Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Can I keep You ? ❯ Part 5:Night ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Can I keep you?
Sequel to Pumpkins and Ravens
Main Pairings: Kakashi/Iruka, Sasuke/Naruto and others
Part of my 100 themes challenge.
Part 5 - Night (32):
Kakashi awoke disorientated, his teeth clenched together so tightly his jaw ached, his hand clamped firmly across his own masked mouth. It took him a few moments to get his bearings, filling his lungs with the scent of Iruka's clean sheets and the dark outline of objects around the room.
He knew why he had been restraining himself even in sleep, it was something he hadn't had to do for many years; the dreams that had plagued him back then had made him train himself to silence - even in sleep. His chest was heaving as though he had ran a long way, perspiration trickling across his bare skin.
He let out a deep sigh as he released his hold over his panting mouth, taking in the warm air around him; his chest ached from the constriction of air and the pull of the stitches. He must have been quite active in his slumber, when a light flicked on shining through the open door he knew he had been caught out. The bright light blinded him for a moment but when his eye adjusted he could see the outline of the young sensei that had been caring for him.
Iruka woke to a clatter from the other room; he shot up fast and strode across the distance to the light, flipping on the switch as he made his way to the sleeping jounin. He paused in the doorway taking in what he could see from where he stood in the doorway. The sheets had been pulled from their moorings, twisted around the older man's legs and he could hear the ragged noise coming from the Kakashi's chest and throat. He walked to the desk picking up and pouring a fresh glass of water and moved across to the bed before speaking, “Are you alright Hatake-san?”
Kakashi looked at the rumpled man that was walking around the room, although it was a struggle to see him in the dark when he approached the bed with the glass of water he gave the chuunin an analytical once over. Iruka looked tired as though he had not been asleep or that he hadn't had a good sleep in a long time - much as he used to look. He smoothed away any emotion as he looked up at the younger man, “Maa... I'm fine Iruka-sensei - just over active dreams.”
The chuunin felt that sole stormy grey eye watching him with an intensity he would not have expected from the recently comatose man. He stared at the jounin for a few moments as he walked across the room to the bed, watching as his breathing eased and his body became oddly still. Iruka lent down to the jounin when he reached the bed before speaking again, “Would you like a hand up to have a drink Hatake-san?”
Kakashi's eyebrow quirked at the odd formality the chuunin was using with him, it grated on his nerves, he hated being called that by anyone, but for some reason the way Iruka said it made it grind all the harder. “Hai Iruka-sensei and don't call me that.”He watched for the young teacher's reaction hoping he wouldn't take his comment badly.
Iruka was wrapping his arm around the jounin's shoulders to help lift him enough to allow him to drink without straining his chest when the second part of the sentence hit him. He frowned down at the jounin as he placed the glass in the other mans hands. He turned his face away from the injured man when he raised the glass to drink, respecting his privacy in his need to cover his face.
When he spoke again he was addressing his desk, “Then what should I call you Hatake-san. You are a jounin rank ninja held in high regard within the village. It is improper to call you anything else.” Though the chuunin knew that he had been calling him by his given name whilst he had been sleeping he had returned to formality in respect of his position and it gave him a defined distance between them.
Iruka had started to construct a familiar wall around himself as soon as the jounin had woken, knowing he couldn't continue as he had been. They weren't close, they weren't friends and they would never be more than what they were right now - as much as he hated to admit it.
Kakashi was as quick with the mask as usual but he noticed the way the chuunin had turned his head away when he had proffered up the glass. He sipped gently feeling his throat slowly ease as the cool liquid soothed his parched throat. He wasn't feeling as groggy this time but knew even this small effort was making him tired. The Copy-nin realised he was going to be laid up for a while longer - but he was still having trouble organising his memories of how he had gotten here.
When Iruka spoke again he turned an enquiring eye up at the younger man. The way he was comfortably nestled against his chest as strong arms wrapped around him to keep him upright felt surprisingly comfortable and as he breathed slowly in and out he could take in that sweet and soothing smell that the young sensei had. He felt his skin heat slightly under his mask as he realised he had been scenting the other man and though his gaze didn't drop he examined the profile that Iruka offered in the dim light.
He had smooth, supple skin, lightly tanned, chocolate orbs shrouded by long lashes, the straight edge of his nose broken by the subtle dent of the scar that crossed it and the soft swell of sensual lips held the Copy-nin captivated. He shook his head and gave the other nin his response, his emotions as always tightly bound inside him, “Kakashi or Kakashi-sensei if you really must. We are not strangers Iruka. We both trained Naruto and the rest of team seven and whether you think it or not we are all teachers of some form or another, ne?”
Iruka looked down at the shinobi who seemed to be comfortable resting in his arms as he held the glass firmly in his grip. When their eyes locked he felt a flood of heat wash through him, they were so close together and he had felt by the prickling of the hairs on the nape of his neck that the jounin had been watching him. He felt heat flood his cheeks and turned away; breaking the suddenly intense stare they had shared.
The chuunin mulled over the other shinobi's words and felt his heart ease at the more comfortable name that the Copy-nin was allowing him to use. Perhaps they could be friends after all. He turned back and gave the other nin a soft smile, “Thank you Kakashi-san.” He took the glass away from the jounin and placed it on the bedside table before slowly shifting the nin back down into the sheets.
Kakashi settled back against the soft pillows, finding that he missed the warmth that had penetrated his back when he had lent against the chuunin. He groaned at the response he got from the other nin, “San? Kakashi or nothing, ne?” He gave the young sensei one of his signature eye creases and hoped he would recognize the teasing for what it was.
Iruka gave the other man a more tentative smile hoping his words had been meant to tease him, but he didn't reply. “You need more sleep; you should be able to get the stitches out tomorrow which will make sleeping more comfortable.” He wouldn't change the sheets tonight thinking that after the stitches came out that Kakashi may want a bath and he could launder the sheets then. Iruka went over and cracked the window open to let out some of the latent heat that had made the room rather stifling. The chuunin moved quickly around the small bedroom, refilling the glass at the Copy-nin's bedside.
Kakashi watched the chuunin move around the room with brisk efficiency and hoped what he had said hadn't offended the young man. He would have his stitches out tomorrow - did that mean he would be able to go home? He didn't know if he could stay here, taking up the younger mans time - it must be an inconvenience for him. It made him think about what may have caused the injuries to start with, “Iruka? How did I get these?” He waved absently at his chest before turning his gaze back to the chuunin.
Iruka moved around the room, always with one eye on the other nin - he could see the deep contemplation in his only visible eye and wasn't surprised when he asked that question. “I think you need to wait till tomorrow for that answer. Naruto and Sasuke, as well as Tsunade-sama are going to be coming over and it would be better coming from the people who were there, ne?”
Iruka's hands twined together as he felt his nerves start to twist he didn't think he should be the one to explain this - especially when the jounin still couldn't remember. When the Kakashi's gaze dropped to his twitchy hands he pocketed them before speaking again, “Anyway you shouldn't think about it too much, it will come back to you just give it some time and get as much rest as you need.”
Kakashi watched the normally unrufflable chuunin head for the bedroom door and he gave a quiet sigh, knowing the other nin had heard it when his head cocked in his direction at the doorway. The Copy-nin couldn't help but smile when the chuunin spoke again, when he reached the bright opening he turned shadowed features back into the room, “Goodnight Kakashi.”
“Goodnight Iruka.”