Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Breaking point ❯ Breaking point ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters in this following story. They all belong to their creator Masashi Kishimoto
Naruto woke up feeling an icy surface against his back. His arms and legs were restricted by some cold metal material, even his member which was surprisingly hard felt as if it was restrained by something.
Naruto knew he must have been strip of his clothing, because he could feel frigid air running across his naked flesh. Of course he could only assume this. His eyes were blinded by some unknown fabric.
The demon vassal wondered where he was, and how he had gotten at the location. He could only remember a knock at his apartment door late at night. When he went to open it he saw that no one was outside. Confused, he was about to shut the door, but then something hard hit him across the back of his head making him fall unconscious.
Naruto began to hear a soft patter of footsteps walking towards him.
“Who are you? What the hell do you want with me?” Naruto screamed blindly into the room.
The footsteps stopped and a hand came across Naruto's face to take down the material that was covering the blonde boy's eyes. Once his eyesight was given back to him, Naruto began to search around the area he was in. He wasn't surprised to find out that he was trapped in a small and dark square cemented room. He had a feeling he was in some kind of dungeon due to the chains that covered his limbs. However he was surprised to see a huge red one sitter sofa chair in the dungeon, but even more surprising then that was the fact that Sasuke was standing right in front of him with a maroon satin robe covering his body.
Sasuke eyes slowly went up and down the naked boy's frame, admiring the tan flesh. Naruto saw this and tried to covering himself up, but couldn't due to the chains.
“Sasuke hurry up and let me out of these things.” Naruto said as wanted to quickly find the bastard who had done this to him.
“But why would I take them off you, when I put so much time putting them on you.” Sasuke said sensuality. His black eyes stared deeply into Naruto's blue ones, making the blonde boy feel a coil of heat boiling in the pit of his stomach.
“You…did this to me, but why?” The fox carry asked in confusion.
The Uchiha gave the chained boy an enticing smile. He then began to slide one of his hands across the blonde's boy stomach. Naruto bit his lips to keep from moaning as the pale boy's hand oddly felt wonderfully pleasurable against his skin.
“S-Sasuke…what are you doing?” stuttered Naruto.
“Naruto, do you no how hard it is to be around you.” Sasuke said while sliding his hands towards the boy's chest. “No I suppose you don't, do you.” Sasuke reached his hand out for Naruto's right nipple and began to knead it between his fingers, making the flesh turn hard underneath his touch.
“Sasuke!” Naruto wailed into the dark room. His heart was beating faster than it normally did, his body felt as if it was on fire, and every twist and pull of his nipple sent a jolt of pleasure down to his still restraint cock.
“God I love the way my name pours out of your lips.” Sasuke mouth began to sucked and licked at the abused teat, while his left hand began to assault the other. Naruto couldn't help but whimper at the sensation the pale boy was causing him. The Uchiha mouth felt so amazingly good on his afflicted tissue and the hand on his other nipple only add to the delightful feeling. He would have came already if there wasn't some unknown object on his member keeping him from doing so.
“S-S-Sasuke what the `mmm' hell is on my `ah' dick!” Naruto moaned out.
Sasuke stopped his attack on Naruto's chest and looked up at the blonde boy with mischievous eyes and a lewd grin.
“Why don't you look for yourself ajin.” Sasuke said in a sensuous voice. The dark haired boy backed away from Naruto to give the kitsune retainer enough room to see below him. When Naruto looked down at his length, he was confuse to see a circular metal object wrapped around the base of his penis.
“Sasuke what is that?” asked a bewildered Naruto.
Sasuke gave the confused boy a smirked, he then sat down on his knees so that his face was in front of the tan boy's weeping sheath.
“This Koibito, is called a cock ring, and it's meant to hold you erection longer and to keep you from cumming. Like so” Sasuke began to suck roughly on the head of Naruto's member. His tongue would swirl around the slit of the penis causing him to taste all the precum that was leaking out, which he had to admit, wasn't all that bad.
Naruto moan and shook against the dungeon wall. If Sasuke's mouth felt good on his chest it felt ten times better on his length. He could feel the boys tongue circling around the head of his flesh, making Naruto's eyes water in joy. The blonde cried out in pleasure when he felt the Uchiha teeth lightly bite his foreskin.
“Sasuke…more…please.” Naruto slowly groaned out.
At the boy's plea, Sasuke slowly began to engulf Naruto's whole penis. The Uchiha was thankful that he had the hyperactive boy chained up, because if he didn't Naruto would have probably trusted into his mouth so hard that he would have gagged, at least that what he got from the boys failed attempt of thrusting into his wet cavern now.
Oh god how Naruto wished he wasn't chained up right now. Even though his cock was so far inside Sasuke mouth that the pale boy's bottom lip was touching his sack, he still wanted to thrust inside the slick opening to get more of the taller boys moist entrance, or at least some type of friction, and that's when he noticed that Sasuke wasn't even moving his jaws, no he was staring up at Naruto with a deviant look in his eyes.
“Sasuke, do something already.” Naruto all but yelled.
The older boy immediately began to move his mouth up and down the hot and thick flesh, sucking and licking the head every now and then. He kept in mind to avoid touching the cock ring the best he could. He didn't want Naruto to fill the painful sensation just yet.
“Aah…Sasuke, yes…oh good just like that.” Naruto moan while his body trembled against the dungeon wall. He never thought such enjoyment could come from the taller boys tongue. He couldn't imagine anything else feeling as good as Sasuke orifice on his member, but he soon found out that he was wrong, once he felt one of the Uchiha's hand slowly kneaded his ball sack.
“Fuck!” Naruto shouted. Between the pale boy's rubbing of his scrotum and his sucking on his length, Naruto knew his end was coming.
“S-Sasuke…ahh…I think…oh… I'm cumming.” Naruto moaned. If Sasuke mouth wasn't full he would have said something on the lines like `Oh that's what you think.', but being the case that his mouth was full he didn't.
Naruto squirmed and groaned against the chains making the metal objects sound like a bunch of porch bells being blown in the harsh wind.
“Gah…uh…I'm…” Naruto felt the white hot liquid boiling in his balls. “Almost…” The demon vassal felt the liquid shoot down his shaft. He was about to screamed out his release but cursed instead when his seeds was met with the cock ring and was sent back towards his balls.
“Shit! Damn it. What the fuck was that?” Naruto cursed angrily at not being able to achieve satisfaction.
Sasuke got up from his knees and smile at the displeasure Naruto had on his face.
“I told you, the cock ring keeps you from cumming.” Sasuke said in a devious manner.
Naruto was so furious that he could just kill the male in front of him, well that wasn't true, he actually wanted to fuck the boy into next week, but the point was he was pissed and he wanted his release.
“Let me down, this instant, Uchiha.” Naruto said ferociously.
“Hmm…” Sasuke said while putting a finger on his chin as if he was pondering something. Naruto growled as he realized the young man was playing with him.
“I will if you promise me one thing.” Said the dark haired boy.
“And what is that?” asked Naruto a bit curious.
“Promise to be with me for all eternity.” Sasuke said squarely.”
Naruto eyes widen in shock. The man in front of him couldn't be serious to be asking such a crucial request, especially when Naruto's blood wasn't even flowing to his brain.
“You can't…I mean I can't…I'm…” Naruto began to ramble out.
“Fine then.” Said Sasuke. He then took his right hand and slowly began to move it up and down Naruto's shaft. Naruto began to breathe harshly and his eyes again started to swell with tears of pleasure.
“Okay, okay, I promise. Just please let me down.” Naruto pleaded. If his eyes weren't so blinded by water he could have sworn he saw Sasuke do some kind of happy dance. Sasuke pulled out a long sliver key from his robe pocket and began to unlock all the chains that were restraining the boy's limbs.
Once free from the metal objects, Naruto slumped to the ground, suddenly his body felt very weak. He didn't however have a lot of time to rest since something was pulling him towards the big red chair in the middle of the room.
“Come on, Naruto were not done yet.” The Uchiha said seductively.
When they finally got to the chair Sasuke sat down on it and position Naruto to sit on his lap so that he was facing the wall.
“Sasuke, I thought you were going to fuck me.” Naruto said. He was ready to finish what the older male started.
“I am, I just need to prepare you first.” Sasuke said while reaching into his robe pocket again. He pulled out a tube of lube and began to rubbed the substance on his fingers.
“Now open nice and wide for me.” Sasuke said while spreading the boys legs out so that they hit the side of the chair. He then slowly slid his fingers inside the boy's anus. To Naruto the fingers only felt like a minor annoyance in his ass, and that was all. He had felt worst things in battle, so the uncomfortable feeling didn't really bother him that much.
As Sasuke felt his fingers go deeper inside the boy's backside he decided to find that special spot that would caused Naruto to begged for more.
“AHH!” Naruto wailed. Sasuke had just stroked something in his body that caused him to see flashes of white. A lewd grin appeared on Sasuke's face and he continued to attack the spot.
“Gah…Oh god…ahh…fuck” Naruto was practically vibrating on the Sasuke's lap, and he could feel the sperm building up in his penis again. “Oh…S-Sasuke this isn't f-fair I still…ahh…have the c-c-cock ring oooon.”
Sasuke decide what Naruto was saying was true, it wasn't fair. All this time he had been pleasuring the boy and had no time to work on his own harden member. The Uchiha took his fingers out the boy's rear and began to reach for the lube again this time he spread on his length.
“I hope your ready, Naruto. I know I'm sure am.” Naruto gave Sasuke a daze nod and that was all the boy needed.
Sasuke slid open he front of his robe causing Naruto to feel what all his moan and pants had done to the boy. After placing his cock at the entrance of Naruto's anus, Sasuke began to slowly enter the moist orifice.
“Uh.” Naruto grunted as the huge rod began to slide into him. It was a little bit more painful then the fingers had been.
Sasuke had almost came on the spot as he felt his length being surrounded by the hot and tight flesh. Once he was fully in he stopped, he wanted Naruto to get used to the feeling of having such a huge object in him. Lords knows that he be having it in him ever night after this.
“Move.” Naruto finally said after a few seconds, Sasuke complied. He slowly slide his cock out till only the tip of the flesh was still inside the boy and like lightning he quickly slide it back in.
“Ahh.” Naruto grunted in pleasure as that special spot was hit again. Sasuke repeated his motion again only this time a little bit faster.
“Oh…ahh…oh god yes.” Naruto moaned while quivering. The Uchiha just loved how the sexy sounds would just spill out of the alluring blonde mouth, so much in fact that he began to move faster inside the boy's body.
“Ah…damn Naruto…your so…ah…tight.” Sasuke grunted out as he moved in and out of the blonde like a piston.
“Oh shit…ah yes…f-faster…harder…ah.” Naruto was now squealing in joy as Sasuke kept hitting that spot over again.
“Oh god…feels so good.” Sasuke mumbled as he felt heat boiling inside him stomach.
“Sasuke, t-t-the ring.” Naruto stuttered out as he felt the same feeling of while liquid stirring up in him. Almost in a daze Sasuke took the ring off of Naruto's weeping cock. After throwing the ring somewhere on the floor Sasuke grabbed the boy's member again and began slowly moving his hands up and down the boy's shaft.
“AHH…S-S-Sasuke that's not…oh fuck…that's not….ah fair.” Naruto groaned out.
“How is it not fair. It's only my rightful duty as a seme to make sure my uke comes first.” Sasuke said with a smirk.
“Who saaahhh…” but Naruto could even retorted since Sasuke's hand decided to move faster on his length.
“Ahh…uh…Sasuke.. I-I'm c-cumming.”
“Me…uh…too, Dobe.” Sasuke grunted.
“SASUKE!!!” Naruto screamed his climax to the heavens as he sprayed his seed all over the floor, chair, and both on his and Sasuke chest and legs.
Sasuke came to once he felt Naruto ass tightening up.
“Shit!NARUTO!” Sasuke's member exploded inside Naruto, his proof began to leak out of the boy's anus afterwards.
The two boys sat in the chair breathing harshly as the enjoyed the afterglow of their climaxes.
“I'm surprised you didn't put up much of a fight, Dobe.” Sasuke finally said.
“Why would I. I always wanted to do this with you.” Naruto panted out.
“Really so I didn't have to go through all of this.” Sasuke said in amazement.
“Nope, you could have just asked.” Naruto said turning his body towards his new lover.
“Hn.” Sasuke grunted. He then took his robe and covered both him and Naruto with it. Naruto rested his head on top of Sasuke's bare chest and slowly closed his eyes.
“Goodnight Sasuke-chan.” Naruto said before drifting off to sleep. Sasuke frowned at the nickname but didn't say anything about it.
“Night Koibito.” Sasuke said before drifting of to sleep too.
Sorry this is so rushed and tamed, but I'm trying to save all juicy stuff for one of my other fanfics.
