Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Cliche Guide to a Classic Romance ❯ Moonlit Walk Part 1- Worry ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto

Step 4 - Moonlight walk Part 1: Worry


As soon as his name was called he found himself flying across the room and crashing threw a wall. Once again he had done something to upset the tempermental Hokage.

“N-naruto! Are you ok?”

Naruto looked up a little dizzy from impact. His vision was blurry so the purple hair and fuzzy face did nothing to help recognize the person. The voice however, that voice he knew, the shy tone and small surprised stutter. “Hinata?”

“Yes, Naruto. Are you ok?” She asked worried.

Naruto ignored the sharp pain and jumped up quickly. “Heh heh! Of course I’m fine! That punch was nothing, granny must be losing her touch!” He exclaimed loudly, laughing.

“Tch! This ‘granny’ can hear you, you tardy brat!” Tsunade growled out taping her nails against her desk agitatedly.

Naruto stiffened and looked over at the current Hokage and gulped. He knew he shouldn’t have stayed up that late but it wasn’t his fault kiba decided to turn off his alarm while he was sleeping. How exactly did he know it was kiba? The muddy dog prints said it all.

“Just get over here you have a new mission.” Tsunade sighed in defeat as she watched the blonde glare at the brunette who was sitting across the room playing with the small canine known as Akamaru.

“Alright! Finally!! You haven’t given me a new mission in months, you old hag!!”

For the second time in five minutes the blond found him self crashing threw a wall.

Maybe he really should starting thinking twice before opening his mouth.

The breeze was gentle and calm, and felt nice against the group as they trekked threw the forest as they neared the dessert.

It was a simple mission really. Take the scroll to the Kazekage, Wait till he or one of his people hand it back and return to the village. It wasn’t anything important it was just a paper that needed signed, something about renewing the treaty.

Everyone that was needed for this mission? Well Shino, Kiba, Hinata, Sakura and Naruto himself. Why did they need so many ninja? Well apparently, there were rumors of a group of rogue ninja who were attacking fellow ninja and robbing them.

It was pretty chilly out when they first started, but the closer to the sand village they got, the hotter it was getting. Naruto and Kiba had long sense disposed of there coats and were contemplating on taking off there pant’s and walking the Sand village in there boxers, of course neither one of them thought this out loud.

Hinata and Sakura being most sensible, Had already planned ahead. Hinata wearing a pair of shorts that went just above her knees, and sakura with her shorts that went to about mid thigh. Both wearing lighter colored clothing avoiding black all together so the wouldn’t attract the sun light.

Shino however dressed the same as always, big coat, pants and signature sunglasses. Everyone could see the sweat dripping from his scalp only to be hidden by the collar of his coat. Not even once did he complain.

Naruto on the other hand....

“Oh man it’s so hot!!” He exclaimed wiping the sweat of his head and dramatically falling on the ground face first

Sakura sighed in annoyance. “Well you should of thought ahead. You knew we were coming to the desert did it ever cross your mind to bring shorts?”

“I was in to much of a hurry, besides who could think with you screaming in there ear like a banshee?” He mumbled with his face in the dirt.

Sakura swiftly turned around and took a foot slamming it down on his back. “What did you just say?!” She yelled, grinding her foot into his back painfully

“Sakura! Your hutring my back.” He whined out. Seriously what kind of medic hurt there own teammate? Naruto thought about it before flashbacks of Tsunade constantly wailing on Jiraiya made themselves known and Naruto resisted an urge to cry. Why did he have to be friends with such violent people

“It’s not MY fault you don’t think ahead of time, I swear you still act like your twelve!!” she continued ignoring his pain filled whining. However she did remove her foot much to his relief, before kicking him, sending him hurling a few feet away.

“Don’t know when to keep your mouth shut, do you Uzumaki?” Kiba said chuckling Akamaru barking in agreement. Hinata hovered over Naruto timidly asking if he was alright while Shino and Sakura walked ahead.

“Shut it dog breath!”

“What was that?!” Kiba yelled getting ready to tackle the blonde.

“K-Kiba, Please! He’s already hurt. . .” Hinata pleaded grabbing on to the angry boys arm gently trying to clam him down.

The boy let out growl of annoyance, “Obviously it’s not too bad if he can still talk.” he stated stomping off to join the others.

After the quarrel between the group they had continued on there way to the Sand. It judging from the sun it was probably around noon. Naruto had lessened his complaining but had yet to stop completely. Hinata and Shino had taken positions if front of the group while, Kiba trailed behind, Akamaru hitching a ride on kiba’s shoulder instead of walking.

They were officially in the desert. The green scenery long ago abandoned them and now there was nothing but sand, rocks and the sun which just kept making the temperature rise.

Naruto looked up at the sun squinting from the light. He gave the giant star one quick glare before turning his head back to face front. He chanced a look over at Hinata.

It had been two weeks since the whole lunch...dinner thing. He didn’t think about Hinata that much after that day but it was a lot more often then what he was used to. When he would think about that day He would feel happy and would start grinning. He never noticed he was smiling until Sakura decided to bring it to his attention when she asked in an oh so polite manner. ‘What the hell are you grinning at?’.

Even then Naruto just smiled and told her ‘nothing’ and shouted out hyperly that he wanted Ramen. He ordered the same kind as he did that day, then he order five more bowls and ended up broke for the next few days.

Naruto sighed looking at the ground only to look over his shoulder at akamaru who was growling.

The whole group stopped and turned towards them getting into battle stance at seeing the dog baring his fangs and kiba in getting ready for a fight. There was no doubt that there was something wrong


Hinata nodded at Shino activating her Byakugan. They group waited anxiously. “There are three people up ahead two are hiding behind rock formations the last one is under ground.”

“Right so what’s the plan.” Kiba asked looking over at Shino who like always was the leader of the mission. ‘Stupid bug using bastard...’

“Hinata will keep an eye on them with Byakugan. Sakura and I will lure them out and you an Naruto will come in right after they show them selves.”

“Right.” They all shouted in unison, Breaking apart Hinata, Sakura and Shino running ahead while Kiba and Naruto trailed behind at a slower pace.

Sooner then they cared for, they were in front of the enemy and dodging all sorts of weapons from the two who were hidden. Sakura destroyed the rocks they hid themselves behind with a chakra induced punch while shino used his bugs to slowly draw out the ninja who had hidden under ground.

Naruto and Kiba sped up, not hesitating to get in on the action. Both making an explosive entry, Kiba with his canine instincts and Naruto with is rash personality.

After a few physical attacks here and there coming from both sides, one of the enemy down for the count while the other two came out of hiding.

“What do you three want.” Kiba demanded getting ready to attack again.

“Like were going to tell you that...” The female said grabbing something from her pocket and throwing them on the ground. The other smirked followed suit and threw his own on the ground. Thick black smoke filled the area making they group blind to the enemy. “You’ll be dead soon after all.”

“Not likely, bitch” Naruto growled out trying to see threw the smoke like the others. He wasn’t sure but he was positive only hinata could see right now. “Hey Hi-“

“They’ve split up!” Hinata cut him off exclaiming trying to be as loud as possible so the whole group could hear. It was hard for her to see there bodies but she could se there chakra tunnels just fine.

Once the smoke cleared a few seconds later Shino gave the orders to split up as well. “Kiba I want you to go with Naruto and Sakura. Hinata and I will go after the other.”

Both Hinata and Kiba would gave their leader a surprised look. “Are you sure about that?” Kiba asked questioningly.

“Positive.” The bug user replied turning sharply to walk away, but noticed Hinata not following him. “Hinata.”

The mentioned girl stood there looking between Shino and the rest of the group nervously. “Um...Shino, it’s just that...that well do you think that it’s alright to do that? Sending Kiba off, I mean.”

Shino didn’t say anything but gave the girl an affirmitive nod.

Hinata hid her nervousness this time and bowed giving the three a ‘good luck.’ before following after him.

“Man you better know what your doing!” Kiba yelled after Shino warningly. Although he knew his threat wasn’t going to be taken seriously. “What?’ He asked as he turned back around seeing the other two staring at him.

“You got a problem being teamed up with us or something.” Naruto asked offended.

“No it’s just that Hinata...She just started training seriously. Well actually she’s always taken it serious but she just recently start to. . .get into it more. She’s been working with her technique and everything. She asked us to help her and we have been, we’ve been training with her just like you would with any other Shinobi but I don’t know if she ready to...” Kiba trailed off, trying to think about weather or not Hinata was ready to fight on her own. Yes Shino was there but knowing him he’d most likely stand back and observe and only step in when he needed to and if that happened and Kiba wasn’t there then Shino could get into a very sticky situation. That could put Hinata into danger.

Naruto brought his hand down onto Kiba back in a rough slap, making the other give a half hearted glare.. “Nah. You worry too much. Hinata will be fine! She has been training after all put some faith in her dog breath. Besides Shino wouldn’t let anything happen to one of his team. Right?”

Kiba nodded hesitantly, “Yeah I guess so.”

That made Naruto a little uneasy. He he looked back idly in the direction that Hinata had went with Shino. The Aburame wouldn’t let anything happen to the girl right, Kiba had to be overreacting right? The blonds thoughts kept trailing to the girls safety even when he turned around to see Kiba had Akamaru sniff out the enemy.

The Other male gave them a signal to follow Akamaru and they all started running towards what was hopefully the man himself and not a diversion.

Naruto gave one last glance back before forcefully redirecting his train of thought back to his mission.