Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Cliche Guide to a Classic Romance ❯ The First Date Part 1: Nervous ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Step 5 - First Date Part One - Nervous.

The door opened slowly, the creaking sounded so loud in the silent room you could swear you’d go deaf. Flipping on the lights the group to a quick scan on the room, before a certain pink haired female flopped onto the closest bed claiming it as her own.

“Why do you get the bed?!”

“Haven’t you ever heard of ladies first?” Sakura asked as she sat up on the bed smiling and complimenting its comfort.

“That’s when your going somewhere!” Naruto yelled back, desperately trying to win an already lost argument.

Sakura shook her head negatively. “No, It means that you always put the woman before the man, and in this case that man would be you . . . And your sexy jutsu does not count!” she added quickly when she caught him making hand signs.

Hinata and Shino stood in the middle of the room, Kiba plopped down on the empty bed all three trying to ignore the argument of the other two Shinobi.

They themselves already thought about letting Hinata have the bed. Not because she was a girl mind you. There had been plenty of times where Kiba had dove on the bed and told the other two to use the floor. He and Shino would argue for a few minutes until either Hinata said it was fine or Shino forced the other to give up his hopes of his own comfort for the sake of the timid girls. You know, whichever came first.

This time Hinata got the bed Simply because she had been the only one out of the three that had really fought, and it was an unspoken agreement the most exhausted person got the bed. So there, problem solved.

“SO remind me why you should get the bed?”

“The simple fact that I’m a woman.”

“You don’t act like one . . . ” The blonde stated angrily earning a heated glare from the pink haired girl.

“Care to repeat that?”

Naruto ignored the dare and looked around the room throwing his bag in a random corner. Why should he treat her like a girl? The only thing she had in common with them was her nagging and her looks. Well and that high pitched squealing thing she did when she was around guys but that was it really.

Sighing the blonde looked around the room taking in its not so great appearance.

It had only taken a few tries to find a hotel, especially one that would take in a giant dog. The group opted on getting one room to save money.

Of course they had to make sure there was enough room to fit everybody and Akamaru. The room was fairly spacious with two beds a ceiling fan and a decent sized tv that sat on a three-foot dresser.

The walls were beige and in some area’s where the paint was pealing it revealed the previous color of lavender. The carpet was a slightly blueish color and lines from being vacuumed, which was the only proof of the room’s cleanliness. The bed sheets were the color of the walls with blue pillows to match the floor and finally there were paintings on the walls for some pathetic attempt of decoration. So no, the room wasn’t all that good looking but the beds were extremely comfortable. At least that’s what Sakura said, but Naruto himself would never know.

Kiba broke the silence by jumping off the bed landing making the floor creak loudly under his feet. “Man I have to get out of here. The place is giving me a headache. Come on Akamaru.”

Sakura looked at the brunette curiously wondering what his rush was. She looked back over at Naruto who was still picking at the paint on the walls and grinned. “Wait up Kiba! I’m coming, too. Come on Shino!” She shouted grabbing the confused boy and yanking him out the door.

Naruto sat there wondering what there hurry was. He could have sworn that at least Kiba would be staying behind to at least take a nap and Sakura usually went over everything to see if they needed anything before they left.

He looked over at Hinata who was sitting on her bed looking at the door questioningly and he realized she was the only one besides him in the room. He stared at the door in horror. His friends had left him there to his doom. His comrades had abandoned him, what was the world coming to. When he became hokage, he would make sure they paid dearly for this. Really, were exactly did Kiba want to go. He hated the sand village. It was hot, dry and very unfriendly for Akamaru, and that alone made Kiba stay in doors when he came here.

Then there was Sakura and Shino. Sakura he could see zooming out the door, she’d probably go shopping or grab a bite to eat. She liked shopping at different villages because each village had it’s own style and that interested her. However, they just arrived not even an hour ago, surely she’d be tired right?

The blonde didn’t really understand his brain sometimes, one minute Hinata was a great person to be around then she was this scary monster thing and he really didn’t understand his nervousness. Why would he be nervous around her she was one of the nicest people in the whole country, it’s not like she was going to kill him in some morbidly sadistic fashion and laugh at the pain he endured.

Besides she was more nervous then he was by nature. Which probably meant that she was in the same boat as him even more so if what Sakura said was true. Which reminded him, he was supposed to ask her out.

Great how was he supposed to do that, he never dated anyone before. Sure he asked Sakura out a hundred of times but he was twelve and even more of an idiot then he was now. Back when your younger relationships like these weren’t taken all that seriously but as he got older he saw that his friends were staying together longer and if they broke up it would take longer for them to start up again with someone new.

The longest relation ship he ever witnessed was probably Shikamaru and Temari. It was going on four years since they’ve been together, even if Shikamaru called the whole thing troublesome and not worth it.

Could he really find something like that with Hinata? Did he really even like Hinata that way? Sakura and Kiba thought he did but how could you possible rely on a guy that loud and a girl with the highest gossip record.

Well he’d just have to find out himself, and the only way to do that would be to do what the pink haired girl threatened him to do.

Naruto looked over at the girl who had settled on going threw her bag for something to do. The blond took a deep breath before speaking. “Uh, Hinata?”

Hinata froze at his voice but looked over at him quickly closing her bag.

He felt that familiar nervousness again just like the day he saw her at the park and once again his mind made that small sweet girl into the scariest thing he’d ever seen. He gulped and cursed his mind for over exaggerating.

“What is it, Naruto?”

“I was, um, well I wanted to know if you would . . . ” He trailed off feeling very much like a coward. He knew this would be hard but crap this was hard. How did Sakura think he could do this in a span of two days? “I um.”

Hinata watched the blond trying to talk. If she didn’t know him as well as she did she would have thought he was making fun of her. However that tone gave it away, he was nervous. She for some reason thought it was cute and would have laughed if she didn’t know better. She had been laughed at plenty from being shy and talking like that. “Naruto?”

“Would you like to . . . ” Naruto mentally killed himself, it shouldn’t be this hard, there was nothing to be afraid of, It was just Hinata. Hinata who seemed worried about everyone and offhandedly tried to kill him with exploding tags and bee stings, even if he was still second guessing the accidental part.

Then again she had seemed overly worried about him since the mission started, even back in the hokage’s office when he was sent crashing into the wall twice, and when Sakura had punched him and stomped on him. After they split up and rejoined she didn’t voice it but he could tell she was worried by how she looked at him, it was the same look Iruka gave him when he ended up in the hospital or just got back from a mission with a few bruises. It was the kind of look that made him feel guilty even though he had done nothing wrong.

Maybe she did like him after all. She had said she enjoyed his company, and truthfully even though it was awkward more then half the time he enjoyed hers as well. So maybe asking her out on a date wouldn’t be so bad, his friends didn’t think there was any flaw in their assumptions about the girl liking him so maybe they were right when they said he liked her back. So he should just go for it right?

The pale eyed girl watched the boy, as his face went from read to blue. He was thinking and obviously he was harder then what he was used to. It worried her when he did think like that, sometimes if he was thinking to hard it was like he forgot to breathe which explained why his face was blue. “Na-“


Hinata jumped back from the loudest outburst she had ever heard. In all the years she had known him she had never heard him yell something so abruptly. Espescially that fast and so loud she couldn’t hear him. “S-sorry I didn’t catch that?”

“I. . .”


Outside around the corner Kiba was crouched down laughing and holding onto Akamaru for support. “Fuck my s-sides hurt!” was all he managed through his bout of laughter leaving an irritated Haruno and an eye twitching Aburame.

Sakura glared at the obnoxious brunette. “What happened?!” She hissed out completely annoyed by the males behavior only to be answered with more laughter.

The pink haired girl glared for all she was worth and grabbed the boy by the front of his shirt. “If you don’t start talking, I’m – ow!” The girl cut herself off with a cry of pain. She looked down at her red hand a small barely noticable line off blood pooling up from where Kiba’s claws caught skin.

“Don’t touch the clothes, pinky.” He snapped wiping the girls ‘disease’ off the front of his shirt. He looked up at the girl to find her seething and looking anything but calm, “What?”

“Trim your nails once in a while, there jagged!” She shouted wiping the blood off on shorts.

Kiba gave the girl an offended looked and glared back. “There not nails, there claws...and there not jagged!”

Sakura gave a short abrupt laugh. “Whatever you say, Inuzuka!” she said mockingly as she healed the small cut effortlessly.

“What happened.” Shino demanded there wasn’t even a hint of questioning in the tone. The bickering between the two teammates was starting to grate on the bug users nerves. The two seemed to do nothing but argue ever since the beginning of the mission. Everything from what to have for meals to the reason of sand mysteriously appearing in Kiba’s shoe. So this whole trip wasn’t a very good one for Shino.

Kiba stopped mid sentence at his friends tone and explained.

“What an Idiot!” Sakura hissed harshly grabbing onto her hair in frustration. “How is it so hard for him to just flat out ask her, He’s blunt about everything else and blurts out random shit with confidence? How can he not just ask her on a date?!”

“The truth is always harder to admit.” Shino stated monotonously, not really interested in this particular conversation. Wether the village idiot asked her or not wasn’t his problem. As long as it didn’t interfere with their performance in missions, He couldn’t care less.

“Yeah you can’t blame the guy for being such a wimp. Besides when was the last time he asked a girl out?” Kiba asked already knowing the answer.

“Good point.” Sakura sighed out in defeat.


Naruto took a deep breath to calm him self and gathered up what little control of talking he had before he actually spoke. “I wanted to . . . ” He paused and took another breath getting annoyed that this was so difficult for him. “I wanted to know if you wanted . . . Dammit! Would you go out with me?!” he shouted out finally hoping it was slow enough for the girl to hear.

Hinata squeaked at the outburst which seemed loud then the previous one. At least this was slow enough for her to hear, and since she could actually hear what he said her face turned completely red and she could feel herself getting a little dizzy. Even in her lightheadedness she felt her chest swell with a mix of things, happiness, excitement, nervousness, shock and pride. He asked her out why wouldn’t she feel like that.

She was so wrapped up in her inner bliss all she could to was give him a timid ‘yes’ and a smile.

Naruto seen her smile and grinned back. “Great! Let’s go!” He said grabbing her hand and running towards the door. Fling it open and running out and down the hall with the girl in tow.


This time Kiba joined the girl in the defeated sigh. The blond obviously didn’t know the first thing about dating. Like setting up times and maybe even picking out a place to go before dragging your date out the door.

Shino stood next to them and sigh as well however for a whole different reason. “Are we finished here? I would like to go restock on supplies.”

Kiba turned a grim expression to the Aburame. “We’re far from over. Remember Shino, it’s the end of the world.”

Shino raised an eyebrow in question but was only met with a smirk from Kiba and a playful smile from Sakura before they stood up straight and started trailing after the two love birds, gesturing for him so follow.

Shino, although fully reluctant, followed them. On the outside he looked calm and collected, on the inside he was annoyed and, hoped that by an extremely lucky coincidence that the two in front of him would get their feet impaled by concrete thorns that would magically sprout from the ground or at least lose track of their current objective and pay more attention to the villagers looking at them with irritated interest. After all it was highly unorthodox to follow your friends around during such personal matter.

Not that Kiba or Sakura knew the meaning of personal. But one could hope right?