or steer clear of him. If only he had a weapon, if only he had more stamina, he could have killed the blond by now.

He kept moving, weaving through the strategic maze with ease. The pattern for the inside was no problem for him. It was a just a loop of square and round corridors interconnecting in seemingly random sequences. It had taken him the rest of his second day to discover this, memorize it, and slowly work his way up. The clock was ticking; he had until sundown today, if his internal clock wasn't screwed up, to get out of here.

By the time the sun's last rays fell, Itachi would be back, along with Kisame.

“I would be out of here if Deidara would go back to make sure I wasn't…” He paused, an idea coming to him. Deidara had been looping, taking a figure eight course to get in front of him at almost every crossroad. Shikamaru had nearly been caught more then once, when he had suddenly felt like veering off from this plan and going up the way Shikamaru was. That was how he'd gotten the burn on his back. A minor thing to the other wounds...
"Now that your master is gone..." Deidara cooed, leaning down so that his one-sided bangs tilted towards Shikamaru's face. "I get to have my way with you, right, hn!" Shikamaru glared, blushing minutely. He hated it, but so far his body had been...reacting positively to male stimulations. Damn Itachi, his first and the beginning of all this.

'I wish he would be my last...' His mind sadly whispered, his skin twitching as slightly chapped lips landed on his own. He wasn't sure when his mind had started longing for Itachi; downright missing his company, but the message was finally reaching his conscious. He pulled away from Deidara, spitting to the side with smoldering defiance in his eyes.

"What's that look for, hn?!" Deidara was obviously mad, but he also had this strangely...eager expression on his face. Shikamaru shifted his eyes, not liking it one bit. This guy roused his energy all right, his stubborn annoyance and defiance. He was actually a first, but then, he supposed if Naruto started acting truly insane and tried molesting him he'd meet the same scorn.

Dumb blonds'.

"Itachi's a better kisser." If Deidara hadn't immediately knocked him upside the cheek with his palm, he might have seen the slightly widened eyes on the Nara. He could hardly believe he'd said that; he was also regretting it.

Deidara ripped away what little upper clothing he had left, literally tearing the fabric off. Rather then strike out even further, Shikamaru's cheeks still stinging, he pulled back, a dangerous smile on his face as he pulled out a large, fat snake thing. It really looked more like a giant home rolled cigarette with fangs.

"You'll pay. I always did like piercings." The living joint attacked, and he wondered if perhaps he'd actually smoked one when the thing opened up and sank one slender bar bell of tooth through his once smooth skin. He winced, gasping. It hurt, but like a needle only going under a few layers of skin, it didn't bleed. And it wouldn't, he noted, unless he pulled it out and the end of the fang caught, or he jostled it to much and it pulled at the skin. The thing then pulled back, rearing, and lunged for a crease of muscle on his stomach. That one was slightly deeper, and bled.

"Dammit..." He breathed, the sharp pain coming in little stabs. Deidara clucked, stepping up, fingering the solid fangs while the snake slithered away, mostly harmless.

"Such a mouth, hn. If only you could cooperate and put it to much better" Shikamaru would have glared, but this new danger had given him a new perspective on things. It didn't stop Deidara from reaching forward, running a nail around and around one of his nipples.

The motion made him suck in, and hold his breath. This worked, up until the familiar motion irritated the alien object in his body, his muscles flexing around the unwanted accessory painfully and making him breathe out in discomfort. Deidara chuckled, hn'd, and continued until he was forced to admit the dumb blond knew what he was doing.

God, why did Naruto and Ino have to share this man's hair color? Ranting didn't run so smoothly when you added 'except for Naruto and Ino' in all of your angered musings.

As he was thinking these murderous, unpleasant thoughts, another snake had come up beside Deidara. By the time he noticed, it was too late. Deidara had pointed, indicating the next piercing to be made, and the snake lunged.

“Ah! God, dammit…” He ground out. On count now, he had one in his side, one in his stomach and now-

“Fuck!” Both nipples. If the snakes were alive he would skin them. Damn art. Damn Deidara. Said blond smirked at him, leaning forward and licking up his neck, making Shikamaru quiver in anger and revulsion.

“Such a mouth you do have, hn.” Deidara repeated, stroking his smooth chin thoughtfully. Shikamaru felt like growling, wanting to kick Deidara as hard as he could in the balls.

Deidara simply laughed at him, continuing in all his infuriating little mannerisms. Honestly, Shikamaru was starting to wonder if the guy had an aura of annoyance surrounding him for others to soak up. Shikamaru was usually more level mannered, less riled.

“Such a mouth you'll never know.” He replied, keeping his cool as best he could, keeping his eyes narrowed while his brain worked quickly. What to do, what to do…So many choices…

“But you can experience these mouths. Hn.” Deidara said, a slight trace of coldness seeping into his tone. The Nara punk was bugging him almost as much as the blond was bugging him back. If it weren't for arousal, he might have just left him alone. Also, in the back of his mind, he wanted to take a stab at Itachi and this was the perfect way. Damn Uchiha bastard.

“I don't know-” He was cut off from any scathing remarks, Deidara taking care of all material and distance barriers quickly. It unceremoniously left Shikamaru bare, his hands bound above his head by the chain linking his wrists. It had been nailed into the wall in the center, infused with chakra. His legs were cuffed around the ankle, a short chain allowing no upward movement.

Deidara advanced, moving to the side and kneeling. Shikamaru felt like hissing. He moved his thighs together as much as he could, but it was futile. It only served to raise his limp manhood higher, offering it to the blond and his descending hand.

“Ha!” Shikamaru squirmed, feeling heated anger rise. In the back of his mind he was wondering why it wasn't as…electrifying as Itachi, but the forefront was trying to pull his hands out of the wall and strangle the blond lunatic.

Unwillingly, he felt blood start to pool into his slowly growing erection, little traces of pleasure coming up his spine to try and coax his brain out of its disgust. He couldn't though, not when his happily engorged cock was being swallowed by a hand.

It made his head hurt, imagining the tip of his erection slipping up the mans wrist, imagining that the blissful pressure being applied onto his piece was the hug of the blond's unrelenting bones. He saw his pearly pre-cum staining Deidara's veins and carrying his semen up into the mans heart. He shuddered in revulsion, feeling sick.

“Do you like that, hn?” Deidara whispered, leaning in and nibbling on the side of Shikamaru's neck. The boy thrashed, attempting to strike at him with his forehead. The other drew back, scowling in mild anger, keeping up the pace with his open mouthed hand.

“Why would I like anything you do?” Deidara narrowed his eyes, bringing the hand that was swallowing Shikamaru up, until it held the tip. The other moved down to lick a long, clean line up the underside.

“This tells me you do, hn.” Deidara sneered, wrapping his fingers around the base and stroking, keeping the tongue out so that wetness was left behind the snug hold. Shikamaru shuddered again, hyperaware of the drool that was being slobbered over his manhood.

“I-involuntary, I assure you…” He panted, wishing to get away, to run. He didn't want to touch this man, even to punch him. Unbidden, an image of Itachi came to mind.


He mentally slapped himself. He wanted to run to him? That was insane. Itachi started all this!

“Shut up.” Deidara growled, making Shikamaru remember where he was. He noticed the blond even forgot the hn at the end. He could tell Deidara was pissed. Even as he felt Shikamaru responding, he resisted. Deidara could tell that although the Nara's body loved it, his mind hated it; to the point his mind was numb from the body's pleasure. He hated this kid and his brain.

“…Troublesome.” Deidara nearly tore off the precious bit of anatomy he was so generously pleasing. He drew back completely, pulling out another snake. If Shikamaru was so particular about his body, he'd just have to add some more piercings now wouldn't he?

“I'll show you, hn.” It leapt forward, sinking into the top of his navel. It reared back and Deidara moved forward, trying to open the Nara's mouth. The boy refused. Deidara pulled back fully, having enough of it all. His plan had failed, partly because of the Nara and partly because of his own hot temper.

“You'll heal…” He let out some of his explosions, in the form of ants. They crawled all over Shikamaru's body, exploding whenever the boy made a sneering comment or they were stationed where Deidara wanted them. He hardly took his eyes off Shikamaru's panting form.

“Is that…all you got?” Shikamaru panted. He could feel their tiny, marching feet at his elbow. The blond wasn't even paying attention, just letting them roam, exploding the lead ones whenever Shikamaru said something.

The man was enthralled by the slow destruction of Shikamaru's body, his smooth, olive-toned skin becoming littered with tiny red burn spots.


“You're not as good as Itachi.” He winced. A little to soon. Just a few inches off. He waited, following the sweeping of eyes across his pained body. Now.

“You'll never be as good as Itachi either.” The things exploded, and he felt the sag as his support was melted away. His wrists began to hurt, hot and melting metal touching his skin directly. He gritted his teeth, pushing on. He waited again, letting them crawl over him, letting them move over his wrists again, over his ankles.

“Even Sasuke's better then you.” A twitch. An explosion. His feet were freed. Did he have enough chakra to hold Deidara?

No. He would have to run. He wasn't bleeding, so at least Deidara wouldn't be able to track him. Assuming he could hide what little chakra he had from him.

He'd hardly noticed Deidara stalking forward.

“Even if it was true, which it's not.” Deidara sneered, reaching forward and fingering a pert, pierced nipple. “I'm still stronger then you.”

Shikamaru choose that moment to lunge forward, shoving the blond man away from his and tearing down the hallway. He heard the blond curse, caught off-guard, before giving chase.

It took a lot of maneuvering and close calls to loose Deidara, but he accomplished it.

-------------------------------------------------------------- ------

And now, he was stuck in the entirely too high-strung job of getting out alive. His plan from moments before had been scrapped, deciding that risking himself even more for a quick exit was too much. Better to get out alive at a slower pace.

And behold, only a few long minutes, maybe hours, later, he saw the light at the end of the tunnel.

He cautiously approached it, feeling like Deidara would pop out at any moment and he would be forced back into the dark catacombs, back to where he was, ravished by a hand.

He shuddered.

“I don't sense anyone…” He spoke quietly, stepping onto grass. He took a luxurious moment to breathe the earthy scent in deeply, the familiar and relaxing aroma of leaves and forest.

And then he was struck down, unable to so much as call out before he fell into the strong arms of someone that wasn't pissed off at him. Rather, whoever now held him gave off the pleasant aura of being pleased with what was laid before him.

“Good work, Shikamaru. Though this does mean I'll have to change the partnerships around a bit. But you passed.” He began walking back in, Shikamaru's head lolling across his bent elbow. His eyes narrowed at the extensive wounds from Deidara, but no matter.

The boy would get training, they would enhance his physical capabilities until they nearly matched his mental ones. He would become a deadly weapon indeed.

He placed the young boy on a bed, scowling despite his favorable feelings. Deidara would have to be talked to, yet again, about his temper. He paused as the boy stirred, saying one thing before he left to find the blond.

“Welcome to the Akatsuki.”